Min CC 02/27/1996 MINUTES OF CITY COUNCIL MEETING THE CITY COUNCIL OF CIBOLO CONDUCTED A REGULARLY SCHEDULED MEETING ON TUESDAY,FEBRUARY 27,AT 7:00 P.M.AT THE MUNICIPAL BUILDING,109 SOUTH MAIN STREET,CIBOLO,TEXAS.THE FOLLOWING WAS BE THE ORDER OF BUSINESS: L CALL TO ORDER. Mayor Sam Bauder called the meeting to order at 7.00 p.m. II. ROLL CALL. Present were Mayor Bauder,Councilman Chuck Ridge, Councilmen Jeff Miller,Mark Buell and Bob Glisar and Councilwoman Gail Douglas. III. INVOCATION. Bob Glisar provided the opening prayer with a special mention of the family of Jack Tokar,who recently passed away. IV. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE. Mayor Bauder led the pledge. V. CITIZENS TO BE HEARD. (LIMIT 3 MINUTES EACH) None were present. VI. CONSENSUS ITEMS: A APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF FEBRUARY 13,1996 Mr.Ridge moved for approval, seconded by Mr.Buell. Approved. B. AUTHORIZATION TO CONDUCT AN ARCHEOLOGICAL STUDY IN NIEMIETZ PARK AS A CONDITION OF RECEIVING GRANT FROM THE STATE OF TEXAS Mr Buell asked that we try to get the price reduced from the$900 that had been submitted. Mr. Glisar moved for approval, seconded by Mr.Miller. Approved VII. PRESENTATION FROM GINA NEVINS OF PARAGON CABLE Ms.Nevins arrived a little late and this item was tabled and reconvened once she arrived. She updated the Council on the Emergency Alert Network which was activated during the ice storm and the Fiber Optic Program. Several Councilmen noted that they still could not get cable TV. VIII. DISCUSSION/ACTION ON ORDER FOR WATER CONSERVATION IN CIBOLO INCLUDING ORDERING OF STAGE II MEASURES The Council discussed implementing Stage II water measures that include limiting lawn watering and vehicle washing to two days a week. The consensus was to allow one warning per household before a citation was issued.Mr.Buell moved to implement Stage II and Ms.Douglas Seconded. Approved. Ix. DISCUSSION/ACTION ON REQUEST BY GBRA TO COMMENT ON EDWARDS AQUIFER AUTHORITY LAWSUIT Attorney Ron Flake explained the purpose of the"friend of the court brief' that asks for the Supreme Court of Texas to enforce the legislation that created the Edwards Underground Authority.Mr.Miller moved that a letter be sent to the Court, seconded by Mr.Ridge. Approved. X. AWARDING A BID FOR AIR CONDITIONING AT THE CIBOLO POLICE STATION AND AUTHORIZING A BUDGET ADJUSTMENT AS REQUIRED BY ORDINANCE The Council reviewed the bids that had been received.Mr.Buell moved that the City award the best bid to Bill Little of$3,500 with a ten-year warranty, seconded by Ms.Douglas.Approved. XI. RESOLUTION ORDERING PUBLIC HEARINGS ON ANNEXATION OF PROPERTY BELONGING TO THE SCHERTZ-CIBOLO-UNIVERSAL CITY-ISD ON BORGFELD ROAD AT THE DOBIE SCHOOL Mr.Buell recommended the approval of a resolution to call a public hearing, seconded by W. Glisar. Approved. XII. DISCUSSION/ACTION ON STRATEGIES FOR SEWAGE PROBLEMS ON BRAMBLEWOOD Chuck Balcar,told the Council that the City was continuing to watch the situation and had in fact had the lines cleaned for the third time in 12 months.Mr Balcar said that the$260 cost three or four times a year is much less than the price to fix the problem. The Mayor suggested that the City obtain some of the orange material used by CCMA to clear its lines and to again leaflet the area. XIII. ORDER PROHIBITING OPEN BURNING UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE Mr. Glisar moved that the City ban open burning until further notice, seconded by Mr.Buell.Approved. •1 XIV. COMMENTS BY COUNCIL MEMBERS Mr Buell thanked the City for repairing the pot holes on Borgfeld Road and mentioned the water leak at 102 Bramblewood. XV. COMMENTS BY STAFF City Attorney Flake told the Council that Deer Creek homeowners are threatening a law suit against the builder because of perceived deceptive practices in the selling of the homes. Chief Wes Suiter said that officer Slamcik was now doing home security checks which may allow lower insurance premiums. XVI. COMMENTS BY MAYOR None. XVII. ADJOURNMENT Mr. Glisar made the motion. APPROVED AND ADOPTED ON THE �Z6 DAY OF c, r_ 1996 HON. SAM BAUDER, MAYOR ATTEST: CQ ol s GGr^ CHARLES BALCAR, CITY SECRETARY