Min CC 04/14/1994 C I '.':y OF C I SOLO M I N U T E S O F` C I TY CDU N C I L ME S T I N G THE CIBOLO CITY COUNCIL CONVENED IN A REGULARLY SCHEDULED MEETING ON TUESDAY, APRIL 12 AT 7 :00 P.M. AT THE CIBOLO MUNICIPAL BUILDING, 109 SOUTH MAIN STREET, CIBOLO, TEXAS. THE FOLLOWING WAS THE ORDER OF BUSINESS: I . CALL TO ORDER. II . ROLL CALL. All present except Norman Fetterman. Staff present were: Chuck Balcar, Wes Suiter, Keith Gilbreath and P and Z Chairman Jerry Garrison. III . INVOCATION. Tex led us in the prayer. IV. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE. The Mayor led the pledge. V. CITIZENS TO BE HEARD. (LIMIT 3 MINUTES EACH) Lynn Hildebrand expressed concerns about juveniles hanging out and scaring residents . She _ asked if activities could be planned to give youths alternatives to just hanging out . She also expressed concern about the difficulty in crossing Hwy 78 to get to the park and wondered if a bridge could .be built across the Highway. Steve Liparoto expressed concern about agenda item IX. , granting of a variance at the Gibert Garza residence. He stated that as a firefighter, we could see added liability and hazard due to the proximity of the structure to the neighboring structures. VI . CONSENSUS ITEMS: A. MINUTES OF MARCH 22 , 1994 B. CHECK REGISTER FOR MARCH, 1994 Move for approval from Tex, Seconded by Jeff . Approved. 5/12/94 page 2 of 5 VII . DISCUSSION/ACTION ON POLICE DISPATCH CONTRACT WITH THE CITY OF SCHERTZ Tex motions to table as further discussion is needed between Cibolo City Attorney and Schertz City Attorney. Claude Seconds . Approved and tabled until next Council meeting. VIII . EMERGENCY EXECUTIVE SESSION PURSUANT TO SECTION 551 .071, (1) , (A) & (B) OF THE TEXAS GOVERNMENT CODE A. TO CONSULT WITH CITY ATTORNEY CONCERNING SETTLEMENT OF PENDING LITIGATION WITH DAVID WALKER B. RECONVENE IN OPEN SESSION FOR ANY NECESSARY ACTION 8 :04 p.m. the Mayor reconvenes the Council and no action is taken. IX. _ _ DISCUSSION/ACTION ON GILBERT GARZA VARIANCE Mrs . Garza had provided a letter stating that the family was called away because of an emergency and was requesting a postponement of the issue until the next Council meeting. Tex made a motion to table and Claude seconded it. Approved. X. MID-YEAR BUDGET REVIEW AND DISCUSSION OF RELATED ITEMS: Chuck Balcar went over the revenues and expenditures for the first half of the year. Revenues are ahead of projections in almost all areas and expenditures are below projections in all activities except animal control , where stepped up enforcement has produced higher costs and higher revenues. Early repayment of debt (call of issues) will result in payments for debt service being higher than budgeted. Additionally, establishment of a Park Fund and contributions to it will show higher revenues in this Fund. Sales tax revenue is way up this year. A. DISCUSSION/ACTION ON AUTHORIZING ADDITIONAL POLICE OFFICER & TEMPORARY FULL-TIME MAINTENANCE WORKER Tex asked if insurance benefits could be added for the full-time temp employee. This council decided that this be considered in next fiscal year's budget . 5/12/94 page 3 of 5 Jeff said that we need another officer now, the crime figures presented at the last meeting justify that . The Mayor wanted to wait until the budget process begins and see if we will be able to fund the position if the Federal Grants don' t materialize. Mark pointed out that the additional officer could equal additional revenues . Chuck said that while money was available this year, he could not yet predict if enough money would be available to fund the position next year, unless Fund Balance (savings from prior years is used) . He said there is always the option to balance the budget with Fund Balance. Tex said that we could authorize another man and Mark said he did not see how we can get