ORD 535 9/25/2001ORDINANCE 53,5 AN ORDINANCE CHANGING THE TEXAS MUNICIPAL RETIREMENT SYSTEM CITY CONTRIBUTION RATE FOR THE CITY OF CIBOLO EMPLOYEES FROM NINE PERCENT TO TWELVE PERCENT WHEREAS, the City of Cibolo currently provides for a nine percent contribution for each employee to provide retirement funds into the Texas Municipal Retirement System, and WHEREAS, the State of Texas, 74th Legislature, adopted HB -2168, which became effective on September 1, 1995 and this Act amends existing retirement legislation for municipal and other government employees, and WHEREAS, the TMRS only allows changes to contribution at the start of the calendar year, and WHEREAS, and the City of Cibolo employees seek to maximize the amount of tax deferred earnings that can be placed into their individual account, and WHEREAS, the City Council adopted its FY2001-02 budget which incorporated these changes, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED,,THAT THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CIBOLO: Directs the City Treasurer to change the City's contribution rate from nine percent to twelve percent, beginning with the first payroll of January, 2002 and report those changes to the TMRS, and APPROVED AND ADOPTED ON THIS 25th DAY OF SEPEMBER, 2001. Charles Ruppert Mayor ATTEST: Yvonne R. Griffin V City Secretary ORDINANCE 535 AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR INCREASED MUNICIPAL CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE CURRENT SERVICE ANNUITY RESERVE AT RETIREMETN OF THE EMPLOYEES OF THE CITY OF CIBOLO, TEXAS. BE IT ORDANINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF CIBOLO, TEXAS: That effective January 1, 2002 for each month of current service thereafter rendered by each of its employees who are members of the Texas Municipal Retirement System, the City will contribute to the current service annuity reserve of each such member at the time of his or her retirement, a sum that is 200% of such member's accumulated deposits for such month of employment; and said sum shall be contributed from the City's account in the municipality accumulation fund. PASSED AND APPROVED ON THIS 25th DAY OF SEPEMEER 2001. Charles Ruppert Mayor ATTEST: Wnd'MPQn2W i� Secretary