RES 1023 03/20/1975RESOLUTION NO. 1023 A RESOLUTION DECLARING THE INTENT OF THE CITY OF CIBOLO TO JOIN WITH OTHER GOVERNMENTS FOR THE PURPOSE OF PREPARING AND IMPLEMENTING A COORDINATED WASTE TREATMENT MANAGEMENT PLAN. WHEREAS, pursuant to Section 208 of the Federal Water Pollution Control Act Amendments of 1972, P.L. 92-500, the Administrator of the United States Environmental Protection Agency has by regulation published guidelines for the identification of those areas which, as a result of urban -industrial concentration or other factors, have substantial water quality control problems (hO CFR Part 126) ; and WHEREAS, the San Antonio area satisfies the criteria contained in the Act and guidelines and designation of the area pursuant to Section 208 and those guidelines is desirable; and WHEREAS, Section 126.10 of the guidelines requires, among other things, that the affected general purpose units of local government within the problem area must show their intent, through formally adopted resolutions, to join together in the planning process to develop and implement a plan which will result in a coordinated waste treatment management system for the area; NOW THEREFORE, HE IT RESOLVED THAT the City of Cibolo recognizing that the San Antonio area has substantial water quality control problems, supports designation of the Area pursuant to Section 208 and the EPA guidelines, and intends to join with other affected general purpose units of local government within the boundaries of the area to develop and inplement a plan which will result in a coordinated waste treatment management system for the area. Done in Cibolo, Texas, this, the 20th day of March, 1975• F. S. Schlather Mayor Attest: