RES 1027 12/4/1975RESOLUTION N0. 1027 RESOLUTION ACCEPTING THE PROVISIONS OF STATE DEPARTi'.TNT OF HIGHIiAYS AND PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION MINUTE ORDER THE STATE OF TEXAS j CIBOLO TEXAS COUNTY OF GUADALUPE j December ! 1975 MOTION was made by Marvin Kierum and seconded by Edward Line that the City Council of the City of Cibolo accept the provisions contained in Minute Order No. 70751 passed by the State Department of Highways and Public Transportation on November 25 , 1975, for the improvement by the State Department of Highways and Public Transportation of the road described below. In the City of Cibolo from Farm to Market Road 1103, 0.9 mile Northwest of Farm to Market Road 78, Southwest to Farm to Market Road 78, a distance of approximately 0.9 Mile. VOTE on the motion was as folle•;,,s: Fred Niemietz Ave Stephen Dykes Ave WHEREUPON the motion was declared carried. THE STATE OF TEXAS j COUNTY OF GUADALUPE j Marge Smith Aye Marvin Kierum I hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and correct copy of order passed by the City Council of the City of Cibolo Guadalupe County, Texas on December 4 1975. Seal City Sec etary, Cit of• ibolo Cibolo, >rexas