Min CC 09/13/1994 - Budget Workshop/Regular MINUTES OF CITY COUNCIL MEETING THE CITY COUNCIL OF CIBOLO CONDUCTED A BUDGET WORKSHOP AT 6:00 P.M. , TUESDAY, September 13 1994 PRIOR TO THE CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING. THE CIBOLO CITY COUNCIL THEN CONVENED IN A REGULARLY SCHEDULED MEETING ON TUESDAY, September 13, 1994, AT 7:00 P.M. AT THE MUNICIPAL BUILDING, 109 SOUTH MAIN STREET, CIBOLO, TEXAS. THE FOLLOWING WAS BE THE ORDER OF BUSINESS: I. CITY COUNCIL BUDGET WORKSHOP A. CALL TO ORDER AT 6:00 PM. B. DISCUSSION ON THE PROPOSED FY 94-95 BUDGET II. Adjourn until 7: 00 p.m. III. CITY COUNCIL CALL TO ORDER IV. ROLL CALL. V. INVOCATION. Bob Glisar led the prayer. VI. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Mayor Bauder led the Pledge. VII. CITIZENS TO BE HEARD. (LIMIT 3 MINUTES EACH) None were present. VIII. CONSENSUS ITEMS: A. APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF AUGUST 23, 1994 B. APPROVAL OF CHECK REGISTER FOR AUGUST, 1994 Jeff moved for approval. Bob Seconded. Mark asked if we were about set on the computer hardware. Chuck Balcar responded that all the hardware was in place but some of the software purchases had been postponed to get a better deal. Approved. IX. PRESENTATION FROM DAVID DAVENPORT OF CANYON REGIONAL WATER AUTHORITY CONCERNING COMMITMENT TO PURCHASE WATER FROM CRWA David Davenport told the Council that they may be required to purchase water even though the City would not be able to use it. This may be necessary to ensure allotments in the future. 9-13-94 page 2 of 4 The Mayor said that if we double or triple in size we may have difficulty getting enough water from the Edwards. Councilwoman Douglas expressed concern about the cost of the water. The Mayor wished to explore the possibility of Cibolo selling any water it did not need or could not use. . .the transmission line needs to be identified. Mr. Davenport said the City did not have to commit right now, but should start thinking about. Jeff Miller said that a lot of planning still needed to be done before the City could make a commitment. X. DISCUSSION/ADOPTION OF THE PROPOSED FY 1994-95 CITY OF CIBOLO ANNUAL BUDGET Jeff Miller moved for adoption of the proposed budget with the following amendment: the proposed $1200 raise offered for the Judge and prosecutor would be reprogrammed and split evenly between the CIbolo VFD and the new proposed literacy center and Mark Buell seconded. Jeff wanted to be sure we start a capital replacement fund. A fund was started with more than $23, 000 that is in a savings account at Victoria Bank. _ Jeff mentioned that we might try to get a used truck through the government disbursement facility in Kirby. Motion to adopt the amended budget was approved by all. XI. DISCUSSION/ADOPTION OF THE PROPOSED FY 1994-95 CITY OF CIBOLO PROPERTY TAX RATE Mark moved for adoption of a tax rate of .3741, down from .4857 . Chuck Balcar said this is about a 17% decrease in real taxes for property owners. Motioned seconded by Bob Glisar. Approved by all. The Mayor said that this will benefit the citizens that are here now. XII . DISCUSSION/ACTION ON A CITY ORDINANCE TO ADD A $15 . 00 FEE TO COVER ADMINISTRATIVE COSTS OF PROCESSING THE COMA IMPACT FEE FOR NEW WASTEWATER CUSTOMERS Mark motioned for approval, Bob seconded. Chuck Balcar said that we will continue to collect for COMA as before, but now we will recover our costs of collecting and processing the charges. Once the Impact Fee Ordinance is put in effect, the charges will be substantially higher. Ordinance #448 was adopted. 9-13-94 page 3 of 4 XIII. DISCUSSION/ACTION ON FIRE RELATED MATTERS A. DISCUSSION/ACTION ON AN ORDINANCE TO INCLUDE FIRE INSPECTIONS FOR ALL NEW RESIDENTIAL PROPERTIES AND ALL NEW AND EXISTING COMMERCIAL PROPERTIES AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS Chuck explained that a all new and existing commercial and public buildings. Mark said that he did not want to pay to have his building inspected. Ron Flake City Attorney said that we need to maintain standards and inspect everybody. . .there is a valid reason for performing this function. Mark said "how can we set a fee not knowing how much it is going to cost us" and Chuck Balcar said we knew the cost. Chuck said that we have an ordinance requiring an inspection as a condition of a C of 0, but some years ago the City stopping issuing C of 0. Bob felt that the final inspection currently performed covered some of the fire protection area. Jeff said that the apartments complex should also be inspected. After some discussion on how this would be administered, Mark move to table and Bob Seconded. Tabled. B. REPEAL OF RESOLUTION PROHIBITING OPEN BURNING. Bob moved to adopt the Resolution to repeal the prohibition and it was seconded by Jeff. Approved. XIV. DISCUSSION/ACTION ON RESIGNATION OF PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MEMBER(S) AND APPOINTMENT OF NEW MEMBER(S) TO UNEXPIRED TERM(S) The Council accepted Gail Douglas' resignation. Jeff nominated LaFawn Thompson and Mark nominated Ann Almond. Ann Almond was selected by a voice vote. The mayor welcomed Ms. Almond and said that the Council had been lax in appointing members but with all the development it was important to keep the Commission viable. XV. EXECUTIVE SESSION PURSUANT TO SECTION 551.071, (1) , (A) & (B) OF THE 'TEXAS GOVERNMENT CODE A. TO CONSULT WITH CITY ATTORNEY CONCERNING PENDING LITIGATION WITH DAVID WALKER B. RECONVENE IN OPEN SESSION FOR ANY NECESSARY ACTION The Executive Session was cancelled by the Mayor. 9-13-94 page 4 of 4 XVI. COMMENTS BY COUNCIL MEMBERS Bob complimented the staff and Council on the budget and Mark commented on the progress of Cibolofest. After paying the City back, there $6, 789 in the bank. Mark also said that the Committee is looking at covering the slab at the park. Jeff Miller mentioned the surveys and he had a lot of good comments. He and Mark went one day and Gail and Mark went another. XVII. COMMENTS BY STAFF Chuck thanked the Council for their work on the budget. He also said that we have more money now (804, 000) than we had at the end of April. Clint McKenzie gave a report on the application for the water grant. Wes said that we would be starting the badge system January 1. Ron Flake said there is a severe problem in Shady Oaks. It' s been bad for years and we have not looked at it close enough until recently. Ron said he intends to enforce the fines if the owner does not make the necessary improvements and that the houses are terrible. XVIII. COMMENTS BY MAYOR The Mayor told everyone that former-Mayor Twembley of Live Oak had passed away. XIX. ADJOURNMENT Bob Glisar moved for the end. APPROVED AND ADOPTED ON THIS 27TH DAY OF SEPTEMBER, 1994. SAM BAUDER, MAYOR ATTEST: e� /1 G� CHARLES BALCAR, CITY SECRETARY