ORD 472 6/25/1996ORDINANCE NUMBER 472 COMPREHENSIVE WATER ORDINANCE AND DEMAND MANAGEMENT PLAN AN ORDINANCE OF THE CTI'Y COUNCIL OF CIBOLO AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 211, THE ORIGINAL ORDINANCE REGULATING THE WATER RATES AND REGULATING THE USE OF WATER FOR THE CITY OF CIBOLO, CONNECTION TO THE WATER MAINS AND WATER SYSTEM, AND THE APPOINTMENT OF MAINTENANCE OFFICER; AND AMENDING, REPEALING AND SUPERSEDING ALL OTHER ORDINANCES THAT CONFLICT INCLUDING THE FOLLOWING NUMBERED ORDINANCES: 216, 220, 247, 273, 331, 331B, 332, 343, 346, 349, 351, 369, 376, AND SPECIFICALLY AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 410, SECTION SK PARAGRAPH (A) AND THE ADDENDT�ATTACHMENT OF ORDINANCE 458 (WHICH AMENDED ORDINANCES 410 AND 42 AS INDICATED; CONSOLIDATING RECENT ACTION BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF CIBOLO CONCERNING THE ESTABLISHMENT OF A DEMAND MANAGEMENT PLAN (DMP) AND REAFFIRMING THE PENALTIES FOR VIOLATION OF THE DMP AS OUTLINED IN ORDINANCE 465.0 WHEREAS, the City of Cibolo and the adjacent region are experiencing drought conditions; and WHEREAS the City Council of Cibolo seeks to encourage conservation of finite water resources and to provide financial incentive for the conservation of finite water resources; and WHEREAS, the City of Cibolo has had less than five inches of rain in the preceding nine months; and WHEREAS, the City of Cibolo is currently failing to achieve the mandatory use reductions imposed by the Edwards Underground Water District; and WHEREAS, many Cibolo residents have suffered confusion between the Demand Management Plan of Cibolo and the Demand Management Plan of the City of San Antonio, and, WHEREAS, there have been many adjustments made to the Demand Management Plan of the City of San Antonio and the San Antonio Water System, and WHEREAS, several initiatives concerning water use and rates have been adopted by the City Council in the last twelve months and the City Council of Cibolo seeks to continue to provide leadership on the issue of water conservation, THEN BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF CIBOLO THAT THE FOLLOWING RATES, RULES, REGULATION, AND PENALTIES SHALL BE IN FORCE EFFECTIVE THE 25th DAY OF JUNE, 1996 AND THAT THIS ORDINANCE, CONSISTING OF FOUR PARTS, SHALL BE KNOWN AS THE "COMPREHENSIVE WATER ORDINANCE AND DEMAND MANAGEMENT PLAN". HON. SAM BAUDER, MAYOR ATTEST: Co a-9 CHARLES A. BALCAR, CITY SECRETARY EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ORDINANCE 472 The Ordinance contains five parts. The First part deals with the creation of a maintenance officer and the setting of fees and water rates (This is a consolidation of Ordinance 410 with its amendments) The second part is the Edwards Demand Management Plan that was previously adopted by City Council. The third part, Table 1 and Table II, summaries the mandatory water reductions under each of the Four Stages. The Fourth part is Table III, fines established by Ordinance 466 in April of this year for violations of the Demand Management Plan mandatory restrictions. The Final part is the Addendum/Attachment of water rates adopted by the City Council last year. (Originally part of 410 passed in 199 1) TABLE OF CONTENTS PART ONE: ESTABLISHMENT OF A MAINTENANCE OFFICER AND SETTING OF WATER RATES FOR THE CITY OF CIEOLO PAGES i -v PART TWO: ADOPTION OF THE DEMAND MANAGEMENT PLAN (DMP) OF THE EDWARDS UNDERGROUND WATER DISTRICT AS REVISED APRIL 11, 1995 PAGES 1-30 TABLE 1: WATER USE REDUCTION STAGES OF THE DEMAND MANAGEMENT PLAN (DMP) PAGES 31-32 TABLE 2: REDUCTION MEASURES PAGES 33-39 TABLE 3: PENALTIES FOR VIOLATION OF THE DEMAND PAGE 40 MANAGEMENT PLAN (DMP) ADDENDUM/ATTACHMENT I, RATES AND CHARGES PAGE 41 PART ONE: ESTABLISHMENT OF A MAINTENANCE OFFICER AND SETTING OF WATER RATES FOR THE CITY OF CIBOLO SECTION ONE (1): Introduction Providing for the appointment of a maintenance officer, providing for connection to water mains; regulating the use of water from the, city water system; providing for service through meters; providing for revised rates for services furnished by the city's water works system; enacting provisions, incidents and related to billing and collection of water and sewer charges; and imposing a penalty of a fine of not less than $25.00 not to exceed $500.00 and making each day a separate offense for violation of ordinance; repealing all ordinances, orders and resolutions in conflict, prescribing a date when such rates and charges shall become effective and declaring an emergency. Section 1 Index Section 2 Appointment Duties of Maint. Officer Section 3 Unlawful Activities Section 4 Metering Requirements Section 5 Meter Connection -Charges, Installation & Repair. Section 6 Fees, Rates & Billing Procedures Section 7 Conditions of Service Section 8 Service Requests - outside Existing Service Area Section 9 Water Line Taps Section 10 Violations of ordinance Section 11 Emergency Conditions Section 12 Severability Addendum/Attachment 1 SECTION TWO (2): Appointment/Duties of Maintenance Officer. There shall be appointed by the City Council of Cibolo Texas a Maintenance Officer who shall be in charge of all property and machinery used in or connected with the Utility Department. He shall be responsible for inspection of all pipe lines and all other property used in or connected with the Utility Department, and shall make all repairs deemed necessary and consistent with his duties. He shall also report all violations of this ordinance to the City Administrator and shall proceed to have offenders prosecuted as set forth in this ordinance or any amendment thereof. He shall also attend to and control the water supply and at all times. oversee the sufficiency thereof to the greatest extent possible. He shall attempt to notify the community of the necessity of any disruption of service when possible and practical. SECTION THREE (3): Unlawful Activities. It shall hereafter be unlawful for any person or persons to do, commit or assist in committing any of the following things or acts in the City of Cibolo, Texas: (a) To resort to any fraudulent device or arrangement for the purpose of procuring water from private connections on premises contrary to the City regulations or ordinances. (b) To make or permit to another make any connection with the main or service pipes of the utility system or to turn or use water of said system without authorization and payment of fees. (c) To remove any water meter or device that has been placed by the City, or to in any manner change, interfere with or tamper with any water meter or device ; providing that the provisions of this section shall not apply to the employees of the City when acting in their official capacity. (d) To turn on the water supply to any building or to any supply pipe when the supply has been turned off for the nonpayment of the monthly water charge or for the violation of any rule or ordinance governing the water system. (e) To open or close any fire hydrant or stopcock connected with the utilities system of the City of Cibolo, or to lift or remove the covers of any gate valves or shut off thereof, without the permission of the Maintenance Officer, except in case of fire, and then under the direction of officers of the Fire Department. (t) It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation to make any connection to the mains of the utilities system of the City of Cibolo, Texas, without first making application to the City, stating fully the use for which water is wanted, giving the name of the owner of the property, the number of the lot and block, name of the street and house number. Upon the payment of the meter connection fee, the Maintenance Officer, shall make, or have made, the necessary connections. Every premise connected with any water main, or being supplied with any water from the city's utilities, shall have a separate service connection and locking angle stop. SECTION FOUR (4): Metering Requirements. All water distributed to individual customers will be metered Normally, not more than one household shall purchase water through any single meter without the consent of the City Council of the City of Cibolo, Texas. Single metering is authorized for more than one unit of occupancy providing responsibility for payment of all utility services for the single meter billing is assumed by the single property owner. In cases where single metering is to be used for more than single family residence, a meter sufficient in size to meet total requirements will be required. Size of meter will be determined by the Maintenance Officer at time of request and deposit required will be based on meter size. Provided where a residence, business establishment, complete apartment, or trailer house is not accessible to a city water main.. arrangements may be made, at the option of the City and for which a permit must be obtained from the City Council, to secure water from another user of city water, in which case the minimum monthly charge shall be made for each additional residence taking water through such meter. Each "minimum" will entitle user to 3,000 gallons per month. The minimum charge plus any additional minimum charge and all water used over the minimums by such consumer, shall be charged to the customer having the meter. The City of Cibolo shall keep all meters in•good repair without any expense to the consumer except as provided herein. SECTION FIVE (S� Meter Connection charges, Installation and repair. (a) Whenever a prospective user of water from the City of Cibolo wishes to connect to the city water system such user of water shall pay a connection charge set by the City in the amount of cost plus 10 percent and other fees as specified in Addendum/Attachment 1 of this ordinance. (b) The City of Cibolo shall keep all meters in good free of charge, except that property owners will be charged for meters, boxes, materials damaged or destroyed through negligence or abuse and for all labor costs incurred in re-establishing service. ■ SECTION SIX (G): Fees. Rates and Billing Procedures (a) Each water customer upon making application shall pay a non-refundable water meter connect fee, as indicated in Attachment 1 and shall provide a refundable deposit as specified in Attachment I of this ordinance. If a prospective customer is indebted to the City for water. sewer. or garbage service, service at the new residence or place of business will not be provided until the outstanding indebtedness is satisfied. Residential and commercial water bills will be forwarded no later than the first workday of each month. Bills will consist of a minimum charge for 1.200 gallons and a per thousand gallon charge for usage above the minimum charge for residential customers; and will consist of a minimum charge for 3,000 gallons and a per thousand gallon charge for usage above the minimum charge for commercial customers. Specific Fees may be found on Attachment 1. (b) Temporary water service is not allowed. (c) Bulk water may be purchased by any consumer other than through a residential service connection through the mains of the City of Cibolo provided that such water is purchased from a tap(s) belonging to the City of Cibolo. All bulk water must be purchased by means of hydrant metering. Deposit, rental and the water rates from these service are found at Attachment 1. (d) All charges for utility services furnished or rendered by the City of Cibolo and/or contractors franchised by such city for which the City of Cibolo is the billing agent shall be due and payable on the fifteenth (15th) day of each month at the municipal offices of the City of Cibolo. Bills not paid by the close of business of the fifteenth (15th) day of each month will incur a ten (10) percent penalty for late payment on the total amount of the bill. Checks issued in payment of utility services that are returned by banking institutions for reasons of insufficient funds will incur a $15.00 charge in addition to the bill. Any repetition of insufficient fund checks being issued for payment of utility bills will result in a requirement for cash payment of utility bills issued by the City of Cibolo. Any deviation from this policy will be at the discretion of the City Administrator. (e). Any person who has not paid his/her account by the twenty fifth (25) day of the month in which billed, shall have his/her water service disconnected. it is further provided that all delinquent accounts shall be notified by letter at least five (5) days in advance of service being discontinued. In the event service is discontinued, a reconnect fee will be charged as provided for in this ordinance as provided in Attachment/Addendum 1. Services will not be resumed until the total amount due the City and the reconnect fee for the service discontinued has been paid in full. Circumstances that result in an unfair penalty charge will be evaluated by the City Administrator. (t) A consumer of water from the City of Cibolo who changes residence within the area serviced by the Cibolo Water Department will not be required to pay a connect fee at the new residence: however. a transfer fee is reflected in Attachment I is required. (g) No free utility service shall be permitted and the City or any of its agencies or instrumentalities which avail themselves of the services provided by the utility shall pay the same rates and charges herein prescribed. SECTION SEVEN (7) Conditions of Service. (a) No water other than water furnished by the City or its agencies shall be used in any line to which water is delivered by the CIty water system. (a) No water other than water furnished by the City or its agencies shall be used in any line to which water is delivered by the CIty water system. (b) The City of Cibolo does not guarantee pressure or volume of water in any line except City of Cibolo owned lines. (c) Water supplied by the City of Cibolo will not be used for irrigation purposes without the written permission of the City of Cibolo. (d) No water shall be furnished consumers in or beyond the corporate limits of the City unless and until such consumer desiring City water furnishes the City Utility Department satisfactory evidence (i.e., chloroform test), that all plumbing, including fixtures and appliances, through which City water is to pass, have been approved and accepted by the City Maintenance Officer. (e) In the event additional plumbing is to be installed on such premises inside or outside the corporate limits of the City of Cibolo, Texas, water service shall be discontinued to such consumers unless such additional plumbing installation have been approved by an authorized representative of the City Utility Department. (f) No person, except authorized employees of the City Utility Department, shall turn on or off at any city valve without a written permission fust being obtained from the City Utilities Department. (g) Every person having access to water from the City Utility Department shall, at any reasonable time, permit the Maintenance Officer or his agents to enter the premises and building for examination of plumbing to include the meter and fixtures and the manner in which the water is used. Refusal by any consumer shall result in disconnection of water supply by the City Utility Department until such permission is granted (h) The City Utility Department or agents thereof will make all repairs and renewals of service lines from the main up to and including the meter, and it shall be unlawful for any other person or persons to repair or tamper with the service line from the main to and including the meter and valve. (i) The right is reserved by the City of Cibolo to temporarily discontinue and reconnect without notice water supply to all consumers for the purpose of making repairs, connections, extensions and the cleaning of mains, machinery, reservoir or any part of the Cibolo water system. Q) All of the provisions of this ordinance shall be deemed to be incorporated in every contract between City Utility Department and its consumer, and each consumer shall be charged with knowledge of the provisions of this ordinance .and by applying and accepting water from the City Utility Department to have acceded to.the provisions hereof. (k) It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation to take or use water from the system of the City of Cibolo except under the terms and conditions specified and stipulated in this ordinance. All owners and occupants of property are and shall be prohibited from furnishing water supply to others for any purpose other than specified herein. It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation, to willfully and/or negligently waste water in any manner whatsoever, and any person having knowledge of any condition whereby water is being wasted shall at once notify the City. (1) The refusal or neglect of an owner or occupant to equip and maintain the premises with proper service connections, utilities or fixtures of approved character and quality to prevent waste of water shall be sufficient ground for the refusal of the City of connect the premises with the City TAT Utility Department service or to continue such service after having given notice of intention to shut off the water, pending the necessary correction. (m) It is and shall be unlawful for any person, firm, or corporation to draw water from any city supply pipes directly into any steam boiler which is equipped for, or arranged for more than fifteen pounds (15) pressure per square inch. All persons, firms or corporations having boilers or closed water heaters supplied with city water are cautioned against the danger of explosion or collapse. The City of Cibolo will not be liable for any damages that may occur on account of the water being shut off for any reason or on account of the breaking of any pipe or fixture by pressure of the water from the city mains. Where City water is used to supply a steam boiler(of over fifteen pounds pressure), the owner shall provide a tank of sufficient capacity to afford a supply of at least four hours into which the service pipe must be discharged over the top of the tank, and never into the bottom or side. SECTION EIGHT (8): Service Requests -Outside Existing Service Area. When water service is desired within the City's Water District and no mains exist in the vicinity of the desired connection, it will be necessary for the applicant to sign a release form or contract with the City and make a cash deposit. The entire cost of the main extension will be estimated by the City Engineer and the cost borne by the applicant. Each size or diameter of pipe will be described in the contract SECTION NINE (9): Water Line Taps. It shall be unlawful for any plumber, contractor or person other than the tapper employed by the City Utility Department or an agent, to tap any main, make connections to mains or extend service lines from a main. All of this equipment shall be under the exclusive control of the City Utility Department, and said tap and service shall be paid for by the plumber, contractor or owner ordering the work done before the work is commenced SECTION TEN (10): Violations of ordinance. A violation of any of the rules contained in this ordinance or a doing or causing to be done by any person, persons, firm or association, of any of the things or acts forbidden or made unlawful in any of the sections of this ordinance is an offense, such offenses shall be punishable under each and every violation of the terms of this ordinance. The person, firm, association or corporation shall, upon conviction thereof in the Municipal Court, be fined not less than $25 (twenty five dollars) nor more than $500.00 (five hundred dollars) for each violation and each day of failure to comply with the terms of this ordinance and shall constitute a separate offense. SECTION ELEVEN (11): Emergency Conditions. The City Utility Department has the right to control water use in case of emergency. SECTION TWELVE (12): Severability. This ordinance is cumulative of any other ordinance on the subject and does not repeal any present ordinances except as specified herein unless this ordinance is in direct conflict therewith, in which case this ordinance will govern. If any, section, subsection, paragraph, sentence, phrase or word in this article, or application thereof, to any person or circumstance is held invalid, it shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of the same and the City Council hereby declares it would have passed such remaining portions despite such invalidity. _ DEMAND MANAGEMENT PLAN Part One Introduction The Edwards Underground Water District (District) by statute has the authority and duty to conserve and protect the water resources of the Edwards Aquifer, to develop comprehensive plans for the most efficient use of groundwater, and to prevent the waste and pollution of groundwater. The principal source of the District's duties and powers is article 8280-219, Texas Water Code Auxiliary Laws (the "Act"), which created the District in 1959 and which has been expanded several times hence by the Texas Legislature. The District has two broad mandates under the Act: protection of the groundwater resources of the region, and representation of the users of those water resources. These two mandates are of critical importance to the development and stability of the entire region. One means of controlling demand for groundwater during times of drought is to impose a series of increasingly restrictive limits on water use which are specifically correlated to low rates of flow at Comal Springs. In accordance with the mandate of the Act for such a plan, the District has promulgated this Demand Management Plan ("DMP") and the accompanying Demand Management Rules. The DMP establishes the framework by which the groundwater of the Edwards Aquifer can be managed during low flow conditions -at Comal Springs. Demand management—the use of reasonable restrictions on water use to protect the water resources of the Aquifer and to ensure equitable distribution of groundwater—is a year-round necessity in the Edwards Aquifer region. However, the need for demand management is most critical during times of drought, which the District defines as when i) there is not enough water to meet the needs of users, ii) precipitation is insufficient to meet the users' expectations as to present or future supply, or iii) conditions require temporary reductions in total water use to protect the water resources of the region from serious harm. Goals and Principles The following are the goals and principles of the DMP. The restrictions imposed pursuant to this DMP will be reasonably interpreted and vigorously enforced in light of these goals and principles to maximize conservation and efficient water use, to protect the region's water resources, and to minimize the duration and severity of drought. Goals: * Protect human health and safety. * Protect water quality in the Edwards Aquifer. * Equitably distribute the impacts and hardships caused by low water levels. * Minimize disruption of the economy within the District. * Ensure an adequate level of spring flow to protect downstream water rights, meet human health and safety and livestock requirements, protect habitats within the District dependent on the Edwards Aquifer, and preserve regional economic stability. Principles: * Provide advance knowledge to the public of how water demand may be reduced during times of low spring flows. * Provide for local management and local implementation of demand reduction measures. * Provide flexibility to change the DMP as new information and alternative or supplemental water sources become available. * Control the rate of decline in flow at Comal Springs by reducing the volume of water taken from the Edwards Aquifer when specified spring flows are reached. * Coordinate and cooperate with the Texas Natural Resource Conservation Commission and other water agencies to protect the natural resources of the state for the benefit of all citizens. 