Ord 1423 12/12/2023or C/& o T'e X P,S "City of Choice" ORDINANCE: KZ3 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF CIBOLO, TEXAS, APPENDIX A — UNIFIED DEVELOPMENT CODE, ARTICLE 17 — LANDSCAPING, BUFFERING AND PROTECTED TREES TO REDUCE CERTAIN REQUIREMENTS WITHIN THE OLD TOWN MIXED USE OVERLAY ZONING DISTRICT; DECLARING A PUBLIC PURPOSE; INCORPORATING RECITALS; PROVIDING A REPEALER AND SAVINGS CLAUSE; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY AND SETTING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, after duly providing all required public notice, on November 15, 2023, the Planning and Zoning Commission for the City of Cibolo, Texas (the "City") conducted a public hearing regarding amending Appendix A of the City's Code of Ordinances, also known as the City's Unified Development Code ("UDC"), to reduce certain perimeter landscape buffering requirements for parking lots within the Old Town Mixed Use ("OT") zoning district, and thereafter moved to recommend to City Council that such amendment be approved; and WHEREAS, after duly providing all required public notice, on December 12, 2023, the City Council conducted a public hearing regarding the amendment proposed herein; and WHEREAS, having held public hearings and duly considering this matter, in accordance with applicable local laws as well as statutory requirements set forth in Chapter 211 of the Texas Local Government Code, the City Council has approved the amendment to the City's UDC as set forth herein, having found that doing so will promote the health, safety and welfare of the public; and WHEREAS, the City Council and the Planning and Zoning Commission have determined that the proposed amendment to the UDC is consistent with the City's Comprehensive Master Plan; and NOW THEREFORE, the Cibolo City Council has considered the effect of these amendments and has determined them to be appropriate, necessary and in the public interest; NOW BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CIBOLO, TEXAS: 7362/8 DMN295245.1 SECTION 1. AMENDMENT TO UDC ARTICLE 17. From and after the effective date, Section 17.1 — Landscaping and Buffering, Article 17 — Landscaping, Buffering and Protected Trees, of Appendix A of the City's Code of Ordinances, also known as the City's Unified Development Code, shall be amended as set forth herein and shall hereinafter read as follows: ARTICLE 17 — LANDSCAPING, BUFFERING AND PROTECTED TREES SECTION 17.1— Landscaping and Buffering J. Parking Lot Landscaping 3. The following additional criteria shall apply to the interior of parking lots. a. Large trees shall be provided in parking areas. The construction of off-street parking areas requires the planting of one large tree for each 400 square feet or fraction thereof in each island so that there are no more than fifteen (15) contiguous parking spaces between islands, except as otherwise provided herein. Commercial sites one (1) acre or less in size are exempt from this requirement. b. When an off-street parking or vehicular use area abuts a public right-of-way, except a public alley, a perimeter landscape area of at least fifteen (15') feet in depth, or at least five (5') feet in depth if within the Old Town Mixed Use District, shall be maintained between the abutting rights-of-way and the off-street parking or vehicular area. Minimum three (3') foot landscaping buffer shrubs are to screen all off-street parking spaces from the public rights-of- way. Necessary access ways from the public right-of-way shall be permitted through this area. NOTE: All remaining sections of the UDC shall remain unchanged SECTION 2. PUBLIC PURPOSE. The City Council finds that the amendments to these UDC are in the public interest and are necessary to promote the general welfare. SECTION 3. INCORPORATING RECITALS. The City Council approves the recitals hereto and incorporates them herein as findings of fact. SECTION 4. REPEALING ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT AND SAVINGS CLAUSE. All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby repealed to the extent of such conflict with all remaining portions not conflicting being saved from repeal herein. SECTION 5. SEVERABILITY. If any section, subsection, sentence, clause or phrase of this ordinance is for any reason held to be unconstitutional or illegal, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining sections of this ordinance. The City Council hereby declares that it 7362/8 DM0295245.1 would have passed this ordinance, and each section, subsection, clause, or phrase thereof, irrespective of the fact that any one or more sections, subsections, sentences, clauses or phrases be declared void. SECTION 6. EFFECTIVE DATE. The Ordinance shall be effective immediately following publication as required by law. ORDERED this _L;L day of ��= m �� r 2023. ATTEST ^ PEGGY CIMICS, TRMC City Secretary 7362/8 DM#295245.1 MARK D. ALLEN Mayor k-