Min CC 02/13/1996 v MINUTES OF CITY COUNCIL MEETING THE CITY COUNCIL OF CIBOLO CONDUCTED A REGULARLY SCHEDULED MEETING ON TUESDAY,FEBRUARY 13,AT 7:00 P.M.AT THE MUNICIPAL BUILDING,109 SOUTH MAIN STREET,CIBOLO,TEXAS.THE FOLLOWING WAS BE THE ORDER OF BUSINESS: I. CALL TO ORDER. Mayor Sam Bauder called the meeting to order at 7.00 p.m. II. ROLL CALL. Councilman Jeff Miller had and excused absence.Present were Present were Mayor Bauder, Councilman Bob Glisar,Councilman Chuck Ridge and Councilwoman Gail Douglas and Councilman Mark Buell III. INVOCATION Bob Glisar provided the opening prayer. IV PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE. Mayor Bauder led the pledge. V. CITIZENS TO BE HEARD. (LIMIT 3 MINUTES EACH) None were present. VI. CONSENSUS ITEMS: A. APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF January 9,1996 Motion to adopt by Mr.Buell, seconded by Mr Glisar B. APPROVAL OF CHECK REGISTER FOR January,1996 Motion to adopt by Mr.Buell, seconded by Mr.Ridge,Approved. C. ACCEPT RESIGNATION OF OFFICER BRAD MASON Mr Glisar moved to accept with regrets, seconded by Mr.Buell.Approved. VII. ORDER OF THE ELECTION OF MAY 4, 1996,BY MAYOR SAM BAUDER Mayor Bauder ordered the election be held on the first Saturday in May. VIII. APPOINTMENT TO A VACANCY TO THE PLANNING&ZONING COMMISSION TO FULFILL A TERM TO EXPIRE DECEMBER 31, 1996(CREATED BY THE RESIGNATION OF MARIANN SCHOFIELD) Mayor Bauder appointed Ted Hollister to the vacancy of the unexpired term.Ms.Douglas moved to ratify, second by Mr.Buell. Approved. V :N IX. ACCEPTANCE OF A GRANT OF$50,000 FROM THE STATE PARKS& RECREATION COMMISSION FOR IMPROVEMENTS TO NIEMIETZ PARK Mr.Buell moved to accept, second by Ms.Douglas X. RESOLUTION OF SUPPORT FOR SUBMISSION OF BORGFELD ROAD AS AN URBAN STREET PROJECT SUBMISSION TO THE METROPOLITAN PLANNING ORGANIZATION Mr. Glisar recommended adoption of the Resolution, second by Mr.Buell. Approved. XI. DISCUSSION OF HIGHWAYS ENHANCEMENT SUBMISSION TO TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS City Administrator Chuck Balcar updated the Council on a program that may allow for improvements along Dietz Road,including a hike-bike trail and sidewalks with landscaping. XII. AUTHORIZATION TO RETAIN POLICE CLERK AND EXTRA TWO HOURS DAY TO ASSIST IN MUNICIPAL COURT DUTIES AT CITY HALL The Mayor stated that he wanted to reflect the additional duties in the Municipal Court budget and recommended a budget adjustment transferring funding to the Court so as not to reflect the compensation of the Clerk in the Public Safety budget.Mr.Buell motioned to that effect, authorizing the Clerk to work at City Hall two hours each day and the motion was seconded by Ms.Douglas.Approved. XIII. APPOINTMENT OF AN EARLY VOTING BALLOT BOARD AND AN EARLY VOTING JUDGE AND APPOINTMENT OF PRESIDING JUDGE FOR MAY 4TH ELECTION The Mayor appointed Gerald Garrison as early Voting Judge and also as presiding judge for the General Election. Charlene Garrison was appointed as alternate for both positions.Mr.Buell moved to ratify the appointment, seconded by Mr.Ridge. Approved. XIV. COMMENTS BY COUNCIL MEMBERS Ms.Douglas said she was excited about the park.Mr. Glisar thanked everyone for the hard work.Mr.Buell commented on the potholes in Borgfeld Road.Mr.Ridge reminded those present that the City should continue to look for a site for City Hall XV COMMENTS BY STAFF Mr.Balcar asked the Council to attend a Public Hearing on Transportation projects at 5:30 p.m.Monday the 26th in San Antonio r XVI. COMMENTS BY MAYOR The Mayor thanked everyone for their work on the Park, especially Mr.Buell, a long time Park proponent. XVII. ADJOURNMENT Mr. Glisar made the motion. APPROVED AND ADOPTED ON THE -A'-7 DAY OF Fe k,V 01 Y y, 1996 HON SAM BAUDER,MAYOR CHARLES BALCAR, CITY SECRETARY