ORD 611 07/23/2003CITY OF CIBOLO ORDINANCE # CQ 1 I IMPACT FEE ORDINANCE AN ORDINANCE REVISING THE CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PLAN FOR THE CITY OF CIBOLO AS ADOPTED BY CITY OF CIBOLO ORDINANCE #461, UPDATING IMPACT FEES ON NEW PLATTING ACTIVITY AND OTHER NEW DEVELOPMENT AS PREVIOUSLY APPROVED AND AUTHORIZED BY THE CIBOLO CITY COUNCIL AND RATIFYING THE ACTION TAKEN ON JULY 23, 2002. Passed on the22nd day of July 22, 2003 Mayor Charles Ruppert Councilman Eddie Williams Councilmen Johnny Sutton Councilmen Susan Gray Councilman Jeff Campbell Councilman Pat O'Brien Charles A. Balcar, City Administrator Yvonne Griffin, City Secretary City of Cibolo PO BOX 826 Cibolo, Texas 78108 (210) 658-9900 CITY OF CIBOLO AN ORDER APPROVING THE CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PLAN OF THE CITY OF CIBOLO, TEXAS AND IMPOSING IMPACT FEES FOR THE EXTENSION OF WATER AND WASTEWATER FACILITIES AND FOR NECESSARY STREET AND DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS ACCORDANCE WITH THE REQUIREMENTS OF CHAPTER 395 OF THE TEXAS LOCAL GOVERNMENT CODE WHEREAS, the City of Cibolo is authorized by chapter 395 of the Texas Local Government Code to enact impact fees as defined therein to finance certain capital improvements required by new development; and WHEREAS, pursuant to the requirements of chapter 395, an impact fee advisory committee appointed by the city council has developed land use assumptions for the City of Cibolo which have been approved by the city council; and WHEREAS, pursuant to the requirements of chapter 395, a capital improvements plan and maximum authorized impact fees have been developed by the city engineer, which plan is attached hereto as Exhibit "A" and incorporated herein for all purposes; and WHEREAS, the city council has conducted a public hearing on the proposed capital improvements plan and impact fees following due notice and publication as required by law; and WHEREAS, the city council of the city of Cibolo desires to insure that impact fees as defined by the Texas Local Government Code and assessed within the City of Cibolo accurately represent the true costs of constructing capital improvements and Facility expansions and are fair to the public and to the party upon whom the fees are imposed; NOW THEREFORE BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CIBOLO, TEXAS, AS FOLLOWS: I . The capital improvements plan for the City of Cibolo prepared by the city engineer and the Capital Improvements Advisory Committee and attached hereto as Exhibit "A" and incorporated herein for all purposes is hereby approved. 2. In accordance with the definitions and requirements of chapter 395 of the Texas Local Government Code, there is hereby assessed a WATERWORKS impact fee' in the amount of {$1,044.47.} per living unit equivalent (LUE) as defined by the capital improvements plan for new development in the City of Cibolo. 3. In accordance with the definitions and requirements at chapter 395 of the Texas Local Government Code, there is hereby assessed a WASTEWATER improvements impact fee in an amount equal to the wastewater impact fee in the Town Creek West watershed in the amount of {$541.68} per living unit equivalent (LUE) as defined by the capital improvements plan for new development in the City of Cibolo; in the Town Creek East watershed in the amount of {$761.69} per living unit equivalent (LUE) as defined by the capital improvements plan for new development in the City of Cibolo; in the Dietz Creek watershed in the amount of {$359.94} per living unit .equivalent (LUE) as defined by the capital improvements plan for new development in the City of Cibolo; in the South of FM78 watershed in the amount of {$393.35} per living unit equivalent (LUE) as defined by the capital improvements plan for new development in the City of Cibolo. 4. In accordance with the definitions and requirements of chapter 395 of the Texas Local Government Code, there is hereby assessed a STREET impact fee in the amount of {$817.38} per living unit equivalent (LUE) as defined by the capital improvements plan for new development in the City of Cibolo. 