around it . Tex said that he would only authorize the position with the intention of retaining the officer into the next fiscal year. The Mayor said that we should hear about the grant in the next week or two. Tex motions that we authorize an additional police officer position. Mark asked about the costs of removing the temporary label from the maintenance worker position on the same agenda item. Chuck said insurance and TMRS would mean $2 ,000 additional . Jeff stated that Keith was doing more inside work of plan review and inspections . Tex amended motion to include the temporary full-time maintenance worker in the authorization of the budget amendment. Jeff seconded it . Chuck asked that the position of police officer be authorized but not be filled until after a final determination on the federal grant. Motion approved as amended. B. ORDINANCE #441, ADOPTION OF LANGUAGE TO CHANGE SUBDIVISION ORDINANCE AS OFFERED AT MEETING, MARCH 22 , 1994, REGARDING FEES FOR PRELIMINARY PLATTING, VARIANCES, AND PAYMENT OF CASH IN LIEU OF PARK LAND This ordinance adopts the language that changes fees for Preliminary Plat Review, requests for variances and payment of cash by developers in lieu of park land. The Preliminary Plat fee is raised to $100, plus $5.00 per residential lot; and $20 per acre for other use (such as commercial or industrial ) . 5/12/94 page 4 of 5 Fee to request a variance of zoning regulations in raised from $50 .00 to $100 .00 . New rates for cash contributions in lieu of park donation are: $200 .00 single family per dwelling $175 .00 two-family per dwelling $150 .00 multi-family per dwelling Tex moved for approval , Mark seconds . Approved. C. ORDINANCE #440 , CREATING THE POSITION OF DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC SAFETY IN LIEU OF POLICE ADMINISTRATOR AMENDING AND SUPERSEDING ORDINANCE #304 AND ORDINANCE #317 DEALING WITH CREATION AND ADMINISTRATION OF THE CIBOLO POLICE DEPARTMENT Tex moves approval , Claude seconds . Approved. The Mayor welcomes Wes aboard. XI . DISCUSSION ON ACCEPTANCE OF $35,100 PLANNING GRANT FROM TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Tex moves for approval , Jeff seconds . Mark said that our hard work paid off , going door to door, " I am proud of the Council" . The Mayor said he was glad to have outside help. Mayor said we are certainly glad to have it . Formal notification will come April 14. Jeff said that we got a chance to meet a lot of the citizens . XII . PROCLAMATION OF APRIL AS "FAIR HOUSING MONTH" Mayor said we will sign it . 5/12/94 page 5 of 5 XIII . ORDINANCE #439, AMENDING THE LAND SUBDIVISION ORDINANCE #385 AS DISCUSSED AT COUNCIL MEETING OF MARCH 22, 1994, GIVING THE COUNCIL AUTHORITY TO REQUIRE A PERFORMANCE BOND OR LETTER OF CREDIT FROM DEVELOPERS Tex motions for approval , Jeff seconds . Approved. XIV. COMMENTS BY COUNCIL MEMBERS. Tex: reported on TML meeting in Live Oak and the SAFES 20th Anniversary Fund Raiser, the Auction raised $48,000 . Council gave up its pay seven years ago, but most cities pay Councilmen $25,30 or $35 a meeting and we should be proud that we (Council ) serve for free. The Police are doing a good job on speders on Main St . Jeff : attended CRWA meeting and according to Dave Davenport said everything is going great . Firemen's appreciation Bar-B-Q Dinner sponsored by the local water facilities is inviting all Council . Let Chuck know by the 25th of April . He was disappointed in the crowd at the TML conference. XV. COMMENTS BY STAFF. Wes: We are receiving $5,000 from Bexar County District Attorney to provide BADGE software. The City appreciates ' the work GVEC performed after the storm. XVI . COMMENTS BY MAYOR. Tex moves for adjounment . XVII . ADJOURNMENT. PASSED AND ADOPTED ON THE 26TH DAY OF APRIL, 1994 7-b; SAM BAUDER, MAYOR ATTEST: CHARLES BALCAR, CITY SECRETARY