Min CC 06/13/1995 MINUTES OF CITY COUNCIL MEETING THE CIBOLO CITY COUNCIL CONVENED IN A REGULARLY SCHEDULED MEETING ON TUESDAY, JUNE 13, 1995, AT 7:00 P.M. AT THE MUNICIPAL BUILDING, 109 SOUTH MAIN STREET, CIBOLO, TEXAS. THE FOLLOWING WAS THE ORDER OF BUSINESS: I. CALL TO ORDER. Mayor Sam Bauder called the meeting to order at seven p.m. II. ROLL CALL. All members were present and staff was represented by City Attorney Ron Flake, Director of Public Safety Wes Suiter, Public Works Inspector Keith Gilbreath and City Administrator Chuck Balcar. III. INVOCATION. Councilman Bob Glisar led the prayer. IV. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE. The Mayor led the pledge. V. CITIZENS TO BE HEARD. (LIMIT 3 MINUTES EACH) Richard Bowman requested that the City lower the speed limit on North Main from 30 to 20 M.P.H. He also wanted the school crosswalks painted. (Chuck Balcar informed the Mayor that Mr. Bowman' s brother-in-law had recently received a speeding ticket on North Main. ) Mr. Ken Nichols asked for the City to help pay a $60 .00 plumbing bill that he incurred due to stoppage in the City sewer line. The Council decided to take it under advisement. VI. CONSENSUS ITEMS: A. APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF May 23, 1995 Jeff Miller moved for approval, second from Bob Glisar. Approved. B. APPROVAL OF CHECK REGISTER FOR MAY 1995 Mark Buell moved for approval, second from Jeff Miller. Councilman Buell inquired about the expenditure at the Bayfront Inn. Mr. Balcar said this was where he stayed for the Texas City Manager Association Conference.Approved. 6-13-95 page 2 of 4 C. SWEARING-IN OF AN UNPAID REGULAR RESERVE POLICE OFFICER The Mayor swore in Robert King as a reserve officer. VII. DISCUSSION ON PROPOSED DEDICATION OF DIETZ ROAD BY GUADALUPE COUNTY Ron Flake led the discussion on this issue. Council instructed the staff to conm=icate a desire to obtain funds from the County as a prelude to agreeing to accept the road. VIII. DISCUSSION ON POSSIBLE SUBMISSIONS TO METROPOLITAN PLANNING ORGANIZATION (MPO) FOR NEXT YEAR A. DIETZ ROAD B. BORGFELD C. OTHERS AS SUBMITTED BY CITY COUNCIL The Council instructed the City Administrator to submit Dietz and Borgfeld as projects during next year' s MPO planning process. IX. EXECUTIVE SESSION PURSUANT TO SECTION 551.071 (1) (A) OF THE TEXAS GOVERNMENT CODE CONCERNING DISCUSSIONS WITH THE CITY ATTORNEY A. PROPOSED SETTLEMENT WITH FORMER CITY ADMINISTRATOR DAVID WALKER B. RECONVENE IN OPEN SESSION AND TAKE NECESSARY ACTION Mayor Bauder cancelled the session. X. DISCUSSION OF CURRENT SERVICES BUDGET AND REVENUE ESTIMATES FOR FY 1995-96 AND COUNCIL BUDGET PRIORITIES (TO INCLUDE A REVIEW OF LAST YEAR'S FINANCIAL REPORT) Mr. Balcar reviewed last year' s accomplishments from the annual financial report. XI. DISCUSSION AND APPROVAL OF NORTHEAST PARTNERSHIP BY- LAWS The Council reviewed the By-Laws and was told of the possible expense if the By-Laws are approved by all the entities. Mr. Balcar said it would be approximately $1, 300 for the first year. Jeff Miller raised the issue of making it a 501c3 instead of a 501c6 so that contributions would be charitable deductions instead of business expenses. 6-13-95 't- page 3 of 4 The Mayor asked if this action would commit the City to expending funds. Mr Flake and Mr. Balcar said that would have to be done as a budget amendment since the expense was not budgeted this year. Passage by the Council signifies agreement that the procedure to assess dues is acceptable. Councilman member moved for approval of the Northeast Partnership by-laws with more consideration given to incorporating under 501c3, second by Mark Buell. Approved. XII. AMENDING TRAFFIC ORDINANCE # 233, SETTING THE SPEED LIMITS FOR FORMER LOOP 539, CURRENTLY DESIGNATED AS FM78 (ALSO KNOWN AS "THE NEW HIGHWAY") , FROM THE WEST CITY LIMITS OF CIBOLO EASTERLY TO THE EAST CITY LIMITS This was tabled due to failure of the Highway Department to provide strip maps. It will be on next meeting. XIII. COMMENTS BY COUNCIL & STAFF Mark Buell reported that the Cibolofest Golf Tournament made about $1500, the largest profit ever. He said that the notice in the paper was very beneficial. He then asked when the Council would see something from the Master Plan consultants. Mr. Balcar told him that it would probably be the first meeting in July. He also asked about charging for Fire Inspections and using the money to hire a part-time or full-time Fire Department employee. Mr. Balcar said that only the schools were authorized to be done. Mr. Balcar told the Council that the City could get cost-recovery (Ron Flake said that fees could pay a firefighter salary) asked if Council wanted him to prepare an ordinance whereby a separate fire inspection fee is charged or if the preference was for funding the position out of previously authorized permit fees. Mark Buell said he would talk to Mr. Balcar about it. Councilman Buell said that the department is getting to the point where they don't have members in the area during the day time. Chuck Ridge asked about the Lone Star building, and Mr. Balcar reported that he had called last week to report snakes in the building. Mr. Balcar reported that 20 houses representing about $1.9 million in residential property was permitted and completed up to the end of December, 1994 . Since January of this year an additional 13 houses with a permit value of $1.3 have been completed and another 63 are in various stages of construction. Total since February of last year until today has been about $11 million. 6-13-95 - page 4 of 4 Mr. Balcar passed out a draft of the proposed budget for CRWA. He said that the City Manager' s Conference had an excellent presentation on employment law and benefits. Councilman Miller related that there was not a CRWA meeting the previous night. XIV. COMMENTS BY MAYOR The Mayor noted that the new fence at Thistle Creek has been completed. XIV. ADJOURNMENT Bob Glisar moved for adjournment. APPROVED AND ADOPTED ON THIS 2'1 DAY OF JUNE, 199_ Hon. Sam Bauder, Mayor ATTEST: CHARLES BALCAR, CITY SECRETARY