Min CC 07/12/1994 M I N U T E S O F C I TY C OU N C I L ME S T I N G THE CIBOLO CITY COUNCIL CONVENED IN A REGULARLY SCHEDULED MEETING ON TUESDAY, JULY 12, 1994, AT 7 :00 P.M. AT THE MUNICIPAL BUILDING, 109 SOUTH MAIN STREET, CIBOLO, TEXAS. THE FOLLOWING WAS THE ORDER OF BUSINESS: I . CALL TO ORDER. The Mayor Called to order at 7 :00 p.m. II . ROLL CALL. Jeff Miller was not present. Bob Glisar arrived a few minutes late but before any action was taken. III . CITIZENS TO BE HEARD. (LIMIT 3 MINUTES EACH) Don Buell discussed his special use permit IV. CONSENSUS ITEMS: A. APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF June 28, 1994 B. APPROVAL OF THE CHECK REGISTER FOR JUNE 1994 Mark Buell asked about the purchase of the Police computer and the radios . Mark moved for approval , second by Bob Glisar. Approved V. DISCUSSION WITH RUDY RUIZ ON RESUBMISSION OF SURVEY FOR COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT GRANT Rudy Ruiz of Community Development discussed resubmission of a $250,000 grant to make water system improvements . If the grant application is successful , the CIty will be obligated for 100 of the project cost . The Mayor directed the City Administrator to prepare a package for resubmission. 7-12-94 page 2 of 4 VI . DISCUSSION/ACTION ON A SPECIAL USE PERMIT THAT WOULD ALLOW THE CONSTRUCTION OF A SCHOOL (SCUCISD) ON LOT 1, BLOCK 5 IN DEER CREEK, A SUBDIVISION LOCATED ALONG DIETZ ROAD, FM3009 AND THE NORTHERN BOUNDARY OF THE THISTLE CREEK SUBDIVISION Mark moved for approval of the special use permit to allow a school to be placed on this site. Chuck Ridge seconded. Approved. APPROVE/DISAPPROVE PRELIMINARY AND FINAL PLAT FOR A SCHOOL ON LOT 1, BLOCK 5 IN DEER CREEK Mark recommended that the preliminary and final plat be approved, seconded by Norman Fetterman. Approved. VII . DISCUSSION/ACTION ON A SPECIAL USE PERMIT TO PERMIT PLACEMENT OF A MODULAR HOME ON A C-1 ZONED PROPERTY OWNED BY DON BUELL, THE LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF THE PROPERTY BEING 137 ABSTRACT, T. GARCIA SURVEY (THE ADDRESS IS 816 N. MAIN) Mark Buell excused himself from the proceedings . Bob moved for approval of a special use permit to allow placement of a modular home. Bob Dale, neighbor of the Buells, voiced his support. second was by Norman. Approved. Mark is reseated. VIII . DISCUSSION/ACTION ON RESUBMISSION OF APPLICATION TO RECEIVE A $50,000 MATCHING GRANT FROM THE STATE OF TEXAS FOR IMPROVEMENTS TO NIEMETZ PARK Rudy Ruiz presented the changes in the application. Mark said that the CiboloFest committee would pay for the cost of resubmitting the application ($100 plus printing costs) Mark made a motion that recommended that the grant be resubmitted, second by Bob. Approved. IX. DISCUSSION/ACTION ON PREPARING BID PACKAGE FOR THE MAIN STREET DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENT PROJECT Mark's motion recommends Option I , at an estimated cost of just under $27 ,000 , seconded by Norman. Approved. Staff will prepare bid packages for submission. 7-12-94 page 3 of 4 X. DISCUSSION ON STATEMENTS OF QUALIFICATIONS FROM PROSPECTIVE MASTER PLAN CONTRACTORS (TO BE SELECTED AT THE JULY 28, 1994 CITY COUNCIL MEETING) Chuck Balcar discussed the submissions and said that three independent planning/budget professionals are reviewing and rating the packages. The Mayor directed the City Administrator to bring the ratings back for Council review and invite the top two rated firms to appear before Council . XI . PRESENTATION OF CITY ADMINISTRATOR' S PROPOSED CURRENT SERVICES BUDGET FOR FY 1994-95 The current services balanced budget for presented for review by the Council and the Council decided to schedule a workshop for 6:00 pm, July 26. XII . EXECUTIVE SESSION PURSUANT TO SECTION 551.071, (1) , (A) & (B) OF THE TEXAS GOVERNMENT CODE Council entered the session at 7 : 55 pm A. TO CONSULT WITH CITY ATTORNEY CONCERNING PENDING LITIGATION WITH DAVID WALKER PURSUANT TO SECTION 551.074 , (1) , (A) OF THE TEXAS GOVERNMENT CODE B. TO DISCUSS PERSONNEL MATTERS CONCERNING EVALUATION AND DUTIES OF CITY EMPLOYEES C. RECONVENE IN OPEN SESSION FOR ANY NECESSARY ACTION Council reconvened at 8 : 22 pm On item A, Mark moved to have the City Attorney continue -rrogot_i-at -oris= =second by Chuck Ridge. Approved. On item B, Council took no action and said it would be discussed at the budget workshop. 7=-12-94 page 4 of 4 XIII . COMMENTS BY COUNCIL MEMBERS Mark mentioned the upcoming Cibolofest Pancake breakfast, and the Fest meeting that was held the previous night . Every event has been well attended. Chuck Ridge attended the CRWA meeting and said that the budget was discussed as well as an outstanding debt of more than $60 ,000 that would have to be paid to the GBRA. He said it would probably be 2-3 years before a pipeline is available to service Cibolo. XIV. COMMENTS BY STAFF Ron Flake said that the garbage contract extension granted by Council last October was not legal . Therefore, he will probably be in discussion with the attorney for Alamo Waste. The Council desires to rebid the contract . Wes said that he will be interviewing candidates Thursday morning for the new police officer position. XV. COMMENTS BY MAYOR The Mayor asked about having the City water tank inspected. XVI . ADJOURNMENT Norman moves . APPROVED AND ADOPTED ON THE 26TH DAY OF JULY, 19 4 SAM BAUDER, MAYOR ATTEST' MA CHARLES BALCAR, CITY SECRETARY