Min CC 04/15/1970 LCeity Council of the City of Cibolo, Texas, met in regular session on 15, 1970, in the- Community Room of -the Cibolo State Bank. . Mayor Schlather presided over the meeting and the following members. were present: Clemens Dylla, Fred Niemietz, Alwin Lieck, Ted Dykes and Edward Ling. Minutes of the previous meeting of March 18, 1970, was read and approved as read. Ed Ling was appointed as recording city secretary and Fred Niemietz as acting city secretary pending hiring of a permanent city secretary which may be postponed for sometime. Recent financial transactions were discussed. Ted Dykes was.-;appointed,,as Treasurer. He is to check on the dates that the annual financial statement is to cover and file the required statements with the State ,of Texas and have same published in paper as required by law. Vote count turned in by Erwin Wiederslen, Presiding Election Judge, were determined to be correct and that 71 votes were cast, with Ling receiving 69 votes. for Place 1, Fred Niemietz receiving 69 votes for Place 4, Clemens Dylla 'receiving 39 votes for Place 5, Glen Rei receiving 32 votes for. Placd 5. - New council members took the oath of office. One traffic fine was collected the past month. Mr. Urr, United Gas Co.', brought' in recommended changes to the ordinance concerning gas company taxes. A franchise with GVEC was discussed. It was, decided that Mayor Schlather will have our lawyer draw up a tentative10 year franchise with' GVEC for our approval. Fred Niemietz made a motion that a Parks and Recreation Department fpr Cibolo be established reporting to the City Council. Motion was seconded by Mr. Dylla. Motion was made by Mr. Dylla that Wil6on Walker be appointed as director of Parks and Recreation Department. Mr. Li`ek seconded the motion. Both motions were approved by the council. The levying of city sales tax was discussed. An election for this purpose will be planned as soon as possible. Darlene Higginson is to be written a letter of appreciation for cleaning the railroad right-9,f-way. Lv��d�es� The ftggimbron boys are to be paid $3.00 for cleaning the railroad right-of-way. A motion was made by Mr. Dykes and seconded by Le�ito pay Hgnks Pa4ring Co bill of $1,344.61 for .grading and repair of streets, deleting 'the sales tax of $11.41 from the total bill of $1356.02: , The taxing of Green Valley Water was discussed and will be investigated. further. ' Request for zoning change by J / 13'D'Y ZA-5 for construction of a . roller rink was tabled until the next meeting. Request for zoning change by Mr5Dya11 and - /+9R. '41C' 'r4_ for an open air beer joint and barbeque house is being :delayed pending .clarification of area desired to be commercial. A motion to adjourn was made by Lieck and seconded by Dykes. - Passed. Mayor i.� City Secr ry