Min CC 08/19/1970 Minutes of Cibolo City Council Meeting, August 19, 1970
The City Council of the City of Cibolo, Texas, held its regular swnthly
meeting at 7:45 pm an August 190 1970, in the Cibolo state BamR Building.
with all Councilman present except Clemens Dylla.
The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved as read.
Thetreasurer presented his report which shoved a present balance of
$2598.24. It was approved.
A motion was made by Mr. Neienits and seconded by Mr. Lieck and
passed to draft Ordinance Number 35 annexing two tracts of land,
namely the Adolph Riley Notate lying on the South side of FM 78
and &mea of Haeckerville Road and the F. L. Cunningham proberty
adjoining the Riley property on the East.
An Amendment 64 Ordinance No. 10, Section 4 was passed revising
the ainhum and noximum cost of Building Permits to $5.00 and
$15.00 respectively.
The following building permit applications were considered and approved:
Permit for underground gasoline tank for Andrew Tolle 10 feet
east of his shop and 30 feet from the front of his property.
Permit for residence Of Edward Ling, approximately 28008F.
Fee $15.00.
It was reported that the zoning map is still being prepared.
Nred Neiemits leported for the Parks Dept. a present balance
of $324.00.
Mrs. Severe Krahan's road was discussed and will be considered
at the next road improvement program.
The San Antonio Rover Authority would like to receive a letter
asking for an expedited central sewage system or approval of a
Cibolo system.
A notion for adjournment was made by Mr. Lieek, seconded by Mr.
Neienits and passed. �)�v/��
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