7 Part Two Stages and Required Responses Introduction The DMP provides standards for determining that low spring flow conditions exist, how long they may continue, and when they end. Conditions and stages are defined by flows at Comal Springs which will be monitored by the District. Reduction goals are established for each stage of the plan. Upon declaration of a plan stage, primary users—those users who supply or produce more than 18 million gallons of groundwater per year—will be required to reduce the amount of groundwater they supply or produce. However, qualified industrial uses of groundwater, as defined in the DMP Rules, are exempted from the reduction goals. The reduction goals imposed by the DMP are in most cases based on the user's historic water usage. The combination of this DMP and the user's specific program constitute the District's complete Demand Management Plan. Determination of Demand Reduction Stages There are five Demand Reduction Stages. The first four Stages are defined by spring flows, and are associated with specific percentage reduction goals. The fifth Stage is the Extreme Water Emergency Stage, which may be invoked under certain circumstances as described in the Rules. The spring flow rates which define the first four stages and the reduction goals for each are presented in Table 1. Comal Springs Flow The flow in cubic feet per second (cfs) at Comal Springs in New Braunfels will be used in determining the first four Stages. Each Stage is declared upon reaching the spring flow associated with that Stage. Once any Stage of this DMP is declared, it will remain in effect for a minimum of 10 days unless a more restrictive Stage is declared. The value used to rescind a Stage is based on the 10 day moving average. A fifth Stage is provided to address extreme water emergencies. Water User Response Upon declaration of each Demand Reduction Stage, primary users will begin reducing the volume of water which they supply or produce. Goals are established for each stage; the goals define percentage reductions in the base usage which are to be achieved. Users are encouraged to develop their own management plans which will enable them to meet these percentage reductions. Reduction Goals Reduction goals of 10%, 15%, 20%, and 30% have been established for Stages I, II, IIl and IV. These goals are not cumulative; i.e., the total reduction to be achieved for Stage IV is 30%. Stage I is a call to all primary users to reduce their use by 10%. This reduction is voluntary and is incorporated to encourage all users to begin reducing demand in an effort to avoid mandatory reductions in Stages II -IV. Primary users are required to achieve reductions in volume from a baseline use volume determined under the DMP Rules in stages II -IV. These requirements are subject to certain exceptions listed in the Rules. A user who is required to comply with reduction goals must file a baseline use volume report in accordance with the Rules. Target Use Volume The target use volume is the total amount of water which can be produced or supplied by a user during a reporting period unless either a more restrictive or a less restrictive plan stage is declared. A target use volume will be determined for each primary user by applying the reduction goal percentage to the volume produced or supplied in each month of 1984, and further divided by the number of days in the month, provided that the 1984 monthly volume amount will be subject to adjustment by increases or decreases in such volume to take into account (i) increases or decreases in the number of connections by type; (ii) increases or decreases in water use due to changes in industrial or commercial activities; and (iii) any other changes affecting the amount of Edwards Aquifer water use since 1984. In cases where the user cannot provide volume data for 1984, or the user did not exist in 1984, the user will apply the reduction goal percentage to an amount determined by reference to the average annual use per connection in 1984 for similar uses and users in the area. F! Reporting All primary users will report volumes supplied or produced from the aquifer during both DMP and non -DMP conditions to the District. During non -DMP conditions, reporting will occur on a monthly basis. During DMP conditions, reporting will occur on a weekly basis. Table 1 Reduction Stages and Reduction Goals Stage Coma] Sings Flow Reduction Goals I 250 cfs Voluntary 10% II 225 cfs 15% III 175 cfs 20% IV 150 cfs 30% Extreme Water (see note) (see note) Emergency * Measured at Comal Springs, New Braunfels Texas, Comal County (cubic feet per second) Note: Implementation of the Extreme Water Emergency Stage and the associated reduction goal will be declared at the discretion of the Board of Directors when necessary to prevent injury to water resources of the region, economic hardship, danger to public health or safety, or inequitable distribution of water, which cannot be adequately remedied by the declaration of Stages I-IV. See Rule 3.03. Part Three District Activities Rules Rules to implement this DMP have been developed and are considered a part of this plan and are contained herein. Any person affected by and dissatisfied with any rule contained herein may appeal the reasonableness and validity of the rule to the Texas Natural Resource Conservation Commission as provided for in the Act. Notification During non -DMP times, the District will take the following actions: * Issue statements to the news media on spring flow measurements and water quality conditions at key locations. * Make regular public appearances to explain on-going water conservation activities, the current status of water resource conditions and DMP activities. * Conduct periodic meetings with news media throughout the District on a general and individual basis to assure that they have the knowledge and understanding required for reporting accurately on spring flows, DMP stages. and related issues. * When conditions indicate that flows are beginning to decline at Comal Springs. the District will inform the public of the spring flow conditions. Upon implementation of Demand Reduction Stages, the District will, at a minimum, take the following actions: * Inform the public by publishing a notice in a newspaper of general circulation in each county of the spring flow conditions and the current Demand Reduction Stage. * Inform certain water users by mail of the declaration of a Demand Reduction Stage. * Take measures necessary to assure understanding of District findings and required responses. * Inform the appropriate state and federal agencies of the actions being taken. Monitoring The District will monitor flows at Comal Springs which are used as trigger conditions. Data will be collected and analyzed as frequently as necessary to provide advance information about trends. The District will also monitor withdrawals from the aquifer. The District will provide forms to those users required to report usage of or production of groundwater to the District. 2 Variances The District may grant variances from DMP requirements. The District will evaluate each variance request on the merits described in the application. In evaluating a request, the District will consider factors such as the water use efficiency, demonstrated health and safety concerns, and economic and financial factors. The District will conduct a public hearing on each variance request, and will approve or disapprove each request in accordance with procedures set forth in the Rules. The approval may specify the period of time that the variance will be in effect. Enforcement If a user does not meet the reduction goals shown on Table 1, or otherwise fails to comply with the mandatory provisions of the Rules, the District may seek enforcement by appropriate remedy in a court of competent jurisdiction. If the District observes violations of use restrictions, or if analysis of pumping data reveals that user compliance with reduction goals is not taking place, the District will take measures necessary to achieve compliance. This may include meetings with the user before the District seeks enforcement by appropriate judicial remedy. Part Four Rules Introductory Provisions Section 1.01. Authority. `The Act (Tex. Water Code Auxiliary Laws art. 8280- 219) authorizes the Edwards Underground Water District (the "District') to develop and enforce comprehensive plans for the most efficient use of groundwater, to impose restrictions on users of groundwater to protect the water resources of the region from serious harm and to assure equitable distribution of available water resources among all water users, and to prevent waste and pollution of groundwater. The DMP Rules are adopted under the express and implied powers granted by the Act and other applicable law. Section 1.02. Definitions. The following words and terms shall have the following meaning unless expressly provided otherwise. Words and terms used in these rules which are not defined herein will be construed in accordance with the definitions contained in the District's general rules, if applicable. (1) "Act" means the act creating the Edwards Underground Water District, Tex. Water Code Auxiliary Laws art. 8280-219 (Act of April 28, 1959, 56th R.S., ch. 99, 1959 Tex. Gen. Laws 173, as amended). (2) "Baseline use volume" means a baseline amount of groundwater water determined by reference to the amount used by each user in 1984, as adjusted in accordance with Chapter Five, which is certified by the District as the baseline use volume for a user. (3) `Beneficial use" means use of the amount of water which is economically necessary for a lawful purpose, when reasonable intelligence and reasonable diligence are used in applying the water to that purpose. (4) "Connection" means a metered or unmetered delivery point to a customer or other receiver of water from a supplier. (5) "Concentrated animal feeding operation" means a concentrated, confined livestock operation operated for meat, milk, or egg production, growing, stabling, or housing, in pens or houses wherein livestock are fed at the place of confinement and crop or forage growth or production of feed is not sustained in the area of confinement. (6) "DMP" means the Demand Management Plan. (7) "District" means the Edwards Underground Water District, the boundaries of which include parts of Bexar, Comal and Hays Counties, Texas, as defined in the Act. (8) "District offices" means the principal offices of the Edwards Underground Water District, located in Bexar County, San Antonio, Texas, at 1615 N. St. Marys Street. (9) A "drought" occurs when: (a) there is not enough water to meet the needs of users; (b) precipitation is insufficient to meet the users expectations as to present or future supply; or _ 0 (c) conditions require temporary reductions in total water use to protect the water resources of the region from serious harm. (10) "Edwards Aquifer" means that portion of an arcuate belt of porous, water bearing limestones composed of the Edwards Group Limestone and Associated Formations trending from west to east to northeast through Kinney, Uvalde. Medina, Bexar, Comal and Hays counties. (11) "Initial user report" means a report to be filed by certain users that will provide general information on the user's water system in accordance with Chapter Two. (12) "Livestock" means animals, beasts, or poultry collected or raised for commercial use or pleasure, including but not limited to cattle, sheep, goats, swine, horses. chickens, turkeys, and zoo animals. The term also includes fish, shrimp. crayfish, and other aquatic animals that are collected, used, or raised for commercial purposes in artificial pens or houses such as tanks, raceways. and manmade ponds. (13) "Periodic volume report" means a weekly or monthly report of production from a well that primary users are required to file with the District. (14) "Person" means any individual, firm, entity, corporation, municipal corporation, governmental or proprietary body or association of persons, public or private, including the State of Texas and the United States Government. (15) A "primary user' is (a) a user who supplies more than 18,000,000 gallons of groundwater per year (a "primary supplier"), or (b) a user who produces more than 18,000,000 gallons of groundwater water per year (a "primary producer'), in accordance with Section 4.03. (16) Water is "produced" from a well when it flows from the well, whether by artesian pressure, pumping. or other means. A person "produces" from a well when that person owns the well or has possession or control over the well and permits water to flow from the well. whether by artesian pressure. pumping, or other means. (17) "Qualified industrial use" means the beneficial and non -wasteful use of groundwater integral to and necessary for the production of industrial, agricultural, or commercial goods, products, or services, provided that the phrase does not include the use of groundwater for recreational use, landscape use, or use in connection with a concentrated animal feeding operation. (18) "Reduction goal' means the amount of reduction in volume of groundwater supplied or produced, expressed in a percentage, from baseline use volume required for each Demand Reduction Stage. (19) "Saline water line" means the downdip Edwards Aquifer boundary, which is indicated by a line as depicted on maps maintained by the District, south and east of which the concentration of total dissolved solids in the water exceeds 1000 milligrams per liter. (20) "Stage" means one of five Demand Reduction Stages which may be declared by the District. (21) To "supply" means to supply, sell, or transfer groundwater to another person for any purpose and without regard to the source from where the water is obtained or the manner in which the water is delivered, transported, or transferred to the other person. A "supplier" is a user who supplies groundwater, and includes but is not limited to a public or private water company, water supply corporation municipality or water district. (22) "Target use volume" means the reduced amount of groundwater which can be supplied or produced during any reporting period for which a plan stage or stages are declared and continue as provided in Sections 5.04 through 5.06. (23) "Groundwater" means underground water in or produced, obtained, or originating from the Edwards Aquifer and associated formations within the District. (24) "User" means a person who produces, supplies, distributes or uses groundwater within the boundaries of the District, or who transports groundwater produced within the District out of the District. (25) "Waste" means: (a) the producing of groundwater if and to the extent the water is not beneficially used by any person; (b) the unreasonable loss of groundwater water through faulty design or negligent operation of a well or water works; (c) using quantities of groundwater for a purpose that otherwise would be considered beneficial in excess of quantities reasonably necessary for that purpose; (d) producing groundwater through an abandoned or deteriorated well; 10 (e) willfully causing or knowingly permitting groundwater from an artesian well to run off the well owner's land or to percolate through the stratum above which the groundwater is found, unless the groundwater is used for a purpose and in a manner in which it may be lawfully used on the owner's land; (f) withdrawal of groundwater from a groundwater reservoir at a rate and in an amount that causes or threatens to cause intrusion into the reservoir of water unsuitable for agricultural, gardening, domestic, or stock raising purposes; (g) escape of water from a groundwater reservoir to any other reservoir that does not contain groundwater; (h) pollution or harmful alteration of groundwater in groundwater reservoir by salt water, other deleterious matter admitted from another stratum or from the surface of the ground; (i) willfully or negligently causing, suffering, or permitting groundwater to escape into any river, creek, natural watercourse, depression, lake, reservoir, drain, sewer, street, highway, road, or road ditch, or onto any land other than that of the owner of the well; (j) groundwater pumped for irrigation that escapes as irrigation tailwater onto land other than that of the owner of the well unless permission has been granted by the occupant of the land receiving the discharge; or (k) using groundwater to transport or dilute "waste" as that term is defined in Section 26.001 of the Texas Water Code. (26) "Water resources of the region" includes but is not limited to: (a) the quantity and quality of groundwater; (b) spring flow and artesian pressure; (c) primeval habitats within the District which are directly and naturally created by or dependent on groundwater; and (d) the stability of the saline water line. (27) "Water works" means any structure, mechanism, facility, delivery or application system, or apparatus used in the production, distribution, transportation, or delivery of groundwater. Section 1.03. Filing Procedures. (a) In computing any period of time prescribed or allowed by these Rules, the day of the act or event after which the designated period of time begins to run is not included. The last day of the period so computed is to be included, unless it is a Saturday, Sunday, legal holiday, or any other day on which the District offices are closed, in which event the period runs until the end of the next day which is not a Saturday, Sunday, legal holiday, or a day on which the District offices are closed. (b) When these Rules require that a document be "filed" with the District, the document must, on or before the date the document is due, be 1) actually received in the District offices, 2) deposited in the 'United States Mail enclosed in a postpaid, properly addressed wrapper, in a post office or official depository under the care and custody of the United States Postal Service, or 3) sent to the District offices by telephonic document transfer before 5:00 p.m. (c) All documents mailed to the District which are required by these Rules or which relate to these Rules must be addressed as follows: Edwards Underground Water District Attention: Demand Management Office 1615 N. St. Mary's Street P. 0. Box 15830 San Antonio, Texas 78212 (d) Forms which are required by these Rules will be available at the District offices during regular business hours. Section 1.04. Change of Address. Primary users must notiA, the District of any change in address within thirty (30) days of such change. Reporting Requirements Section 2.01. Required Reports. (a) Primary users are required to file the following reports with the District: (1) Initial and supplemental user reports. (2) Periodic volume reports. 