ORD 583 11/26/2002ORDINANCE NO. f v 6
SECTION IV General and Administrative Provisions 6
SECTION V Prohibited Signs 9
SECTION VI Allowed Signs Not Needing Permits 10
SECTION VII Off -Premise Signs 13
SECTION VIII On -Premise Signs
SECTION II Objective
SECTION M Definitions
SECTION IV General and Administrative Provisions 6
SECTION V Prohibited Signs 9
SECTION VI Allowed Signs Not Needing Permits 10
SECTION VII Off -Premise Signs 13
SECTION VIII On -Premise Signs
SECTION DC Historic Sign District
SECTION X Charts and Drawings
SECTION XI Penalties for Violations
SECTION XII Repeal Clause 22
SECTION XIII Savings Clause 22
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The City of Cibolo, Texas recognizes the needs of businesses and others to communicate with the public,
and the needs of the public to be able to identify that business, the safety of the public, and community
appearance. It is intended that this Ordinance regulate the location, size, construction, erection, duration,
use and maintenance of certain signs within the jurisdiction of the City.
The City of Cibolo, Texas adopted this Ordinance on Signs in order to specifically protect the health,
safety and welfare of its citizens, to protect the convenience and enjoyment of its citizens, to protect the
public from damage or injury caused or attributed to distractions and destruction caused by improperly
designed or located signs, to promote property values, to promote community environmental setting and
appearance especially where tourism or scenic beauty is important, and to support the objectives of the
individual zoning districts.
The following words, terms, and phrases when used in this Ordinance shall have the meanings ascribed to
them in this Section, except where the context clearly indicates a different meaning.
A. A -frame or sandwich We sign: A foldable or collapsible sign meant to be easily moveable.
B. Billboard: Any flat surface erected on a framework or on any structure, or attached to posts
and used for, or designed to be used for, the display of advertising material. Signs that are
over one hundred (100) square feet.
C. Hardship: A condition that would result in the closing or elimination of any lawful business
not created by personal difficulties of the owner.
D. Mall: Any concentration of retail stores and/or service establishments that share customer
parking area and have common connections, common areas and connecting walkways,
whereby a customer in one store or establishment may walk to another store or establishment
without leaving the development.
E. Multiple -Sided Sims: Signs having greater than two (2) equal sized sides. All triangular
signs, cube -type signs, or multiple -sided signs that form a total enclosure of any geometric
shape, the total square footage of all sides of such signs will be counted to compute the
allowable square footage of sign area also considered advertising face. All sides of a
triangular sign, cube -type sign, or multiple -sided sign shall be considered as the total square
footage of sign area.
F. Shopping Center: Two (2) or more retail stores and/or service establishments, or one (1) or
more retail store and one (1) or more service establishment sharing customer parking area and
entrance ways, regardless of whether said stores and/or establishments occupy the same or
separate structures or are under separate ownership.
G. Sigg (ingeneral): A name, identification, description, display or illustration that is affixed to
or represented directly or indirectly upon a building, structure or piece of land that directs
attention to an object, person, product, place, activity, institution or business. A bumper
sticker shall not be deemed a sign under this Ordinance.
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H. Sipn Area: The area also considered advertising face of any sign shall be the sum of the area
enclosed by the minimum imaginary rectangles, triangles, or circles that fully contain all
extremities of the sign, including the frame but excluding any supports. To compute the
allowable square footage of sign area, only one (1) side of a double face sign shall be
considered providing both sides are of equal size. Sign area for all other signs shall be the
sum of the area of the minimum imaginary rectangles, triangles or circles that fully contain all
words, numbers, figures, devices, designs or trademarks by which anything is made known.
I. Sign Height: Sign height measurement shall be the vertical distance between the highest part
of the sign, or the supporting structure whichever is higher. The ground level measurement
and/or minimum clearance measurement shall be made from a horizontal line extending from
the centerline of the road grade closest to the base of the sign up to the bottom of the sign.
Sign Locations: Signs located along highways of limited access are to include those along
Interstate Highway 10 and Interstate Highway 35. Signs along highways not of limited
access would include State Farm to Market Road 78 and State Farm to Market Road 1103.
K. Sign Permit: A Sign Permit under this Ordinance will be issued on a Building Permit.
L. Sign Setback: The horizontal distance between a sign and the property line, as measured from
the property line(s) to the closest edge(s) of the sign.
M. Sign, Abandoned/Obsolete: Signs that advertise a product, service or business no longer
available or in operation, a sign that is not being maintained. Lapsing a period of six (6)
months after the cessation of a product, service or business at said location shall be presumed
that the on -premise sign is abandoned. Including any subsequent off -premise signs pertaining
to the same.
N. Sign, Advertising: Any sign that's purpose it is to attract attention to a business, product,
service, activity, or belief. To include a message(s) of a non -advertising nature.
O. Sign, Advertising Vehicle or Trailer: Any vehicle or trailer that has as its primary purpose the
advertisement of products or direction of people to a business or activity, whether located on
or off -premise of such business or activity. To include a message(s) of a non -advertising
P. Sign, Auxiliary: Any sign indicating general information such as trading stamps, credit cards,
official notices or services required by law, trade associations and signs giving directions to
offices, restrooms, exits and like facilities. References to a service, business, name, or
pricing shall disqualify a sign as an auxiliary sign.
Q. Sign, Banner: Any sign intended to be hung either with or without frames, possessing colors,
characters, letters, illustrations or ornamentation applied to paper, plastic, fabric, or netting of
any kind, supported by wire, rope, webbing, or similar means.
R. Sign, Bench: Any sign painted on or affixed to a bench normally used for seating, indoors or
S. Sign, Builder Directional: Any temporary builder signs (signs that contain the name and/or
logo of the builder) that announce a new subdivision, model homes, lots that have sold, or
that indicate lots available. These signs are commonly referred to as "bandit signs".
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T. Sign, Changeable: Electronically controlled intermittent light impulses or alternating panels
consisting of letters, words, or numerals that can either change sequentially or travel across
the display area.
