RES 1004 03/16/1972RL3JLUTIJN NO, /00'4 A R1LOLUTIJN CONFIRMING THE INTLNT OF CIBOLOt•TLxi:S TO ENTER INTO A CONTR)�CT KITH THE CIBOLO CRL.EE MW111CIPAL AUTHJ(,ITY FOR THL. PURPO'-ES OF TREATING A5TX iATi.R AND MU.E'ICIPP.L BE IT F45OLVE.D by the City Council of the City of Ciboloo Texass ,HLRLAS* the City of Ciboloo Texasv is desirous of solving future sewage disposal and ',caste water problems through the Cibolo Creek Municipal iuthority and, ;iHLRE,,S, the Cibolo Creek Aunicipal authority represents. the only legal entity which will afford the citizens of Cibolo, Texas, the most direct representation In solving such prot;lems, BE IT JILRL1-Y F.ESOLVE"D by the City of Cibolo. Texas: That it is the intent of the, City of Cibol}g Texas„ to eonLrnet with ti -ie Cibolo Creek Municipal Authori- ty for waste collection tre,.:Umnt and dispoaul ser- vices. APPROVED ON THIS theqday of Aakca . 1972. c H:tYOR ,TTL ST: City P�eoretary