5. In accordance with the definitions and requirements of chapter 395 of the Texas Local Government Code, there is hereby assessed a DRAINAGE impact fee in the Town Creek West watershed in the amount of {$304.51} per living unit 3 equivalent (LUE) as defined by the capital improvements plan for new development in the City of Cibolo; in the Town Creek East watershed in the amount of {$263.63} per living unit equivalent (LUE) as defined by the capital improvements plan for new development in the City of Cibolo; in the Dietz Creek watershed in the amount of ($253.18) per living unit equivalent (LUE) as defined by the capital improvements plan for new development in the City of Cibolo; in the South of FM78 watershed in the amount of {$79.61) per living unit equivalent (LUE) as defined by the capital improvements plan for new development in the City of Cibolo. 6. This ordinance shall not limit the city's authority to impose additional impact fees or charges not inconsistent with the provisions of chapter 395 of the Texas Local Government Code if such impact fees or charges are specifically authorized by state law and duly adopted by ordinance. 7. The city is under no obligation to accept offered impact fees; this ordinance creates no obligation for the city to serve any property within the City of Cibolo. 8. Water, street, drainage and wastewater impact fees are imposed to construct new capital improvements specified in the capital improvements plan and to recoup capital costs which have already been incurred by the city to construct existing facilities which have been designated in the capital improvements plan as being available to serve new development within the city. All funds collected through the adoption of an impact fee shall be deposited in interest bearing accounts clearly identifying the category of capital improvements or facility expansions within the service area for which the fee was adopted. Impact fee revenue may not be spent for any purpose. 9. An impact fee shall be divided and assessed as follows: (1) at the time of plat approval and (2) upon application for a building permit. Impact fees will be based upon the number of living units equivalencies (LUES) to be generated by development 4 at the impact fee rate established herein. Plat approval shall be conditioned upon the developers compliance with the terms and conditions for water and wastewater service established by the ordinances of the City of Cibolo. The assessed impact fee for streets and drainage is due and payable prior to the time a plat may be recorded by Guadalupe or Bexar County. The assessed impact fee for water and wastewater is due and payable at the time of application for a building permit. For property that has been platted but is not otherwise exempt from the imposition of impact fees, all impact fees will be assessed and collected prior to connection to city utility services consistent with State Law. Nothing herein shall prohibit the city from entering into an agreement with the owner of a tract of land for which the plat has been recorded providing for the time and method of payment of the impact fees. 10. All ordinances of the City of Cibolo inconsistent with this ordinance and the provisions of chapter 395 of the Texas Local Government Code are hereby repealed. APPROVED AND ADOPTED THIS 22ND DAY OF JULY, 2003 HON. CHARLES RUPPERT, MAYOR A EST: AO� JAP-L NNE GRIFFIN, CITY SECRETARY 5 IMPACT FEE STUDY For the City of Cibolo P.O. Box 826 Cibolo, Texas 78108 . r*j�N *,s r RUDOLPH F. KLEIN V,! . � 79689 - Rev. May 1, 2002 March 22, 2002 Prepared by KLEIN ENGINEERING, INC San Antonio, Texas M IMPACT FEE STUDY Introduction The purpose of this impact fee study is to review and analyze the ability of the City of Cibolo to derive and impose an impact fee on new development. Impact fees are determined from land use assumptions within designated planning areas. The City of Cibolo's Capital Improvements Advisory Committee divided the city limits of Cibolo and its extra -tentorial jurisdiction into nine planning areas. Within each planning area land use assumptions were applied. These assumptions were applied to the ultimate development that could be built in each planning area. Klein Engineering, Inc. then developed a 10 -year projection, 20 -year projection, and an ultimate projection for new development. With these projections impact fees were determined for the water system, wastewater system, thoroughfare system, and drainage system. The impact fees for the three projections (10 -year, 20 -year, and Ultimate) were presented to the Capital Improvements Advisory Committee. The Committee then decided which projection would be necessary to base the impact fees for new development. The Committee decided the 10 -year projection as the basis for imposing impact fees. The impact fees are as follows: Water System Impact Fee $1,044.47 Wastewater System Impact Fee Town Creek West $ 541.68 Town Creek East $ 761.69 Dietz Creek Watershed $ 359.94 South of FM 78 $ 393.35 Impact Fee Study -1- Thoroughfare Impact Fee $ 817.38 Drainage Impact Fee Town Creek West $ 304.51 Town Creek East $ 263.63 . . Dietz Creek Watershed $ 253.18 South of FM 78 $ 79.61 The remainder of this report explains how each impact fee was derived. Attached to this report are maps displaying what infrastructure is needed in the 10 -year projection. In the Appendices are maps displaying what infrastructure is needed in the ultimate projection of development based on the land use assumptions provided by the Capital Improvements and Assessment Committee. Also, included are the itemized construction costs for the proposed impact fees for each of the water, wastewater, thoroughfare, and drainage systems. I a Impact Fee Study -2- LAND USE ASSUMPTIONS LAND USE ASSUMPTIONS In determining impact fees, the City of Cibolo had to derive some land use assumptions for undeveloped land in its city limits and extra -territorial jurisdiction (ETJ). The Capital Improvements and Assessment Committee divided the city limits of Cibolo and its ETJ into nine planning areas. These areas span from'Interstate Highway 35 to the north and Interstate Highway 10 to the south. The nine planning areas are (see attached map): Central Business District Cibolo North Cibolo Industrial Park Schaeffer to L. Seguin Curve 1103 - Northcliff L. Seguin to IH 10 Town Creek —1103 Curve Green Valley to 11135 South of IH 10 Each of the nine areas was divided into land use assumptions. The -following are the land use assumptions: Parks/Open Space/Agriculture Commercial Institutional Streets Low Density Housing Public Buildings Medium Density Housing Industrial High Density Housing Railroad Each land use assumption was assigned a percentage representative of how much land in that particular planning area would be used for its respective assumption. The 100 -year flood plain was determined and the total number of developable acres represents the number of acres outside the 100 -year floodplain. The 100 -year floodplain was determined from the FEMA Flood Insurance Rate Maps, for the City of Cibolo and Guadalupe County. The total acres for each land use assumption were calculated by multiplying each land use assumption percentage by the total developable acres in each planning area. After the total acres were determined in each planning area, an assumption was made to determine the total number of Equivalent Dwelling Units (EDU) in each planning area. The total number of EDU's from all the planning areas is used in determining the impact fees for the associated cost of water, wastewater, thoroughfare, W Impact Fee Study -3- and drainage improvements due to the effect of the new development upon the existing systems. The impact fee for each system is determined by dividing the total cost of improvements needed for each system by the total number of EDU's that will benefit from such improvements. The following table lists the land use assumptions, the total acres for each assumption in all of the planning areas, and the estimated total number of EDU's that will be within the city limits and ETJ of Cibolo in a 10 -year projection. CITY OF CIBOLO PROJECTED LAND USES 10 -Year Projections Acres FDU's Parks/Open Space/Ag Space/A 7,045.9 0 Low Density Housing 87.9 176 Industrial 209.1 314 Commercial 318.3 477 Public Buildings 58.6 86 High Density Housing 90.7 1,094 Institutional 64.5 97 Medium Density Housing 1,697.7 6,797 Railroad 17.6 0 Streets 441.9 0 Assumptions: TOTAL 10,032 Total EDU's 9,042 Land Use EDU/Acre Parks/Open Space/Ag 0 Low Density Housing 2 Industrial 1.5 Commercial 1.5 Public Buildings 1.5 _ High Density Housing 12 Institutional 1.5 Medium Density Housing 4 Railroad 0 Streets 0 Impact Fee Study -4- WATER IMPACT FEE PROJECTED WATER SYSTEM The City of Cibolo and its ETJ has two water service areas. The City of Cibolo has a defined water service area and owns the water infrastructure in this area. The City maintains all distribution, storage, and pumping facilities inside this area (see attached map). For residents who live outside this water service area, Green Valley S.U.D owns and maintains the infrastructure. In the ten year projection there will be an estimated 4,866 out of the total 9,042 EDU's (or connections) inside Cibolo's water service area. There are currently 1,316 water service connections in Cibolo's service area, so there will be 3,550 new connections inside Cibolo's water service area. Water Storage Currently, the City of Cibolo has a one million gallon ground storage tank and a five thousand gallon hydro -pneumatic tank. The Texas Natural Resources Conservation Commission (TNRCC) requires two hundred gallons of storage per connection. In the 10 year projection the City of Cibolo will need 973,200 gallons of total storage for all of its -, connections. With the current amount of total storage Cibolo possesses, this criterion will be met. However, when an existing water system reaches two thousand -five hundred connections the TNRCC requires the system to construct elevated storage. The TNRCC requires one hundred gallons of elevated storage per connection. Cibolo will need 486,500 gallons of elevated storage. Constructing a one million gallon elevated tank will give the City additional total storage and sufficient elevated storage to meet TNRCC requirements and accommodate future growth. z Impact Fee Study -5- Water Supply Summary The City of Cibolo does not produce its own water. Green Valley S.U.D. and the Canyon Regional Water Authority supply the water. The City of Cibolo currently has 1,000 acre-feet of water per year available from these sources. Using an average taken from historical data, the average water use per connection is ten thousand -five hundred gallons per month. The total amount of.acre-feet required for 4,866 connections would be 1,881. This is an increase of 881 acre-feet that will be needed to serve the whole water service area. Water Distribution Summary Water distribution is needed to transport water to the connections at an adequate pressure as well as to maintain adequate pressure for fire protection. Creating loops with 12" water mains will help maintain pressure. A 12"main will need to be installed along FM 1103, from Main St. to Wiedner Road and back to Town Creek Rd. to provide and maintain sufficient pressure to support new connections (see attached map) as well as existing connections. Also, installing interlocking sub -mains will also help provide adequate pressure (see attached map). The impact fee for the water system was determined by calculating the construction cost for the proposed improvements to the water system (plant work and water distribution) as well as calculating an acquisition cost for the additional amount of acre-feet of water needed and then dividing by the number of new connections (3,550) in Cibolo's water service area. The following table below summarizes the impact fee: Impact Fee Study -6- City of Cibolo Water Impact Fee Summary 10 -Year Number of New EDUs in Water Service Area: 1 3,550 Estimated Cost of Water System Distribution Improvements: 1 $ • 1,971,568.05 Estimated Cost of Water Plant Improvements: estimated Cost for Acquisition of Additional Acre-feet: i TOTAL COST PER EDU Impact Fee Study -7- $ 1,472,000.00 1 $ 1,044.47 SEWER IMPACT FEE PROJECTED WASTEWATER SYSTEM The wastewater treatment plant serving the City of Cibolo is owned and operated by the Cibolo Creek Municipal Authority (COMA). There are two major outfalls in the City of Cibolo that contribute to this treatment plant. They are the Dietz Creek outfall and the Town Creek outfall. The projected growth in 10 years will require some needed improvements. First of all, there are not any wastewater collection lines in the Town Creek water shed, other than the 10" sewer line that services the downtown area of Cibolo. Most of the projected growth will be in this