12 (3) Baseline use volume reports. (b) A primary user may file a combined report which will satisfy more than one of the report requirements if the report contains all the information required and is timely filed as to each required report. Section 2.02. Meters Required. (a) All primary users must continuously meter the groundwater they use or supply to others. (b) A water meter relied upon by a primary user in connection with any report filed with the District under these rules must be of a type and design and maintained in a condition which permits continuous, accurate, and reliable measurement of the quantity of groundwater which that primary user uses or supplies. Production meters must be inspected and calibrated at least once a year by a qualified professional meter technician, and the primary user must obtain and retain a dated certification from the technician that the meter has been inspected and calibrated, and is in good working condition. Primary users must provide copies of such certifications to the District at the District's request. and provide such other information or documents which the District may require to ascertain whether the user is in compliance with this section. (c) Primary users who are not in compliance with this section on the November 10, 1992 must comply with this section within 6 months of such date. Upon request by a user subject to the requirements, the District after hearing may grant an extension of time to avoid undue hardship. Initial and Supplemental User Reports Section 2.1 I. Initial User Report Required. Every primary user and every user who is requested to do so by the District must file an initial user report. Section 2.12. Form and Content of Report. The initial user report must be filed on a form provided by the District, and must provide the following information: (a) Name, address, and telephone number; (b) Contact person and title; (c) Type of business; (d) Type of use; (e) Number of wells; (f) Location of wells; (g) Annual volume of water produced or supplied for the three years preceding the date of the Report; (h) Number of connections; (i) Major wholesale customers; 0) Amount of water transported out of the District; (k) Categories of water usage by percentage of total use: [e.g., residential C2%), commercial C2%), manufacturing (_%), military L%), irrigation C21o), other (_%)]; (1) Source of water if wells not owned by user; (m) Meter information: size, number, and location; and (n) Other information the District may require. Section 2.13. Filing Deadline. The initial user report must be filed with the District within thirty (30) days after the effective date of the Rules or within thirty (30) days after the user receives a request for the report from the District. Section 2.14. User Status Changes. Any user who becomes a primary user after the effective date of the Rules must file an initial user report with the District within thirty (30) days of becoming a primary user. Section 2.15. Supplemental User Report. The District may require primary users to submit a supplemental user report from time to time for purposes of updating the District's files. Periodic Volume Reports Section 2.21. Requirement to Submit Volume Reports. Every primary user is required to file periodic volume reports. Section 2.22. Form and Contents of Report. Periodic volume reports must be filed on forms provided by the District, and must provide the following information: 14 (a) The user's name. address, and telephone number; (b) The user's assigned user number; (c) Contact person and title; (d) Reporting period; (e) Stage or stages in effect during reporting period; (f) Actual volume of water produced for the reporting period; (g) Volume or percentage of water lost between production and delivery to end user or other transferee; and (h) Other information the District may require. Section 2.23. Reporting Periods and Filing Deadlines. (a) When there is no Demand Reduction Stage in effect, periodic volume reporting is required on a monthly basis. When a Demand Reduction Stage is in effect, periodic volume reporting is required on a weekly basis. (b) The weekly volume report must be filed with the District no later than the day following the end of the reporting period. The weekly reporting period ends on the first business day of each week. (c) The monthly volume report must be filed with the District no later than the third day following the end of the reporting period. The monthly reporting period ends on the first business day of each month. Baseline Use Volume Reports Section 2.31. Reporting Requirements. Every primary user is required to file a baseline use volume report. Section 2.32. Baseline Use Volume Report. The baseline use volume report must be submitted on a form provided by the District, and must provide the following information, if applicable: (a) Name, address, and telephone number of the user; (b) Assigned user number; (c) Contact person and title; (d) 1984 well production volume by monthly or annual records; (e) Method of measurement or computation; (f) Number of connections by type and meter size categories for 1984 and each subsequent year; (g) Population served in 1984 and each subsequent year; (h) Monthly apportionment of baseline use volume requested if different from actualmonthly apportionment in 1984; (i) Name, address, and telephone number of every supplier who supplied water to the primary user; 0) Amounts of water supplied to the primary user by supplier; (k) Amounts of water supplied to other users; (1) Other information required by the District. Section 2.33. Filing deadline. (a) Any user who is a primary user on the effective date of these Rules must file a baseline use volume report with the District within thirty (30) days after the effective date of these Rules. Any user who becomes a primary user after the effective date must file a report with the District within thirty (30) days after the date of becoming a primary user. (b) After receiving the report, the District may require the user filing the report to provide additional information as may be necessary to certify a baseline use volume. Demand Reduction Stages Section 3.01. Stages Described. There are five Demand Reduction Stages, Stages I, II, III, IV and the Extreme Water Emergency Stage. Stages I, II, and III and IV are defined by successively lower rates of spring flow. The Extreme Water Emergency Stage may be declared by the Board in accordance with Section 3.03. 16 Section 3.02. Declaration of Stages. (a) For purposes of this section, spring flow is defined as the spring flow as measured in cubic feet per second at Comal Springs located in New Braunfels. Texas. (b) Stage I. Stage I will be declared when the spring flow rate reaches 250 cfs. (c) Stage II. Stage II will be declared when the spring flow rate reaches 225 cfs. (d) Stage III. Stage III will be declared when the spring flow rate reaches 175 cfs. (e) Stage IV. Stage IV will be declared when the spring flow rate reaches 150 cfs. (f) Summary Chart. The spring flow rates which will trigger Stages I-IV as described in this section are summarized in Table 1 below. Table 1 Reduction Stages and Reduction Goals Stage Comal Springs Flow Reduction Goals I 250 cfs Voluntary 10% II 225 cfs 15% III 175 cfs 20% IV 150 cfs 30% Extreme Water (As determined by the Board Emergency of Directors) Section 3.03. Extreme Water Emergency Stage. (a) The District may declare an Extreme Water Emergency Stage when: (1) Stage IV has been declared and the Board of Directors finds that other or further restrictions on water use are necessary to prevent injury to the water resources of the region, economic hardship, danger to public health or safety, or inequitable distribution of water; or (2) regardless of whether a stage has been declared, an emergency occurs which threatens immediate injury to the water resources of the region, economic hardship, danger to public health or safety, or inequitable distribution of water, which cannot be adequately remedied by the declaration of Stages I-IV. (b) To the extent it is practicable, the District will consult with representatives of municipalities, counties, river authorities, water purveyors, and other interested parties prior to the declaration of an Extreme Water Emergency Stage concerning the necessity for such a stage and proposed emergency orders. The District may seek and consider responses from any persons concerning the necessity for - such a stage and proposed emergency orders. (c) When the Board declares an Extreme Water Emergency Stage, it will issue such emergency orders as it believes necessary to prevent injury to the water resources of the region, economic hardship, danger to public health or safety, or inequitable distribution of ground water. The emergency orders may include, but are not limited to, a maximum per capita allotment for suppliers and reduction or cessation of industrial output and agricultural irrigation. The emergency rules need not be limited to primary users. In the most critical situations, only those water uses necessary for human health and safety may be permitted. The emergency orders will be effective on the date of their adoption. A Board action declaring or canceling an Extreme Water Emergency Stage requires a 2/3 majority vote of the Board in favor of such action. (d) As soon as practicable after declaring an Extreme Water Emergency Stage, the District will conduct hearings on the declaration of the Stage and the issuance of the emergency orders in each of the counties of the District. Notice of such hearings shall be given as provided in Section 6.21(b), except that the notice may be given not fewer than 7 days prior to the hearing. (e) When the Board determines that the conditions which caused the declaration of the Extreme Water Emergency Stage have passed, or that the conditions have changed such that Stage I, II, III or IV will adequately protect the water resources of the region, economy, public health and safety, and ensure equitable distribution of water, the Board will cancel the emergency orders, and, if appropriate, declare Stage I, II, III or IV. (f) This section is inapplicable to Qualified Industrial Use by military installations in the District. For the purposes of this subsection, the term "military installations in the District' means Kelly Air Force Base, Randolph Air Force Base, Lackland Air Force Base, Brooks Air Force Base, and Fort Sam Houston. Also for the purposes of this subsection, "Qualified Industrial Use' means the beneficial and 18 non -wasteful use of groundwater integral to and necessary for the production of industrial, agricultural, or commercial goods, products, or services, provided that the phrase does not include the use of groundwater for recreational use, landscape use, or use in connection with a concentrated animal feeding operation. Section 3.04. End of Stage Declaration. (a) The District will use spring flow rates calculated on a 10 -day moving average as the determinant for rescinding a declaration of Stages I-IV. (b) Any declared Stage will remain in effect for at least 10 days unless a more restrictive Stage is declared. Section 3.05. Notice of Declaration of Stages. (a) Upon the declaration of any Stage, the District will publish a notice in a newspaper of general circulation in each county within the District. The notice will state that the Stage has been declared, report the conditions which caused the declaration of the stage, and state that, except for Stage I which is voluntary, compliance with the applicable reduction goals or emergency orders for the Stage is required. (b) As soon as practicable after the declaration of a Stage, the District will send written notice of the declaration of the Stage to primary users who have filed an initial user report and a baseline use volume report in accordance with these Rules. Lack of individual or actual notice of the declaration of a Stage will not be a defense in an action brought to enforce reduction goals. Section 3.06. Stages Not Exclusive. (a) The Stages imposed in this chapter are not exclusive. The District may, based on a finding that a drought exists, order other or further restrictions on water use as may be necessary twininimize the duration or severity of drought. Orders made under this section need not be limited to primary users. (b) A hearing must be held in accordance with Section 6.21 before the District issues any orders in connection with this section. Reduction Goals Section 4.01. Reduction Goals. Reduction goals are the percentages of reduction in groundwater use from certified baseline use volume which are imposed in connection with the respective Stages. The following are the established minimum reduction goals for each Demand Reduction Stage: Stage Reduction Goal I Voluntary 10% II 15% III 20% IV 30% These percentages are not cumulative. For example, the total reduction from certified baseline use volume to be achieved for Stage III is 20%. Section 4.02. Users Required to Meet Reduction Goals. (a) The following persons are required to meet reduction goals imposed by the District in connection with Stages I-IV: (1) Primary suppliers. (2) Primary producers who use more than 18,000,000 gallons of groundwater per year for other than qualified industrial uses. (b) Notwithstanding subsection (a): (1) A primary supplier who actually supplies groundwater to another supplier is not required to meet reduction goals as to that water. (2) A primary producer is not required to meet reduction goals as to groundwater which is actually put to a qualified industrial use (see definition of "qualified industrial use," Section 1.02(17)). This subsection does not apply to primary suppliers. Section 4.03. Primary User. (a) A user will be considered a primary user if: (1) the user supplies or produces more than 18.000,000 gallons of groundwater in an}, 12 -month period; 20 (2) the user supplied or produced more than 18,000,000 gallons of groundwater in the 12 months preceding the effective date of these Rules; (3) for the 3 years preceding the effective date of these Rules, the user's average amount of groundwater supplied or produced per year exceeded 18,000,000 gallons; (4) for water supplied or used after the effective date of these Rules, the amount of groundwater supplied or produced exceeds 4,500,000 gallons during any three-month period; or (5) for users who fail to properly meter or monitor the amount of groundwater being supplied or produced or who otherwise fail to provide accurate and reliable data to the District concerning the amount of groundwater supplied or produced, the General Manager determines based on available evidence that the user supplies or produces more than 18,000,000 gallons of groundwater per year as defined in this section. (b) A user who is or becomes a primary user will be deemed a primary user for at least 12 months thereafter. (c) The General Manager of the District upon review of available evidence will determine which users are primary users as provided in this section. Section 4.04. Burden to Establish Exemptions. A primary user who claims an exemption under Section 4.02(b) has the burden of providing reliable, accurate. and satisfactory evidence to the District of the applicability of the exemption and the amount of groundwater subject to the exemption. Baseline Use Volume and Target Use Volume Section 5.01. District Certification of Baseline Use Volume. (a) After a primary user has filed a properly completed baseline use volume report and any additional information which the District requests from the user, and the District satisfies itself that the information given is accurate and reliable, the District will certify the baseline use volume for that user as provided in this section. (b) Except as provided in subsection (c) the baseline use volume will be certified to be equal to the amount of groundwater the user supplied or used in 1984. adjusted by any increases or decreases in such volume to take into account the following: ')i (1) increases or decreases in the number of each type of connection; (2) a change in industrial or commercial activities or production requiring groundwater use increase or decrease, or (3) any other changes affecting the amount of groundwater use since 1984. (c) In the event the data for any user is unavailable or incomplete for 1984, the user did not exist in 1984, the information provided by the user is not accurate or reliable, the user fails to timely file a, baseline use volume report, or the District determines that it is not appropriate to certify a baseline use volume based on the amount of water the user supplied or produced in 1984, the District may certify as the baseline use volume the amount of groundwater the user would probably have supplied or used in 1984 based on data provided by the user and other available evidence, including but not limited to evidence of groundwater use by similar users in 1984, or such other amount as the District deems appropriate. Section 5.02. Revision of Baseline Use Volume. (a) Any user with a certified baseline use .volume may seek a revision of such baseline use volume by filing a revised baseline use volume report with the District along with a written request for revision of the baseline use volume. (b) Any user with a certified baseline use volume must file a revised baseline use volume report within thirty (30) days of: (1) any increase or decrease of five percent (5%) or more in the number of connections or persons supplied; (2) any change in industrial or commercial activities or production requiring a groundwater use increase or decrease of five percent (5%) or more; or (3) any other groundwater use increase or decrease of five percent (5%) or more. (c) After a revised certified baseline use volume report is filed, the District ma}' revise the certified baseline use volume for each user. Section 5.03. Monthly pportionment of Certified Baseline Use Volume. The certified baseline use volume will be apportioned in monthly amounts according to (i) the user's actual use during each month of 1984, or such other amounts as may be certified pursuant to Section 5.01 (c) or 5.02, or (ii) a different monthly apportionment requested by the user, provided that the total of the monthly apportionments does 22 not exceed the certified baseline use volume. The monthly apportionment of the baseline use volume will be further divided by the number of days in the month to arrive at the daily apportionment of the user's certified baseline use volume. Section 5.04. Determination of Target Use Volume. The total target use volume for Demand Reduction Stages I-IV will be the sum of daily apportionments for the reporting period reduced by the applicable reduction goal. Section 5.05. Notification to User. The District will notify the user of the certified baseline use volume, the monthly apportionments, and the daily apportionments for Demand Reduction Stages I-IV. Section 5.06. Requirement to Meet Target Use Volume. (a) Immediately upon the publication of public notice as prescribed in Section 3.05, each primary user must meet the target use volume for Stage announced in the notice except for Stage I which is voluntary. All other users are encouraged to reduce the volume of groundwater used, supplied, or produced voluntarily. (b) A primary user will have met the target use volume for the applicable reporting period as specified in Section 2.23 if the total use of the user during the reporting period does not exceed the sum of . the target use volume daily apportionments applicable to the Stage or Stages in effect during the reporting period. Enforcement and Administration Variances Section 6.01. Variance Approval Procedures. (a) A user who is subject to requirements or restrictions imposed by these Rules may file a written request for a variance. The variance request must contain the following information: (1) the rule requirement or restriction for which the variance is requested; (2) the length of time for which the variance is requested; (3) the reasons for seeking the variance; and (4) a sworn statement that the facts contained in the request are true and within the requestor's personal knowledge. (b) The District may require the user to provide any additional information which is relevant to the request for variance, including but not limited to data relating to the user's use of water. The user must file such additional information within 30 days of the date of the request. Section 6.02. Factors Considered. In considering a request for variance, the District will consider the following factors: (a) the user's historic water use efficiency; (b) the user's historic water demand patterns; (c) the user's history of compliance with reduction goals and other conservation efforts; (d) the effect of the requested variance on human health and safety, the water resources of the District, and equitable distribution of groundwater; (e) the effect of the requested variance on adjoining and nearby landowners; (f) the proportionate amount of the user's water use allocated to landscape and other seasonal uses; (g) economic and financial factors affecting the user; (h) whether the user has previously forfeited a variance; and (i) any other relevant factors. Section 6.03. Findings in Support of Variance. The District may grant a request for variance if it finds that: (a) the variance is necessary to avoid an unusual, direct, and substantial hardship on the user seeking the variance; (b) there are no other practicable means for avoiding the hardship besides the granting of a variance; (c) granting the variance will not cause significant adverse effects to the water resources of the region or other persons within the District, and will not create inequitable distribution of groundwater; and 24 (d) granting the variance is not inconsistent with the intent of the DMP or these Rules. Section 6.04. Procedures for District Review. (a) Before granting or denying any request for a variance, the Board will hold a hearing concerning the request for variance. Notice of the hearing will be sent to the user requesting the variance. The District will publish notice of variance hearings in newspapers of general circulation in each county of the District. The District may grant the variance in part, or may grant the variance conditionally. (b) The hearing will be held within 30 days of the filing of the request for variance. or within 30 days of the receipt of such supplemental information which the District may request. Not more than 30 days after such a hearing has been held, the District will by order grant or deny the variance. Section 6.05. Term of Variance. Unless otherwise provided by the Board, a variance will be effective for 12 months following the date it is approved by the Board. The variance may provide that it will automatically renew for successive 12 -month terms unless the District sends notice of non -renewal to the user holding the variance not less than 45 days prior to the anniversary date of the granting of the variance. The sending of a notice of non -renewal will not preclude the user from filing another request for variance. Section 6.06. Variance Status Reports and Hearings. (a) The District may request the user holding a variance to file a variance status report containing information pertaining to the status of the user's water use and whether there has been any change of conditions. The user to whom such a request is sent must file the report with the District within 20 days from the date the request was sent. (b) The District may hold a hearing concerning the status of a variance. Section 6.07. Rescission