RES 1002 06/4/1971-- i /a o 2• R E S O L U T I O N WHEREAS the City Council of the City of Cibolo, Texas, recognizes the extent of current new and proposed development in the city and the surrounding area and the potential changes in the community that can occur as a result of this additional development, and WHEREAS the City Council of the City of Cibolo, Texas, recognizes that said development will require additional services and facilities by various units of local government and the cooperative planning of new development on the part of the City, other governmental agencies and the individuals and firms engaged in private development, and WHEREAS the City Council of the City of Cibolo, Texas, believes that the development of a comprehensive plan for the city and the surrounding area is of vital importance to an effective cooperative effort and to the present and future residents of the community, and WHEREAS the development of a comprehensive plan requires the services of qualified planning consultants, NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Cibolo, Texas, engage the planning consulting firm of Marmon, Mok and Green, Inc., a,Texas corporation, to perform the professional and technical work necessary to develop a comprehensive plan for the community. CITY OF CIBOLO, TEXAS Attest: By —Z' F. S. Schlather Mayor City Secretary Date: �>� L a 6 C O N T R A C T F 0 R PLANNING CONSULTING S ERV I C E S STATE OF TEXAS () COUNTY OF GUADALUPE () WHEREAS the City Council of the City of Cibolo desires to engage planning consultants to render certain professional and other services herein- after described, this AGREEMENT is entered into as of this J%74 day of June, 1971, by and between the City of Cibolo, hereinafter called the CITY and firm of Marmon, Mok and Green, Inc., a Texas Corporation, here- inafter called the PLANNING CONSULTANTS, The conditions and work to be performed under this contract are described as follows: 1. Geographical Area: The various studies, plans and other proposals shall cover the existing city limits of Cibolo, its extra -territorial jurisdiction and, if greater, the urban areaof Cibolo projected to 1990. 2. Scope of Services: The PLANNING CONSULTANTS hereby agree to provide the following services, materials, reports and plans to the CITY: a. To meet with the City Council in formal session at least three (3) times during the development of the plans and proposals. During said sessions, the PLANNING CONSULTANTS shall provide explanations of the base information, the proposed plans and such other information developed to the City Council, any official advisory bodies designated by the City Council and to any interested citizens of the community. In addition, the PLANNING CONSULTANTS -2- a I shall meet informally with representatives of the CITY and citizens of the community to obtain information and review technical material. b. Prepare a base map, on reproducible material, of the community and nearby area at a scale of one inch equals six hundred feet (1" = 600') which will represent street rights-of-way, blocks, centerlines of drainageways, rail lines and other key features with reasonable accuracy. In addition, an enlargement of the U. S. G. S. topographic map (to 1" - 600') shall be obtained. Also, every effort shall be made to obtain a recent aerial photograph of the community that is dimensionally accurate and has reasonable photographic clarity on enlargement. c. Prepare base studies of the community including such items as land forms, general geological conditions, vegetation, other physical and environmental factors, existing business and other economic activities and the existing population and the general characteristics. Population projections to the year 1990 shall be prepared and,projections of selected economic elements shall be prepared if data permits such projections. A summary report of the base studies shall be submitted to the CITY. d. A statement of community objectives (short-range elements) and goals (long-range elements) shall be prepared based on available information and/ or a formal meeting with the City Council. e. Preparation of a land use inventory and the development of a land use plan projected to the year 1990. This plan will show low density residential areas, medium density residential areas, retail and customer service areas, other types of commercial areas, industrial areas and such other land use categories as are found 0 a -3 6 to be important. This will be submitted to the CITY in the form of a map and a summary description. In addition, a"sketch type"land use plan, indicating general categories and areas, shall be prepared for a period approximately five years in the future. f. Preparation of a transportation and street plan, emphasizing major streets, highways and rail facilities. This will be sub - misted to the CITY in the form of a map and a summary description. g. Preparation of a composite plan for parks, open spaces, public facilities (such as