service area (Town Creek watershed). Wastewater collection lines will need to be constructed throughout the Town Creek service area to support future growth. Due to the topography of the Town Creek service area there will need to be two major outfalls. These outfalls are the Town Creek West Branch and the Town Creek East Branch. These two outfalls will combine together and form one major trunk line that will feed into an existing lift station maintained by CCMA. The major trunk line was sized by combining both flows from the two outfalls. - The two outfalls were sized by the number of contributing EDU's to be served throughout the service area (see attached map). An assumption was made that each EDU would produce 300 gallons per day of wastewater. Also, peak flow conditions were assumed to be two times the total flow per day. The impact fee was computed by calculating the construction cost for the major trunk line and the construction costs for the two outfalls. The impact fee is then determined by which outfall the new development will take place in. Every new development will have an impact fee for the cost of constructing the major trunk line and an impact fee for the cost of constructing either the Town Creek West Branch or the Town Creek East Branch. The total number of EDU's in the 10 -year projection is 3,876 in this service area. The M Impact Fee Study -8- THOROUGHFARE IWACT FEE PROJECTED THOROUGHFARE SYSTEMS The Capital Improvements and Assessment Committee developed a conceptual thoroughfare system that would ultimately be constructed in the city limits of Cibolo and its ETJ. These major thoroughfares would he a link between Interstate Highway 35 and Interstate Highway 10. There would also be minor thoroughfares that would interconnect between the major thoroughfares. The major thoroughfares have an 86' Right -of -Way with a 62' width pavement and the minor thoroughfares have an 62' Right - of -Way and a 38' width pavement. The impacts due to the projected growth over the next ten years will cause for the completion of Cibolo Valley Drive, as a major thoroughfare, as a link between IH 35 and the Cibolo Industrial Park (see attached map). Also, Borgfeld Road will be extended to FM 1103 (see attached map). Main Street will be extended and tied into Cibolo Valley Drive, for residents to have access to downtown Cibolo from Cibolo Valley Drive. In determining the impact fee for the Thoroughfare System construction costs for each extension was calculated. Also included in this calculation was an estimate for necessary drainage structures. Drainage structures were sized based on a 25 -year rainfall event for each low water or creek crossing. The number of EDU's within the City Limits used in the calculation of the thoroughfare impact fee is 5,353. The following table summarizes the thoroughfare impact fee: Impact Fee Study -10 - Summary of Thoroughfare and Drainage City of Cibolo Thoroughfare Name RO.W Pavement Width Length (ft) Cost Estimate Main St. 62' 38' 13,500 $ 1,279,735.63 Borgfeld Rd Extension 62' 38' 2,300 $ 354,887.76 Cibolo Valley Drive 86' 62' 17,300 $ 2,740,805.65 Total $ 4,375,429.05 EDU $/EDU 5,353 $ 817.38 Thoroughfare Impact Fee $ 817.38 Impact Fee Study -I 1 - DRAINAGE IMPACT FEE PROJECTED DRAINAGE IMPACT Storm water management becomes more of a necessity as rural areas are developed into urban areas. As development increases the amount of runoff will increase due to the increase of impermeable surfaces (i.e. streets, rooftops, parking lots, etc.). The Town Creek is already noted for having drainage problems during a rainfall event. With new development in its watershed these problems will multiply. Therefore channelization of the Town Creek becomes necessary. Much of the land in'the Town Creek watershed is in the designated 100 -year floodplain. Development in the 100 -year floodplain is prohibited. Constructing a channel in the 100 -year floodplain will provide adequate flood control measures to help accommodate new developments such that existing developments downstream would not be subject to flooding. The proposed channels will be similar to the two wastewater outfalls in the Town Creek watershed (see attached M,I South of FM 78 the proposed channel will be constructed along the Town Creek from FM 78 to Arizpe Road. In the Dietz Creek watershed trapezoidal channels are proposed in two areas (see attached map for locations). The trapezoidal cbannels will be one hundred feet wide and have a depth of five feet. 0 Impact Fee Study-l2- The impact fees for constructing the trapezoidal channels are summarized below: City of Cibolo Drainage Impact Fee Summary Drainage Impact Fee Town Creek East $ 214.11 Drainage Impact Fee Town Creek West $ 247.31 Drainage Impact Fee South of FM 78 $ 64.66 Drainage Impact Fee Dietz Creek Watershed $ 8.22 M Impact Fee Study -13- APPENDICES City of Cibolo Cost Estimate for Projected Water Needs 10 -Year Projection WATER DISTRIBUTION IMPROVEMENTS ITEM NO. DESCRIPTION ESTIMATED QUANTITY UNIT UNIT PRICE FINAL AMOUNT 1 12" PVC AWWA C900 36,500 LF $ 35.00 $ 1,277,500.00 2 12" GATE VALVE & BOX 18 EA $ 1,233.00 $ 22,194.00 3 2" AIR RELEASE ASSEMBLY 5 EA $ 1,746.00 $ 8,730.00 4 12" TIE IN 4 EA $ 1,809.00 $ 7,236.00 5 STD. FIRE HYDRANT W/6" GV & BOX 75 EA $ 2,087.00 $ 156,525.00 6 IDUCTILE IRON FITTINGS 2.0 TON $ 2,291.00 $ 4,582.00 7 IBORE 24" STL CASING W/ 12" PVC CARRIER PIPE 110 LF $ 321.00 $ 35,310.00 8 ICREEK CROSSING 5 EA $ 2,000.00 $ 10,000.00 ENGINEERING/CONTINGENCIES (15%) SUB -TOTAL CONSTRUCTION Total $ 1,522,077.00 $ 228,311.55 $ 1,750,388.55 A-1 WATER SYSTEM IMPROVEMENTS COST ESTIMATE SUB MAINS @ 12" WATER T.TNF. RXTF.NSTON ITEM NO. DESCRIPTION ESTIMATED QUANTITY UNIT UNIT PRICE FINAL AMOUNT 1 12" PVC AWWA C900 18,850 LF $ 35.00 $ 659,750.00 2 12" GATE VALVE & BOX 10 EA $ 1,233.00 $ 12,330.00 3 2" AIR RELEASE ASSEMBLY 2 EA $ 1,746.00 $ 3,492.00 4 12" TIE IN 2 EA $ 1,809.00 $ 3,618.00 5 STD. FIRE HYDRANT W/6" GV & BOX 38 EA $ 2,087.00 $ 79,306.00 6 DUCTILE IRON FITTINGS 1.0 TON $ 2,291.00 $ 2,291.00 7 IBORE 24" STL CASING W/ 12" PVC CARRIER PIPE 0 LF $ 321.00 $ - 8 1CREEKCROSSING 4 EA $ 2,000.00 $ 8,000.00 ENGINEERING/CONTINGENCIES (15%) SUB MAINS @ 8" WATER LINE, EXTENSION SUB -TOTAL CONSTRUCTION $ 768,787.00 $ 115,318.05 Total $ 884,105.05 ITEM NO. DESCRIPTION ESTIMATED QUANTITY UNIT UNIT PRICE FINAL AMOUNT 1 8" PVC AWWA C900 18,850 LF $ 25.00 $ 471,250.00 2 8" GATE VALVE & BOX 10 EA $ 850.00 $ 8,500.00 3 2" AIR RELEASE ASSEMBLY 2 EA $ 1,746.00 $ 3,492.00 4 12" TIE IN 2 EA $ 1,809.00 $ 3,618.00 5 STD. FIRE HYDRANT W/6" GV & BOX 38 EA $ 2,087.00 $ 79,306.00 6 DUCTILE IRON FITTINGS 1.0 TON $ 2,291.00 $ 2,291.00 7 BORE 24" STL CASING W/ 12" PVC CARRIER PIPE 0 LF $ 321.00 $ - 8 CREEK CROSSING 4 EA $ 2,000.00 $ 8,000.00 A-2 WATER SYSTEM IMPROVEMENTS COST ESTIMATE ENGINEERING/CONTINGENCIES (15%) Difference in 12" & 8" Mains WATER PLANT IMPROVEMENTS PLANT WORK SUB -TOTAL CONSTRUCTION $ 576,457.00 $ 86,468.55 Total $ 662,925.55 $ 221,179.50 TOTAL WATER DISTRIBUTION $ 1,971,568.05 ITEM NO. DESCRIPTION ESTIMATED QUANTITY UNIT UNIT PRICE FINAL AMOUNT 1 1 MG Elevated Storage Tank 1 LS $ 1,250,000.00 $ 1,250,000.00 2 IPLANT PIPING 1 LS $ 30,000.00 $ 30,000.00 ENGINEERING/CONTINGENCIES (15%) TOTAL PLANT WORK TOTAL $ 1,280,000.00 $ 192,000.00 $ 1,472,000.00 A-3 WATER SYSTEM IMPROVEMENTS COST ESTIMATE WATER SUPPLY Available Ac -ft of water to Cibolo = 1,000 ae-ft Additional Ac -ft needed in 10 year projection is 881 ae-ft. Leasing rights @ $300.00 / ac. -ft = TOTAL ESTIMATED COST FOR WATER SYSTEM IMPROVEMENTS EDU'S $/EDU TOTAL COST PER EDU 3,550 $ 1,044.47 $ 264,300.00 $ 3,707,868.05 A-4 WATER SYSTEM IMPROVEMENTS COST ESTIMATE City of Cibolo 10 - Year Development TOWN CREEK OUTFALL (Lift Station to Split) 21" Sewer Pipe Manhole Structures Engineering(12%) Town Creek West 15" Sewer Pipe 12" Sewer Pipe 8" Sewer Pipe Standard Manholes Bore Highway Engineedng(12%) Town Creek East 12" Sewer Pipe 10" Sewer Pipe 8" Sewer Pipe Standard Manholes Bore Highway Engineedng(12%) 7,000 I.f. Unit IS. EDU's $/EDU Quantity Unit Price 1 Amount 2,700 I.f. $ 80.00 $ 216,000.00 6 ea. $ 3,200.00 $ 19,200.00 1 I.S. 12% $ 28,224.00 Sub -total $ 263,424.00 3,876 $ 67.96 3,700 I.f. $ 52.00 $ 192,400.00 6,100 I.f. $ 48.00 $ 292,800.00 11,500 I.f. $ 32.00 $ 368,000.00 54 ea. $2,200.00 $ 118,800.00 1 I.S. $2,500.00 $ 2,500.00 1 I.S. 12% $ 116,940.00 Sub -total $ 1,091,440.00 2,304 $ 473.72 7,000 I.f. 2,800 IS. 12,500 I.f. 56 ea. 1 I.S. 1 I.S. $2,500.00 Sub -total TOTAL Sewer Impact Fee Town Creek West Sewer Impact Fee Town Creek East $ 48.00 $ 336,000.00 $ 40.00 $ 112,000.00 $ 32.00 $ 400,000.00 $ 2,200.00 $ 123,200.00 $2,500.00 $ 2,500.00 12% $ 116,844.00 $ 1,090,544.00 $ 541.68 $ 761.69 $ 2,445,408.00 WASTEWATER SYSTEM IMPROVEMENTS COST ESTIMATE A-5 1,572 $ 693.73 Dietz Creek Watershed 12" Sewer Pipe Standard Manholes Engineering(12%) Quantity Unit 8,700 -I.f. 22 ea. 1 I.S. TOTAL Sewer Impact Fee Dietz Creek Watershed South of FM 78 Sewer Impact Fee South of FM 78 12" Sewer Pipe Standard Manholes Engineedng(12%) Quantity Unit 24,700 IS. 50 ea. 1 I.S. TOTAL Sewer Impact Fee South of FM 78 Unit EDU's $/EDU Price Amount $ 48.00 $ 417,600.00 $2,200.00 $ 48,400.00 12% $ 55,920.00 $ 521,920.00 1,450 $ 359.94 $ 359.94 $50.00 Unit EDU's $/EDU Price Amount $ 48.00 $ 1,185,600.00 $2,200.00 $ 110,000.00 12% $ 155,472.00 $ 1,451,072.00 3,689 $ 393.35 $ 393.35 M WASTEWATER SYSTEM IMPROVEMENTS COST ESTIMATE A-6 City of Cibolo Thoroughfare 10 year hAnin Cf Fvfoncinn Item No Description Quantity Unit Unit Price Final Amount 1 Street Excavation 23,375 CY $ 6.53 $ 152,638.75 2 8" Flex Base 46,750 SY $ 5.97 $ 279,097.50 3 Lime Treatment 46,750 SY $ 1.97 $ 92,097.50 4 Lime 467 TON $ 93.33 $ 43,585.11 5 Prime Coat 7,180 GAL. $ 1.98 $ 14,216.40 6 Tack Coat 3,590 GAL. $ 2.40 $ 8,616.00 7 2" HMAC Type D 35,900 SY $ 3.96 $ 142,164.00 8 4' Side Walk 7,555 SY $ 22.40 $ 169,232.00 9 Curb 17,000 LF $ 5.07 $ 86,190.00 10 4" Yellow Striping 21,250 LF $ 1.62 $ 34,425.00 11 4" White Striping 17,000 LF $ 1.14 $ 19,380.00 Sub -Total Construction $ 1,041,642.26 Engineering/Contingencies(15%) $ 156,246.34 Right -of -Way Acquisition 6.4 Acre $8,000.00 $ 51,200.00 Drainage Structures $ 30,647.03 Total $ 1,279,735.63 Borofeld Extension Item No Description Quantity Unit Unit Price Final Amount 1 Street Excavation 4,236 CY $ 8.07 $ 34,184.52 2 8" Flex Base 12,744 SY $ 5.97 $ 76,081.66 3 Lime Treatment 12,744 SY $ 1.97 $ 25,105.68 4 Lime 127 TON $ 93.33 $ 11,852.91 5 Prime Coat 1,950 GAL. $ 1.98 $ 3,861.00 6 ITack Coat 975 GAL. $ 2.40 $ 2,340.00 7 2" HMAC Type D 9,750 SY $ 3.96 $ 38,610.00 8 4' Side Walk 2,044 SY $ 23.01 $ 47,032.44 9 Curb 4,600 LF $ 5.92 $ 27,232.00 10 4"Yellow Striping 6,900 LF $ 1.62 $ 11,178.00 11 4" White Striping 4,600 LF $ 1.82 $ 8,372.00 Sub -Total Construction Engineering/Contingencies(15%) Right -of -Way Acquisition Drainage Structures Total $ 285,850.23 $ 42,877.53 3.27 Acre $ 8,000.00 $ 26,160.00 $ 354,887.76 THOROUGHFARE SYSTEM IMPROVEMENTS COST ESTIMATE A-7 Cibolo Vallev Drive Item No Description Quantity Unit Unit Price Final Amount 1 Street Excavation 36,000 CY $ 6.53 $ •235,080.00 2 8" Flex Base 108,000 SY $ 5.97 $ 644,760.00 3 Lime Treatment 108,000 SY $ 1.97 $ 212,760.00 4 Lime 1,080 TON $ 93.33 $ 100,796.40 5 Prime Coat 19,128 GAL. $ 1.98 $ 37,873.44 6 Tack Coat 9,564 GAL. $ 2.40 $ 22,953.60 7 2" HMAC Type D 95,644 SY $ 3.96 $ 378,750.24 8 4' Side Walk 15,380 SY $ 22.40 $ 344,512.00 9 Curb 34,600 LF $ 5.07 $ 175,422.00 10 4" Yellow Striping 43,250 LF $ 1.62 $ . 70,065.00 11 4" White Striping 43,250 LF $ 1.14 $ 49,305.00 Sub -Total Construction Engineering/Contingencies(15%) Right -of -Way Acquisition Drainage Structures Total $ 2,272,277.68 $ 340,841.65 12 Acre $8,000.00 $ 96,000.00 31,686.32 $ 2,740,805.65 THOROUGHFARE SYSTEM IMPROVEMENTS COST ESTIMATE A-8 City of Cibolo Drainage Cost Estimate Town Creek East Item No Description Quantity Unit Unit Price I Final Amount 1 Channel Excavation 283,241 CY $ 1.00 $ 283,241.00 2 Engineering 1 I LS 12% $ 33,988.92 Subtotal Construction EDU's I $/EDU 1,572 $ 201.80 Town Creek West $ 317,229.92 Item No Description Quantity Unit Unit Price I Final Amount 1 Channel Excavation 483,426 CY $ 1.00 $ 483,426.00 2 Engineering 1 LS 12% $ 58,011.12 Subtotal Construction Town Creek EDU's I $/EDU 2,304 $ 235.00 $ 541,437.12 Item No Description Quantity Unit Unit Price I Final Amount 1 Channel Excavation42,593 CY $ 1.00 $ 42,593.00 2 Engineering 1 LS 12% $ 5,111.16 Subtotal Construction $ 47,704.16 EDU's I $/EDU 3,876 $ 12.31 TOTAL CONSTRUCTION $ 906,371.20 Drainage Impact Fee Town Creek East $ 214.11 r Drainage Impact Fee Town Creek West $ 247.31 Town Creek Drainage Channel Improvements Cost Estimate A-9 South of FM 78 Item No Description Quantity Unit Unit Price I Final Amount 1 Channel Excavation 212,963 CY $ 1.00 $ 212,963.00 2 Engineering 1 LS 12% $ 25,555.56 Subtotal Construction Drainage Impact Fee South of FM 78 Dietz Creek Watershed EDU's I $/EDU 3,689 $ 64.66 $ 64.66 $ 238,518.56 Item No Description Quantity Unit Unit Price Final Amount 1 Channel Excavation 10,648 CY $ 1.00 $ 10,648.15 2 Engineering 1 LS 12% $ 1,277.78 Subtotal Construction EDU's I $/EDU 1,450 $ 8.22 Drainage Impact Fee Dietz Creek Watershed $ 8.22 Drainage Impact Fee Town Creek East $ 214.11 Drainage Impact Fee Town Creek West $ 247.31 Drainage Impact Fee South of FM 78 $ 64.66 Drainage Impact Fee Dietz Creek Watershed $ 8.22 Town Creek Drainage Channel Improvements Cost Estimate A-10 $ 11,925:93 r ULTIMATE PROJECTION 0 CITY OF CIBOLO PROJECTED LAND USES Ultimate Projections Acres EDUs Parks/Open Space/Ag 2,390.8 0 Low Density Housing 197.5 395 Industrial 596.2 894 Commercial 669.0 1,004 Public Buildings 60.2 90 High Density Housing 161.4 1,937 Institutional 67.3 101 Medium Density Housing 4,809.7 19,239 Railroad 17.6 0 Streets 1,062.1 0 TOTAL 10,032 Total EDU's 23,659 Assumptions: Land Use EDU/Acre Parks/Open Space/Ag 0 Low Density Housing 2 Industrial 1.5 Commercial 1.5 Public Buildings 1.5 High Density Housing 12 Institutional 1.5 Medium Density Housing 4 Railroad 0 Streets 0 Land Use Assumptions Ultimate Projections A-11 number of EDU's in the West Branch is 2,304 and the number of EDU's in the East Branch is 1,572. Wastewater Improvements in the Dietz Creek Watershed will consist of constructing 12" main collection lines throughout the service area (see attached map for locations). The total number of EDU's in the 10 -year projection is 1,450 in this service area. Wastewater Improvements for areas South of FM 78 will consist of constructing a 12" collection main between Schaefer Road and IH 10 along Haeckerville Road (see attached map). The total number of EDU's South of FM 78 in the 10 -year projection is 3,689. The impact fees will be as follows: City of Cibolo Sewer Impact Fee Summary Sewer Impact Fee Town Creek West $ 541.68 Sewer Impact Fee Town Creek East $ 761.69 Sewer Impact Fee Dietz Creek Watershed $ 359.94 Sewer Impact Fee South of FM 78 $ 393.35 M Impact Fee Study -9- IIBIf�---YLI�._ J Ll / f Fl J 1 l � f F u N t n C _ LEGEND p, V 7�p TEXAS Cl T 1 OF HOLO, 1 t.L]_AS Prepared by PLANNING AREAS KLEIN ENGINEERING, INC. CIEOLO E.T.J. --•-- CIEOLO CITY LIMFM DATE: MAY 1, 2002 b 1 I i i L D,, tY� E F- f a� 1 obi 1 10 YEAR PROJECTION LEGEND CITY OF HOLO, TEXAS Prepared by City Urnt Watws Arw PROPOSED WATER SYSTEM MMOVEMENTS KLEIN ENGINEERING, INC. Proposed Water Nam —�____ Mr ng WaW Main IMPACT FEE STUDY — PROP. SUB-MN mm. MY I,= avaFMwaFEenMorenExr,�o,��mcs sM wartm, rexs / OIEEK WEST r B' TOWN CREEK EAST » l 10 YEAR PROJE ON LEGEND CITY OF CEBOLO, TEXAS Prepared w , � PROPOSED WASTEWATER IMPROVB ENTS MTACT FEE STUDY KLEIN ENGINEERING, INC. Proposed Sewer Ex n§on wre wm>, mox f]M / HUMtBAt/ BMRCNM@lTrLL e/cum�s sw.wmm, mus r 88' ROW PavmY � I _ - CIBOLO VALLEY DRIVE I, -� ROW -.. 38Pavml i - �� MAIN ST. EXTENSION i ✓ PFEGFELD \ N ON / oaa � I , \ao� ------ - 1 i LEGEND CjTy OF C HOLO, TEXAS kepamd by ❑bub aq Unft PROPOSED THOROUGHFARE 10 Y.o.dopnse UVIPACT FEE STUDY KMN ENGINEERING, INC mn: MY 1. ffi2 avaimxa�aiem ma nartKa�a uv urtorao, rau I I � f j _J i 1 Fl 1 i l Rk � v X70------� II g s ,ar —� MAN. EL 5EC1T LEGEND CTTY OF HOLO, TEXAS Rep&w by 9geam`d PROPOSED DRAINAGE PAPROVEMEN'TS KLEIN ENGINEERING, INC. IMPACT FEE STUDY mm MY I,= swwlm®,raa a � o OBC64 Cl r� Y: P S.T `T I �----- m - tr _ t2 � V � i II ULTIMATE PR CTION LEGEND CpIy OF CIBOLO, TEXAS Neparedby °bloO1yioe ______ wartrsdMcenrea PROPOSED WATER SYSTEM R"ROVEVM7 S KLEIN ENGINEERING INC Proposed Water Main ------ Misting waser Main I4PACT FEE, STUDY wrtm iµerotao'./rK owvt�s TO �( WEST e _ - TOWN OtEIX EAST J e er w. ------ PROPOSED WASTEWATER Rv PROVE AENI'S KLEIN ENGINEERING, INC. I Proposed em.nm R*APACT FEE STUDY ava eeuae�u eNmorre3rru er+orefsrs euie ewr t, zio¢ s.xunaao,,erws i 0 endo aw omit 10 Ym Dwebpment 20 Ymr Development Full Dwelop n •irr • •ire • • ry. PROPOSED THOROUGHFARE KLEIN ENGINEERING, INC. I WACT FEE STUDY aYainu aaPu eamawartue imm. MY 1, cm2 swunaho, mws