Min CC 07/26/1994 - Budget Workshop/Regular M I NU T E S O F C I T Y C OU N C I L M E E T I N G THE CITY COUNCIL OF CIBOLO CONDUCTED A BUDGET WORKSHOP AT 6:00 P.M. , TUESDAY, JULY 26, 1994 PRIOR TO THE CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING. THE CIBOLO CITY COUNCIL THEN CONVENED IN A REGULARLY SCHEDULED MEETING ON TUESDAY, JULY 26, 1994, AT 7 :00 P.M. AT THE MUNICIPAL BUILDING, 109 SOUTH MAIN STREET, CIBOLO, TEXAS. THE FOLLOWING WAS BE THE ORDER OF BUSINESS: I . CITY COUNCIL BUDGET WORKSHOP A. CALL TO ORDER AT 6:00 PM. Mayor Pro-Tem Jeff Miller called the meeting to order at six p.m. Mayor Bauder was unable to attend. B. DISCUSSION ON THE PROPOSED FY 94-95 BUDGET City Administrator Chuck Balcar outlined the proposed current services for FY 1994-95 . After general discussion on the budget, the City Council agreed to schedule another workshop for August 9. C. RECESS UNTIL 7 :00 P.M. At 6: 55, the Council adjourned until the scheduled meeting time for the regular City Council meeting. II . ROLL CALL . All , were present as the Mayor arrived before the start of the meeting. Councilman Bob Glisar led the opening prayer and the Mayor led the pledge. III . CITIZENS TO BE HEARD. (LIMIT 3 MINUTES EACH) No one appeared to be heard. IV. CONSENSUS ITEMS: A. APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF July 12, 1994 Motion to approve by Mark Buell , seconded by Bob Glisar. Approved. 7-26-94 page 2 of 4 V. DISCUSSION OF BUSINESS PROPOSAL FROM MATT FRANKL OF REMEDIATION SYSTEMS OF TEXAS, INC. T O E N T E R A PARTNERSHIP WITH THE CITY OF CIBOLO TO DEVELOP PROPERTY OWNED BY DR. JAKE WELLS IN THE INDUSTRIAL PARK Mr. Frankl gave a presentation and distributed information about his company. He attempted to resolve any fears that the company would produce or handle hazardous waste. Council and staff had several questions for him and then the Mayor agreed to prepare a letter supporting the company's relocation to Cibolo. VI . DISCUSSION OF WATER CONSERVATION MEASURES AS OUTLINED IN CITY OF CIBOLO ORDINANCES #376, THAT AUTHORIZED THE MAYOR TO DECLARE A WATER EMERGENCY AND #425, ADOPTING THE EDWARDS UNDERGROUND WATER DISTRICT DROUGHT MANAGEMENT PLAN. The Mayor reviewed the City's acceptance of the EUWD "DMA" and alerted the Council that the City will declare an emergency and require mandatory conservation measures if the J-7 well level falls below 644 feet . VII . DISCUSSION/ACTION ON A BUDGET AMENDMENT TO PURCHASE COMPUTER EQUIPMENT. FOR THE CITY OF CIBOLO Mark motioned to open discussion and Jeff seconded. After a presentation from the City Administrator, Chuck Ridge moved for approval of the budget Adjustment to transfer money from the salaries line item in Administration to purchase the equipment . Jeff Miller seconded and the motion carried. VIII . DISCUSSION/APPROVAL OF BEXAR METRO 911 FISCAL YEAR 1995 ANNUAL BUDGET The Mayor stated how thankful we were for the assistance of Bexar 911 and the support that they have offered. Mark moved for approval of the budget and Jeff seconded. Approved. IX. DISCUSSION/ACTION ON SELECTING A CONTRACTOR TO PERFORM MASTER PLANNING ACTIVITIES IN COMPLIANCE WITH A CONTRACT BETWEEN THE CITY OF CIBOLO AND THE TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AND HOUSING DEVELOPMENT. 7-26-94 page 3 of 4 Mark moved for approval of awarding the Contract to the highest rater submission, the one from Community Development of Lockhart . William Telford of San .Antonio was rated second and if when the items "Public Involvement Workshops" and "Minority Participation" were removed, the two rated virtually the same. Bob Glisar asked for information on the nominated firm and was satisfied with the responses . Motion carried. X. ACCEPTANCE OF A CONTRACT WITH DEER CREEK DEVELOPMENT FOR PARK LANDS AND OTHER CONSIDERATIONS. The Council had previous approved a Resolution accepting the land contingent on some minor changes in the proposed contract. The changes were made and Jeff Miller moved for the adoption of the contract . Mark seconded and the motion carried. XI . DISCUSSION/ACTION ON AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND CITY OF CIBOLO ORDINANCE #410 SETTING THE WATER RATES. REQUIRING A DEPOSIT FOR CONNECTION TO THE CITY OF CIBOLO WATER SYSTEM AND ADJUSTMENT OF CONNECTION FEES The Council discussed adopted the schedule first presented last month (June) . Chuck Balcar said that there might be some problems reprogramming the rates into the computer system and recommended that the rates be adopted to start August 15 for bills due on October first . Mark moved for adoption of the Ordinance Seconded. Approved. XII . EXECUTIVE SESSION PURSUANT TO SECTION 551 .071, (1) , (A) & (B) OF THE TEXAS GOVERNMENT CODE A. TO CONSULT WITH CITY ATTORNEY CONCERNING PENDING LITIGATION WITH DAVID WALKER The Mayor called for the session to begin at 7 : 57 p.m. PURSUANT TO SECTION 551 .074 , (1) , (A) OF THE TEXAS GOVERNMENT CODE B. TO DISCUSS PERSONNEL MATTERS CONCERNING SIX-MONTH EVALUATION OF THE CITY ADMINISTRATOR C. RECONVENE IN OPEN SESSION FOR ANY NECESSARY ACTION 7-26-94 page4 of 4 Council reconvened at 8 : 20 p.m. and took no action on item A. On Item B. , the Council said that the City Administrator had been doing a good job and that a salary increase would be considered as part of the budget process . Jeff miller made a motion to give a satisfactory evaluation and Mark seconded. Approved. XIII . REQUEST BY PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION FOR CLERICAL SUPPORT The Mayor cited the City Attorney's opinion that the City could not pay the wife of a commission member for performance of duties— this would appear to be a conflict of interest . Steve Liparoto of the P&Z stated the members needed clerical support. The Mayor agreed and offered the assistance of the Management Intern, Clint McKenzie. The Mayor instructed the Commission to present its material to the City Administrator and he would see that the document would be finished. XIV. COMMENTS BY COUNCIL MEMBERS Mark reminded all present of the Cibolofest pancake breakfast coming up this Saturday. Norman Fetterman explained that the County Judge had banned all outside burning because of the heat wave. The City has yet to receive official word from the County. XV. COMMENTS BY STAFF City Attorney Ron Flake said that the City could extend the Alamo Waste contract and that the staff would prepare the Ordinance change for the next Council meeting. XVI . COMMENTS BY MAYOR The Mayor said that he had received a request from Gilbert Garza for an extension of the Council order requiring him to comply with the Cibolo Building Code. XVII . ADJOURNMENT Bob and Norman moved for adjournment . ADOPTED AND APPROVED ON THIS 93DAY OF AUGUST, 1994 Sam Bauder Mayor ATTEST: CHARLES BALCAR, CITY SECRETARY