U. Sign, Community Services: Any sign that solicits support for or advertises a non-profit
community use, public use or social institution. Such signs may include, but shall not be
limited to, seasonal holiday such as Christmas or Easter, school activities, charitable programs,
fund raisers, volunteer, or religious activities. Signs may have organizations name and/or logo
displayed provided that the same shall not constitute more than thirty (30%) percent of the
V. Sign. Construction prroiect and contractor's: A sign temporarily placed on a construction site
identifying the project, and/or owner, developer contractor, architect, and may include other
information regarding the project (such as remodeling signs).
W. Sign, Damaged: A sign, that is unsafe, unsecured, disfigured, or broken. Any sign that has
become so deteriorated or dilapidated as to require more than minimal reconditioning to
restore it to an average, normal state of repair.
X. Sign, Directory; A sign, that indicates the name and/or address of the owner or occupant, the
address of the premises, and/or identification of any legal business or occupation, that may
exist at the premises.
Y. Sign, Flag: National or State Flags, flags political, professional, religious, educational or
those of corporate organizations, providing such flags only display names, emblems,
insignias, or logos.
Z. Sign. Freestanding: A sign that is attached to or part of a completely self-supporting structure.
The supporting structure shall be set firmly in or below the ground surface and shall not be
attached to any building or any other structure whether portable or stationary.
AA. Si n. Garage Sale: Temporary signs announcing the weekend selling of items at a resident,
community hall, or social gathering place.
BB. Sign, Governmental: Any sign indicating public works projects, public service or other
programs or activities conducted or required by any governmental subdivision. This is also
considered a Community Service Sign.
CC. Sign, Illegal: A sign that requires a permit and that is erected without a permit. A sign that is
erected without property owner permission. A sign that is erected in a zone without meeting
minimum requirements of that zone, or a sign otherwise prohibited by Section V of this
DD. Sign, Industrial Park or Commercial: Any sign used to mark the entrance to a specific
Industrial Park or Commercial property. High or low profile permanent sign designed in such
a way as to indicate the name of the specific Industrial Park or Commercial property and
placed at or near the main entry to such Industrial Park or Commercial property.
EE. Si®. Monument: Signs whether earthen mound types, or erected of block, brick, concrete,
stone, or like and/or similar materials.
FF. Sign, Preexisting Non -Conforming; Signs that do not conform to the requirements of the Sign
Ordinance or zoning district that they are located in or the Zoning Ordinance Standards, but
that did meet all requirements prior to adoption or amendment of the Ordinance.
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GG. Sign, Pennant: A long, narrow, usually triangular flag composed primarily of cloth, paper,
fabric or other similar non -rigid material that may be used to announce grand openings and/or
special events. Pennants shall follow the same regulations as flags.
HE Sieh. Permanent: A sign that is securely attached to a wall, roof, or freestanding signpost.
11. Sipa, Political: Any sign announcing or promoting the candidacy of one or more persons for
elective public office, concerning any political issue appearing or that is to appear, on the
ballot in any public election, or otherwise relating to issues of national, state, or local
governmental affairs.
JJ. Sign, Portable -or Mobile: Any sign, excluding A -frame or sandwich -type signs, designed or
constructed to be easily moved from one location to another, including advertising vehicles or
trailers. Signs mounted upon or designed to be mounted upon a trailer, wheel carrier, or other
non -motorized mobile structure. A portable and/or mobile sign that has its wheels removed
shall still be considered a portable sign hereunder.
KK. Sign, Prohibited: Any sign not allowed for specifically within this Ordinance.
LL. Sign. Realty: Any sign used to advertise a real estate development site, commercial or
residential property, or to advertise that real estate is for sale, lease, or rent. (See Sections
VI. 16 and VIII. 10 of this Ordinance).
MM. Sign, Roof: A sign that is mounted on, and is wholly supported by the roof of a building and
does not extend beyond the wall line.
NN. Sign, Streamer: A long, narrow strip of cloth, paper or ribbon used separately or with banner
signs or pennant signs to announce grand openings and/or special events.
00. Sin, Subdivision: Any sign used to mark the entrance to a specific subdivision (residential
subdivision and manufactured home park subdivision). Shall be a low profile permanent sign
designed in such a way as to indicate the name of the specific community and placed at the
main entry/exit to such community.
PP. Sign, Temporary: Any sign, the use of which is limited to a period of ninety (90) consecutive
days. Signs used longer must conform to the requirements for a permanent sign.
QQ. Sign, Wall: Any sign painted on, attached to or projecting from the wall surface of a building
(whether permanent or portable), including window signs and signs on awnings and/or
RR Variance: (Can only be granted by the City Council.) An exceptional condition that poses a
practical difficulty or particular hardship in such a way as to prevent an owner from
displaying his/her sign as intended by this Ordinance. Such practical difficulty must be
clearly exhibited and must be a result of an external influence and not self-imposed.
SS. Visibility Triangle: Triangle sight area would be from the corner of converging streets or
roads. To a distance of twenty five (25') feet along each street, curb, or road edge which ever
extends farther from the centerline, with the triangle completed by drawing a line through the
property from both ends of the twenty five (25') foot street right-of-ways. Unless otherwise
specified. (see drawings Section X)
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For the enforcement of this Ordinance, the following provisions shall pertain to all Sections of this
Permit: Shall be required for all signs except provided for in Section VI of this Ordinance.
A. Application: The application for a permit shall be made by the company, contractor, firm, or
person that is to alter, construct, convert, demolish, enlarge, erect, improve, move, place,
remove, or repair any sign. Authorization in writing from the owner, tenant, or leaseholder of
the property that the sign is to be located on, or their authorized agent shall be with the permit
application. The company, contractor, firm, or person that is to perform the work shall
submit the permit application, and they shall be a registered contractor with the City of
Cibolo. Such permit application shall be made in writing on forms furnished by City Hall or
the Code Enforcement Department/Building Inspection Department and shall be signed by the
applicant. Each permit application for a sign will be assigned a number. Upon approval of
the sign, the number and date of approval will be permanently affixed to the sign.