and Forfeiture of Variance. (a) It is a condition of every variance granted by the District that the variance may be rescinded based on changed conditions, and that the variance may be forfeited if the holder of the variance fails to abide by its terms, comply with mandatory reduction goals, or comply with any other rule, regulation, permit, or order of the District. (b) Regardless of the term for which a variance is granted: (1) The District may rescind any variance due to changed conditions. (2) The District may order any variance forfeited due to the failure of the user holding the variance to abide by its terms, comply with mandatory reduction goals, or comply with any other rule, regulation, permit, or order of the District. (c) The District may initiate a rescission or forfeiture of a variance by sending a notice of rescission or forfeiture of variance to the user holding the variance. If the user holding the variance files a request fora hearing within 30 days after the notice is sent, the District shall conduct a hearing to hear evidence concerning the circumstances which warrant rescission or forfeiture of the variance. The - District will send notice of the hearing to the user holding the variance not later than seven (7) days prior to the hearing. After such a hearing has been held, the Board may order the variance rescinded or forfeited, withdraw the notice and conditionally or unconditionally continue the variance, or modify the variance. If no request for a hearing is received within 30 days after the notice is sent, the variance may be ordered rescinded or forfeited by the General Manager without further action by the Board of Directors of the District. Judicial Remedies and Enforcement Powers. Section 6.11. General Prohibition of Waste. It shall be unlawful for any person to waste groundwater or to supply or produce groundwater in a wasteful manner, and such waste is declared a public nuisance. Section 6.12. District Will Enforce Rules. The District will enforce these Rules by injunction, mandatory injunction, or other appropriate remedy. Suits to enforce these Rules may be brought in any court of competent jurisdiction. Section 6.13. Investigative Powers. The District may use any investigative technique or exercise any investigative power provided or permitted by law in connection with enforcement of these Rules, including the power to issue subpoenas for persons and documents. Hearings and Other Procedures. Section 6.21. Public Hearings. (a) Discretionary and Mandatory Hearings. The District may at its discretion hold a public hearing with respect to any matters relating to these Rules or the Act. Any 26 person may request a hearing by filing a request for hearing form. A hearing must be held if properly requested by a person who has and demonstrates in the request a property interest which is directly and adversely affected by the Rules. (b) Notice of Public Hearing. Notice of a hearing held under these Rules will be published once at least fourteen (14) days prior to the date of the hearing in one or more newspapers with general circulation in the District. The notice will: (1) state the name and address of the person requesting the hearing, if any, and the subject matter of the hearing; (2) if the hearing relates to a variance, state the name and address of the user holding or requesting a variance and provide a brief description of the nature of the variance or request for variance; (3) if the hearing relates to a possible violation of the Act or these Rules, state the name and address of the person who may have violated the Act or these Rules, and provide a brief description of the possible violation; (4) if the hearing relates to a citizen complaint, the name and address of the person who is the subject of the complaint, and provide a brief description of the nature of the citizen complaint; (5) if the hearing relates to an order under Section 3.06, state the proposed finding of drought and provide a brief description of the proposed order; (6) specify the time and place for the hearing; (7) give any additional information the District considers necessary. This subsection does not apply to hearings relating to rule-making under Section 6.31. (c) Procedure for Public Hearing. (1) The hearing may be held in conjunction with or independently of a regular or special meeting of the Board. The chairman of the Board or another person designated by the chairman shall act as presiding officer. The hearing shall be conducted in accordance with applicable law, including any Rules of Practice which the District may adopt. 77 (2) Any interested person may appear at the hearing, in person or by attorney, or may enter an appearance in writing, orally or by affidavit. The presiding officer may swear witnesses and take their testimony under oath. (3) The District may receive evidence from any person, orally or by affidavit, hear arguments, and make determinations necessary to effectuate the purposes of the Act and the Rules. The presiding officer will rule on the admissibility of evidence, and may exclude evidence which is irrelevant, immaterial, or unduly repetitious. Section 6.22. Notice of Noncompliance (a) If the District has reason to believe that any person is in violation of these Rules, the Act, or any other statute, regulation, or order relating to groundwater, the District may send to the person a notice of noncompliance. The notice will contain a description of the noncompliance and the actions which the person must take to cure such noncompliance, state the time in which such actions must be taken, and notify the person that a written response to the notice must be filed with the District not later than 10 days following the date the notice was received by the person. (b) The person to whom the notice is sent must file a written response with the District not later than 10 days following receipt of the notice. The response must either admit or deny each allegation of non-compliance. If the person denies an allegation of non-compliance, the person must state the facts and circumstances that support the denial. If the person admits an allegation of non- compliance, the person must specify what actions the person will take to cure the non-compliance within the time specified in the notice or explain why the person cannot do so. Section 6.23. Citizen Complaints. Any person may file a citizen complaint reporting a violation, suspected violation, or anticipated violation of any of these Rules, and petition the District to initiate enforcement proceedings. The District may conduct a hearing on a citizen complaint as provided in Section 6.21. Notice of any such hearing will be sent to the person filing the complaint and to the user who is the subject of the complaint at least fourteen (14) days prior to the hearing. Section 6.24. Disclosure of Information. (a) Subject to the limitations of the Open Records Act, GOVT CODE Chapter 552, information collected, assembled or maintained by the District is public record open to inspection and copying during regular business hours. W (b) A person submitting data or information to the District may request that the data or information be designated as confidential. If the District agrees with the designation and such data or information is excepted from disclosure under the Texas Open Records Act, the data or information shall be maintained as confidential and not open for public inspection. Adopting, Amending, and Appealing Rules. Section 6.31. Procedure for Adoption and Amendment of Rules. (a) Before any proposed rule is adopted or any existing rule is amended, the District will conduct a public hearing in each county within the District to receive public comment. After the hearings are held, the rule will be adopted or amended on the affirmative majority vote of the Board of Directors. A rule shall take effect not earlier than the 14th day after its adoption or amendment. (b) Notice of each hearing, along with a brief description of the proposed rule, will be published once each week for two consecutive weeks in one or more newspapers with general circulation in the District and in the county in which the hearing is to be held. The first notice of a hearing will be published not later than 14 days prior to the hearing. (c) The District may review the DMP and the Rules from time to time to determine whether modifications are warranted. In reviewing the DMP and the Rules, the District may consider implementation experience, new data concerning the Edwards Aquifer or the use of groundwater, and any other information which it deems relevant. Section 6.32. Appeals. (a) Any person affected by and dissatisfied with any rule adopted pursuant to subdivisions 3(a)(10) through (16) of the .Act relating to the development. implementation, and enforcement of a drought management plan, may appeal the reasonableness and validity of such rule to the Texas Natural Resource Conservation Commission under rules adopted by the Commission. (b) If the Commission determines a rule is unreasonable or otherwise invalid, it may either declare that the rule is null and void and direct the District to adopt a substitute rule or reform the rule so that it is reasonable and valid. (c) Upon receiving direction from the Commission to adopt a substitute rule, the District will, as soon as practicable, adopt such rule in accordance with § 3(b) of its enabling statute. Any such substitute rule shall be effective immediately upon its adoption by the District. (d) During the pendency of an appeal of any rule to the Commission or any judicial proceedings relating to the validity or reasonableness of the rule, the rule shall remain in effect for all purposes unless otherwise ordered by the Commission or a court of competent jurisdiction. rev.dmp.rules 012695 30 WATER USE REDUCTION STAGES OF THE DEMAND MANAGEMENT PLAN Trigger Condition (J-17 Well Level) - Aquifer Awareness 655 If - Aquifer Watch 648 III - Aquifer Alert 640 IV - Aquifer Risk 628 (or Comal Spring Flow below 150 cts) Trigger conditions consist of aquifer water levels as measured in Well AY -68-37-203 (J-17) in San Antonio. Enforcement of this plan is dependent on cooperation of the Cibolo water customers. Violators of this ordinance will be subject to fines as adopted by Ordinance 465 of the City Council of Cibolo on April 23, 1996. The fine schedule is found in Table 3 of this ordinance. Stage II Declaration - Other Provisions Designated Watering Days Stage II of the DMP allows citizens to water their landscapes with sprinklers on designated days. A person's designated day is determined by the LAST NUMBER of the property address. Residential landscape watering will be allocated by odd vs even numbers. Watering is allowed any day of the week with hand held hose or soaker hoses (and drip irrigation) during the "Designated Watering Times." Landscape watering from a Cibolo water connection is prohibited at all other times (NOTE: During Stage II and Stage III, even hand held hoses may not be used outside of "Designated Watering Times". Landscape Watering for Residential Customers Odd Numbers SUNDAYS AND THURSDAYS Even Numbers SATURDAYS AND TUESDAYS Landscape Watering for Non -Residential Categories All addresses - WEDNESDAYS ONLY Designated Watering Times Stage 11 watering with sprinklers is prohibited from 10:00 a.m. until 8:00 p.m. Watering is allowed from midnight to 10:00 a.m. and from 8 p.m. to midnight. Stage III Declaration - Other Provisions Designated Watering Days Stage III of the D' NIP allows citizens to water their landscapes with sprinklers on designated days. A person's designated day is determined by the LAST NUMBER of the property address. Residential landscape watering will be allocated by odd vs even numbers. Watering is allowed any day of the week with hand held hose or soaker hoses (and drip irrigation) during the "Designated Watering Times." Landscape watering from a Cibolo water connection is prohibited at all other times (NOTE: During Stage II and Stage III, even hand held hoses may not be -used outside of "Designated Watering Times". Landscape Watering for Residential Customers Odd Numbers SUNDAYS ONLY Even Numbers SATURDAYS ONLY Landscape Watering for Non -Residential Categories All addresses - WEDNESDAYS ONLY Designated Watering Times Stage III watering with sprinklers is prohibited from 10:00 a.m. until 8 p.m.. and from midnight until 5:00 am.. Watering is allowed from 5:00 a.m. until 10:00 a.m and 8:00 p.m. until midnight.. Stage IV Declaration - Other Provisions Landscape Watering for Residential Customers NO WATERING WITH SPRINKLERS IS ALLOWED Landscape Watering for Non -Residential Categories NO WATERING WITH SPRINKLERS IS ALLOWED Any outdoor landscape must be done with a handheld hose or 5 -gallon or smaller bucket. Soaker hoses may be used if someone is present ao V• '1 'li•1.14Y1• IY• "119 J` Water Use Stage Reducti m Maasaes I• Y1 I'14 6,i• /. •••'10:IYY?I D /. x/1:1 71.1 1• 1 li. 11 J I. Y1:r. Y:r/ •1 1 1:11. • •1•I1 I• 'r' Essential Services Ir IIr III FiIE—flgIating' TapAicA1 17-om (3.3)— no restrictims. I roed=ticn in fire hydrant & Sewer Line fluehirq r9==mr ded. LIVestock Use (1B) ' I/ IIt III Red=Lim is leommmas7ed. U: 22 is en=sdged to recb=e Crater usage by any mmm available. srg4 mprm mr4rnasmmd aq emm;w ('=}a 'tea" E SL mmpm PBT' -Flax = Passat is ass am 'PEqT4FrPmd aprEUF Pule %ns= III 'II (6) S=4� 'PeqFgrWzd SF s'F TTpmq 94paud 3 UT) OF Em &rP}g.= Pm mu m3 anqgr=Tdu Pm ftFTru TII • SMTAXEd Po;gT d ATM hmnmm 'sai 4mmv'3 04MT�d bra ' qRiPUB ABU M; pg;4T=d hxr III 'II 'I (6i) PTaCmT=H I J�1 M .• b r 1. 1 3p^ • M ��11 q •A 1- .' •aTqurFRM Wmw Am (o Z) -Ta= Aq a&ML M:Pft O=q=t a} PB&=ram pm 'Ter=== Sr M] •POPUBMZ= t SF ucr4 qmu III 'II 'I 'jLrr= 4uI Cther Outdoor Uses I. II, III Waste (11) is prohibited. (10) IIWashing of any igxrviaas msfaoe area (12) is prohibited. Me washing of any iqw vi= asiam fOr i"iwA;are health and safely shall be a defense to pro;etim for this paragraph. Washing of* mobile equipment (10) United to assigned rt'5a] 11 desigrg&ed watzzing day with han m d bole (4) (with inztcmatic sbut-cff :mile) or bu&.et (5). Use of metrial Vehicle wash .facility permitted any day. Washing of 1uperyi PRIG stirfa washing (I2) is prohibited emeptshin for immediate bumtan • health and safely cmz:e s. Vehicle washing is permitted OW for health and safety reasas over a pervimis surface area during designated day and time with handheld base (with automatic ch,.tnrr nozzle) cr bwJwt. Water use by aommzcial Vehicle washing fawI itis is prchibited. Vegetable Cart9en I Iandscape tla}e^*; Using inriiVi&MI ( 8) sprink1w or sprin)tler systems for vegetable garden ( 8) is permitted only between the hags of 8:00 p.m. and 10:00 a.m. Ptohi,bitions for watering ars between 10:00 a.m. and 8:00 p.m. Watering with hanr1hele9 hwe (4) , bucket (5) or drip irrigation(6) system is permitted at any time. Jw .1 ✓.1.' J � .J�11 - .1 r. 1�1 .�• Ai ra„li��l I Tuxismpe watering uSIIxj individual I=igation (1) T inkier cw sprinkler systems for existing (7) LmxIscop='g plants (Z) is Permitted (dmoes ;c) only bobween the banns a2 8:00 p.m. and 10:00 a.m. Prohibitions for watering are between 10:00 a.m. and 8:00 p.m. Watering with handheld Dose (4), bL=)Mt (5) or drip irrinaticn system (6) is permitted T at any time. r. I _ / 1 _I • 1 11 •I •1 �C •1 •I lie=1 r - •1 IY u• b ✓_ growth until watering using individual J .1 q=irJdw systems •.1 Lindwaping plants (2) is permitted only • J J the bours of 8:00 p.m. and 3LO:00 ftchibiticas •.1 watering between 10:00and 1 11 WatariM MrxRwld hxdmt (5) or drip izrigatim system is pmmitted at any tim. 1� - v_I• _ r-1 . J•�� r. pt - rc .I r• �_.. � • -I-= �. a � _1 V_I. J - :1 rl• I . y, .1 • 1 . 4 • 1 / J Golf Course I Redo .Fi on of irrigation beta m the (as defied by hours of 8:00 p.m. and 10:00 a.m. City Chide) II FWdU t:i M of irrigates babosen the hours of 8:00 p.m. and 10:00 a.m. Me maximmt allowable irrigation time, are: Qi. c. p. Irr •. r.- ' J !.: 1.,}_— �} ra r. - FI rrr .y 1 11 1-1 rH .1 .nl Ira - - •r - J Recreaticral areas 3= TAW use Iimy be=gated (a park is Refined as 0= every tbe- a tract ofland hours of 00 10:00 / r • exceed JM b. = per week. place of beauty cr of i=igated crm every fIve (5) days the hmyrn of 8:00 111 �l—M floalf3s1 watering is permitted with h uaml d hose between the hours of 5:00 a.m.-10:00 a.m. and 8:00 p.m.-cddn ght On use of treated wastewater is a FOR PURPOSES OF THIS ATTACHMENT THE FOLLOWING TERMS SHALL HAVE THE MEANINGS AS INDICATED HEREIN BELOW: FOOTNOTES - (1) "Landscape watering" means the application of water to grow landscaping plants. (2) "Landscaping plant" means any member of the kingdom plantae, including any tree, shrub, vine, herb, flower, succulent, groundcover or grass species, that grows or has been planted out-of-doors. (3) "New landscaping plant" means any plant or seed planted in or transplanted to an area within such period of time as to accomplish a reasonable establishment and maintenance of growth. (4) "Handheld hose" means a hose attended by one person, fitted with a manual or automatic shutoff nozzle. (5) "Bucket" means bucket or other container holding five gallons or less, used singly by one person. (6) "Drip irrigation" means an automatic water -saving irrigation system (drip, porous pipe, etc.). (7) "Existing landscaping plant" means a landscaping plant existing in an area after such period of time as to accomplish an establishment and maintenance of growth. (8) "Vegetable garden" means any non-commercial vegetable garden planted primarily for household use. 'For this, "non-commorciaiw: uta.Ludes incidental direct seiiing of produce from such a vegetable garden to the public. (9) "Aesthetic use" means the use of water for fountains, waterfalls, and landscape lakes and ponds where such use is entirely ornamental and serves no other functional purpose. (10) "Other outdoor use" means -the use of water outdoors for the maintenance, cleaning and washing of structure and mobile equipment, including automobiles and boats, and the washing of streets, driveways, sidewalks, patios and other similar areas. (11) Waste includes, but is not limited to, allowing water to run off into a gutter, ditch or drain, or failing to repair a controllable leak. (12) "Impervious surface area" means any structure or any street' driveway, sidewalk, patio or other surface area covered with brick, paving, tile or other impervious material. •suOTgs=ado Aasssnu puE ssTZTTTOR; TTE}as 'STagog JS8T4TTTOR; 80TA=as poo; 'oq p84TMTT 4ou 8=2 gnq JaPnTOuT.88T4TTTmv; T2T0=emm00: •s40npo=d TguT; OWT IagEM ;o uOT42=od=OOuT agg pus sTRT=agsm 8499w pule 9g0npo=d mos; T2Ts832m aTgs=Tsap ;o uOTgs=sdas pug uOT402=4xa 'TOaWoo uOTgnTTOd 'buTgsgw pug BUTUNSTO 'pGa; saTTOq 'buTTOOO MR 9aTgTArg02 OT;Toads--sse0o=d Bons m=o;sad gOTRA 8ST4TTTOE;. apnTOuT saTZTTTOg; TNT=gsnpuI -=T=nOq pug uOTgga=Oa= 82 Wns SaT=gsnpuT p849TO=-90TA290 OZ TUTWGsse 3a4aM' pug SOT4TTT02; T2T0=8mmOO =o T2TzZsnPuT Aq PGPTAo=d saoTA=as pug spoob A=gmT=d ;o uoTgOnpo=d agg og T2=ba4uT =ag2m ;0 88n DIM sugem Yarn =3q4O pug IVTO=ammo0 'T2TsgsnPuIw (OZ) 'AgTTTOB; TNTZ49nPUT =o T2TosaMoa g uT =0 8CUOPTsa= 2 uT sa=oo sun sin zetpagm 'burugaTO =o uOT424TuEs 'buTXooO 'buTggag. 'buTggsq 'buT3M.Tp sg gons 'sasod=nd pTogasnoq =o; =o spesu Tguos=ad =o; 'A=oba42o =oopgno agg uT seen u2gq seggo '=aggA ;o Gsn sgg suRem Yasn pTogasnoHY (61) •sesod=nd T2uoszad =o T2T0=8mmo0 =o; pasn 'sT2mTug OOz buTPnTOuT 'spaTq Pule sTu=Tu2 =aggo pug OT40NO 'OTgsamOp 'amgb pug 'sas=oq 'A=gTnod 'sbog 's}sob lasoMs 0111-44= SURSM u%00498ATrlu •$0049eATT TO buTgsgn =o Aq Bu -r ap =o; =e4vA ;o asn eq3 SURGE assn XoogsaATZY (ST) •saT4TTT02; p84928do =o paURO ATTgdTOTunm susam u0TTgncln (GC) •A=gTnod =O x0039eATT =o; paa; sg asn og =o uOTgdmnsuoo ugmng =o; ATTUT0=ammo0 sdo=o buTMO.Lb ;o asod=nd agg =o; UOTggbT==T sugam auoT42bT-=T TB=ngT=T=bVY (9t) -sToA=asa= bUTTOOO ;o gusmgsru8Tda= =o; pug bUTTOOD =o; -1042A ao asn MR pug UOTgE3aueb mea}s =o; =a42M ;o asn agg sumem Yasn UOTgOnpo=d zemodn (ST) •sma-4sds =agRw aTgggod Aq uOTgngT=gsTp pug UOTSSTMSU924 '4uam4Eea4 'T2e12=pg;TA =o; pasn -1849A sugam „asn AgTTTgn =agEMn (4T) 'A4TTTOE; g0=Ras3= TROTPOM =0 8-120 ggTgag a8tMO =o amog burs=nu 'oruTTO 'TggTdsog Aug su28m .4TTT02; a=20 uMTEeHn (CT) QSANISmo samKima PENALTIES FOR VIOLATION OF THE DEMAND MANAGEMENT PLAN (DMP) (AS ESTABLISHED BY ORDINANCE 466) TABLE 3 DEMAND MANAGEMENT PLAN FINE SCHEDULE STAGE I and STAGE H Residential Customers ofthe City of Cibolo Water System First violation at an address in a 12 month period Written warning Second violation at an address in a 12 month period $25-$50 Third violation at an address in a 12 month period $ 50-$100 Fourth violation at.an address in a 12 month period $100-$200 All subsequent citations $200-500 Commercial/Industrial Customers of the Citv of Cibolo Water System First violation at an address in a 12 month period Written warning Second violation at an address in a 12 month period $ 50-100 Third violation at an address in a 12 month period $100-200 Fourth violation at an address in a 12 month period $200-500 All subsequent citations $400-500 STAGE III and STAGE IV Residential Customers ofthe City of Cibolo Water System First violation at an address in a 12 month period Written warning Second violation at an address in a 12 month period $50-100 Third violation at an address in a 12 month period $100-200 All subsequent citations $200-500 Commercial/industrial Customers of the City of Cibolo Water System First violation at an address in a 12 month period Written warning. Second violation at an address in a 12 month period $100-200 Third violation at an address in a 12 month period $200-500 All subsequent citations $400-500 All 12 -month periods begin at 12:01 a.m. January 1st and end at midnight December 31 of that year. All citations are per physical street address. The Citation will be issued to the individual in proximate care of the residence where the offense occurs at the time of the incident. All violations are cumulative with no deference to which Stage I under which the initial or subsequent violations occurred.The City of Cibolo reserves the right to permanently remove water meters for repeated violations of the DMP. !I7 ADDENDUM/ATTACHMENT 1: RATES AND CHARGES: Following are the rates and charges for services furnished by the City of Cibolo's Water Department. (Amended August 8, 1995 - Effective for August 15, 1995 billing cycle, new rates paid for the first time on October 1, 1995 billing.) RESIDENTIAL WATER RATES MONTHLY BILLING First 1,200 gallons $ 9.00 Base Rate Between 1,200 and 3,000 gallons $12.25 Base Rate 3,001 to 10,000 additional $ 1.85 per 1,000 gal 10,001 to 25,000 additional $ 2.60 per 1,000 gal 25,001+ additional $ 3.60 per 1,000 gal COMMERCIAL WATER RATES First 3,000 gallons $14.00 3,001 gallons additional $ 1.85 per 1,000 gal METER CONNECT FEES Address where service already in existence $30.00 Residential where no service existed $60.00 (Line Tap) $ 3.00 Commercial where no service existed $75.00 Industrial where no service existed $120.00 (Line Tap) Commercial where service existed $30.00 Industrial where service existed $30.00 HYDRANT METER FEES $400.00 Meter Connect $40.00 Daily Rental $ 3.00 Water Rate $ 1.85 per 1,000 gal TRANSFER FEES Move within City $30.00 UMZ111.5M1" Hydrant Meter $400.00 Residential Service $40.00 Commercial Service Two months estimated use Industrial Service Two months estimated use Garbage Only Pre -pay one month All of these fees and charges are in addition by impact fees charged for new service and platting in the City of Cibolo. A, EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ORDINANCE 472 The Ordinance contains five parts. The First part deals with the creation of a maintenance officer and the setting of fees and water rates (This is a consolidation of Ordinance 410 with its amendments) The second part is the Edwards Demand Management Plan that was previously adopted by City Council. The third part, Table 1 and Table II, summaries the mandatory water reductions under each of the Four Stages. The Fourth part is Table III, fines established by Ordinance 466 in April of this year for violations of the Demand Management Plan mandatory restrictions. The Final part is the Addendum/Attachment of water rates adopted by the City Council last year. (Originally part of 410 passed in 1991) TABLE OF CONTENTS PART ONE: ESTABLISHMENT OF A MAINTENANCE OFFICER AND SETTING OF WATER RATES FOR THE CITY OF CIBOLO PAGES i -v PART TWO: ADOPTION OF THE DEMAND MANAGEMENT PLAN (DMP) OF THE EDWARDS UNDERGROUND WATER DISTRICT AS REVISED APRIL 11, 1995 PAGES 1 -30 TABLE 1: WATER USE REDUCTION STAGES OF THE DEMAND MANAGEMENT PLAN (DMP) PAGES 31-32 TABLE 2: REDUCTION MEASURES PAGES 33-39 TABLE 3: PENALTIES FOR VIOLATION OF THE DEMAND PAGE 40 MANAGEMENT PLAN (DMP) ADDENDUM/ATTACHMENT I, RATES AND CHARGES PAGE 41 PART ONE: ESTABLISHMENT OF A MAINTENANCE OFFICER AND SETTING OF WATER RATES FOR THE CITY OF CIBOLO SECTION ONE (1): Introduction Providing for the appointment of a maintenance officer, providing for connection to water mains; regulating the use of water from the, city water system; providing for service through meters; providing for revised rates for services furnished by the city's water works system; enacting provisions, incidents and related to billing and collection of water and sewer charges; and imposing a penalty of a fine of not less than $25.00 not to exceed $500.00 and making each day a separate offense for violation of ordinance; repealing all ordinances, orders and resolutions in conflict, prescribing a date when such rates and charges shall become effective and declaring an emergency. Section 1 Index Section 2 Appointment Duties of Maint. Officer Section 3 Unlawful Activities Section 4 Metering Requirements Section 5 Meter Connection -Charges, Installation & Repair. Section 6 Fees, Rates & Billing Procedures Section 7 Conditions of Service Section 8 Service Requests - outside Existing Service Area Section 9 Water Line Taps Section 10 Violations of ordinance Section 11 Emergency Conditions Section 12 Severability Addendum/Attachment 1 SECTION TWO (2): Appointment/Duties of Maintenance Officer. There shall be appointed by the City Council of Cibolo Texas a Maintenance Officer who shall be in charge of all property and machinery used in or connected with the Utility Department. He shall be responsible for inspection of all pipe lines and all other property used in or connected with the Utility Department, and shall make all repairs deemed necessary and consistent with his duties. He shall also report all violations of this ordinance to the City Administrator and shall proceed to have offenders prosecuted as set forth in this ordinance or any amendment thereof. He shall also attend to and control the water supply and at all times, oversee the sufficiency thereof to the greatest extent possible. He shall attempt to notify the community of the necessity of any disruption of service when possible and practical. SECTION THREE (3): Unlawful Activities. It shall hereafter be unlawful for any person or persons to do, commit or assist in committing any of the following things or acts in the City of Cibolo, Texas: (a) To resort to any fraudulent device or arrangement for the purpose of procuring water from private connections on premises contrary to the City regulations or ordinances. (b) To make or permit to another make any connection with the main or service pipes of the utility system or to turn or use water of said system without authorization and payment of fees. (c) To remove any water meter or device that has been placed by the City, or to in any manner change, interfere with or tamper with any water meter or device ; providing that the provisions of this section shall not apply to the employees of the City when acting in their official capacity. (d) To turn on the water supply to any building or to any supply pipe when the supply has been turned off for the nonpayment of the monthly water charge or for the violation of any rule or ordinance governing the water system. (e) To open or close any fire hydrant or stopcock connected with the utilities system of the City of Cibolo, or to lift or remove the covers of any gate valves or shut off thereof, without the permission of the Maintenance Officer, except in case of fire, and then under the direction of officers of the Fire Department. (f) It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation to make any connection to the mains of the utilities system of the City of Cibolo, Texas, without first making application to the City, stating fully the use for which water is wanted, giving the name of the owner of the property, the number of the lot and block, name of the street and house number. Upon the payment of the meter connection fee, the Maintenance Officer, shall make, or have made, the necessary connections. Every premise connected with any water main, or being supplied with any water from the city s utilities, shall have a separate service connection and locking angle stop. SECTION FOUR (4): Metering Requirements. All water distributed to individual customers will be metered. Normally, not more than one household shall purchase water through any single meter without the consent of the City Council of the City of Cibolo, Texas. Single metering is authorized for more than one unit of occupancy providing responsibility for payment of all utility services for the single meter billing is assumed by the single property owner. In cases where single metering is to be used for more than single family residence, a meter sufficient in size to meet total requirements will be required Size of meter will be determined by the Maintenance Officer at time of request and deposit required will be based on meter size. Provided where a residence, business establishment, complete apartment, or trailer house is not accessible to a city water main.. arrangements may be made, at the option of the City and for which a permit must be obtained from the City Council, to secure water from another user of city water, in which case the minimum monthly charge shall be made for each additional residence taking water through such meter. Each "minimum" will entitle user to 3,000 gallons per month. The minimum charge plus any additional minimum charge and all water used over the minimums by such consumer, shall be charged to the customer having the meter. The City of Cibolo shall keep all meters in•good repair without any expense to the consumer except as provided herein. SECTION FIVE (5) Meter Connection charges. Installation and repair. (a) Whenever a prospective user of water from the City of Cibolo wishes to connect to the city water system such user of water shall pay a connection charge set by the City in the amount of cost plus 10 percent and other fees as specified in Addendum/Attachment 1 of this ordinance. (b) The City of Cibolo shall keep all meters in good free of charge, except that property owners will be charged for meters, boxes, materials damaged or destroyed through negligence or abuse and for all labor costs incurred in re-establishing service. ITI SECTION SIX (6): Fees, Rates. and Billing Procedures: (a) Each water customer upon making application shall pay a non-refundable water meter connect fee, as indicated in Attachment 1 and shall provide a refundable deposit as specified in Attachment 1 of this ordinance. If a prospective customer is indebted to the City for water, sewer or garbage service, service at the new residence or place of business will not be provided until the outstanding indebtedness is satisfied. Residential and commercial water bills will be forwarded no later than the first workday of each month. Bills will consist of a minimum charge for 1,200 gallons and a per thousand gallon charge for usage above the minimum charge for residential customers; and will consist of a minimum charge for ;,000 gallons and a per thousand gallon charge for usage above the minimum charge for commercial customers. Specific Fees may be found on Attachment 1. (b) Temporary water service is not allowed. (c) Bulk water may be purchased by any consumer other than through a residential service connection through the trains of the City of Cibolo provided that such water is purchased from a tap(s) belonging to the City of Cibolo. All bulk water must be purchased by means of hydrant metering. Deposit, rental and the water rates from these service are found at Attachment 1. (d) All charges for utility services furnished or rendered by the City of Cibolo and/or contractors franchised by such city for which the City of Cibolo is the billing agent shall be due and payable on the fifteenth (15th) day of each month at the municipal offices of the City of Cibolo. Bills not paid by the close of business of the fifteenth (15th) day of each month will incur a ten (10) percent penalty for late payment on the total amount of the bill. Checks issued in payment of utility services that are returned by banking institutions for reasons of insufficient funds will incur a $15.00 charge in addition to the bill. Any repetition of insufficient fund checks being issued for payment of utility bills will result in a requirement for cash payment of utility bills issued by the City of Cibolo. Any deviation from this policy will be at the discretion of the City Administrator. (e). Any person who has not paid his/her account by the twenty fifth (25) day of the month in which billed, shall have his/her water service disconnected. It is further provided that all delinquent accounts shall be notified by letter at least five (5) days in advance of service being discontinued. In the event service is discontinued, a reconnect fee will be charged as provided for in this ordinance as provided in Attachment/Addendum 1. Services will not be resumed until the total amount due the City and the reconnect fee for the service discontinued has been paid in full. Circumstances that result in an unfair penalty charge will be evaluated by the City Administrator. (t) A consumer of water from the City of Cibolo who changes residence within the area serviced by the Cibolo Water Department will not be required to pay a connect fee at the new residence; however, a transfer fee is reflected in Attachment 1 is required. (g) No free utility service shall be permitted and the City or any of its agencies or instrumentalities which avail themselves of the services provided by the utility shall pay the same rates and charges herein prescribed. SECTION SEVEN (7)i Conditions of Service. (a) No water other than water furnished by the City or its agencies shall be used in any line to which water is delivered by the CIty water system. (a) No water other than water furnished by the City or its agencies shall be used in. _any line to which water is delivered by the CIty water system. (b) The City of Cibolo does not guarantee pressure or volume of water in any line except City of Cibolo owned lines. (c) Water supplied by the City of Cibolo will not be used for irrigation purposes without the written permission of the City of Cibolo. (d) No water shall be furnished consumers in or beyond the corporate limits of the City unless and until such consumer desiring City water furnishes the City Utility Department satisfactory evidence (i.e., chloroform test), that all plumbing, including fixtures and appliances, through which City water is to pass, have been approved and accepted by the City Maintenance Officer. (e) In the event additional plumbing is to be installed on such premises inside or outside the corporate limits of the City of Cibolo, Texas, water service shall be discontinued to such consumers unless such additional plumbing installation have been approved by an authorized representative of the City Utility Department. (f) No person, except authorized employees of the City Utility Department, shall turn on or off at any city valve without a written permission first being obtained from the City Utilities Department. (g) Every person having access to water from the City Utility Department shall, at any reasonable time, permit the Maintenance Officer or his agents to enter the premises and building for examination of plumbing to include the meter and fixtures and the manner in which the water is used. Refusal by any consumer shall result in disconnection of water supply by the City Utility Department until such permission is granted. (h) The City Utility Department or agents thereof will make all repairs and renewals of service lines from the main up to and including the meter, and it shall be unlawful for any other person or persons to repair or tamper with the service line from the main to and including the meter and valve. (i) The right is reserved by the City of Cibolo to temporarily discontinue and reconnect without notice water supply to all consumers for the purpose of making repairs, connections, extensions and the cleaning of mains, machinery, reservoir or any part of the Cibolo water system. (j) All of the provisions of this ordinance shall be deemed to be incorporated in every contract between City Utility Department and its consumer, and each consumer shall be charged with knowledge of the provisions of this ordinance .and by applying and accepting water from the City Utility Department to have acceded to.the provisions hereof. (k) It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation to take or use water from the system of the City of Cibolo except under the terms and conditions specified and stipulated in this ordinance. All owners and occupants of property are and shall be prohibited from furnishing water supply to others for any purpose other than specified herein. It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation, to willfully and/or negligently waste water in any manner whatsoever, and any person having knowledge of any condition whereby water is being wasted shall at once notify the City. (1) The refusal or neglect of an owner or occupant to equip and maintain the premises with proper service connections, utilities or fixtures of approved character and quality to prevent waste of water shall be sufficient ground for the refusal of the City of connect the premises with the City IV Utility Department service or to continue such service after having given notice of intention to shut off the water, pending the necessary correction. (m) It is and shall be unlawful for any person, fain, or corporation to draw water from any city supply pipes directly into any steam boiler which is equipped for, or arranged for more than fifteen pounds (15) pressure per square inch. All persons, firms or corporations having boilers or closed water heaters supplied with city water are cautioned against the danger of explosion or collapse. The City of Cibolo will not be liable for any damages that may occur on account of the water being shut off for any reason or on account of the breaking of any pipe or fixture by pressure of the water from the city mains. Where City water is used.to supply a steam boiler(of over fifteen pounds pressure), the owner shall provide a tank of sufficient capacity to afford a supply of at least four hours into which the service pipe must be discharged over the top of the tank, and never into the bottom or side. Service Requests -Outside Existing Service Area When water service is desired within the City's Water District and no mains exist in the vicinity of the desired connection, it will be necessary for the applicant to sign a release form or contract with the City and make a cash deposit. The entire cost of the main extension will be estimated by the City Engineer and the cost borne by the applicant. Each size or diameter of pipe will be described in the contract SECTION NINE (9): Water Line Tans. It shall be unlawful for any plumber, contractor or person other than the tapper employed by the City Utility Department or an agent, to tap any main, make connections to mains or extend service lines from a main. All of this equipment shall be under the exclusive control of the City Utility Department, and said tap and service shall be paid for by the plumber, contractor or owner ordering the work done before the work is commenced SECTION TEN (10): Violations of ordinance. A violation of any of the rules contained in this ordinance or a doing or causing to be done by any person, persons, firm or association, of any ofthe things or acts forbidden or made unlawful in any of the sections of this ordinance is an offense, such offenses shall be punishable under each and every violation of the terms of this ordinance. The person, firm, association or corporation shall, upon conviction thereof in the Municipal Court, be fined not less than $25 (twenty five dollars) nor more than $500.00 (five hundred dollars) for each violation and each day of failure to comply with the terms of this ordinance and shall constitute a separate offense. SECTION ELEVEN (11): Emergency Conditions. The City Utility Department has the right to control water use in case of emergency. SECTION TWELVE (12): Severability. This ordinance is cumulative of any other ordinance on the subject and does not repeal any present ordinances except as specified herein unless this ordinance is in direct conflict therewith, in which case this ordinance will govern. If any, section, subsection, paragraph, sentence, phrase or word in this article, or application thereof, to any person or circumstance is held invalid, it shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of the same and the City Council hereby declares it would have passed such remaining portions despite such invalidity. V DEMAND MANAGEMENT PLAN Part One Introduction The Edwards Underground Water District (District) by statute has the authority and duty to conserve and protect the water resources of the Edwards Aquifer, to develop comprehensive plans for the most efficient use of groundwater, and to prevent the waste and pollution of groundwater. The principal source of the District's duties and powers is article 8280-219, Texas Water Code Auxiliary Laws (the "Act"), which created the District in 1959 and which has been expanded several times hence by the Texas Legislature. The District has two broad mandates under the Act: protection of the groundwater resources of the region, and representation of the users of those water resources. These two mandates are of critical importance to the development and stability of the entire region. One means of controlling demand for groundwater during times of drought is to impose a series of increasingly restrictive limits on water use which are specifically correlated to low rates of flow at Comal Springs. In accordance with the mandate of the Act for such a plan, the District has promulgated this Demand Management Plan ("DMP") and the accompanying Demand Management Rules. The DMP establishes the framework by which the groundwater of the Edwards Aquifer can be managed during low flow conditions -at Comal Springs. Demand management—the use of reasonable restrictions on water use to protect the water resources of the Aquifer and to ensure equitable distribution of groundwater -is a year-round necessity in the Edwards Aquifer region. However, the need for demand management is most critical during times of drought, which the District defines as when i) there is not enough water to meet the needs of users, ii) precipitation is insufficient to meet the users' expectations as to present or future supply, or iii) conditions require temporary reductions in total water use to protect the water resources of the region from serious harm. Goals and Principles The following are the goals and principles of the DMP. The restrictions imposed pursuant to this DMP will be reasonably interpreted and vigorously enforced in light of these goals and principles to maximize conservation and efficient water use, to protect the region's water resources, and to minimize the duration and severity of drought. Goals: * Protect human health and safety. * Protect water quality in the Edwards Aquifer. * Equitably distribute the impacts and hardships caused by low water levels. * Minimize disruption of the economy within the District. * Ensure an adequate level of