RES 1001 07/16/1969RESOLUTION WHEREAS, the Citizens of Cibolo are vitally concerned with pollution and pollution abatement as it affects the Cibolo Creek; and WHEREAS, undesirable water quality as presently exists has largely been brought about by the discharge into Cibolo Creek of sewage effluent from many small waste treatment plants; and WHEREAS, the San Antonio River Authority has proposed an agreement with the communities in the Upper Cibolo, Santa Clara, Salatrillo and Martinez Watersheds for the construction and operation by Authority of a regional waste treatment system to serve such watersheds; and WHEREAS, it is believed that the treatment of waste on a regional basis as proposed by the San Antonio River Authority is more efficient than such treatment in numerous smaller plants and will result in the improvement of the water flowing in Cibolo Creek. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF CIBOLO, TEXAS: 1. That the San Antonio River Authority's plan for a regional waste treatment system in the Upper Cibolo, Salatrillo, Martinez and Santa Clara Watersheds be and the same hereby is endorsed. 2. That the terms of the agreement summarized in EXHIBIT "A" hereto attached, are hereby found to be generally accep a le. PASSED AND APPROVED this 16th day of July 1969. MAYOR A 1R E RY r SUMMARY OF PROPOSED SEWAGE TREATMENT CONTRACT SAN ANTONIO RIVER AUTHORITY - CITY OF CIBOLO CONSTRUCTION OF FACILITIES BY AUTHORITY: Authority will construct se.aer outfall lines and a sewage treatment ;plant to be located in accordauc. with an engineering report of R. Marvin Shipman Company, Consulting Eng:_eers, dated March 1969. This location is subject to change. II. FINANCING: Authority will issue sewer revenue bonds to finance the total cost of constructing the sewer outfall lines, treatment plant and other costs of the system, DISCHARGE OF SEWAGE: City will be responsible for the construction of collection lines to transport sewage into the Authority's outfall lines. IV. QUALITY OF SEWAGE: Discharges of sewage by City into the Authority's system shall consist only of municipal sewage, properly shredded garbage, industrial waste and other waste free from certain pr,aibited constituents which will be set forth at length in the contract. V. METERING OF SEWAGE: Authority will furnish and raintain at its expense the necessary equip - went for properly measuring all --wage w be discharged by City under chis agreement wiich is economically _ .asibi. tc measure. I:: ..ases .._ re ..:a- suremen is not ecor.c ic::'_ly feas_ble a standard serv_ce eharZ, ill :_ made based o:: the average ge—ratioil of sewage by a single family res-denc. or t rAciejpntial an+iyalents. VII. PAYMENTS AND TERMS • A. Connection Fees: City will pay to Authority for each residential connection $100.00. Multi -family dwellingsshall be charged connection fees on the bagis that each family dwelling unit is equivalent to one residential connection. B. Sewer Service Charge: City agrees to pay monthly service charges to the Authority in consideration for the sewage transportation and treatment services provided by Authority in accordance with the following rates: (1) 151 per 1,000 gallons per month for any quantity less than 5 million gallons per month. (2) $750.00 plus 131 per 1,000 gallons per month for any quantity over 5 million gallons per month, and less than 10,000,000 gallons per month. (3) $1,400.00 plus 114 per 1,000 gallons per month for any quantity over 10 million gallons per month, but less than 20 million gallons per month. (4) $2,500.00 plus 10i per 1,000 gallons per month for any quantity over 20 million gallons per moth, but less than 50 million gallons per month. (5) $5,500.00 plus 91 per 1,000 gallons per month for any quantity over 50 million gallons per month. C. — Adjustment of Rates: Upon the expiration of One (1) year from commencement of the operation 1. of the system contemplated under the contract and upon the expiration of each succeeding year during the life of the bonds issued cy Authority to finance the system, Authority will cause c:n audit to be made of the revenues of the system, of the operat:o_ arc main- tenance cost of the system, including overhead and administrative I by the annual audit, are not adequate to pay the operation and maintenance expense and debt requirement, Authority will adjust the sewer service charge set forth in the rate schedule to insure adequate revenues to absorb the current year's deficit and to meet debt requirement and pay operation and maintenance expenses for the succeeding year. VIII. INDUSTRIAL CONNECTIONS: City will cooperate with Authority in processing applications for dis- charge of industrial waste to the end that no harm will result to the system from such discharge, industrial applicants will submit an application for connection to the system to City which application will be approved both by City and Authority.as a prerequisite to such industrial connection. IX. OTHER CONTRACTS: City and Authority each reserve the right to contract with other parties for the use of the respective facilities to be constructed by each party pursuant to the contract, however, both City and Authority shall obtain consent of the other party before any such contract shall take effect. X. SPECIAL PROVISIONS: A. Authority will endeavor to construct the facilities contemplated under the contract with City within Twelve (12) months after financing for such facilities becomes available. Authority will not be liable to City for any damages occasioned by delay in the commEnceme:t of such service to City. B. Title to all sewage discharged pursuant to the Contract shall pass to the Authority at the time the sewage enters the Authority's outfall lines. C. The obligation of the Authority to complete and operate the facilities contemplated by the contract shall be conditioned upon: lJ (3) Authority's ability to obtain material labor and equipment necessary for the completion of the outfall lines and plant. D. City will fix and collect such rates and charges for the services to be supplied by its sanitary sewer system to make possible the prompt payment to Authority of the rates scheduled under the contract. XI. TER_+I OF CONTRACT: The contract will remain in fo_ce and effect for so long as any of the Authority's bonds issued to finance the system are outstanding. XII. MODIFICATION: The contract may be modified only by mutual consent of the governing bodies of the Authority and City.