RES 1088 10/1/1985i RESOLUTION NO. 1088 A RESOLUTION A RESOLUTION BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CIBOLO, TEXAS, STRONGLY ENCOURAGING LEGIS- LATIVE ACTION BY OUR STATE AND FEDERAL ELECTED OFFICIALS TO EXEMPT CITY, COUNTY, AND STATE EMPLOYEES FROM THE FEDERAL LABOR LAW PROVISIONS FOR OVERTIME PAY, RESULTING FROM THE SUPREME COURT'S CONTROVERSIAL DECISION IN GARCIA VS. SAN ANTONIO METROPOLITAN TRANSIT AUTHORITY. WHEREAS, it is realized that the cost in complying 'with the federal law governing overtime pay will place a tre- mendous, detrimental financial burden upon our city, county, and state governments, who are already facing tight budget restraints; and WHEREAS, such financial burden will affect the quality of service provided by our city, county, and state governments; anc WHEREAS, taxpayers will suffer as a result of this decision in that they will receive less service for their tax dollar, and an increased tax burden; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CIBOLO, TEXAS, THAT: 1. Our state and federal elected officials develop and strongly support legislative action exempting city, county, and state employees from the Federal Labor Law provisions for overtime pay. PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED THIS IST DAY OF OCTOBER, 1985. BILL LITTLE, MAYOR ATTEST: