RES 1092 11/5/1985RESOLUTION NO. 1092 A RESOLUTION BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CIBOLO, TEXAS, OPPOSING THE CONSTRUCTION OF ANY PIPELINE BY ANY INDIVIDUAL, FIRM, OR CORP- ORATION WHICH IS INVOLVED IN THE TRANSPORTATION OF ANY CHEMICALS DEEMED AS POSSIBLE CONTAMINATES TO A WATER SOURCE THROUGH THE EDWARDS AQUIFER; AND ENCOURAGING THE ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY, THE EDWARDS UNDERGROUND AQUIFER DISTRICT, AND ALL CITIES IN THE SOUTH CENTRAL TEXAS AREA TO STRONGLY OPPOSE ANY PLANS TO DO SO. WHEREAS, the Edwards Aquifer is the major water source and lifeblood not only for the City of Cibolo, but for over one million people in the south central Texas area; and WHEREAS, any construction of a pipeline through the Aqui- fer for the purpose of transporting chemicals is a direct threat to the drinking water supply furnished through the Edwards Aquifeij; and WHEREAS, if such transportation pipelines were approved, the potential for an industrial accident remains, which would have a devastating effect on the economic viability of the region; and hardly worth the risk; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CIBOLO, TEXAS, THAT: 1. The City of Cibolo opposes the construction of any pipe- line involved in the transportation of harmful chemicals through the Edwards Aquifer now and in the future; and encouraging the Environmental Protection Agency, the Edwards Underground Aquifer District, and all cities in the south central Texas area to do the same. PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED THIS FIFTH DAY OF NOVEMBER, 1985. BILL LITTLE, MAYOR