B. Business owners and/or homeowners need not be a registered contractor with the City of
Cibolo providing the work is done wholly by them, and a permit is required.
C. Issuance of Permits: The Code Enforcement Department/Building Inspection Department
shall, within five (5) working days of the date of permit application, either approve or deny
the permit application or refer the permit application back to the applicant in instances where
insufficient information has been furnished.
D. Permit Application Information: The following plans or other information shall accompany
the application for a permit.
1) The name, address, and telephone number of the property owner(s), persons entitled to
possession of the sign, and/or property, and the sign contractor or erector.
2) The location by street address or lot and block number of the proposed sign.
3) A site plan and elevation drawing or other artistic representation to accurate scale
showing the exact sign proposed. The size, message (textual and pictorial), color,
shape, and it's location on the property.
4) The caption of the proposed sign, and any other data that is pertinent to the application.
5) Plans indicating the scope and structural detail of the work to be done, how it is to be
fastened, including details of all connections, guy wires, supports and footing and
material to be used.
6) Application for, and required information for such applications, an electrical permit for
all electric signs. A written statement whether the person building the sign is to make
the electrical connections.
7) If the sign will have no electric power and will not be illuminated, a statement to that
8) A statement of value.
E. Guidelines for regulations may be controlled by the building, plumbing, electrical,
mechanical, or zoning codes as adopted by the City Ordinances.
2. Fees: The permit fee for signs shall be based on the following schedule:
Total square feet
of sign face
$ 30.00
901 or greater
The permit fee for flagpoles shall be one ($1.00) dollar per linear foot based on the overall length of
the flagpole.
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3. Inspection: Two (2) Inspections will be required, a Preliminary Site Inspection and Final Inspection.
4. Fee for Reinspection: In the event, a reinspection is necessary of a sign(s). The person, firm,
corporation, contractor, company, or business that secured the original sign permit shall pay
reinspection fees as follows.
A. For first reinspection $35.00
B. For each additional reinspection thereafter $50.00
5. Changing a Permit: When the Code Enforcement Department/Building Inspection Department has
issued a permit, it shall be unlawful to change, modify, alter, or otherwise depart from the terms or
conditions of such permit without prior approval of the Code Enforcement Officers or Building
Inspectors. A written record of such approval shall be entered upon the original permit application
and maintained in the files of the Code Enforcement Department/Building Inspection Department.
6. Completion of Work: If the work authorized under a permit has not been completed within six (6)
months after the date of issuance said permit shall become null and void, and another permit will be
required to continue, and there shall be no refund of any fees required.
Variance: It is the intent of this Ordinance to use variances only to achieve parity among signs
similarly located and classified, providing the spirit and intent of the Ordinance is met. Specifically,
variances are to be used to overcome some unique special conditions not generally found within the
City, exceptional conditions that pose practical difficulty, or a particular hardship in such a way as to
prevent an owner from displaying his/her sign as intended by this Ordinance. Such practical difficulty
must be clearly exhibited and must be a result of an external influence; it may not be self-imposed.
A. Petition for Variance: Filing a variance request shall be filed in writing with the City Building
Inspection Official or City Hall and shall include the following information:
1) The names, addresses and telephone numbers of the petitioners, the owner of the
property on which the sign is to be erected or affixed, the owner of the sign, and the
person to be erecting or affixing the sign.
2) A description of the requested variance.
3) Justification of the requested variance. (A detailed explanation why the variance is
being requested)
4) The location of the building, structure, or lot that the sign is to be erected on or affixed
5) A site plan of the property involved, showing accurate placement thereon of the
proposed sign.
6) A blueprint or ink drawing of the plans and specifications of the sign to be erected or
affixed and method of construction. Such plans and specifications shall include details
of dimensions, materials, color, and weight. As per Section IV. LD.
7) The written consent of the owner of the building structure or property that the sign is to
be erected on or affixed to.
8) Such other information as the City Building Inspection Official may require
determining full compliance with this and other applicable Ordinances of the City.
B. Fee schedules set forth for variances: Fees are not refundable after approval or denial.
I) Any pre -construction variance petition shall beset at $100.00.
2) Any post -construction variance petition shall beset at $1,000.00.
C. Attendance at City Council meeting: Attendance of the petitioner(s) is recommended, and
City representatives shall attend those meetings of the City Council at which a variance is to
be heard.
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D. Standards for Variance: City Council may grant a variance when it has been determined from
evidence that the variance will not:
1) Alleviate a hardship or unusual practical difficulty created by owner.
2) Be inconsistent with the intent, purpose, and objectives of this Ordinance.
3) Adversely affect the health, safety, or welfare of the public, and will not be contrary to
public interest.
E. Effect of Denial: No requested variance that has been denied in accordance with the
provisions established herein, may be resubmitted for a period of one (1) year from the date
of said denial, except on grounds of new evidence or proof of changed conditions found to be
valid by the Code Enforcement Officer.
F. Revocation of Approved Variance: In any case where no work pertinent thereto has been
initiated within six (6) months from the date of approval of the requested variance, then
without further action, said variance shall become null and void.
G. Maintenance of Records: The City Building Inspection Official shall maintain complete
records of all findings of fact and recommendations of the City Council relative to a
requested variance. All such records shall be open to the public for inspection.
8. Certificate of Occupancy: Approval for each new business, facility, or office desiring to continue
using or create a new sign shall be contingent upon approval of a Certificate of Occupancy.
9. Portable or Mobile Signs: All portable or mobile signs shall be securely anchored to the ground
(preferably by cross staking at each point of contact with the ground). Portable or mobile signs shall
be considered temporary signs, and will be issued a temporary building permit for a total of ninety
(90) days, either consecutively or for two forty five (45) day periods non consecutively, in any
twelve month time frame.
10. Identification of Signs: All signs, where applicable, shall meet the standards of the City Building
Codes and have the sign permit number and approval date affixed.
