RES 1009 12/7/1972RESOLUTION 00-/ O iHEREAS the [act of the 59th Texas Legislature, Regular Session, 1965 approved May 6, 1965, entitled Senate Bill 165 (V.A.C.S. 6081 r), as amended authorizes the Texas Parks and wildlife Department to make grants to municipalities and counties to asslstcthem in carrying out programs of outdoor recreation to preserve an c;dequate amount of rapidly disappearing land; and WHERE,tS it h --.s been found and determined by this body that there exists in this locality a need for a program of public outdoor recrea- tion; and aiHEREiLS Title VI of the Civil Rights ::ct of 1964 prohibits dis- crimination on the basis of race, color, or national origin under any program or activity receiving Federal financial assistance and Execu- tive Order 11063 prohibits discrimination on basis of race, color, creed or national origin in sale, lease or other disposition of resi- dential property (including land intended for residential use) or in the use of occupancy therefore: NOa, THEREFORE, bE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF '.'HE CITY OF CIBOLO, TEXAS: Section 1. That an application be filed ,pith the Texas Parks and Iildlife Department on Behalf of the City of Cibolo for a public outdoor recreation facility grant under authority of the Act of the 59th Texas Legislature, Regular Session, 1965, approved May 6, 1965, entitled Senate Bill 165 (V.a.C.S. 6081 r), as amended, for one-half of the cost of undertaking and carrying out a public outdoor recrea- tion facility program which cost is now estimated to be 410,000. plus other donated material and labor in an area or areas to be designat- ed a,nd specially described i -i euch application, and that the Mayor.' F._'S. Schlather, is hereby authorized and directed to execute and file such application and to execute such coitract or contracts as may be necessary for the grant applied for, and is further authorized and directed to provide such additional information and furnish such documents as may be required by the Texas Parks and ?Oildlife Depart- ment and to act as the authorized representative of the City of Cibolo in the executlin of the proposed public outdoor recreation program; end the Director of Finance, is hereby authorized to execute and file requisition for funds and to act as the authorized fiscal represent,tive of the City of Cibolo in t' -,e accomplishment of the public outdoor recreation program. Section 2. That the United 3tstes of America and the Texas Parks and ,ildlife Department be, and tney hereby are, assured a full compliance by the City of Cibolo, Texas, with regulations of the Texas Parks and iiildlife Department effectuating Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and aoplic,ble Executive Orders. PASSED :iND APPROVED THIS 7th DAY OF DEC:ffihR, 1972. APPROVED: Mayo F.S.S. N� r i � � ' I � � I � � 4