ORD 466 4/23/1996ORDINANCE NUMBER *W Li0*40 DEMAND MANAGEMENT PLAN FINE SCHEDULE AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING FINES FOR VIOLATION OF THE CITY OF CIBOLOIS DEMAND MANAGEMENT PLAN (DMP) THAT MANDATES WATER CONSERVATION MEASURES DURING PERIODS OF DROUGHT OR OTMER TIMES AS DESIGNATED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF CMOLO. WHEREAS, the City of Cibolo has adopted the Demand Management Plan as set forth by the Edward's Underground Water District, and WHEREAS, the City of Cibolo has established the J-17 well as the triggering factor for designation of Stage 1, Stage R Stage III, and Stage IV of the DMP water conversation, and WHEREAS, the City of Cibolo has a responsibility to insure adequate supplies of water to its citizens and other customers, and WHEREAS, the city has a responsibility to encourage water conservation and provide punishment for violation of its ordinances and regulations, and WHEREAS, the DMP has been legally adopted by the City of Cibolo, THEN BE IT RESOLVED THAT THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CIBOLO DOES HEREBY INSTRUCT THE CITY ADMDVISTRATOR TO IMPLEMENT THE FOLLOWING FINES AND FORFEITURES FOUND ON ATTACHMENT #1 FOR VIOLATION OF THE DMP. THIS ORDINANCE TAKES EFFECT AT 11:59 P.M., WEDNESDAYAPRIL 24,1996. APPROVED AND ADOPTED ON THIS 23 DAY OF APRIL, 1996 HON. SAM BAUDER, MAYOR ATTEST: e" G. a., CHARLES A. BALCAR, CITY SECRETARY ATTACMIENT #1, DMP ENFORCEMENT REGULATIONS All 12 -month periods begin at 12:01 a.m. January 1st and end at midnight December 31 of that year. All citations are per physical street address. The Citation will be issued to the individual in proximate care of the residence where the offense occurs at the time of the incident. All violations are cumulative with no deference to which Stage I under which the initial or subsequent violations occurred. The City of Cibolo reserves the right to permanently remove water meters for repeated violations of the DMP. STAGE I and STAGE II Residential Customers of the City of Cibolo Water System First violation at an address in a 12 month period Written warning Second violation at an address in a 12 month period $20-$50 Third violation at an address in a 12 month period $ 50-$100 Fourth violation at an address in a 12 month period $1004200 All subsequent citations $200-500 CommerciaUIndustrial Customers of the Citv of Cibolo Water Svstem First violation at an address in a 12 month period Written warning Second violation at an address in a 12 month period $ 50-100 Third violation at an address in a 12 month period $100-200 Fourth violation at an address in a 12 month period $200-500 All subsequent citations $400-500 STAGE III and STAGE IV Residential Customers of the City of Cibolo Water System First violation at an address in a 12 month period Written warning Second violation at an address in a 12 month period $50-100 Third violation at an address in a 12 month period $100-200 All subsequent citations $200-500 Commercial/Industrial Customers of the City of Cibolo Water System First violation at an address in a 12 month period Written warning Second violation at an address in a 12 month period $100-200 Third violation at an address in a 12 month period $200-500 All subsequent citations $400-500