Min CC 01/09/1996 MINUTES OF CITY COUNCIL MEETING THE CITY COUNCIL OF CIBOLO CONDUCTED A REGULARLY SCHEDULED MEETING ON TUESDAY,JANUARY 9,1996,AT 7:00 P.M.AT THE MUNICIPAL BUILDING,109 SOUTH MAIN STREET,CIBOLO,TEXAS.THE FOLLOWING WAS BE THE ORDER OF BUSINESS: I. CALL TO ORDER- Mayor RDERMayor Sam Bauder called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. H. ROLL CALL. Present were Mayor Bauder,Mayor pro-tem Jeff Miller,Councilman Mark Buell, Councilman Bob Glisar, Councilman Chuck Ridge and Councilwoman Gail Douglas. Staff was represented by Chuck Balcar,Ron Flake, Keith Gilbreath and Wes Suiter. Interns Rudy Farias and Albert Uresti were also present. Ill. INVOCATION. Bob Glisar provided the opening prayer. IV. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE. The Mayor led the pledge. V. CITIZENS TO BE HEARD. (LIMIT 3 MINUTES EACH) No one was present. VI. CONSENSUS ITEMS: A. APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF DECEMBER 12,1995 Mr. Glisar moved for approval,seconded by Mr.Buell. Approved. B. APPROVAL OF CHECK REGISTER FOR DECEMBER Mr.Balcar said that there was a technical difficulty with the general fund check register.Mr.Buell moved to table the approval and Mr. Glisar seconded.Tabled. VII. PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION BUSINESS A. ACCEPTANCE OF THE RESIGNATION OF MARIANNE SCHOFIELD AS A PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSIONER. Mr. Glisar moved to accept the resignation with deep regret and deepest thanks,seconded by Mr. Buell. Approved. B. APPOINTMENT OF A PLANNING AND ZONING COMNIISSIONER. The Mayor tabled this. C.DISCUSSION ON SPONSORING PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSIONERS TO THE AMERICAN PLANNING ASSOCIATION HALF-DAY WORKSHOP AT ACCOG ON JANUARY 30. The Mayor spoke favorable of the AACOG workshop and said that Council members should also be encouraged to go. Jeff Miller moved that the Council sponsor the Planning and Zoning members,seconded by Mr. Glisar. Approved. VIII. ADOPTION OF AN ORDINANCE TO CHANGE TEXAS MUNICIPAL RETIREMENT SYSTEM PAYROLL DEDUCTION FROM FIVE PERCENT TO SIX PERCENT Mr.Balcar explained that this would allow the employees to shelter more of their income and had been provided in the budget.TMRS paid ten percent on deposits last year.Mr.Buell moved for approval,seconded by Mr. Glisar. approved. IX. DISCUSSION/ADOPTION OF A SUBDIVISION ORDINANCE TO REPLACE ORDINANCE NUMBER City Attorney Flake said that he thought that the document was a good one and complimented staff. Albert Uresti, who had primary responsibility for the project,said that the P&Z had recommended the inclusion of definitions for'Parks"and"Green space".Mark Buell recommended approval with the inclusion of the two definitions, seconded by Gail Douglas. X. ADOPTION OF A RESOLUTION IN SUPPORT OF THE DIETZ ROAD PROJECT SUBMISSION TO THE METROPOLITAN PLANNING ORGANIZATION AND COMMITMENT TO OBTAIN THE 20 PERCENT MATCH IF REQUIRED,NOT TO EXCEED$150,000. Attorney Flake said that THIS WOULD NOT OBLIGATE the City to taking the road.Mr.Miller moved for approval of the Resolution with the stipulation that the City share not exceed$150,000. Seconded by Mr.Buell. Approved. XI. CONSIDERATION OF A RESOLUTION PROHIBITING THE CARRYING OF WEAPONS, INCLUDING CONCEALED HANDGUNS, IN CITY BUILDINGS City Attorney Flake led a discussion on this issue.He said that passing anything right now might subject the City to litigation.The Council decided to postpone any formal action. XII. ADOPTION OF A RESOLUTION SUPPORTING THE TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATIONS COMPLETION OF IMPROVEMENTS TO INTERSTATE HIGHWAY 35;AND AUTHORIZING THE SUBMISSION OF A SIN11LAR RESOLUTION TO THE TEXAS MUNICIPAL LEAGUE (PRESENTED BY MAYOR PAUL FRASER OF NEW BRAUNFELS) Mr. Glisar recommended approval,seconded by Mr.Buell. Approved. XIII. EXECUTIVE SESSION PURSUANT TO SECTION 551.071 (1)(A)OF THE TEXAS GOVERNMENT CODE CONCERNING DISCUSSIONS WITH THE CITY ATTORNEY The Mayor canceled the session. A LITIGATION CONCERNING FORMER CITY ADNEMSTRATOR DAVID WALKER B. RECONVENE IN OPEN SESSION AND TAKE NECESSARY ACTION XIV. COMMENTS BY COUNCIL MEMBERS None XV. COMMENTS BY STAFF Keith Gilbreath asked if we should get bids for cleaning and repainting of the water tower at the same time.The Council answered in the affirmative.Mayor Bauder said to get bids and look at it. Chuck Balcar told the Council of a problem that local resident,Mrs.Ford,had with a water leak in her sprinkler system.He said that he charged her at the commercial rate of$1.85 per 1000 gallons instead of the pyramid structure installed to promote conservation.The Council agreed that this was a common sense action.Mr. Flake said that a policy should be developed for future problems such as this. Albert Uresti,intern,said that he felt that Council should receive some sort of compensation for attendance at meetings. Mr.Flake said that he could see that in San Antonio,where the Councilmen spend a lot of time on their duties,but he did not see that as appropriate here. Mr.Balcar asked the Council if Martin Luther King was to be treated as a holiday,as was done the previous year.Mr.Buell said that he felt City employees receive too many holidays already. Gail Douglas spoke in favor of the holiday.Mayor Bauder said that since the employees had already been allowed to take off Columbus Day as a vacation day,the office should remain open and any employee that wanted to could take the day off as a vacation day. VI. COMMENTS BY MAYOR The Mayor mentioned that Alamo Waste made a$150 donation to the recycling fund of the Volunteer Fire Department. XVII. ADJOURNMENT Mr. Glisar made the motion. p-D APPROVED AND ADOPTED ON THIS Z-5 DAY OF JANUARY, 1996 HON. SAM BAUDER,Mayor ATTEST: 0 A ��- CHARLES BALCAR,CITY SECRETARY