11. Conflict of Definitions: In the event that more than one sign -related definition or regulation applies to
an existing or proposed sign, resulting in conflicting regulations thereupon, the stricter definition shall
12. Maintenance of Signs: Every sign shall be maintained in good structural condition at all times. No
permit shall be required for the normal maintenance of any sign or repainting of the original sign
message. All signs shall be kept neatly painted, or otherwise maintained including all metal parts and
supports thereof that are not galvanized or of rust resistant material. The Code Enforcement Officer
or Building Inspector or his authorized representative, shall inspect and shall have the authority to
order the painting, repair, alteration, or removal of a sign that shall constitute a nuisance, a hazard to
safety, health, or public welfare by reason of inadequate maintenance, dilapidation, or obsolescent.
Changing of the sign message (limited to signs originally designed with removable letters) is limited
to changing messages without changing the sign or its components, changing existing plastic message
panels or letters is normal maintenance. Cleaning and replacement of bulbs or fluorescent tubes is
normal maintenance. Changing of the complete sign message, alterations to the sign, or major repairs
(replacement of more than twenty (20%) percent of the sign back to the original condition) shall not
be considered normal maintenance and will require a permit.
13. Enforcement of Ordinance: The Code Enforcement Officers are hereby authorized and directed to
enforce all the provisions of this Ordinance. For the purpose of enforcing the provisions thereof, the
Code Enforcement Officers and the duly authorized representatives in the Building Inspection
Department may enter any building, structure, or premises during reasonable hours to perform any
duty imposed upon them by this Ordinance.
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14. Preexisting Non -Conforming Signs: When a preexisting non -conforming sign becomes abandoned,
damaged, or unsafe it shall be brought into compliance with this Ordinance. Damaged or unsafe signs
requiring replacement or repair of more than forty (40%) percent of the sign back to a safe condition
shall required to be brought into compliance with this Ordinance.
I. Signs not specifically described or allowed in this Ordinance.
2. Balloons or other gas filled advertisement device.
3. Builder directional signs (commonly referred to as bandit signs) except as specified in Section VI.
4. Home occupation signs that advertise for a business operated in the home.
5. Illuminated signs (illuminated from the exterior or within) that are illuminated in such a manner, to
such intensity, or without shielding so as to constitute a hazard to the operation of motor vehicles
upon any public street or road or substantially interfere with the reasonable enjoyment of residential
6. No permanent sign shall be located within ten (10') feet of an easement with underground utilities.
7. Signs attached, placed, painted, or otherwise erected upon any street lamppost, telephone pole, fire
hydrant, bridge, public building, or any other public property (without permission) other than
governmental signs.
8. Signs blocking or interfering with pedestrians traveling on sidewalks or walkways.
9. Signs illuminated in such a manner as to obscure or otherwise interfere with the effectiveness of an
official traffic sign, signal, device, or so as to obstruct or interfere with the view of a driver of
approaching, emerging, or intersecting traffic, or so as to prevent any traveler on any street or road
from obtaining a clear view of approaching vehicles for a distance of two hundred fifty (250') feet
along any street or road.
10. Signs located within a ten -foot radius of any power line, pole, or crossbar or creating a hazard to
vehicular or pedestrian safety. No sign may be located within a public right-of-way or within ten
(10') feet of any public street or road.
11. Signs placed in the visibility triangle.
12. Signs placed on property without permission of the owner or agent of the property.
13. Signs that physically or visually block, any governmental entity signs, fire escapes, doors, or
14. Signs that emit sound, smoke, or steam.
15. Signs that imitate or resemble any official traffic sign, signal, or device. Signs that obscure, hide, or
block a clear view of traffic warning or control signals/signs, pedestrian crosswalks, or handicapped
curbside ramps.
16. Signs that visually block the ability of a motorist to see approaching traffic at any intersection or
converging streets or roads.
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17. Signs with flashing/rotating, moving lights, revolving beam, beacon, strobe lights and/or signs,
message boards that are electronically controlled by intermittent light impulses or alternating panels
consisting of letters, words, or numerals that can either change sequentially or travel across the
display area. Other than time and temperature signs, emergency signs, school zone signs, or other
governmental signs. Exemption for neon lights.
18. Signs with obscene words, scenes, or graphics.
19. Unsafe, abandoned, and damaged signs including signs within safety clearances of electrical and
utility lines and aircraft flight zones. Abandoned signs in good condition may be painted over or
neutralized and not be deemed abandoned under this Ordinance. Any unsafe, abandoned, or damaged
signs and their supports shall be removed or repaired within thirty (30) days from the date of notice
from the Code Enforcement Department. The Code Enforcement Officer shall have the authority to
grant a time extension not exceeding an additional thirty (30) days.
All signs under this Section shall comply with all guidelines and regulations that pertain to such signs
established under other Sections of this Ordinance.
Agricultural and Residential Signs:
A. Farm Product Information Signs, commercial logos of farm co-ops, and other organizations
painted or displayed as decals on farm equipment, buildings, silos, and tanks.
B. Mail boxes and newspaper boxes that contain the logo of subscriber's newspaper.
C. For Sale, For Rent, or For Lease Signs on vehicles, boats, trailers, and/or buildings. It shall
not exceed two (2) square feet in area and no more than two (2) like, similar, or identical
signs per parcel or tract of land will be allowed.
2. Commercial and Industrial Signs:
A. Public Service Identification Signs, and signs for restrooms, credit cards accepted, business
hours of operation, trading stamps, trade association memberships, fuel and car wash
available, vending machine signs (signs not to exceed three (3) square feet). Signs for fuel
pumps, oil and supplies racks, barber poles, and changing of prices on pricing signs.
B. Magnetic Signs or signs painted on vehicles that are operative and having current license
registration and current motor vehicle inspection. Vehicles used at a construction site or farm
may display the owner's name, company's name, family name, estate, or farm name.
C. A business or company nameplate may be displayed on the face of the building. The
nameplate will contain only the name of the business or company. It shall be attached
directly to and parallel to the face of the building. It shall not exceed two (2) square feet in
area overall.
3. Community Service Signs: To include but not limited to school or college supporter signs, church
social event signs; but do not advertise a commercial product or service. Signs shall pertain to or
shall be located on the property of the person or organization displaying the sign (On -premise signs
only). Signs shall not exceed four (4) square feet in area overall.
