Min CC 08/09/1994 - Budget Workshop/Regular/Public Hearing M I NLT'FES OF C I WW COLJNC I L MEETING• THE C Z TY COUNCIL 0! C BOLO - CONDUCTED A BUDGET WORXSHOP AT 6:00,, P:M-. , TUESDAY, AUGUST 9, 1994,--PRIOR TO THE CITY COUNCIL -REGULAR - MEETING. A PUBLIC HEARING- - -ON, A GRANT PROPOSAL TO BE RESUBMITTED . TO THE TEXAS DEPARTMENTtOF• HOUS-ING AND COMMUNITY --DEVELOPMENT -WAS., HELD AT 6:45 P.M-. : THE ChBOLOCITY-COUNCIL VAS -THEN CONVENED-=IN A REGULARLY- SCHEDULED MEETING- - ON TUESDAY, AUGUST 9-, 1994, AT 7:00 ,. P.M. AT THE- - MUNICIPAL BUILDING-; =109 SOUTH MAIN- STREET-, CIBOLO,. TEXAS. THE FOLLOWING WAS BE THE -ORDER OF--BUSINESS I . CITY COUNCIL-,BUDGET WORKSHOP A. CALL TO ORDER AT- 6:00 PM.�.. .Mayor Sam Bauder called the meeting to order at 6:05 p.m. B. DISCUSSION ON THE PROPOSED_FY 94-95 BUDGET, City Administrator Chuck Balcar introduced a forecast of tax rates forthe next three years: The Council discussed the total debt of the City and conclude that the tax rate could be lowered by about 25% for one year, before debt service requiements increase. The Council discussed a rate of .37419, with .170191 being set aside for debt service. The Council listened to proposals for program improvements from. .staff members, including a request for an increase in the CIty's contribution to the TRMS plan. The Cibolo VFD made a presentation and promised to be back in two weeks with statistics. The Mayor set August 23 at 6 p.m. as the time to hold the next. discussion and hoped to have a final draft to propose on that date. C. RECESS UNTIL 6: 45 Public Hearing 8-9-94 page 2 of 5 II . PUBLIC HEARING ON THE SUBMISSION OF A $250,000 GRANT APPLICATION FOR WATER SYSTEM IMPROVEMENTS TO BE FUNDED BY THE TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND COMMUNITY , DEVELOPMENT A. CONVENE A PUBLIC HEARING AT 6: 45 P.M. The Mayor convened the hearing at 6: 45 p.m. B. CITIZENS COMMENTS No citizens presented comments. Rudy Ruiz of Community Development gave a presentation to the Council on the resubmission of the application for water system improvements. The Council agreed to resubmit the application and commited necessary matching funds. A second public hearing will be held on Tuesday, August 23, at 6: 45 p.m. C. RECESS UNTIL 7 :00 P.M. REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING III . CITY COUNCIL CALL TO ORDER Mayor Bauder called to order at 7 :00 p.m. IV. ROLL CALL. All were present V. INVOCATION. Councilman Bob Glisar provided the invocation. VI . PLEDGE OF ALLEGIENCE The Mayor led the pledge. VII . CITIZENS TO BE HEARD. (LIMIT 3 MINUTES EACH) None were present. 8-9-94 page 3 of 5 VIII . CONSENSUS ITEMS: A. APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF JULY 26, 1994 B. APPROVAL OF CHECK REGISTER- FOR JULY, 1994 Motion to approve by MarkBuell . Chuck Ridge seconded. Approved. Mark asked if the charge by Thomas software was the last one. Chuck Balcar said he hoped so. C. APPROVAL OF A LETTER OF SUPPORT FOR A BUSINESS PROPOSAL FROM MATT FRANKL OF REMEDIATION SYSTEMS OF TEXAS The Mayor agreed to sign a letter of support for the company. Jeff Miller expressed concerns about the vehicles that would be picking up the materials. . .would they be covered? Director of Public Safety Wes Suiter commented that he knew there were trucks that just used drums., D. -APPROVAL OF CONTRACT WITH COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT FOR MASTER PLANNING SERVICES Norman Fetterman moved for approval , second by Mark. Approved. IX. RESOLUTION CONCERNING PROHIBITION OF OPEN BURNING. Moved to adopt by Jeff Miller, second by Norman. The Mayor noted that the County had already passed this resolution. It was amended to remain in effect until recinded by the Council . Approved. X. ACTION ON A REQUEST BY GILBERT GARZA FOR AN EXTENSION OF A COUNCIL ORDER TO ALTER A -NON-COMPLYING STRUCTURE Chuck moved to give the Garza's a 60-day extension, Seconded by Bob. After discussion and a review of the situation, the Council agreed to give the Garzas' until September 25, 1994 to bring the structure into compliance. 60-day extension was approved, effective from July 26, the day the original order required the work to be done. XI . ACTION ON AMENDMENT OF ORDINANCE 379-55 TO INCLUDE SOUTH MAIN AS A STOP STREET Jeff moved for approval and Mark seconded. Approved. page 4 of 5 8-9-94 XII . DISCUSSION ON SETTING A TAX RATE AND DATE FOR ADOPTION OF A TAX RATE FOR FY 1994-95 At this time Keith Gilbreath and Wes Suiter made presentations on proposed additional items that have not been included in the base budget that is under discussion. Wes asked for an additional radar gun and Keith asked for the creation of a replacement schedule for capital equipment. Requests for additional personnel were tabled. Wes also wanted to keep an extra vehicle. XIII . ACTION ON THE POLICE CHIEF'S SELECTIONS TO FILL VACANCIES IN THE CIBOLO POLICE DEPARTMENT, INCLUDING THE SWEARING IN OF THE NEW FULL-TIME OFFICER Mark motioned and Jeff seconded the selection of Mr. Mason as a full-time officer and Mr. Bowman as an unpaid regular officer. Approved. James Bradley Mason was sworn in by the Mayor. XIV. DISCUSSION/ACTION ON AWARDING BID FOR CONSTRUCTION FOR DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS ALONG MAIN STREET Mark made a motion to decline all bids due to the low bid being twice what the City Engineer had estimated. Jeff seconded and the award was postponed. The Contract will be subject to rebid. XV. DISCUSSION/ACTION ON A REQUEST BY SAN ANTONIO S & W PROPERTIES TO WAIVE PENALITIES IN THE AMOUNT OF $911. 20 ON UNPAID TAXES FROM 1985. Jeff made a motion to not forgive the penalty, second by Mark. Approved by all . (Penalty was not waived, mention was made that the person asking for the relief was a principal in a company that owed the CIty more than $1,000 in back fees for water & Sewer. ) . XVI . EXECUTIVE SESSION PURSUANT TO SECTION 551.071, (1) , (A) & (B) OF THE TEXAS GOVERNMENT CODE A. TO CONSULT WITH CITY ATTORNEY CONCERNING PENDING LITIGATION WITH DAVID WALKER Mayor called for the session at 8 :15 p.m. B. RECONVENE IN OPEN SESSION FOR ANY NECESSARY ACTION B-9-94 page 5 of 5 Mayor reconvened the open session at 8:40 . XVII . COMMENTS BY COUNCIL MEMBERS Mark reported on Cibolfest activities and mentioned the pancake breakfast and upcoming bake sale. XVIII . COMMENTS BY STAFF Ron Flake and Chuck Balcar discussed the extension of the Alamo Garbage contract. Wes said the new officer was going to start tomorrow. Jeff Hardin, a reserve officer, has cut back on his work schedule and may be leaving the police department. Thistle Creek Phase III had brought in a preliminary plat. Chuck Balcar expressed concern that the P & Z may not get a quorem on the meeting of August 16. XIX. COMMENTS BY MAYOR No comments. XX. ADJOURNMENT Norman moved for adjournment . APPROVED AND ADOPTED ON THE 23TH OF AUGUST, 1994 Sam Bauder, Mayor ATTEST' CHARLES BALCAR, CITY SECRETARY