administrative, fire, police, etc.) and schools. This will be submitted in the form of a map with a summary description including suggested criteria and standards. h. A review of drainage conditions including creeks, streams and surface run-off along streets and on private property. A map and summary statement of this information, including suggestions concerning any future detailed engineering studies and designs, shall be submitted. i. A review of the existing water treatment, storage and distribution system and of any future plans for the expansion of that system. Also, a review of any future plans for the development of a sewage collection and treatment system. A summary report shall be submitted describing the use of the population, land use and other comprehensive planning information in developing specific plans for these utility improvements. j. Development of suggested regulatory and operational policy measures including such items as a draft of suggested zoning regulations, a draft of suggested subdivision regulations, possible annexation policies, factors to be considered in developing building and other construction codes and a review of other regulatory and operational 1 -4- policy items. k. Preparation of an outline of the planning, engineering and related technical services that would most likely be needed by the community during the next several years. This could include water and sewer system design, drainage system design, street design and engineering, design of solid waste disposal services and facilities and the planning and design of public facilities. 1. Preparation of a report incorporating the functional planning elements described above into a combined comprehensive plan with supporting descriptions and statements. Fifty (50) copies of this report shall be submitted to the CITY. 3. The CITY shall provide the PLANNING CONSULTANTS with any available maps, reports, data or other information related to the physical or economic development of the community. 4. Production Schedule: The PLANNING CONSULTANTS are available to start work within ten (10) days after notification of approval of this Contract. All work under this contract shall be completed by the PLANNING CONSULTANTS within six (6) months of the date of approval of the Contract by the CITY. 5. Compensation and Manner of Payment: a. The CITY agrees to pay the PLANNING CONSULTANTS the following: (1) Two thousand eight hundred fifty ($2,850) dollars for items 2a, and 2c.through 21. (not including item 2b., "base mapping"). (2) An amount not to exceed six hundred ($600) dollars, subject to specific agreement between the CITY and the PLANNING CONSULTANTS, a , for item 2b., "base mapping", recognizing that at this time there is insufficient information for the PLANNING CONSULTANTS to propose a specific cost figure for this item. b. Payment shall be made monthly upon receipt of a requisition from the PLANNING CONSULTANTS specifying that work in the preceeding month has been performed and that said work is in conformance with the Contract. In addition, the requisition shall be accompanied by invoices of labor,materials, travel and other direct project ex- penses incurred during the period covered by the requisition. 6. Supplemental Services: In the event that the CITY finds that any Supplemental Services are required of the PLANNING CONSULTANTS in con- junction with this Contract, the nature, extent and compensation for said Supplemental Services shall be subject to negotiation and specific agreement between the CITY and the PLANNING CONSULTANTS and the provision by the CITY to the PLANNING CONSULTANTS of a Letter of Agreement authorizing such services. In general, the compensation for such Supplemental Services shall be in keeping with the rate of compensation indicated in this Contract. 7. Termination of Contract: If, through any cause, the PLANNING CONSULTANTS shall fail to fulfill in timely and proper manner its obligation under this Contract, or if the PLANNING CONSULTANTS shall violate any of the terms or stipulations of this Contract, the CITY shall thereupon have the right to terminate this Contract by giving written notice to the PLANNING CONSULTANTS of such termination and specifying the effective date thereof, at least five (5) days before the effective date of such termination. + • In that event, all finished or unfinished documents, data, maps, plans and reports prepared by the PLANNING CONSULTANTS shall become the property of the CITY and be delivered to its actual custody, and the PLANNING CONSULTANTS shall be entitled to receive just and equitable compensation for any satisfactory work accomplished on such documents and other materails. IN WITNESS WHEREOF THE CITY and the PLANNING CONSULTANTS have caused this Contract to be duly executed in their behalfs, all as originals, and attested this T ;n& day of June, 1971. Attest: City Secretary CITY OF CIBOLO, TEXAS F. S. Schlather Mayor MARMON, MOK & GREEN, INC, PLANNING CONSULTANTS oyle M. Osborne Director, Austin Office