4. Community Support Signs: Signs that promotes community spirit and supports public or semi-public
organizations; but do not advertise a commercial product or service. Not consisting of a portable sign
as defined by this Ordinance. To include but not limited to Military support signs (Go Navy, U. S.
Marines, Go Army, Air Force), birthday signs, no trespassing signs, burglar alarm signs, etc. Signs
shall pertain to or shall be located on the property of the person or organization displaying the sign
(On -premise signs only). Signs shall not exceed four (4) square feet in area overall.
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5. Flags: National, State, or decorative flags: Physically attached to a business and/or residency only.
Flagpole length shall not exceed seven (7) feet, and flags shall not exceed fifteen (15) square feet with
no more than one (1) flag permitted per flagpole. No more than three (3) flagpoles attached per
business and/or residency.
6. Handicapped Signs:
A. Authority: Standards and specifications adopted by the State of Texas in accordance with
Americans with Disabilities Act, Texas Department of Licensing and Regulations, Texas
Accessibility Standards.
B. Reservation of Parking: Accessible parking spaces shall be identified and reserved for the
handicapped by a vertical sign incorporating the international symbol for handicapped
persons and placed so that it will not be obscured by parked vehicles.
C. The signage shall be of such size that it is legible from a distance that would be reasonable for
the conditions. Size, color, and contents will be in accordance with the American National
Standards Institute standards and specifications.
D. Alternative signs: When conditions exist that preclude the use of vertical signage, suitable
phrases or symbols sufficient in size, permanency, meaning and location so as to adequately
serve the intent may be accepted.
7. Historical Markers: Roadside markers indicating points of historical interest. Including the one -mile
indicator signs.
8. Historical Plaques, Denoting a historical event or place approved by the Daughters of the Republic of
Texas, Texas Historical Commission Conservation Society, or National Society of the Preservation of
Historical Sites.
9. Instructional Signs: Signs providing no advertising of any kind, that provide direction or instruction to
guide persons to facilities intended to serve the public, including but not specifically limited to the
signs identifying restrooms, public telephones, public walkways, parking areas, and other similar
facilities. As approved by the Code Enforcement Department/Building Inspection Department.
10. Menu Boards: Under six (6) square feet. See Section VIII.7.
11. Name Plate Residential: A nameplate may be displayed on the face of the building or porch. The
nameplate will contain only the name of the owner or occupant of the building. It shall be attached
directly to and parallel to the face of the building or porch. Maximum four (4") inch letter height and
it shall not exceed two (2) square feet in area overall.
12. Official Signs:
A. Traffic Control Signs authorized by any governmental agency.
B. Signs, notices, placards, certificates, and official papers, authorized or required by any statute,
government agency, or court.
C. Public Utility Warning and underground line identification signs.
D. Marker Signs used by a public utility holding a franchise from the City of Cibolo.
13. Personally owned classic and/or antique advertising memorabilia on ones personal premise.
14. Plaques, Commemorative, logos, and cornerstones when shown and approved as part of a building
with its construction permit.
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15. Political Signs: Although political signs do not require permits, the City of Cibolo desires to maintain
some degree of conformity concerning these signs. The maximum size of any political sign may not
exceed thirty two (32) square feet in non-residential areas, and six (6) square feet in residential areas.
Those placing political signs are hereby requested to, but not ordered to limit the number of signs to
not more than three (3) like, similar, or identical signs per property out of respect for the beliefs and
values of their neighbors. Political signs shall be considered temporary signs. Permission must be
obtained from the property owner at the sign's location prior to installation. Political signs must be
removed within two (2) weeks of the end of election or run off. Political signs are prohibited from
being placed in any public right-of-way.
16. Realty Signs: Signs placed or erected by a licensed real estate agent, firm, or company. Signs that
advertise a parcel of land or a structure for rent, lease, or sale, and open house signs (On -premise
A. In a residential district, the maximum size cannot exceed six (6) square feet.
B. In a commercial district, the maximum size of a sign is not to exceed thirty two (32) square
C. In an agricultural district, the maximum size of a sign is not to exceed thirty two (32) square
D. No more than one (I) sign per street frontage. No more than one (1) sign per parcel or tract of
land will be allowed without a permit.
17. Street Numbers: All residences and businesses shall have a clear and readable street number. It shall
be clearly readable from the street, and may be on the building or in the yard and may include the
name of the occupant. It shall not exceed two (2) square feet in area.
18. Temporary Builder Signs: Any signs that announce a new subdivision, model home, lots that have
sold, or that indicate lots available. No more than two (2) signs shall be placed on any lot or parcel of
land. The maximum size of the sign shall not exceed three (3) square feet. These signs are commonly
referred to as "bandit signs". All temporary builder signs shall be removed within thirty (30) days
after the completion of the construction project on that lot or property. These signs shall be located
on -premise only, placed on lots with model homes and/or lots under construction.
19. Temporary Signs: Temporary signs shall not exceed ninety (90) consecutive days, unless otherwise
A. Construction project and contractor's signs for residential areas shall not to exceed two (2)
square feet in size, non-residential areas shall not exceed thirty two (32) square feet in size.
Signs shall pertain to or shall be located on the property of the person or organization
displaying the sign. All such contractor or construction signs shall be removed within thirty
(30) days after the completion of the construction project.
B. Business window signs advertising periodic sales, special events, home tours, signs for
carnivals, street fairs, parades, and fundraisers.
C. Annual event signs sanctioned by the City. (Cibolo Fest, Cibolo Volunteer Fire Dept.
D. Holiday seasonal decorations.
E. Garage sale signs showing the address, date, and times when said sale would take place.
Garage sale signs shall not be erected earlier than seven (7) days before the sale, and shall be
removed no later than three (3) days following the sale. No more than four (4) Garage sales
per year per addressed location.
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Definition: Any sign that does not relate to the premises that it is located on, referring to names, locations,
products, persons, accommodations, services or activities not on the premises, or the sale, lease or
construction of other premises. All signs under this Section shall comply with all guidelines that pertain
to such signs set forth under other Sections of this Ordinance. Unless specified elsewhere no off premise
sign shall exceed sixty nine (69) square feet total sign area.