spring flow to protect downstream water rights, meet human health and safety and livestock requirements, protect habitats within the District dependent on the Edwards Aquifer, and preserve regional economic stability. Principles: * Provide advance knowledge to the public of how water demand may be reduced during times of low spring flows. * Provide for local management and local implementation of demand reduction measures. * Provide flexibility to change the DMP as new information and alternative or supplemental water sources become available. * Control the rate of decline in flow at Comal Springs by reducing the volume of water taken from the Edwards Aquifer when specified spring flows are reached. * Coordinate and cooperate with the Texas Natural Resource Conservation Commission and other water agencies to protect the natural resources of the state for the benefit of all citizens. Oj Part Two Stages and Required Responses Introduction The DMP provides standards for determining that low spring flow conditions exist, how long they may continue, and when they end. Conditions and stages are defined by flows at Comal Springs which will be monitored by the District. Reduction goals are established for each stage of the plan. Upon declaration of a plan stage, primary users—those users who supply or produce more than 18 million gallons of groundwater per year—will be required to reduce the amount of groundwater they supply or produce. However, qualified industrial uses of groundwater, as defined in the DMP Rules, are exempted from the reduction goals. The reduction goals imposed by the DMP are in most cases based on the user's historic water usage. The combination of this DMP and the user's specific program constitute the District's complete Demand Management Plan. Determination of Demand Reduction Stages There are five Demand Reduction Stages. The first four Stages are defined by spring flows, and are associated with specific percentage reduction goals. The fifth Stage is the Extreme Water Emergency Stage, which may be invoked under certain circumstances as described in the Rules. The spring flow rates which define the first four stages and the reduction goals for each are presented in Table 1. Comal Springs Flow The flow in cubic feet per second (cfs) at Comal Springs in New Braunfels will be used in determining the ,first four Stages. Each Stage is declared upon reaching the spring flow associated with that Stage. Once any Stage of this DMP is declared, it will remain in effect for a minimum of 10 days unless a more restrictive Stage is declared. The value used to rescind a Stage is based on the 10 day moving average. A fifth Stage is provided to address extreme water emergencies. r3 Water User Response Upon declaration of each Demand Reduction Stage, primary users will begin reducing the volume of water which they supply or produce. Goals are established for each stage; the goals define percentage reductions in the base usage which are to be achieved. Users are encouraged to develop their own management plans which will enable them to meet these percentage reductions. Reduction Goals Reduction goals of 10%, 15%, 20%, and 30% have been established for Stages I, II, III and IV. These goals are not cumulative; i.e., the total reduction to be achieved for Stage IV is 30%. Stage I is a call to all primary users to reduce their use by 10%. This reduction is voluntary and is incorporated to encourage all users to begin reducing demand in an effort to avoid mandatory reductions in Stages II -IV. Primary users are required to achieve reductions in volume from a baseline use volume determined under the DMP Rules in stages II -IV. These requirements are subject to certain exceptions listed in the Rules. A user who is required to comply with reduction goals must file a baseline use volume report in accordance with the Rules. Target Use Volume The target use volume is the total amount of water which can be produced or supplied by a user during a reporting period unless either a more restrictive or a less restrictive plan stage is declared. A target use volume will be determined for each primary user by applying the reduction goal percentage to the volume produced or supplied in each month of 1984, and further divided by the number of days in the month, provided that the 1984 monthly volume amount will be subject to adjustment by increases or decreases in such volume to take into account (i) increases or decreases in the number of connections by type; (ii) increases or decreases in water use due to changes in industrial or commercial activities; and (iii) any other changes affecting the amount of Edwards Aquifer water use since 1984. In cases where the user cannot provide volume data for 1984, or the user did not exist in 1984, the user will apply the reduction goal percentage to an amount determined by reference to the average annual use per connection in 1984 for similar uses and users in the area. 4 Reporting All primary users will report volumes supplied or produced from the aquifer during both DMP and non -DMP conditions to the District. During non -DMP conditions, reporting will occur on a monthly basis. During DMP conditions, reporting will occur on a weekly basis. Table 1 Reduction Stages and Reduction Goals Stage Comal Springs Flow Reduction Goals I 250 cfs Voluntary 10% II 225 cfs 15% III 175 cfs 20% IV 150 cfs 30% Extreme Water (see note) (see note) Emergency * Measured at Comal Springs, New Braunfels Texas, Comal County (cubic feet per second) Note: Implementation of the Extreme Water Emergency Stage and the associated reduction goal will be declared at the discretion of the Board of Directors when necessary to prevent injury to water resources of the region, economic hardship, danger to public health or safety, or inequitable distribution of water, which cannot be adequately remedied by the declaration of Stages I-IV. See Rule 3.03. Part Three District Activities Rules Rules to implement this DMP have been developed and are considered a part of this plan and are contained herein. Any person affected by and dissatisfied with any rule contained herein may appeal the reasonableness and validity of the rule to the Texas Natural Resource Conservation Commission as provided for in the Act. I Notification During non -DMP times, the District will take the following actions: * Issue statements to the news media on spring flow measurements and water quality conditions at key locations. * Make regular public appearances to explain on-going water conservation activities, the current status of water resource conditions and DMP activities. * Conduct periodic meetings with news media throughout the District on a general and individual basis to assure that they have the knowledge and understanding required for reporting accurately on spring flows, DMP stages, and related issues. * When conditions indicate that flows are beginning to decline at Comal Springs. the District will inform the public of the spring flow conditions. Upon implementation of Demand Reduction Stages, the District will, at a minimum, take the following actions: * Inform the public by publishing a notice in a newspaper of general circulation in each county of the spring flow conditions and the current Demand Reduction Stage. * Inform certain water users by mail of the declaration of a Demand Reduction Stage. * Take measures necessary to assure understanding of District findings and required responses. * Inform the appropriate state and federal agencies of the actions being taken. Monitoring The District will monitor flows at Comal Springs which are used as trigger conditions. Data will be collected and analyzed as frequently as necessary to provide advance information about trends. The District will also monitor withdrawals from the aquifer. The District will provide forms to those users required to report usage of or production of groundwater to the District. R Variances The District may grant variances from DMP requirements. The District will evaluate each variance request on the merits described in the application. In evaluating a request, the District will consider factors such as the water use efficiency, demonstrated health and safety concerns, and economic and financial factors. The District will conduct a public hearing on each variance request, and will approve or disapprove each request in accordance with procedures set forth in the Rules. The approval may specify the period of time that the variance will be in effect. Enforcement If a user does not meet the reduction goals shown on Table 1, or otherwise fails to comply with the mandatory provisions of the Rules, the District may seek enforcement by appropriate remedy in a court of competent jurisdiction. If the District observes violations of use restrictions, or if analysis of pumping data reveals that user compliance with reduction goals is not taking place, the District will take measures necessary to achieve compliance. This may include meetings with the user before the District seeks enforcement by appropriate judicial remedy. PartFour Rules Introductory Provisions Section 1.01. Authorily. -the Act (Tex. Water Code Auxiliary Laves art. 8280- 219) authorizes the Edwards Underground Water District (die "District') to develop and enforce comprehensive plans for the most efficient use of groundwater, to impose restrictions on users of groundwater to protect the water resources of the region from serious harm and to assure equitable distribution of available water resources among all water users, and to prevent waste and pollution of groundwater. The DMP Rules are adopted under the express and implied powers granted by the Act and other applicable law. 7 Section 1.02. Definitions. The following words and terms shall have the following meaning unless expressly provided otherwise. Words and terms used in these rules which are not defined herein will be construed in accordance with the definitions contained in the District's general rules, if applicable. (1) "Act" means the act creating the Edwards Underground Water District, Tex. Water Code Auxiliary Laws art. 8280-219 (Act of April 28, 1959, 56th R.S., ch. 99, 1959 Tex. Gen. Laws 173, as amended). (2) "Baseline use volume" means a baseline amount of'groundwater water determined by reference to the amount used by each user in 1984, as adjusted in accordance with Chapter Five, which is certified by the District as the - baseline use volume for a user. (3) `Beneficial use" means use of the amount of water which is economically necessary for a lawful purpose, when reasonable intelligence and reasonable diligence are used in applying the water to that purpose. (4) "Connection" means a metered or unmetered delivery point to a customer or other receiver of water from a supplier. (5) "Concentrated animal feeding operation" means a concentrated, confined livestock operation operated for meat, milk, or egg production, growing, stabling, or housing, in pens or houses wherein livestock are fed at the place of confinement and crop or forage growth or production of feed is not sustained in the area of confinement. (6) "DMP" means the Demand Management Plan. (7) "District" means the Edwards Underground Water District, the boundaries of which include parts of Bexar, Comal and Hays Counties, Texas, as defined in the Act. (8) "District offices" means the principal offices of the Edwards Underground Water District, located in Bexar County, San Antonio, Texas, at 1615 N. St. Marys Street. (9) A "drought" occurs when: (a) there is not enough water to meet the needs of users; (b) precipitation is insufficient to meet the users expectations as to present or future supply; or E3 (c) conditions require temporary reductions in total water use to protect the water resources of the region from serious harm. (10) "Edwards Aquifer" means that portion of an arcuate belt of porous, water bearing limestones composed of the Edwards Group Limestone and Associated Formations trending from west to east to northeast through Kinney, Uvalde, Medina, Bexar, Comal and Hays counties. (11) "Initial user report" means a report to be filed by certain users that will provide general information on the user's water system in accordance with Chapter Two. (12) "Livestock" means animals, beasts, or poultry collected or raised for commercial use or pleasure, including but not limited to cattle, sheep, goats, swine, horses, chickens, turkeys, and zoo animals. The term also includes fish, shrimp, crayfish, and other aquatic animals that are collected, used, or raised for commercial purposes in artificial pens or houses such as tanks, raceways, and manmade ponds. (13) "Periodic volume report" means a weekly or monthly report of production from a well that primary users are required to file with the District. (14) "Person" means any individual, firm, entity, corporation, municipal corporation, governmental or proprietary body or association of persons, public or private, including the State of Texas and the United States Government. (15) A "primary user" is (a) a user who supplies more than 18,000,000 gallons of groundwater per year (a "primary supplier"), or (b) a user who produces more than 18,000,000 gallons of groundwater water per year (a "primarj producer"), in accordance with Section 4.03. (16) Water is "produced" from. a well when it flows from the well, whether by artesian pressure, pumping, or other means. A person "produces" from a well when that person owns the well or has possession or control over the well and permits water to flow from the well, whether by artesian pressure. pumping, or other means. (17) "Qualified industrial use" means the beneficial and non -wasteful use of groundwater integral to and necessary for the production of industrial, agricultural, or commercial goods, products, or services, provided that the phrase does not include the use of groundwater for recreational use, landscape use, or use in connection with a concentrated animal feeding operation. Vj (18) "Reduction goal' means the amount of reduction in volume of groundwater supplied or produced, expressed in a percentage, from baseline use volume required for each Demand Reduction Stage. (19) "Saline water line" means the downdip Edwards Aquifer boundary, which is indicated by a line as depicted on maps maintained by the District, south and east of which the concentration of total dissolved solids in the water exceeds 1000 milligrams per liter. (20) "Stage" means one of five Demand Reduction Stages which may be declared by the District. (21) To "supply" means to supply, sell, or transfer groundwater to another person for any purpose and without regard to the source from where the water is obtained or the manner in which the water is delivered, transported, or transferred to the other person. A "supplier" is a user who supplies groundwater, and includes but is not limited to a public or private water company, water supply corporation municipality or water district. (22) "Target use volume" means the reduced amount of groundwater which can be supplied or produced during any reporting period for which a plan stage or stages are declared and continue as provided in Sections 5.04 through 5.06. (23) "Groundwater" means underground water in or produced, obtained, or originating from the Edwards Aquifer and associated formations within the District. (24) "User" means a person who produces, supplies, distributes or uses groundwater within the boundaries of the District, or who transports groundwater produced within the District out of the District. (25) "Waste" means: (a) the producing of groundwater if and to the extent the water is not beneficially used by any person; (b) the unreasonable loss of groundwater water through faulty design or negligent operation of a well or water works; (c) using quantities of groundwater for a purpose that otherwise would be considered beneficial in excess of quantities reasonably necessary for that purpose; (d) producing groundwater through an abandoned or deteriorated well; 10 (e) willfully causing or knowingly permitting groundwater from an artesian well to run off the well owner's land or to percolate through the stratum above which the groundwater is found, unless the groundwater is used for a purpose and in a manner in which it may be lawfully used on the owner's land; (f) withdrawal of groundwater from a groundwater reservoir at a rate and in an amount that causes or threatens to cause intrusion into the reservoir of water unsuitable for agricultural, gardening, domestic, or stock raising purposes; (g) escape of water from a groundwater reservoir to any other reservoir that does not contain groundwater; (h) pollution or harmful alteration of groundwater in groundwater reservoir by salt water, other deleterious matter admitted from another stratum or from the surface of the ground; (i) willfully or negligently causing, suffering, or permitting groundwater to escape into any river, creek, natural watercourse, depression, lake, reservoir, drain, sewer, street, highway, road, or road ditch, or onto any land other than that of the owner of the well; (j) groundwater pumped for irrigation that escapes as irrigation tailwater onto land other than that of the owner of the well unless permission has been granted by the occupant of the land receiving the discharge; or (k) using groundwater to transport or dilute "waste" as that term is defined in Section 26.001 of the Texas Water Code. (26) "Water resources of the region" includes but is not limited to: (a) the quantity and quality of groundwater; (b) spring flow and artesian pressure; (c) primeval habitats within the District which are directly and naturally created by or dependent on groundwater; and (d) the stability of the saline water line. (27) "Water works" means any structure, mechanism, facility, delivery or application system, or apparatus used in the production, distribution, transportation, or delivery of groundwater. 11 Section 1.03. Filing Procedures. (a) In computing any period of time prescribed or allowed by these Rules, the day of the act or event after which the designated period of time begins to run is not included. The last day of the period so computed is to be included, unless it is a Saturday, Sunday, legal holiday, or any other day on which the District offices are closed, in which event the period runs until the end of the next day which is not a Saturday, Sunday, legal holiday, or a day on which the District offices are closed. (b) When these Rules require that a document .be "filed" with the District, the document must, on or before the date the document is due, be 1) actually received in the District offices, 2) deposited in the United States Mail enclosed in a postpaid, properly addressed wrapper, in a post office or official depository under the care and custody of the United States Postal Service, or 3) sent to the District offices by telephonic document transfer before 5:00 p.m. (c) All documents mailed to the District which are required by these Rules or which relate to these Rules must be addressed as follows: Edwards Underground Water District Attention: Demand Management Office 1615 N. St. Mary's Street P. 0. Box 15830 San Antonio, Texas 78212 (d) Forms which are required by these Rules will be available at the District offices during regular business hours. Section 1.04. Change of Address. Primary users must notify the District of any change in address within thirty (30) days, of such change. Reporting Requirements Section 2.01. Required Reports. (a) Primary users are required to file the following reports with the District: (1) Initial and supplemental user reports. (2) Periodic volume reports. 