Ord 1410 9/12/2023rfX�s 'City of choice ORDINANCE NO. 1410 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF CIBOLO, TEXAS, CHAPTER 14 "BUILDINGS AND BUILDING REGULATIONS", SECTION 14.2. "BUILDING CODES ADOPTED BY THE CITY" TO ADD A NEW LOCAL AMENDMENT TO THE BUILDING CODE RELATING TO INSPECTION OF BUILDING FOUNDATIONS; DECLARING A PUBLIC PURPOSE; INCORPORATING RECITALS; PROVIDING A REPEALER AND SAVINGS CLAUSE; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY; AND SETTING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the City of Cibolo, Texas (the "City") is a home -Wile municipality; and WHEREAS, the City Council has previously adopted the International Building Code as part of the building code for the City, and has determined that certain local amendments thereto are appropriate and necessary, and may be adopted pursuant to Sections 214.216 of the Texas Local Government Code; and WHEREAS, a public hearing was held to discuss the local amendments to the building code set forth herein, with the public hearing being conducted by the City Council on , 2023 at 6:30 PM in the Noble Group Event Center for the purpose of providing all interested persons the opportunity to be heard concerning the proposed local building code amendments described herein; and WHEREAS, legal notice notifying the public of both public hearings on the proposed local building code amendments was posted on the City's official website and published in the Seguin Gazette, a newspaper of general circulation in the City of Cibolo, on 2023; and NOW THEREFORE, the Cibolo City Council has considered the effect of these amendments and has determined them to be appropriate, necessary and in the public interest; NOW, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF TIRE CITY OF CIBOLO, TEXAS: SECTION 1. AMENDING SECTION 14.2. From and after the effective date, Chapter 14 — BUILDINGS AND BUILDING REGULATIONS, Article I — In General, Section 14-2 — Building Codes Adopted by the City, Subsection 14-2(a)(1)(a)(xx) of the City Code shall be amended to add the following amendment to the International Building Code, 2015 Edition, and 736218 DM#291477.1 shall hereinafter read as follows, with all items listed in that subsection renumbered to accommodate the insertion of Subsection 14-2(a)(1)(a)(xx), and with additions indicated by underlining and deletions indicated by strike -through: Chapter 14 — BUILDINGS AND BUILDING REGULATIONS. ARTICLE I —In General. Section 14.2 — Building codes adopted by the city. (a) Adoption by reference. The city hereby adopts the following building and construction codes, along with the updates and local amendments as indicated, and incorporates them herein by reference as if fully set out: (1) That a certain document, two copies of which are on file in the office of the Building Official of Cibolo, being marked and designated as the International Building Code, 2015 Edition, including Appendix Chapters C, E, F, G, I, and J as published by the International Code Council, be and is hereby adopted as the Building Code of the City of Cibolo, in the State of Texas for regulating and governing the conditions and maintenance of all property, buildings and structures; by providing the standards for supplied utilities and facilities and other physical things and conditions essential to ensure that structures are safe, sanitary and fit for occupation and use; and the condemnation of buildings and structures unfit for human occupancy and use and the demolition of such structures as herein provided; providing for the issuance of permits and collection of fees therefore; and each and all of the regulations, provisions, penalties, conditions and terms of said building code on file in the office of the Building Official of Cibolo, are hereby referred to, adopted, and made a part hereof, as if fully set out in this section, with the additions, insertions, deletions and changes, if any, prescribed in (a), (b), (c), and (d) [below]. (a) That the following sections and/or subsections of the Building Code are hereby revised to read as follows: (xx) CHAPTER 18 SOILS AND FOUNDATIONS is hereby amended by adding 1801.3 to read as follows: 1801.3 Foundation Inspections. Elevation measurements shall be used to determine and verify accurate foundation floor elevations. Elevation measurements shall be submitted to the City's Building Department as a post pour inspection to be verified by City Staff. To achieve this, provide measurements of exterior foundation elevations at no less than the foundation corners, with "comers" being defined as all exterior offsets. 7362/8 DDM8294303.1 NOTE: All remaining sections of the UDC shall remain unchanged. SECTION 2. PUBLIC PURPOSE. The City Council finds that the amendments to the City's building code are in the public interest and are necessary to promote the health, safety and welfare of the public. SECTION 3. INCORPORATING RECITALS. The City Council approves the recitals hereto and incorporates them herein as findings of fact. SECTION 4. REPEALING ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT AND SAVINGS CLAUSE. All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby repealed to the extent of such conflict with all remaining portions not conflicting being saved from repeal herein. SECTION 5. SEVERABILITY. If any section, subsection, sentence, clause or phrase of this ordinance is for any reason held to be unconstitutional or illegal, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining sections of this ordinance. The City Council hereby declares that it would have passed this ordinance, and each section, subsection, clause, or phrase thereof, irrespective of the fact that any one or more sections, subsections, sentences, clauses or phrases be declared void. SECTION 6. EFFECTIVE DATE. The Ordinance shall be effective immediately following publication as required by law. ORDERED this LI day offroni 20r23. ATTEST: PEGGY CIMICS, TRMC City Secretary 7362/8 DMN294303.1 MARK ALLEN Mayor W4\>aKI]t/D1llrx.§1117,WCIu� 3