1. A -frame or Sandwich type Sign: These signs shall be used for auxiliary information. Signs shall be
securely anchored against overturning, uplifting, and sliding. These signs shall be considered
auxiliary signs and shall be considered temporary signs. These signs shall not exceed six (6) square
feet in area. No more than one (1) like, similar, or identical signs per street or road frontage will be
2. Banners: Cloth banner signs without frame may project over and across a street right-of-way provided
they are of a non-commercial nature, not for private profit events. Non-profit organizations are
required to submit a copy of their tax exemption certificate. The banners shall be at least fourteen
(14') feet above the street grade. Banners shall be considered temporary and not displayed for more
than thirty (30) days.
3. Community Services Signs: Signs shall be a minimum four (4) square feet and not to exceed thirty
two (32) square feet. These signs shall be considered temporary signs. These signs shall not be
placed in a residentially zoned area. These signs will be allowed in agricultural areas that overlap a
residentially zoned area.
4. Freestanding Signs: No more than one (1) sign shall be permitted for each property, however no sign
shall be placed on property that is between the minimum spacing of signs. Freestanding signs shall
not be placed within seven hundred (700') feet of a residentially zoned area. Freestanding signs shall
not be spaced less than twenty five hundred (2500') feet apart. The base of the sign shall be set back
a minimum of five (5') feet from the property line.
A. Sign Material: Sign material shall be attached securely to the sign backing or framework,
methods may include but not limited to painted on, glued, bolted, or similar means. Straps,
buckles, clips, or similar attachments shall not be considered secured. No sign shall use as a
covering or as the signs advertising surface, a non -rigid material to include but not limited to
vinyl, fabric, sheet plastic, or similar material unless said material is glued on.
B. Maximum Height: Sign height measurement shall be the vertical distance between the highest
part of the sign or the supporting structure whichever is higher. The ground level
measurement and/or minimum clearance measurement shall be made from a horizontal line
extending from the centerline of the road grade closest to the base of the sign up to the
bottom of the sign.
1) Along highways of limited access, sign height shall not exceed twenty five (25') feet.
With a minimum ground clearance of ten (10') feet.
2) Along highways of unlimited access, sign height shall not exceed twenty (20') feet.
With a minimum ground clearance of ten (10') feet.
3) All other City streets and thoroughfares no off -premise signs shall be permitted.
C. Maximum Surface Area: Sign area and/or multiple sided sign area.
1) Along highways of limited access, sign area shall not exceed sixty nine (69) square feet.
2) Along highways of unlimited access, sign area shall not exceed forty five (45) square
3) All other City streets and thoroughfares no off -premise signs shall be permitted.
D. Exceptions: Advertisement signs twenty (20') feet or farther from any street or road edge, and
with a sign area of thirty two (32) square feet or less will not be required to meet the
minimum ground clearance.
E. Signs that are affixed to sign supports of freestanding signs are prohibited.
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5. Political Signs: See Section VI.15.
6. Portable or Mobile Signs:
A. Portable or mobile signs shall not exceed forty eight (48) square feet. The signs may be
electric or non -electric.
B. No part of any sign may be located within a public right-of-way or within ten (10') feet of any
public street or road.
C. No more than one (1) portable sign shall be allowed on any one (1) lot, parcel, or tract of
D. Electrical permit will be required for electric signs.
E. Request for a portable or mobile sign will be accepted from a property owner, tenant, or
leaseholder of the property that the sign is to be located. See Section IV.1.A.
7. Subdivision Sign: Any sign used to advertise a specific subdivision. A permanent or temporary sign
designed in such a way as to indicate the name and location of the specific community. These signs
shall not exceed thirty two (32) square feet of sign area. These signs shall not exceed twelve (12')
feet in height. These signs shall be removed upon completion of the subdivision. Off -premise
subdivision signs shall not be permitted to be illuminated.
Definition: Any sign the content of which relates to the premises that it is located on, referring to names,
locations, products, persons, accommodations, services or activities on the premises, or the sale, lease or
construction of premises. On -premise signs include billboards and outdoor advertising signs and devices.
All signs under this Section shall comply with all guidelines that pertain to such signs set forth under
other Sections of this Ordinance.
1. A -frame or Sandwich type Sign: These signs shall be used for auxiliary information. Signs shall be
taken down and/or moved inside at the close of each business day. These signs shall not exceed six
(6) square feet. These signs shall be considered auxiliary signs.
2. Advertising Vehicles: No person or business shall park an advertising vehicle on a public right-of-way
or on public property. Vehicles shall maintain current license registration and motor vehicle
3. Advertising Vehicle Signs: Vehicles that are inoperable and used, as a permanent advertising sign
shall require a variance.
4. Banners, Flags, Pennants:
A. Banners bearing advertising matter shall be considered an adjunct to wall or freestanding
signs. For the purpose of mounting, they shall meet all City Ordinances and regulations
pertaining thereto. Banners shall be considered temporary signs.
B. Pennants and streamers are permitted for use in conjunction with banners for the
announcement of a grand opening of a business and/or special event.
C. Any banners, pennants, or streamers found to be in need of repair will be promptly brought to
the attention of the owner. The sign(s) will be removed or repaired within ten (10) days of
the date of the written notice.
D. Cloth banner signs without frame may project over and across a street right-of-way provided
they are of a non-commercial nature, not for private profit events. Non-profit organizations
are required to submit a copy of their tax exemption certificate. The banners shall be at least
fourteen (14') feet above the street grade. Banners shall be considered temporary and not
displayed for more than thirty (30) days.
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E. National and/or State flags: Flags that show an emblem or logo of a firm or corporation are
permitted. No more than three (3) flags shall be permitted to be flown on any one (1)
flagpole to include flagpoles equipped with a yardarm. No flag shall exceed the
recommended size for the flagpole using specifications listed in Chart "A" in Section XI.