12 (3) Baseline use volume reports. (b) A primary user may file a combined report which will satisfy more than one of the report requirements if the report contains all the information required and is timely filed as to each required report. Section 2.02. Meters Requuired. (a) All primary users must continuously meter the groundwater they use or supply to others. (b) A water meter relied upon by a primary user in connection with any report filed with the District under these rules must be of a type and design and maintained in a condition which permits continuous, accurate, and reliable measurement of the quantity of groundwater which that primary user uses or supplies. Production meters must be inspected and calibrated at least once a year by a qualified professional meter technician, and the primary user must obtain and retain a dated certification from the technician that the meter has been inspected and calibrated, and is in good working condition. Primary users must provide copies of such certifications to the District at the District's request, and provide such other information or documents which the District may require to ascertain whether the user is in compliance with this section. (c) Primary users who are not in compliance with this section on the November 10, 1992 must comply with this section within 6 months of such date. Upon request by a user subject to the requirements, the District after hearing may grant an extension of time to avoid undue hardship. Initial and Supplemental User Reports Section 2.11. Initial User Report Required. Every primary user and every user who is requested to do so by the District must file an initial user report. Section 2.12. Form and Content of Report. The initial user report must be - filed on a form provided by the District, and must provide the following information: (a) Name, address, and telephone number; (b) Contact person and title; (c) Type of business; (d) Type of use; 13 (e) Number of wells; (f) Location of wells; (g) Annual volume of water produced or supplied for the three years preceding the date of the Report; (h) Number of connections; (i) Major wholesale customers; 0) Amount of water transported out of the District; (k) Categories of water usage by percentage of total use: [e.g., residential (_%), commercial (_%), manufacturing L%), military C2%), irrigation L%), other L%)]; (1) Source of water if wells not owned by user; (m) Meter information: size, number, and location; and (n) Other information the District may require. Section 2.13. Filing Deadline. The initial user report must be filed with the District within thirty (30) days after the effective date of the Rules or within thirty (30) days after the user receives a request for the report from the District. Section 2.14. User Status Changes. Any user who becomes a primary user after the effective date of the Rules must file an initial user report with the District within thirty (30) days of becoming a primary user. Section 2.15. Supplemental User Report. The District may require primary users to submit a supplemental user report from time to time for purposes of updating the District's files. Periodic Volume Reports Section 2.21. Requirement to Submit Volume Reports. Every primary user is required to file periodic volume reports. Section 2.22. Form and Contents of Report. Periodic volume reports must be filed on forms provided by the District, and must provide the following information: 14 (a) The user's name, address, and telephone number; (b) The user's assigned user number; (c) Contact person and title; (d) Reporting period; (e) Stage or stages in effect during reporting period; (f) Actual volume of water produced for the reporting period; (g) Volume or percentage of water lost between production and delivery to end user or other transferee; and (h) Other information the District may require. Section 2.23. Reporting Periods and Filing Deadlines. (a) When there is no Demand Reduction Stage in effect, periodic volume reporting is required on a monthly basis. When a Demand Reduction Stage is in effect, periodic volume reporting is required on a weekly basis. (b) The weekly volume report must be filed with the District no later than the day following the end of the reporting period. The weekly reporting period ends on the first business day of each week. (c) The monthly volume report must be filed with the District no later than the third day following the end of the reporting period. The monthly reporting period ends on the fust business day of each month. Baseline Use Volume Reports Section 2.31. Reporting Requirements. Every primary user is required to tile a baseline use volume report. Section 2.32. Baseline Use Volume Report. The baseline use volume report must be submitted on a form provided by the District, and must provide the following information, if applicable: (a) Name, address, and telephone number of the user; (b) Assigned user number; 15 (c) Contact person and title; (d) 1984 well production volume by monthly or annual records; (e) Method of measurement or computation; (f) Number of connections by type and meter size categories for 1984 and each subsequent year•, (g) Population served in 1984 and each subsequent year; (h) Monthly apportionment of baseline use volume requested if different from actualmonthly apportionment in 1984; (i) Name, address, and telephone number of every supplier who supplied water to the primary user; 0) Amounts of water supplied to the primary user by supplier; (k) Amounts of water supplied to other users; (1) Other information required by the District. Section 2.33. Filing deadline. (a) Any user who is a primary user on the effective date of these Rules must file a baseline use volume report with the District within thirty (30) days after the effective date of these Rules. Any user who becomes a primary user after the effective date must file a report with the District within thirty (30) days after the date of becoming a primary user. (b) After receiving the report, the District may require the user filing the report to provide additional information as may be necessary to certify a baseline use volume. Demand Reduction Stages Section 3,01. Stages Described. There are five Demand Reduction Stages, Stages I, II, III, IV and the Extreme Water Emergency Stage. Stages I, II, and III and IV are defined by successively lower rates of spring flow. The Extreme Water Emergency Stage may be declared by the Board in accordance with Section 3.03. 16 Section 3.02. Declaration of Stages. (a) For purposes of this section, spring flow is defined as the spring flow as measured in cubic feet per second at Comal Springs located in New Braunfels, Texas. (b) Stage I. Stage I will be declared when the spring flow rate reaches 250 cfs. (c) Stage II. Stage II will be declared when the spring flow rate reaches 225 cfs. (d) Stage III. Stage III will be declared when the spring flow rate reaches 175 cfs. (e) Stage IV. Stage IV will be declared when the spring flow rate reaches 150 cfs. (f) Summary Chart. The spring flow rates which will trigger Stages I-IV as described in this section are summarized in Table 1 below. Table 1 Reduction Stages and Reduction Goals Stage Comal Springs Flow Reduction Goals I 250 cfs Voluntary 10% II 225 cfs 15% III 175 cfs 20% IV 150 cfs 30% Extreme Water (As determined by the Board Emergency of Directors) Section 3.03. Extreme Water Emergency Stage. (a) The District may declare an Extreme Water Emergency Stage when: (1) Stage IV has been declared and the Board of Directors finds that other or further restrictions on water use are necessary to prevent injury to the water resources of the region, economic hardship, danger to public health or safety, or inequitable distribution of water; or 17 (2) regardless of whether a stage has been declared,., an emergency occurs which threatens immediate injury to the water resources of the region, economic hardship, danger to public health or safety, or inequitable distribution of water, which cannot be adequately remedied by the declaration of Stages I-IV. (b) To the extent it is practicable, the District will consult with representatives of municipalities, counties, river authorities, water purveyors, and other interested parties prior to the declaration of an Extreme Water Emergency Stage concerning the necessity for such a stage and proposed emergency orders. The District may seek and consider responses from any persons concerning the necessity for- such orsuch a stage and proposed emergency orders. (c) When the Board declares an Extreme Water Emergency Stage, it will issue such emergency orders as it believes necessary to prevent injury to the water resources of the region, economic hardship, danger to public health or safety, or inequitable distribution of ground water. The emergency orders may include, but are not limited to, a maximum per capita allotment for suppliers and reduction or cessation of industrial output and agricultural irrigation. The emergency rules need not be limited to primary users. In the most critical situations, only those water uses necessary for human health and safety may be permitted. The emergency orders will be effective on the date of their adoption. A Board action declaring or canceling an Extreme Water Emergency Stage requires a 2/3 majority vote of the Board in favor of such action. (d) As soon as practicable after declaring an Extreme Water Emergency Stage, the District will conduct hearings on the declaration of the Stage and the issuance of the emergency orders in each of the counties of the District. Notice of such hearings shall be given as provided in Section 6.21(b), except that the notice may be given not fewer than 7 days prior to the hearing. (e) When the Board determines that the conditions which caused the declaration of the Extreme Water Emergency Stage have passed, or that the conditions have changed such that Stage I, II, III or IV will adequately protect the water resources of the region, economy, public health and safety, and ensure equitable distribution of water, the Board will cancel the emergency orders, and, if appropriate, declare Stage 1, II, III or IV. (f) This section is inapplicable to Qualified Industrial Use by military installations in the District. For the purposes of this subsection, the term "military installations in the District" means Kelly Air Force Base, Randolph Air Force Base, Lackland Air Force Base, Brooks Air Force Base, and Fort Sam Houston. Also for the purposes of this subsection, "Qualified Industrial Use" means the beneficial and 18 non -wasteful use of groundwater integral to and necessary for the production of industrial, agricultural, or commercial goods, products, or services, provided that the phrase does not include the use of groundwater for recreational use, landscape use, or use in connection with a concentrated animal feeding operation. Section 3.04. End of Stage Declaration. (a) The District will use spring flow rates calculated on a 10 -day moving average as the determinant for rescinding a declaration of Stages I-IV. (b) Any declared Stage will remain in effect for at least 10 days unless a more restrictive Stage is declared. Section 3.05. Notice of Declaration of Stages. (a) Upon the declaration of any Stage, the District will publish a notice in a newspaper of general circulation in each county within the District. The notice will state that the Stage has been declared, report the conditions which caused the declaration of the stage, and state that, except for Stage I which is voluntary, compliance with the applicable reduction goals or emergency orders for the Stage is required. (b) As soon as practicable after the declaration of a Stage, the District will send written notice of the declaration of the Stage to primary users who have filed an initial user report and a baseline use volume report in accordance with these Rules. Lack of individual or actual notice of the declaration of a Stage will not be a defense in an action brought to enforce reduction goals. Section 3.06. mages Not Exclusive. (a) The Stages imposed in this chapter are not exclusive. The District may, based on a finding that a drought exists, order other or further restrictions on water use as may be necessary to -minimize the duration or severity of drought. Orders made under this section need not be limited to primary users. (b) A hearing must be held in accordance with Section 6.21 before the District issues any orders in connection with this section. 19 Reduction Goals Section 4.01. Reduction Goals. Reduction goals are the percentages of reduction in groundwater use from certified baseline use volume which are imposed in connection with the respective Stages. The following are the established minimum reduction goals for each Demand Reduction Stage: tae Reduction Goal I Voluntary 1.0% II 15% III 20% IV 30% These percentages are not cumulative. For example, the total reduction from certified baseline use volume to be achieved for Stage III is 20%. Section 4.02. Users Required to Meet Reduction Goals. (a) The following persons are required to meet reduction goals imposed by the District in connection with Stages I-IV: (1) Primary suppliers. (2) Primary producers who use more than 18,000,000 gallons of groundwater per year for other than qualified industrial uses. (b) Notwithstanding subsection (a): (1) A primary supplier who actually supplies groundwater to another supplier is not required to meet reduction goals as to that water. (2) A primary producer is not required to meet reduction goals as to groundwater which is actually put to a qualified industrial use (see definition of "qualified industrial use." Section 1.02(17)). This subsection does not apply to primary suppliers. Section 4.03. Primary User. (a) A user will be considered a primary user if: (1) the user supplies or produces more than 18.000,000 gallons of groundwater in any 12 -month period; 20 (2) the user supplied or produced more than 18,000,000 gallons of groundwater in the 12 months preceding the effective date of these Rules; (3) for the 3 years preceding the effective date of these Rules, the user's average amount of groundwater supplied or produced per year exceeded 18,000,000 gallons; (4) for water supplied or used after the effective date of these Rules, the amount of groundwater supplied or produced exceeds 4,500,000 gallons during any three-month period; or (5) for users who fail to properly meter or monitor the amount of groundwater being supplied or produced or who otherwise fail to provide accurate and reliable data to the District concerning the amount of groundwater supplied or produced, the General Manager determines based on available evidence that the user supplies or produces more than 18,000,000 gallons of groundwater per year as defined in this section. (b) A user who is or becomes a primary user will be deemed a primary user for at least 12 months thereafter. (c) The General Manager of the District upon review of available evidence will determine which users are primary users as provided in this section. Section 4.04. Burden to Establish Exemptions. A primary user who claims an exemption under Section 4.02(b) has the burden of providing reliable, accurate, and satisfactory evidence to the District of the applicability of the exemption and the amount of groundwater subject to the exemption. Baseline Use Volume and Target Use Volume Section 5.01. District Certification of Baseline Use Volume. (a) After a primary user has filed a properly completed baseline use volume report and any additional information which the District requests from the user, and the District satisfies itself that the information given is accurate and reliable, the District will certify the baseline use volume for that user as provided in this section. (b) Except as provided in subsection (c) the baseline use volume will be certified to be equal to the amount of groundwater the user supplied or used in 1984. adjusted by any increases or decreases in such volume to take into account the following: 21 (1) increases or decreases in the number of each type of connection; :- (2) a change in industrial or commercial activities or production requiring groundwater use increase or decrease; or (3) any other changes affecting the amount of groundwater use since 1984. (c) In the event the data for any user is unavailable or incomplete for 1984, the user did not exist in 1984, the information provided by the user is not accurate or reliable, the user fails to timely file . a,. baseline use volume report, or the District determines that it is not appropriate to certify a baseline use volume based on the amount of water the user supplied or produced in 1984, the _ District may certify as the baseline use volume the amount of groundwater the user would probably have supplied or used in 1984 based on data provided by the user and other available evidence, including but not limited to evidence of groundwater use by similar users in 1984, or such other amount as the District deems appropriate. Section 5.02. Revision of Baseline Use Volume. (a) Any user with a certified baseline use volume may seek a revision of such baseline use volume by filing- a revised -baseline -use--volume report -with the ---- --- — District along with a written request for revision of the baseline use volume. (b) Any user with a certified baseline use volume must file a revised baseline use volume report within thirty (30) days of: (1) any increase or decrease of five percent (5%) or more in the number of connections or persons supplied; (2) any change in industrial or commercial activities or production requiring a groundwater use increase or decrease of five percent (5%) or more; or (3) any other groundwater use increase or decrease of five percent (5%) or more. (c) After a revised certified baseline use volume report is filed, the District may revise the certified baseline use volume for each user. Section 5.03. Monthly Apportionment of Certified Baseline Use Volume. The certified baseline use volume will be apportioned in monthly amounts according to (i) the user's actual use during each month of 1984, or such other amounts as may be certified pursuant to Section 5.01 (c) or 5.02, or (ii) a different monthly apportionment requested by the user, provided that the total of the monthly apportionments does 22 not exceed the certified baseline use volume. The monthly apportionment of the baseline use volume will be further divided by the number of days in the month to arrive at the daily apportionment of the user's certified baseline use volume. Section 5.04. Determination of Target Use Volume. The total target use volume for Demand Reduction Stages I-IV will be the sum of daily apportionments for the reporting period reduced by the applicable reduction goal. Section 5.05. Notification to User. The District will notify the user of the certified baseline use volume, the monthly apportionments, and the daily apportionments for Demand Reduction Stages I-IV. Section 5.06. Requirement to Meet Target Ilse Volume. (a) Immediately upon the publication of public notice as prescribed in Section 3.05, each primary user must meet the target use volume for Stage announced in the notice except for Stage I which is voluntary. All other users are encouraged to reduce the volume of groundwater used, supplied, or produced voluntarily. (b) A primary user will have met the target use volume for the applicable reporting period as specified in Section 2.23 if the total use of the user during the reporting period does not exceed the sum of the target use volume daily apportionments applicable to the Stage or Stages in effect during the reporting period. Enforcement and Administration Variances Section 6.01. Variance Approval Procedures. (a) A user who is subject to requirements or restrictions imposed by these Rules may file a written request for a variance. The variance request must contain the following information: (1) the rule requirement or restriction for which the variance is requested; (2) the length of time for which the variance is requested; (3) the reasons for seeking the variance; and 23 (4) a sworn statement that the facts contained in, the request are true and within the requestor's personal knowledge. (b) The District may require the user to provide any additional information which is relevant to the request for variance, including but not limited to data relating to the user's use of water. The user must file such additional information within 30 days of the date of the request. Section 6.02. Factors Considered. In considering a request for variance, the District will consider the following factors: (a) the user's historic water use efficiency; (b) the user's historic water demand patterns; (c) the user's history of compliance with reduction goals and other conservation efforts; (d) the effect of the requested variance on human health and safety, the water resources of the District, and equitable distribution of groundwater; (e) the effect of the requested variance on adjoining and nearby landowners; (f) the proportionate amount of the user's water use allocated to landscape and other seasonal uses; (g) economic and financial factors affecting the user, (h) whether the user has previously forfeited a variance; and (i) any other relevant factors. Section 6.03. Findings in Support of Variance. The District may grant a request for variance if it finds that: (a) the variance is necessary to avoid an unusual, direct, and substantial hardship on the user seeking the variance; (b) there are no other practicable means for avoiding the hardship besides the granting of a variance; (c) granting the variance will not cause significant adverse effects to the water resources of the region or other persons within the District, and will not create inequitable distribution of groundwater; and 24 (d) granting the variance is not inconsistent with the intent of the DMP or these Rules. Section 6.04. Procedures for District Review. (a) Before granting or denying any request for a variance, the Board will hold a hearing concerning the request for variance. Notice of the hearing will be sent to the user requesting the variance. The District will publish notice of variance hearings in newspapers of general circulation in each county of the District. The District may grant the variance in part, or may grant the variance conditionally. (b) The hearing will be held within 30 days of the filing of the request for variance. or within 30 days of the receipt of such supplemental information which the District may request. Not more than 30 days after such a hearing has been held, the District will by order grant or deny the variance. Section 6.05. Term of Variance. Unless otherwise provided by the Board, a variance will be effective for 12 months following the date it is approved by the Board. The variance may provide that it will automatically renew for successive 12 -month terms unless the District sends notice of non -renewal to the user holding the variance not less than 45 days prior to the anniversary date of the, granting of the variance. The sending of a notice of non -renewal will not preclude the user from filing another request for variance. Section 6.06. Variance Status Reports and Hearin. (a) The District may request the user holding a variance to file a variance status report containing information pertaining to the status of the user's water use and whether there has been any change of conditions. The user to whom such a request is sent must file the report with the District within 20 days from the date the request was sent. (b) The District may hold a,hearing concerning the status of a variance. Section 6.07. Rescission and Forfeiture of Variance. (a) It is a condition of every variance granted by the District that the variance may be rescinded based on changed conditions, and that the variance may be forfeited if the holder of the variance fails to abide by its terms, comply with mandatory reduction goals, or comply with any other rule, regulation, permit, or order of the District. (b) Regardless of the term for which a variance is granted: 25 (I) The District may rescind any variance due to changed condition& (2) The District may order any variance forfeited due to the failure of the user holding the variance to abide by its terms, comply with mandatory reduction goals, or comply with any other rule, regulation, permit, or order of the District. (c) The District may initiate a rescission or forfeiture of. a variance by sending a notice of rescission or forfeiture of variance to the user holding the variance. If