RES 1102 7/22/1986ff. S:R _rj V70F.T.061ORK17, A RESOLUTION BY THE CITY OF CIBOLO, TEXAS SUPPORTING THE BROOKS BILL, HR 5021, INTRODUCED IN CONGRESS BY REPRESENTATIVE JACK BROOKS OF BEAUMONT IN JUNE 1986 TO REQUIRE NATIONAL MAIL-ORDER COMPANIES TO COLLECT AND REMIT SALES TAX ON TRANSACTIONS MADE IN STATES THAT HAVE SUCH A TAX. WHEREAS, A U.S. Supreme Court ruling was passed in 1967 which holds that, while states can impose a tax on mail order sales made by out of state companies, they cannot make the companies collect and re - mut the tax and WHEREAS, this enables large out of state mail order companies to legally avoid collecting Texas sales tax on $3 billion worth of merch- andise and INASMUCH AS the ruling also hurts local merchants who must collect the tax by giving an advantage in price to out of state mail order companies; NOW THEREFORE: BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CIBOLO, TEXAS, THAT: 1. The City of Cibolo, Texas supports the Brooks Bill, HR 5021, as it pertains to the collection and remittance of sales tax on trans- actions made in states that have such a tax. PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED THIS 22ncZAY OF July 1986. Bill Little, Mayor ATTEST: Gladys feil, C' y Secretary