The flagpole height, not counting the finial, the top of the pole in residential areas shall not
exceed twenty five (25') feet in height from the ground, and in commercial areas (to include
Government Agencies, Police Departments, Fire Stations, Schools, United States Post
Offices, Cemetery's, and places of religious worship) shall not exceed forty five (45') feet in
height from the ground. No more than three (3) flagpoles shall be permitted per property.
The second and/or third flagpole shall not be higher than the primary flagpole. Permit
required for the construction of a flagpole.
Freestanding Signs:
A. Maximum Height: Sign height measurement shall be the vertical distance between the highest
part of the sign or the supporting structure(s) whichever is higher. The ground level
measurement and/or minimum clearance measurement shall be made from a horizontal line
extending from the centerline of the road grade closest to the base of the sign up to the
bottom of the sign.
1) Along highways of limited access, sign height shall not exceed thirty eight (38') feet.
With a minimum ground clearance of eighteen (18') feet.
2) Along highways of unlimited access, sign height shall not exceed thirty two (32') feet.
With a minimum ground clearance of fourteen (14') feet.
3) Along all other City streets and thoroughfares, sign height shall not exceed twenty five
(25') feet. With a minimum ground clearance of seven (7') feet.
B. Exceptions: Business advertisement signs twenty (20') feet or farther from any street or road
edge, and with a sign area of twenty four (24) square feet or less will not be required to meet
the minimum ground clearance. Community service signs thirty (30') feet or farther from any
street or road edge, and with a sign area of sixty (60) square feet or less will not be required
to meet the minimum ground clearance.
C. Maximum Surface Area: Sign area and/or multiple sided sign area.
1) Along highways of limited access, sign area shall not exceed two hundred eighty (280)
square feet.
2) Along highways of unlimited access, sign area shall not exceed one hundred forty (140)
square feet.
3) All other City streets and thoroughfares sign area shall not exceed sixty four (64)
square feet.
D. Comer Lots: On a lot located at the intersection of two major thoroughfares or two
expressways/interstates, or a major thoroughfare and an expressway/interstate. A
freestanding sign shall be permitted on each thoroughfare or expressway/interstate, or one (1)
sign may be placed on the corner.
E. Setback: The base of the sign shall be set back a minimum of five (5') feet from the property
F. Roof Top Signs: Freestanding signs may be placed on the roof of a building provided the
height, setback, square footage, and location requirements of this Section are met. FAA
regulations shall control in case of conflict with standards established by this Section.
G. Sign Material: Sign material shall be attached securely to the sign backing or framework,
methods may include but not limited to painted on, glued, bolted, or similar means. Straps,
buckles, clips, or similar attachments shall not be considered secured. No sign(s) shall use as
a covering or as the signs advertising surface(s), a non -rigid material to include but not
limited to vinyl, fabric, sheet plastic, or similar material unless said material is glued on.
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6. Menu Board Freestanding: A Sign oriented to the drive-through lane for a restaurant that advertises the
menu items available from the drive-through window. Pricing shall be permitted on these signs. Signs'
shall be single faced and may have the business name or logo displayed provided that the same shall
not constitute more than twenty (20%) percent of the sign. Signs shall not exceed thirty six (36) square
7. Menu Boards Non -freestanding: Signs that advertise the menu items and/or lunch specials available at
a restaurant. Pricing shall be permitted on these signs. Signs may be single or double faced and may
have the business name or logo displayed provided that the same shall not constitute more than twenty
(20%) percent of the sign. Signs shall not exceed six (6) square feet in area and no more than one (1)
like, similar, or identical signs per street or road frontage will be allowed. (Shall comply with A -
frame or Sandwich type Sign in this Section.)
8. Number of On Premise Signs: Businesses located adjacent to rail lines, and/or businesses located with
a thoroughfare in front of and directly behind the business may have one (1) freestanding sign and two
(2) signs attached to the building. Businesses located on a corner at an intersection of two major
thoroughfares or two expressways/interstates, or a major thoroughfare and an expressway/interstate
may have one (1) sign attached to the building and one (1) freestanding sign on each thoroughfare or
expressway/interstate or one (1) freestanding sign on the corner. All other business locations shall be
allowed two (2) on premise signs one (1) freestanding and one (1) attached to the building.
9. Portable or Mobile Signs:
A. Portable or mobile signs shall not exceed thirty two (32) square feet. The signs may be
electric or non -electric.
B. No part of any sign may be located within ten (10') feet of any public street, road or public
C. No more than one (1) portable sign shall be allowed on any one (1) lot, parcel, or tract of
D. Electrical permit will be required for electric signs.
E. Request for a portable or mobile sign will be accepted from a business or activity located
on the same premises as the said advertising will be displayed. See Section IV.1.A.
10. Reality Signs: See Section VI. 16.
11. Subdivision signs: Any sign used to mark the entrance to a specific subdivision. A low profile
permanent sign designed in such a way as to indicate the name of the specific community and placed
at the main entry to such community. The signs will contain only the name of the development. Each
entrance (provided the entrances are one thousand (1000') feet or greater apart) may have a maximum
of two (2) subdivision signs (one double sided or two single -sided). One (1) subdivision sign may be
located between the entrances or one (1) subdivision sign may be located on each side of the entrance
or one (1) subdivision sign located in an island (if an island at the entrance was part of the original
platted subdivision). These signs shall not exceed thirty two (32) square feet of sign area. These
signs shall not exceed seven (7') feet in height. Signs may be indirectly illuminated.
12. Temporary Promotional Signs: Any temporary business promotional signs shall only be placed in or
on windows and shall have a combined area not to exceed thirty (30%) percent of the area of all
windows on the same wall. No permit required.
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13. Wall Signs: Signs painted on, attached to or projecting from the wall surface of a building and signs
on awnings and/or marquees.
A. Wall signs projecting four (4") inches or less from the wall.
1) The sign area shall not exceed ten (10%) percent of the owner, tenant, or user's
proportionate share of the building wall that the sign is to be affixed or one hundred
twenty (120) square feet, whichever is less.
2) Wall signs that have an area exceeding forty (40) square feet shall be constructed of
metal or other approved noncombustible material.
