Min CC 05/24/1994 MINUTE S OF C I TY COUN G I L MEE T I N G THE CIBOLO CITY COUNCIL CONVENED IN A REGULARLY SCHEDULED MEETING _ ON- TUESDAY, -MAY- 24, 1994, AT 7 :00 P.M. AT THE CIBOLO MUNICIPAL BUILDING, 109 SOUTH MAIN STREET, CIBOLO, TEXAS. THE FOLLOWING WAS THE-ORDER OF BUSINESS: I • CALL TO ORDER. II . ROLL CALL. All present including two new members, Bob Glisar and Chuck Ridge. Staff was represented by Chuck Balcar, Phyllis Smith and Keith Gilbreath. III . INVOCATION. Bob Glisar led the prayer. IV. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE. Mayor Bauder led the pledge. V. CITIZENS TO BE HEARD. (LIMIT 3 MINUTES EACH) VI . CONSENSUS ITEMS-: A. APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF May 10, 1994 Jeff moves for approval . Mark seconds. Approved.- B. ACTION ON AUTHORIZING SIGNATURES ON BANK ACCOUNTS WITH V-ICTORIA -BANK AND TRUST Mark motions for approval , Bob Glisar seconds. Approved. C. ACTION ON REQUEST TO WAIVER BUILDING PERMIT FEES BY THE SCUCISD FOR CONSTRUCTION AT DOBIE MIDDLE SCHOOL Mark makes motion to refuse to waiver fees. Jeff seconds. Councilman Glisar asked for background on this item. Keith stated that in the past, the previous administration had waived fees for the school and churches. Mark recalled that several months ago, Council had required that all such requests come before that body for review. The Mayor commented that Schertz waives the fee, but Universal City does not. Motion to refuse waiver of fee was affirmed. (School district will have to pay permitting fees) ✓-c.z- iz Nayc Z. vi ✓ VII . RECOGNITION OF OUTGOING COUNCILMEMBERS TEX FARNSWORTH AND CLAUDE SMITH Former Councilmen Smith and Farnsworth were unable to attend. They will receive their plaques at a later date. VIII . DISCUSSION AND ACTION ON NOMINATING TWO MEMBERS TO THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE CRWA Mark attempting to make a nomination but the Mayor correctly reminded the Council that these were appointed (not an election) Positions that would be made by the Mayor and confirmed by the Council . The Mayor reminded the Council that Mr. Farnsworth had recommended and that the Council agreed that the positions should be held by Councilmembers. The Mayor appointed Jeff Miller and Chuck Ridge and they were unanimously approved by the Council . IX. NOMINATION AND ELECTIONS OF A MAYOR PROTEM FOR THE CITY COUNCIL FOR PERIOD FROM MAY 24, 1994 TO MAY, 1995 Mark nominated Jeff Miller, seconded by Bob (and others) for Mayor Protem. He was elected by acclamation. X• DISCUSSION AND ACTION ON FINAL PLAT REVIEW OF THE THISTLE CREEK SUBDIVISION, UNIT 2 Jeff moved for discussion, second by Bob. Mr. Roger Bose, representing the engineers of the project answered questions from the Council . Chuck Balcar said that there were still details being worked out in regard to sidewalks and drainage. Jeff Miller said that we should collect in advance and not be "had" again (referring to $80,000 bill the city was stuck with in the initial development of Thistle Creek. ) The developer has agreed to build a sidewalk along school property parallel to Dietz Road if they can obtain a four foot easement from the SCUCISD in lieu of putting a sidewalk in front of the subdivision along Dietz Road. When the second unit is built the Thistle Creek developer will build the sidewalk. The developer has agreed to pay for necessary drainage improvements along Dietz Road estimated at a cost of $30,000 to $35,000. He will pay 1/3 of the cost of the drainage upon completion of Unit 2 (the first of the new units) and the final two-thirds upon approval of final plat for Unit 3 (the second "new" Unit) . 5-24-94 page 3 of 5 The Mayor and Mark favor having the sidewalk inside the pipe fencing. Chuck Balcar said that he favored having the developer contract out the drainage work along Dietz but the City might accept the money from the developer for the project and get it done. Mr. Bose said that he will Fedex the $15,400 tomorrow morning. Mark moved for approval of the final plat of Unit 2 with the stipulation of working out the sidewalks and the drainage. Jeff seconded. Approved. XI . DISCUSSION AND ACTION ON PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION ITEMS A. RECOMMENDATION- FROM THE P&Z COMMISSION TO ACCEPT PARK LANDS OFFERED TO DEER CREEK Some Councilmembers wanted to go look at the land before formal approval of the next plat. Mark wanted to know what type of activities could occur in the area. Chuck Balcar said that he understood that no structures could be built in the 32 acres that are in the 100-year flood plain. Perry Blanton has promised $50 per house as each building permit is issued. Chuck discussed the problem with dedicated land having roads going across it. The Mayor asked about special equipment that might be required to maintain that large area. Mark asked if we had to accept it right now and Chuck Balcar said that the actual acceptance would be part of the final plat approval on June 14. Jeff recommended that "we go with it, but I would like to see it first". Jeff asked to table until the Council gets to view the land. B. DISCUSSION ON BUSINESS LICENSING AS PER ORDINANCE Planning and Zoning Chairman Jerry Garrison explained that Cibolo Ordinance Number 1 requires all businesses to have licenses and be fined for not having one, but provides no mechanisms for acquiring them. The Council expressed interest in discussing these items as an agenda item at the June 28 meeting. Jeff said that the City should have something on the books to track businesses and change of ownership. 5-24-94 page 4 of 5 C. DISCUSSION ON INCLUSION OF CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY Chuck Balcar said that this could be issued with each change of ownership of a business, but only once for a residence when it is first occupied. He said he would work up an agenda item for June 28. . .it must be advertised if there is to be a penalty clause for non-compliance XII . EXECUTIVE SESSION PURSUANT TO SECTION 551 .071, (1) , (A) & (B) OF THE TEXAS GOVERNMENT CODE A. TO CONSULT WITH CITY ATTORNEY CONCERNING PENDING LITIGATION WITH DAVID WALKER B. RECONVENE IN OPEN SESSION FOR ANY NECESSARY ACTION No action was taken. XIII . COMMENTS BY COUNCIL MEMBERS. r XIV. COMMENTS BY STAFF. Keith mentioned the water well that was owned by Cibolo. A study is being done on putting the well into commission.The Mayor briefed the new Councilmembers on the history of the well . Chuck said that he was contacting Planning professionals to serve as evaluators of potential contractors. The Personnel Committee will convene on Tuesday, June 7th at 6:00 p.m. Trinity University has been contacted to provide Cibolo with an intern for nine months. The Police Chief has assisted in bringing over $12,000 in grants and donations in the last 30 days . The City is starting to take applications for Police Officer. page 5 of 5 5-24-94 XV. COMMENTS BY MAYOR. The Cibolo VFD picnic was a huge success, even with the rain. XVI . ADJOURNMENT. Norman moved for adjournment . ADOPTED AND APPROVED ON THE 14TH OF JUNE, 1994 Sam Bauder, Mayor ATTEST: Q CHARLES BALCAR, CITY SECRETARY