ORD 591 05/27/2003ORDINANCE SQ AN ORDINANCE DONATING THE PARCEL OF LAND DESCRIBED ON EXHIBIT "A" HERETO CONTAINING 0.66 ACRES OF LAND IN THE CITY OF CIBOLO, OWNED BY THE CITY OF CIBOLO TO CIBOLO CREEK MUNICIPAL AUTHORITY TO FACILITATE THE EXPANSION OF CIBOLO CREEK MUNICIPAL AUTHORITY'S EXISTING WASTEWATER COLLECTION SYSTEM TO ASSIST THE CITY OF CIBOLO, TEXAS. WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Cibolo desires to facilitate the expansion of the Cibolo Creek Municipal Authority's wastewater collection system serving the City of Cibolo, and; WHEREAS, in order for Cibolo Creek Municipal Authority to facilitate the expansion of it's existing wastewater collection system, Cibolo Creek Municipal Authority will need the donation of 0.66 acres of land more particularly described on Exhibit "A" from the City of Cibolo, and; WHEREAS, it is deemed and found by the City Council of the City of Cibolo that it is in the best interest of the City of Cibolo, Texas that the City of Cibolo donate to the Cibolo Creek Municipal Authority the property described on Exhibit "A" hereto in order to facilitate Cibolo Creek Municipal Authority's expansion of it's existing wastewater collection system serving the City of Cibolo. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CIBOLO, TEXAS: That the City Council of the City of Cibolo, Texas hereby donates to the Cibolo Creek Municipal Authority the property more particularly described on Exhibit "A" hereto. 2. That the Mayor is hereby authorized to sign a Special Warranty Deed from the City of Cibolo to the Cibolo Creek Municipal Authority for the property described on Exhibit "A" hereto. Attest:ry City of Cibolo, Texas r,� Mayor I I' ciDo =aw Seuj Lnjw muoWSW�NTmpomrym MF-dw Cw c .ff WIrv090B10.66A�dm PgcI of] EXHIBIT "A" FIELD NOTES DESCRIBING 0.66 ACRES OF LAND IN THE CITY OF CIBOLO, GUADALUPE COUNTY, TEXAS Being 0.66 acres of land situated within the William Bracken Survey Number 65, Abstract 57, City of Cibolo, Guadalupe County, Texas. Said 0.66 acres of land being out of that certain 19.30 acre tract of land as described in Warranty Deed, dated April 7, 1997, Grantor: Doris Trotti Owens, Grantee: City of Cibolo, Texas, recorded in volume 1262, page 712 of the Deed Records of Guadalupe County, Texas. A plat of survey has been prepared to accompany these field notes. The bearings recited herein are based on the hereinabove Warranty Deed recorded in volume 1262, page 712. Said 0.66 acres of land being more particularly described as follows: Commencing at a found iron pin being the southeast corner of Main Street and Loop 539 (Old F.M. 78) in the City of Cibolo. Said found iron pin being the northwest comer of the hereinabove 19.30 acre tract of land; Thence with the north line of the 19.30 acre tract of land, and with the south right-of-way of Loop 539 (Old F.M. 78), North 59050'59" East, 140.16 feet to a found iron pin; Thence North 79°08'59" East, 75.63 feet to a found iron pin; Thence North 59151'24" East, 390.08 feet to a set herein described 0.66 acre tract of land. herein described 0.66 acre tract of land; iron pin being the POINT OF BEGINNING of this Said set iron pin being the northwest comer of this THENCE continuing with the north line of the 19.30 acre tract of land and with the south right-of-way of Loop 539 (Old F.M. 78), North 59051'24" East, 146.45 feet to a set iron pin being a point of curvature; THENCE along the arc of a curve to the right, having a central angle of 02132'23", a radius of 651.80 feet, an arc distance of 28.89 feet, a chord bearing of North 61007'36" East, a chord distance of 28.89 feet to a found iron pin being the upper northeast comer of this herein described 0.66 acre tract of land, and being the west comer of the called 0.09 acre tract of land mentioned in volume 1262, page 712; THENCE leaving the north line of the 19.30 acre tract of land, and leaving the south right-of-way of Loop 539 (Old F.M. 78), South 25°58'51" East, 81.68 feet to a set iron pin being a reentrant comer of this herein described 0.66 acre tract of land. Said set iron pin being the south comer of the called 0.09 acre tract mentioned in volume 1262, page 712; THENCE with a lower north line of the 19.30 acre tract of land, North 64°01'09" East, 49.29 feet to a set iron pin being the lower northeast comer of this herein described 0.66 acre tract of land. Said set iron pin being the east comer of the called 0.09 acre tract of land mentioned in volume 1262, page 712, from which a found iron pin being a corner of the 19.30 acre tract of land, on the south right-of-way of Loop 539 (Old F.M. 78) bears, as a reference, North 25°58'51" West, 81.17 feet; Page 1 of 2 Bill W. Callender, ILLS. * Land Surveying * 1017 Harriet * Canyon Lake, TX 78133 * (830) 899-3260 FIELD NOTES DESCRIBING 0.66 ACRES OF LAND IN THE CITY OF CIBOLO, GUADALUPE COUNTY, TEXAS (continued) THENCE entering the 19.30 acre tract of land, South 25°58'51" East, 64.48 feet to the southeast comer of this herein described 0.66 acre tract of land; THENCE South 59051'24" West 213.89 feet to the southwest comer of this herein described 0.66 acre tract of land; THENCE North 30008'36" West, 150.00 feet to the Place of Beginning and containing 0.66 acres of land in the City of Cibolo, Guadalupe County, Texas according to a survey made on the ground under my supervision on April 28, 2003. Page 2 of 2 151 Callender Registered Professional Land Surveyor No. 4777 Bill W. Callender, ARL.S. *Land Surveying * 1017 Harriet *Canyon Lake, TX 78133 *(830) 899-3260 P.t,P DELTA: 020 32'23" �e D �2so �rqi RADIUS: 651.80' F' 7 ARC: 28.139, e e- c CRD. BRG.: N610 07'36"E °• °s '�- 7,- CHORD: 28.89' 496, PAC, s nJ� CY Scalel"-60' Aq �.� yah yOo � � y `. gyp° a �\i • \ \ moo, at y ,�, C Q0' I6O0 0h ?hp, n'o+ 0 OBS O hO'� F.1•P' o `'g E ho NZ9^08 pG• 1�2 .? 15.63 ,9 30 Q0. ,Z62. F. 1. P. F.1. P. �L1,4 f ti S' T,Q FST FIELD NOTES HAVE BEEN PREPARED a6c>Qm: TO ACCOMPANY THIS PLAT OF SURVEY P.I.P. • FOUND OPH PDI F.I.P. - 367 NONNPIII P.O.D.- POINT OF MOINNINO THE BEARINGS SHOWN HEREON ARE BASED ON FzLD NOT66 ON WARRANTY DEED RECORDED IN Cibolo Creek Municipal Authority P.O. BOX 930 • SCHERTZ, TEXAS 78154 (210) 658-6241 • FAX: (210) 658-5830 Serving the Community Since 1977 May 15, 2003 Mr. Chuck Balcar City of Cibolo P.O. Box 88 Cibolo, TX 78108 Dear Chuck: Enclosed please find an Ordinance, intended for the City's use, regarding donation of 0.66 acres of land in Cibolo to CCMA. Also enclosed is Exhibit W: copy of Field Notes describing referenced 0.66 acres and copy of survey on this property. As discussed, please place this Ordinance on the next City Council agenda If you have any questions, please contact me at your convenience. Sincerely, David R. Dennis General Manager :Enclosures