the user holding the variance files a request fora• hearing within 30 days after the notice is sent, the District shall conduct a hearing to hear evidence concerning the circumstances which warrant rescission or forfeiture of the variance. The _ District will send notice of the hearing to the user holding the variance not later than seven (7) days prior to the hearing. After such a hearing has been held, the Board may order the variance rescinded or forfeited, withdraw the notice and conditionally or unconditionally continue the variance, or modify the variance. If no request for a hearing is received within 30 days after the notice is sent, the variance may be ordered rescinded or forfeited by the General Manager without further action by the Board of Directors of the District. Judicial Remedies and Enforcement Powers. Section 6.11. General Prohibition of Waste. It shall be unlawful for any person to waste groundwater or to supply or produce groundwater in a wasteful manner, and such waste is declared a public nuisance. Section 6.12. District Will Enforce Rules. The District will enforce these Rules by injunction, mandatory injunction, or other appropriate remedy. Suits to enforce these Rules may be brought in any court of competent jurisdiction. Section 6.13. Investigative Powers. The District may use any investigative technique or exercise any investigative power provided or permitted by law in connection with enforcement of these Rules, including the power to issue subpoenas for persons and documents. Hearings and Other Procedures. (a) Discretionary and Mandatory Hearings. The District may at its discretion hold a public hearing with respect to any matters relating to these Rules or the Act. Any 26 person may request a hearing by filing a request for hearing form. A hearing must be held if properly requested by a person who has and demonstrates in the request a property interest which is directly and adversely affected by the Rules. (b) Notice of Public Hearing. Notice of a hearing held under these Rules will be published once at least fourteen (14) days prior to the date of the hearing in one or more newspapers with general circulation in the District. The notice will: (1) state the name and address of the person requesting the hearing, if any, and the subject matter of the hearing; (2) if the hearing relates to a variance, state the name and address of the user holding or requesting a variance and provide a brief description of the nature of the variance or request for variance; (3) if the hearing relates to a possible violation of the Act or these Rules, state the name and address of the person who may have violated the Act or these Rules, and provide a brief description of the possible violation; (4) if the hearing relates to a citizen complaint, the name and address of the person who is the subject of the complaint, and provide a brief description of the nature of the citizen complaint; (5) if the hearing relates to an order under Section 3.06, state the proposed finding of drought and provide a brief description of the proposed order; (6) specify the time and place for the hearing; (7) give any additional information the District considers necessary. This subsection does not apply to hearings relating to rule-making under Section 6.31. (c) Procedure for Public Hearing. (1) The hearing may be held in conjunction with or independently of a regular or special meeting of the Board. The chairman of the Board or another person designated by the chairman shall act as presiding officer. The hearing shall be conducted in accordance with applicable law, including any Rules of Practice which the District may adopt. 27 (2) Any interested person may appear at the hearing, in person or by attorney, or may enter an appearance in writing, orally or by affidavit. The presiding officer may swear witnesses and take their testimony under oath. (3) The District may receive evidence from any person, orally or by affidavit, hear arguments, and make determinations necessary to effectuate the purposes of the Act and the Rules. The presiding officer will rule on the admissibility of evidence, and may. exclude evidence which is irrelevant, immaterial, or unduly repetitious. Section 6.22. Notice of Noncompliance. (a) If the District has reason to believe that any person is in violation of these Rules, the Act, or any other statute, regulation, or order relating to groundwater, the District may send to the person a notice of noncompliance. The notice will contain a description of the noncompliance and the actions which the person must take to cure such noncompliance, state the time in which such actions must be taken, and notify the person that a written response to the notice must be filed with the District not later than 10 days following the date the notice was received by the person. (b) The person to whom the notice is sent must file a written response with the District not later than 10 days following receipt of the notice. The response must either admit or deny each allegation of non-compliance. If the person denies an allegation of non-compliance, the person must state the facts and circumstances that support the denial. If the person admits an allegation of non- compliance, the person must specify what actions the person will take to cure the non-compliance within the time specified in the notice or explain why the person cannot do so. Section 6.23. Citizen Complaints. Any person may file a citizen complaint reporting a violation, suspected violation, or anticipated violation of any of these Rules, and petition the District to initiate enforcement proceedings. The District may conduct a hearing on a citizen complaint as provided in Section 6.21. Notice of any such hearing will be sent to the person filing the complaint and to the user who is the subject of the complaint at least fourteen (14) days prior to the hearing. (a) Subject to the limitations of the Open Records Act, GOV'T CODE Chapter 552, information collected, assembled or maintained by the District is public record open to inspection and copying during regular business hours. 28 (b) A person submitting data or information to the District may request that the data or information be designated as confidential. If the District agrees with the designation and such data or information is excepted from disclosure under the Texas Open Records Act, the data or information shall be maintained as confidential and not open for public inspection. Adopting, Amending, and Appealing Rules. Section 6.31. Procedure for Adoption and Amendment of Rules. (a) Before any proposed rule is adopted or any existing rule is amended, the District will conduct a public hearing in each county within the District to receive public comment. After the hearings are held, the rule will be adopted or amended on the affirmative majority vote of the Board of Directors. A rule shall take effect not earlier than the 14th day after its adoption or amendment. (b) Notice of each hearing, along with a brief description of the proposed rule, will be published once each week for two consecutive weeks in one or more newspapers with general circulation in the District and in the county in which the hearing is to be held. The first notice of a hearing will be published not later than 14 days prior to the hearing. (c) The District may review the DMP and the Rules from time to time to determine whether modifications are warranted. In reviewing the DMP and the Rules, the District may consider implementation experience, new data concerning the Edwards Aquifer or the use of groundwater, and any other information which it deems relevant. Section 6.32. Appeals. (a) Any person affected by and dissatisfied with any rule adopted pursuant to subdivisions 3(a)(10) through (16) of the Act relating to the development, implementation, and enforcement of a drought management plan, may appeal the reasonableness and validity of such rule to the Texas Natural Resource Conservation Commission under rules adopted by the Commission. (b) If the Commission determines a rule is unreasonable or otherwise invalid, it may either declare that the rule is null and void and direct the District to adopt a substitute rule or reform the rule so that it is reasonable and valid. 29 (c) Upon receiving direction from the Commission to.. adopt a substitute rule, the District will, as soon as practicable, adopt such rule in accordance with § 3(b) of its enabling statute. Any such substitute rule shall be effective immediately upon its adoption by the District. (d) During the pendency of an appeal of any rule to the Commission or any judicial proceedings relating to the validity or reasonableness of the rule, the rule shall remain in effect for all purposes unless otherwise ordered by the Commission or a court of competent jurisdiction. rev.dmp.rules 012695 30 WATER USE REDUCTION STAGES OF THE DEMAND MANAGEMENT PLAN TABLE 1 Trigger Condition (J-17 Well Level) - Aquifer Awareness 655 II - Aquifer Watch 648 III - Aquifer Alert 640 IV - Aquifer Risk 628 (or Corral Spring Flow below 150 cfs) Trigger conditions consist of aquifer water levels as measured in Well AY -68-37-203 (J-17) in San Antonio. Enforcement of this plan is dependent on cooperation of the Cibolo water customers. Violators of this ordinance will be subject to fines as adopted by Ordinance 465 of the City Council of Cibolo on April 23, 1996. The fine schedule is found in Table 3 of this ordinance. Stage II Declaration - Other Provisions Designated Watering Days Stage II of the DMI' allows citizens to water their landscapes with sprinklers on designated days. A person's designated day is determined by the LAST NUMBER of the property address. Residential landscape watering will be allocated by odd vs even numbers. Watering is allowed any day of the week with hand held hose or soaker hoses (and drip irrigation) during the "Designated Watering Times." Landscape watering from a Cibolo water connection is prohibited at all other times (NOTE: During Stage II and Stage III, even hand held hoses may not be used outside of "Designated Watering Times". Landscape Watering for Residential Customers Odd Numbers SUNDAYS AND THURSDAYS Even Numbers SATURDAYS AND TUESDAYS Landscape Watering for Non -Residential Categories All addresses - WEDNESDAYS ONLY Designated Watering Times imes Stage II watering with sprinklers is prohibited from 10:00 a.m. until 8:00 p.m. Watering is allowed from midnight to 10:00 a.m. and from 8 p.m. to midnight. Stage III Declaration - Other Provisions Designated Watering Day Stage III of the DMP allows citizens to water their landscapes with sprinklers on designated days. A person's designated day is determined by the LAST NUMBER of the property address. Residential landscape watering will be allocated by odd vs even numbers. Watering is allowed any day of the week with hand held hose or soaker hoses (and drip irrigation) during the "Designated Watering Times." Landscape watering from a Cibolo water connection is prohibited at all other times (NOTE: During Stage 1I and Stage III, even hand held hoses may not be used outside of "Designated Watering Times". Landscape Watering for Residential Customers Odd Numbers SUNDAYS ONLY Even Numbers SATURDAYS ONLY Landscape Watering for Non -Residential Categories All addresses - WEDNESDAYS ONLY Designated Watering Times Stage III watering with sprinklers is prohibited from 10:00 am. until 8 p.m.. and from midnight until 5:00 am.. Watering is allowed from 5:00 am. until 10:00 am and 8:00 p.m. until midnight.. Stage IV Declaration - Other Provisions Landscape Watering for Residential Customers NO WATERING WITH SPRINKLERS IS ALLOWED Landscape Watering for Non -Residential Categories NO WATERING WITH SPRINKLERS IS ALLOWED Any outdoor landscape must be done with a handheld hose or 5 -gallon or smaller bucket. Soaker hoses may be used if someone is present tN •aTgerrem sue= due dq a5esn mom a=qsz c} paB==ua Sr tarn -PePMMZ=81 ST UDT4=WBH Za 'II 'I (Bi) Ben 3pc4m&ri fill_ .. - [... xaw'= 3 ;ueaP&i Jaz UT ton=pPi — (ET) MM F=PM 8 &=;qBV-arW I III 'II 'I SOOTAMS 3 .�. � 111 �. • YI'1 1 •• IC6 ^CIO . C. U 'CI 1 •1 I.0 ICII� Y 11 - IC�g17�1: �'.. Y .C7 -I 11) •I •ICI •)■1../■CI. nR-0 zo P •. •. w .1 1 _ _ 11'11 ■ - „� - rl ' Filling and Ieplan„Chi M for nal+ and ad& -J J p&]4 (17) i private facilities is prohibited. nesdmtic ( 9) II, outside and inside prohibited. 7hp- (fumtmimr use of reused or recyc7 ed water is a waterfalls, etc.) defenm to prosamztim udder this paraWaph• J .1 • • .I I • 11- 11 .1 rl 1 .1 .II I-• Y 1J .1 .1 Taeri =no I LWEISCOPIM y$tI=ITq'uMiM Irldivi&Ial Irrigation (1)/ sp nMer or sprinkler system for 0a-rtirEj (7)eTzIS=p= zj planbo (Z) is permitted (domsti-) only bobam the hcozs of 8:00 p.m. and 10:00 a.m. Pzmhibitias for lraterirg are betweien 10:00 a.m. and 8:00 p.m. Watering with }ta xBmla hales (4). brut (5) or strip i= gatim system (6) is permitted at any time. ■ washirxj.1 any Jqxmviow mmfa.- area (12) is •• L1- washirg of any iqpwAx= M=23CM for J=Mdi health and safety :'I defense pzusemtion ul this pwagrdph. MISI.1' =hue 8*dpwrit 1 Unitedto ammigried resider&.W 2wdsc*e designated watering with ILLI - -(With automatic.'Ir 1 •1. =M -faciUty • J.rr arry day. ■■Washim .1Inpervion wirface fcw P r u bealth and safety . r Vehicle9 pm=dtbod • Iwforboalth _.1safety zeasom J pmmj=m 1 f r 1dmujoated dayand tins with hmxgwld •.L'(with atftmatic -hUhn 1. •1mWater use by amomexcial vehiclewashing facdIltion is .• Vegetable Garden .1 - or .ly J vegetable gwcdm ( 8) is pazoitted cinly between the 1. b_ 11 .11• 10:00 am. Pinhibitians fcr wateriTq axe .1. -- 10:00a.z6_1 8:00 p.m. waterirgwith huxIbeld • • ' - system pezzifted at _1 J .1 • • .I I • 11- 11 .1 rl 1 .1 .II I-• Y 1J .1 .1 Taeri =no I LWEISCOPIM y$tI=ITq'uMiM Irldivi&Ial Irrigation (1)/ sp nMer or sprinkler system for 0a-rtirEj (7)eTzIS=p= zj planbo (Z) is permitted (domsti-) only bobam the hcozs of 8:00 p.m. and 10:00 a.m. Pzmhibitias for lraterirg are betweien 10:00 a.m. and 8:00 p.m. Watering with }ta xBmla hales (4). brut (5) or strip i= gatim system (6) is permitted at any time. ..Al rll• _ _ _ _ _ _ y • . / 1 .1 1 1 / J 1 .• _1..11 = 1 . •1 •.J ft. i r 1 L r91._ - . x.11 -1 1' 1. J 1 LMZlscMPirq • J.1 • •.1 witering are 10:00a.m. and 11 WateriTq with bmzbeld 1w_ is pe=Lthd at any tim. I. KIP •1 .1 r.l• =lY - _1 .• •'-1 •11' •. Y. an .1 Golf C.+E I 17o'i =ticw of i 'Ylt:im between the (as defined by ba=s of 8:00 p.m. and 10:00 a.m. City Cbde) zt RB&=LiAM of i=t ion behmm the bows of 8:00 p.m. and 10:00 a.m. 7he maximml a 3 phi e i +m times ase: f_ r. r6 •J r..--go- -- It■ fit J _ r •: r. - IJ .o .q Pwc:reaticralareas ■ Inv um MELA= -_ _ - i=igated pm*fivecnceevezybatimmrr c a tract •1 51 bm= WOOp.z6 andID:W naintained by a city, not to ex=W jam r✓_ per week. individual as a softballor place of beatity .1 of izeigated mm every five (5) dop —Alic recreation) betwom the horm of 8:W p.m. and 20:W Now atim of =—itrigation pm=itted to maintain a&q growth until esbtaished. It■ fit J _ r -TpTsagem snowasdmT sago so aTrg 'burned 'XOrsq ggrx pasaAaO ease sougane saggo ac oTgsd 'XTmwepTs ;AeManrsp 'gaasgs Aup so asngansgs .Cum sttram „naso soe;sns snoTAsadmlu (ZT) •XpaT DWETTosguom p srrdea og buTTTr; so 'uTwxP so g04W 'saggnb p ogttT ;;o uns ag aagEM buTmOTTp 'og pagrmTT qOu ST gnq 'sapttTnuT agseM (TT) •sp®ap amTTMTs satMO pue soTgpd 'sXTWABPTO 'sdmesaATsp '9498240 ;o buTusgM egg pup 'sgpoq pup saTTgomognm buTPttTOuT 'quamdrnba aTTgom pup s=Zmnsgs ;O buTgspM pup buTttpaTO 'aOueuaguT= aqg so; saoopgno sagam ;o son agq sum m uasn soopgno saggOu (OT) •asodsnd TmuoTgOun; zatp<o ou saAsas pup Tegnampuso ATasTgua ST son gens asagM spuod pup saXmT ed=BPUVT pup 'sTTe;sagpr 'surmguno; zo; 2049A ;o son Bgg supam uasn OTgaggsaVu (6) •OTTgnd sq4 oq uspsrb aTgpgabaA p Bans mos; aonposd ;o buTTTas gaasTP MuaPTOUT sapnTOuT aTmTOsammoO-uauu 'srgg sog. •asn pjogaenog so; ATTsrmrsd pagupTd uapseb aTgegabaA TaT=Bm=z-uou Aug supam puapseb aTgmgabaAu (8) •q;AOsb ;O BOupuagUTUM pup guamgsTTgegsa up gsrjdmaOOe og sp amTg ;o poTasd tens saq;m perp up UT burgsrxa guvTd Burd=SPUVT p scram ugurTd buTdmOspupT burgsrx3i W •(•Oga 'adTd snoaod 'dTsp) magsAs uorgrbT=T bumus-m4mm aTgpmognp us sum m uuorgpbT=T di ' (9) •uossad suo Aq ATbuTs peen 'ssaT so suoTTeb BAT; buTPToq sauTeguoO saggo so gaXonq sumem ugaXOng„ (5) gaTzzou ;;Ogngs OTgemognp so Tmnuem p gg=M paggT; 'uossad auo Aq papuaggm asaq p supam uasog pTagpuegu (y) •ggmasb ;o aoueuaguTrm pum guamgsTTgegsa aTgeuosras p gsTTd=czu og se amTg ;o porsad qons uTtpTm asap up og pagueTdsuesg so UT paqumTd peas so gupTd A" sumact ugueTd burdemspuBT Maxu (E) •scoop-;o-gno pagurTd ueaq seg so sMosb gpgg 'saroods swab so sanoopunoab 'guaTnmmns 'saMOT; 'gsaq 'Burn 'gnsgs 'brig Ace burpnTOUT 'aegtteTd mopbuTX agg ;o sagmam Aur suvem ugueTd burdmaspuej. (z) •sgueTd burdenspueT Moab ag 2842M ;o uOTgeoTTdde egg supam uBursagim adenspur7. (T) SaIMM003 :MOZ3H urxdzH QSSBJIOHI sY sDxINvam 3HZ 3AVH TMS SHM 9xIMOTIO3 3HS ' SH3HIIoyzzv SIHI 10 S3SOdund HOA FOOTNOTES (13) "Health care facility" means any hospital, clinic, nursing home or other health care or medical research facility. (14) "Water utility use" means water used for withdrawal, treatment, transmission and distribution by potable water systems. (15) "Power production use" means the use of water for steam generation and the use of water for cooling and for replenishment of cooling reservoirs. (16) "Agricultural irrigation" means irrigation for the purpose of growing crops commercially for human consumption or to use as feed for livestock or poultry. (17) "Public" means municipally owned or operated facilities. (18) "Livestock use" means the use of water for drinking by or washing of livestock. "Livestock" means cattle, sheep, goats, hogs, poultry, horses, and game, domestic, exotic and other animals and birds, including zoo animals, used for commercial or personal purposes. (19) "Household use" means the use of water, other than uses in the Outdoor category, for personal needs or for household purposes, such as drinking, bathing, heating, cooking, sanitation or cleaning, whether the use occurs in a residence or in a commercial or industrial facility. (20) "Industrial, commercial and other use" means the use of water integral to the production of primary goods and services provided by industrial or commercial facilities and water essential to service -related industries such as recreation and tourism. Industrial facilities include facilities which perform such process—specific activities as cooling, boiler feed, cleaning and washing, pollution control, extraction and separation of desirable material from products and waste materials and the incorporation of water into final products. Commercial facilities. include, but are not limited to, food service facilities, hotels, retail facilities and nursery operations. PENALTIES FOR VIOLATION OF THE DEMAND MANAGEMENT PLAN.. (DMP) (AS ESTABLISHED BY ORDINANCE 466) TABLE 3 DEMAND MANAGEMENT PLAN FINE SCHEDULE STAGE I and STAGE H Residential Customers of the City of Cibolo Water System First violation at an address in a 12month period Written warning Second violation at an address in a 12 month period $25-$50 Third violation at an address in a 12 month period $ 50-$100 Fourth violation at an address in a 12 month period $100-$200 All subsequent citations $200-500 Commercial/Industrial Customers ofthe C& of Cibolo Water System First violation at an address in a 12 month period Written warning. Second violation at an address in a 12 month period $ 50-100 Third violation at an address in a 12 month period $100-200 Fourth violation at an address in a 12 month period $200-500 All subsequent citations $400-500 STAGE III and STAGE W Residential Customers ofthe City of Cibolo Water System First violation at an address in a 12 month period Written warning Second violation at an address in a 12 month period $50-100 Third violation at an address in a 12 month period $100-200 All subsequent citations $200-500 Commercial/Industrial Customers ofthe City of Cibolo Water System First violation at an address in a 12 month period Written warning _ Second violation at an address in a 12 month period $100.200 Third violation at an address in a 12 month period $200-500 All subsequent citations $400-500 All 12 -month periods begin at 12:01 a.m. January 1st and end at midnight December 31 of that year. All citations are per physical street address. The Citation will be issued to the individual in proximate care ofthe residence where the offense occurs at the time of the incident. All violations are cumulative with no deference to which Stage I under which the initial or subsequent violations occurred.The City of Cibolo reserves the right to permanently remove water meters for repeated violations ofthe DMP. �Uf ADDENDUM/ATTACHMENT 1: RATES AND CHARGES: Following are the rates and charges for services furnished by the City of Cibolds Water Department. (Amended August 8, 1995 - Effective for August 15, 1995 billing cycle, new rates paid for the fust time on October 1, 1995 billing.) First 1,200 gallons $ 9.00 Base Rate Between 1,200 and 3,000 gallons $12.25 Base Rate 3,001 to 10,000 additional $ 1.85 per 1,000 gal 10,001 to 25,000 additional $ 2.60 per 1,000 gal 25,001+ additional $ 3.60 per 1,000 gal COMMERCIAL WATER RATES First 3,000 gallons $14.00 3,001 gallons additional $ 1.85 per 1,000 gal METER CONNECT FEES Address where service already in existence $30.00 Residential where no service existed $60.00 (Line Tap) $ 3.00 Commercial where no service existed $75.00 Industrial where no service existed $120.00 (Line Tap) Commercial where service existed $30.00 Industrial where service existed $30.00 HYDRANT METER FEES $400.00 Meter Connect $40.00 Daily Rental $ 3.00 Water Rate $ 1.85 per 1,000 gal IY:: Lam„ Move within City $30.00 DEPOSITS Hydrant Meter $400.00 Residential Service $40.00 Commercial Service Two months estimated use Industrial Service Two months estimated use Garbage Only Pre -pay one month All of these fees and charges are in addition by impact fees charged for new service and platting in the City of Cibolo. 41