3) Exterior wall mounting details. Wall signs attached to exterior walls of solid masonry,
concrete or stone, shall be safely and securely attached by means of metal anchors,
bolts or expansion screws of not less than 3/8 -inch diameter and shall be embedded at
least five (5") inches. Wood blocks shall not be used for anchorage, except in the case
of wall signs attached to buildings with walls of wood. A wall sign shall not be
supported by anchorages secured to an unbraced parapet wall.
4) Wall signs shall not extend above the top of the wall, nor extend beyond the ends of the
wall that the signs are attached unless such signs conform to the requirements for roof
signs, projecting signs, or ground signs.
B. Wall signs projecting four (4") inches or greater from the wall. Signs shall be constructed
entirely of metal or other noncombustible material.
1) Projecting signs shall be permitted in lieu of freestanding signage on any street frontage
limited to one sign per occupancy along any street frontage with public entrance to such
an occupancy, and shall be limited in height and area to one (I) square foot per each
two (2') lineal feet of building frontage per occupancy, except that no such sign shall
exceed an area of twenty (20) square feet. No such sign shall extend vertically above
the highest point of the building facade upon which it is mounted by more than three
(3') feet of the height of the building facade.
2) Such signs shall not extend over a public sidewalk in excess of two thirds (2/3) of the
width of the sidewalk.
3) Such signs shall maintain a clear vertical distance above any public sidewalk a
minimum of ten (10') feet.
14. Shopping Center and Mall Signs:
A. Wall Signs: See Section VIU.13.
1) Number of signs: There shall not be more than one (1) wall sign per each tenant or use
contained in a shopping center or mall. Except where a tenant or use is adjacent to two
(2) or more streets, then additional such signs one (1) oriented to each adjacent street
shall be permitted.
B. Directory Sign:
1) Number: There shall be no more than one (1) directory sign for each shopping center or
2) Height: See section V111.5.A.
3) Contents: Each shopping center or mall directory sign shall be limited to the name and
address of the shopping center or mall (at the top) and the name of the tenants of the
shopping center or mall located on the premise.
4) Sign Area: A directory sign shall not exceed twenty four (24) square feet of upper sign
area for the name of the shopping center or mall, and shall not exceed twelve (12)
square feet for each tenant listed. However all tenants signs within the directory sign
shall be equal in the number of square feet.
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15. Freestanding Sign for Anchor Business:
A. Freestanding Sign for Anchor Business: One (1) freestanding sign is authorized for an anchor
business with the inside area of fifty thousand (50,000) square feet or more in a shopping
B. Sign Area: The total sign area of a freestanding sign shall not exceed two hundred fifty (250)
square feet.
C. Height: In no case shall sign height exceed forty five (45') feet.
D. Setback: The base of the sign shall be set back a minimum of five (5') feet from the property
16. Manufactured Home Park Subdivision and Recreational Vehicle Park: Manufactured Home and
Recreational Vehicle developments may be identified by ground signs at each entrance/exit to the
development. The signs shall contain only the name of the development. The placement of the signs
will not obscure or in any manner block the vision of any driver of a vehicle using the public street or
entering any such street. These signs shall not exceed thirty two (32) square feet in area and will not
exceed seven (7') feet in height. Each entrance (provided the entrances are one thousand (1000') feet
or greater apart) may have a maximum of two (2) subdivision signs (one double sided or two single -
sided). One (1) subdivision sign may be located on each side of the entrance or one (1) subdivision
sign located between the entrances. Signs may be indirectly illuminated.
Historic Sign District: To promote, recognize, enhance, and preserve the City's past the Historic Sign
District is being established. All businesses and residents located on or between the streets listed shall be
considered in the Historic Sign District. North and South Main Street between FM 78 and Santa Clara
Street, Old Seguin Highway East/Loop 539, Rawe Avenue between North Main Street and Lieck Street,
Pfeil Street between South Main Street and FM 78. All signs under this Section shall comply with all
guidelines and regulations that pertain to such signs established under other Sections of this Ordinance.
1. Businesses located in the historic sign district are requested to design their signs to match the period
of the structure or similar to pre 1960's design.
2. Other restrictions and provisions of this Ordinance that are not affected by this special district shall
continue to apply in this designated special district.
Chart "A"
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Centerline of Roadway
Curbed road edge
A. Point of measurement farthest from the centerline.
B. Sight line establishing the visibility triangle.
C. Measured distance along street or road edge. A mesurement of
fifty (501) feet on all major thoroughfares and twenty five (25') feet
on all others.
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Centerline of Roadway
Uncurbed road edge
A. Point of measurement farthest from the centerline.
B. Sight line establishing the visibility triangle.
C. Measured distance along street or road edge. A measurement of
fifty (50') feet on all major thoroughfares and twenty five (25') feet
on all others.
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Centerline of Roadway
-F — — — — — — — —
Channelized Intersection road edge
A. Point of measurement farthest from the centerline.
B. Sight line establishing the visibility triangle.
C. Measured distance along street or road edge. A measurement of
W (50') feet on all major thoroughfares and twenty five (25') feet
on all others.
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Penalties for Violations: Any business, person, homeowner, contractor, company, or firm violating any of
the provisions of this Ordinance or failing to observe any of the provisions hereof, upon conviction shall
be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and shall be fined not more than one thousand ($1,000.00) dollars,
per violation, per day, and each violation shall be a separate offence, and each day the violation exists
shall constitute a separate offence.
That all Ordinances and/or parts of Ordinances that are in conflict with the provisions of this Ordinance
be, and the same are hereby repealed and all other Ordinances and/or parts of Ordinances of the City not
in conflict with the provisions of this Ordinance shall remain in force and effect.
Savings Clause: That the terms and provisions of this Ordinance shall be deemed to be severable and that
if the validity of any section, subsection, sentence, clause, or phrase, of this Ordinance should be declared
to be invalid, the same shall not affect the validity of any other section, subsection, sentence, clause,
phrase of this Ordinance.
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Charles Ruppert, Mayor
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Yvonne Griffin, Ci"ecretaq
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