RES 1007 09/7/1972RESOLUTION 17o7 A RESOLUTION agreeing to become a sponsor of the Resource Conservation and Development (RC&D) Program of the Alamo Area Council of Governments and appointing an official representative to the to the County RC&D Committee. WHEREAS the City of Cibolo recognizes the need for the preparation of an orderly plan for the wise use and develop- ment of the natural resources in the AACOG region, and; WHEREAS the City of Cibolo desires that such a plan be prepared, and; WHEREAS the Resource Conservation & Development (RC&D) Program provides the opportunity for the development of such a plan, and; WHEREAS this public body is eligible for sponsorship of this program, and; WHEREAS the Constitution and By -Laws provide for the appointment by each sponsor of a representative to the County RC&D Committee. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Cit X of Cibolo agrees to become a project sponsor and appoints as its official representative to the County RC&D Committee as provided by the Constitution and By -Laws. ADOPTED THIS 7th Day of Sejtember 1972 in a regular session of the CityCowl of the City of (:iholo at Cibolo , Texas. F �'Schlather, Mayor ATTEST: