ORD 464 1/9/1996CITY OF CIBOLO ORDINANCE # 464 SUBDIVISION ORDINANCE O An ordinance to replace and supersede City of Cibolo Ordinance Number A'HAnd 395 and all previous Ordinances that are in conflict with any section of this Ordinance. TO FM 3009 1: School (AU01.0 Fo,lum F�oenzlon 3003 TO IH 35 Passed on the 9th day of January, 1996 Mayor Sam Bauder Councilman Jeff Miller Councilman Bob Glisar Councilman Mark Buell Councilman Chuck Ridge Councilwoman Gail Douglas Charles A. Balcar, City Administrator/City Secretary City of Cibolo PO BOX 88 Cibolo, Texas 79109 (210) 659-9900 ORDINANCE NUMBER 464 LAND SUBDIVISION ORDINANCE AN ORDINANCE ADOPTING THE PROVISIONS OF CHAPTER 231, ACTS OF THE 40TH LEGISLATURE, REGULAR SESSION, 1927, AS HERETOFORE OF HEREAFTER AMENDED (COMPILED AS ARTICLE 970a, VERNONS TEXAS CIVIL STATUTES) DECLARING THE POLICY AND THE RULES AND REGULATIONS GOVERNING THE PLATTING AND SUBDIVISION OF LAND IN AND ADJACENT TO THE CITY OF CIBOLO, TEXAS. ORDINANCE NUMBER 464 REPLACES ORDINANCE NUMBER 439 AND ALL OTHER SUBDMSION ORDINANCES BEFORE IT, INCLUDING ORDINANCE NUMBER 395. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CIBOLO, TEXAS THAT THIS ORDINANCE SHALL BE IN FULL FORCE AND EFFECT AS OF THIS 9 TH DAY OF JANUARY , HON. SAM BAUDER, MAYOR ATTEST: G ul�ez' CHARLES A. BALCAR, CITY SECRETARY (CITY SEAL) REVISIONS ARE AS FOLLOWS: ORDINANCE NUMBER 464 LAND SUBDIVISION ORDINANCE AN ORDINANCE ADOPTING THE PROVISIONS OF CHAPTER 231, ACTS OF THE 40TH L LEGISLATURE, REGULAR SESSION, 1927, AS HERETOFORE OF HEREAFTER AMENDED (COMPILED AS ARTICLE 970x, VERNONS TEXAS CIVIL STATUTES) DECLARING THE r' POLICY AND THE RULES AND REGULATIONS GOVERNING THE PLATTING AND SUBDIVISION OF LAND IN AND ADJACENT TO THE CITY OF CIBOLO, TEXAS. ORDINANCE NUMBER 464 REPLACES, ORDINANCE NUMBER 439 AND ALL OTHER SUBDMSION ORDINANCES BEFORE IT, INCLUDING ORDINANCE NUMBER 395. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CIBOLO, TEXAS THAT THIS r ORDINANCE SHALL BE IN FULL FORCE AND EFFECT AS OF THIS 9 TA DAY OF JANUARY 1996. HON. SAM BAUDER, MAYOR ATTEST: --- - - - - CHARLES A. BALCAR, CITY SECRETARY (CITY SEAL) REVISIONS ARE AS FOLLOWS: 1-� 1 L S 1 THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CIBOLO ACKNOWLEDGES THE SUPERIOR i r EFFORT PUT FORTH IN THE CREATION OF THIS DOCUMENT. WE WOULD LIKE TO THANK THE MEMBERS OF THE PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION FOR THEIR"' LONG HOURS OF WORK IN PREPARING THIS DOCUMENT. THE CITY COUNCIL GIVES ITS SPECIAL THANKS TO ALBERT URESTI FOR HIS DEDICATION TO THIS EFFORT. r - 4 TABLE OF CONTENTS SECTION I GENERAL PURPOSE, pg 1 SECTION II DEFINITIONS, Pg 2 SECTION III PURPOSE AND.JURISDICTION, pg 5 A. Purpose of Regulations to Control Subdivision of Land, pg 5 B. Jurisdiction, pg 5 SECTION IV APPLICATION PROCESS, pg 6 A. Size of Development Required to Submit Plans, pg 6 B. Approval of City Required for Subdivision of Land, pg 6 C. No Improvements Allowed Without City Approval; pg 6 D. No Street Number/Building Permit Issued Without Compliance, Pg 6" E. Warranty, pg 6 SECTION V PROCESSING PROCEDURE, pg 7 A. Preliminary Plat, Pg 7 1. Application 2. Required Copies and Filing Deadline 3. Certification of Information 4. Plat Review Period 5. Minor Plat Review 6. Documentation of Actions of Planning and Zoning Commission 7. Distribution of Plat Copies 8. Authority to Proceed 9. Filing Fees 10.Preliminary Plat Content B. Preliminary Replat (Without Vacating, L.G.C. $212.014) pg 10 1. List of Adjacent Property Owners 2. Notification of Adjacent Property Owners 3. Notice of Replat C. Final Plat, pg 12 1. Plat Consideration 2. Submittal Deadline 3. Submittal of Portion of Approved Preliminary Plat 4. Certificate of Approval(Disapproval and Recommendations 5. Required Number of Plats Submitted SECTION VI Ell 6. Tax Certificate 7. Guarantee of Improvements to City 8. Disapproval of Final Plat 9. Time of Approval 10.Final Plat Content D. Plat Acceptance Requirements, pg 17 1. Responsibilities of Engineer Retained by Subdivider 2. Letter of Credit or Performance Bond Prior to Approval of Final Plat 3. Subdivider Responsible for Site Improvements 4. Requirements of Disclosure of Subdivid&s Plans 5. Building Permit Conditions 6. Pre -Construction Conference 7. Acceptance Inspections 8. Compliance Affidavit E. Option of Submittal of One Plat, F. Certificate of Serviceability, pg 19 pg 19 1. For New or Revised Subdivision Plats 2. Application for and Issuance of Certificate 3. Conditions for Issuance of Certificate of Serviceability 4. Appeal DEDICATION OF PARKLANDS OR PAYMENT OF FEES IN LIEU THEREOF, pg 22 A. Definitions, B. Criteria for Land Dedication, pg 22 p& 22 1. Eligibility of Subdivisions for Park Land Dedication 2. Land Dedication Guidelines 3. Location 4. Credit for Private Park Land and Facilities C. Criteria for Contributions in Lieu of Park Land, pg 23 1. Cash Contributions 2. Deposition of Cash Contribution 3. Park Improvements in Lieu of Park Land 4. Combinations of Contributions in Lieu of Park Land 5. Letter of Credit 6. Reservation of Additional Park Land 7. Land Treatment 8. Transfer of Land 9. Payment of Fees in Lieu of Land 10.Underground Utilities iii n EJ SECTION VII SURVEY REQUIREMENTS, pg 27 A. Placement,ofMonuments, pg 27 B. Bench Marks, pg 27 C. Lot Markers, pg 27 SECTION VIII RESERVATIONS, pg 28 A. Permitted Purposes, pg 28 B. Designation on Plat, pg 28 C. Schools, pg 28 SECTION IX VARIANCES, pg 29 SECTION X AS -BUILT DRAWINGS, pg 30 SECTION XI PENALTIES, pg 31 A. Violation of Any Provision of Chapter, pg 31° B. Other Legal Remedies, pg 31 APPENDIXES (TABLE OF CONTENTS), pg 32 APPENDIX A DESIGN STANDARDS, pg 34 APPENDIX B CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS, pg 56 APPENDIX C FEES, VARIANCES, AND PENALTIES, pg 65 EXHIBITS, pg 67 EXHIBIT A MAINTENANCE BOND, pg 67 EXHIBIT B DEVELOPER PETITIONS, pg 69 PART I Developer Petition for Preliminary Acceptance of Public Improvement, pg 69 PART II Developer Petition for Final Acceptance of Public Improvement, pg 71 PART III Final Acceptance by City, pg 72 GRAPHS, FIGURES, AND DRAWINGS, pg 73 1. iv n SECTION I -- GENERAL- PURPOSE I i! SECTION I GENERAL PURPOSE GENERAL PURPOSE OF SUBDIVISION ORDINANCE10 READ AS FOLLOWS: THIS ORDINANCE SHALL GOVERN EVERY PERSON, FIRM, PARTNERSHIP, ASSOCIATION, CORPORATION, LLC, OR OTHER LEGAL ENTITY OWNING ANY TRACT OF LAND WITHIN THE CITY. LDMS OF TBE CITY OF CIBOLO AND ITS EXTRA- TERRITORIAL JURISDICTION. AS PRESCRIBED BY STATE LAW OR BY ' LETTERS OF INTENT, WHO MAY BEREAFTER DIVIDE ANY TRACT OF LAND INTO TWO (2) OR MORE PARTS FOR THE PURPOSE OF LAYING OUT ANY SUBDMSION OR ANY TRACT OF LAND OR BUILDING LOTS OR ANY LOTS, AND STREETS, ALLEYS OR PARKS OR OTBER PORTIONS INTENDED FOR PUBLIC USE OR THE USE OF PURCHASERS OR OWNERS OF LOTS FRONTING THEREON OR ADJACENT THERETO. i� SECTION II --DEFINITIONS SECTION II DEFINITIONS For the purpose of this ordinance, certain terms and words are hereby defined. Terms not defined herein shall be construed in accordance with the Zoning Ordnance and/or customary usage J in municipal planning and engineering practices. y 1 1. ALLEY - A minor public right-of-way which provides a secondary means of vehicular access to abutting property and which is used primarily for vehicular traffic to the J rear or side of properties which otherwise abut on a public street as that term is defined herein. i 2. BUILDING HEIGHT - Measured from top point of slab or other structure foundation + to uppermost part of structure as determined by the City of Cibolo. J 3. CERTIFICATE OF SERVICEABILITY - A document issued or provided by the City Engineer certifying that a proposed subdivision meets all provisions of the ` - subdivision ordinance and, if not, listing such deficiencies. Such document shall also certify that the proposed subdivision can be adequately served with water and sewer in accordance with the existing capacity of the City's water and sewer utility systems. The cost of the engineer's review will be home solely by the subdivider who will be billed when the City receives its statement from its engineer. 1! 4. CITY - The City of Cibolo, Texas 5. CITY ENGINEER - A duly qualified and licensed engineer hired by the City, either full-time or on an "as needed" consulting basis. 6. CUL-DE-SAC - A short minor street having but one vehicular access to another street and terminated by a vehicular tum -a -round that has adequate turning movements for emergency vehicles with a minimum radius of fifty (50) feet. 7: EASEMENT: A right granted for the purpose of public use across, over, or under aprivate land, used primarily for utilities. All easements shall be located in the front portion of the property abutting the street right-of-way. 8. EXTRA -TERRITORIAL JURISDICTION - That area adjacent to the corporate limits / of the city in which the city is authorized to control subdivisions, among other things, as prescribed or defined by law, including letters of intent. 9. GENERAL PLAN A map or plat designed to illustrate the general design features I I and street layout of a proposed subdivision to be developed and platted in sections. 10. GREENBELT - A natural or relatively undeveloped area near or surrounding an urban area which remains undeveloped through restrictions on building. Greenbelts typically provide a buffer between differing land uses, preserve the natural features of an area, or provide recreation space. Greenbelts tend to be 1 I linear and are thus ideal sites for trail development. 11. MAJOR STREET- A principal traffic thoroughfare which continues, or is intended to continue, across the city and which serves to connect remote parts of the city. 'It may also be a principal connecting street to State or Federal Highways. 12. MAJOR SUBDIVISION - Requires the full development, including, but not limited to, provisions for water, electrical, and sewer service. (More than five (S) acres.) t 13. MASTER PLAN - Overall plan for development for the city; includes plans for land _ use, housing; water, wastewater, etc. for the future population. 14. MAY OR SHALL - May is merely directory; Shall is always mandatory. 15. MINOR OR RESIDENTIAL STREET - All streets not otherwise indicated. 16. MINOR SUBDIVISION - Areas where water, electrical, and sewer services are already provided and only building specifications are required. (Five (S) acres or t less.) r 17. OPEN SPACE - Land, water, and atmosphere, private or public, predominately natural and undeveloped. I 18. PARKLAND - Land designated for recreational use or open space as determined by the City Council 19. PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION - Planning and Zoning Commission of the City of Cibolo, Texas.. 20. PLAT - A nrep, drawing, or chart of the proposed subdivision. , tth--singular-and-plural;-except-where-*e-sab-I VMo- l � � ordinaace•speuific - � a .� �_� ,�� �- 2 - A plat that has been redesigned from the original submitted plan. I, 22. PLAT - A resubmitted plat including all revisions as required by the City. j} i� 3 i I� i 23. RESUB ON - The division of es;sting subdivision, together with any changes RTP size therein or relocation of any street limes. 24. REVISED P ARY PLAT - A plat which has been previously submitted and >b&' resubmitted with changes. 25. SECONDARY OR COLLECTOR STREET - A continuous street through several residential districts intended as a connecting street between residential districts and major streets or business districts. 1 26. SECRETARY - The secretary of the Cibolo Planning and Zoning Commission or the i authorized representative of the secretary. 27. SETBACK - Shall be measured from the property lime. 28. SHALL OR MAY - Shall is always mandatory. May is merely directory. ' 29. SUBDIVIDER - A person or agency dividing or proposing to divide land so as to create a subdivision as that term is defined herein. I 30. SUBDIVISION -. T s aaany lot, tract, or -parcel of lanAnto two or more lots or sites for the -purpose_ of, sale,_ building development, _ or transfer of - ownership, whether immediate or future. SuehAemLshalLJhdudaj&khdN=on of f land or lots. The following shall be defined as subNdrvision:--tesrdfi ren-tary division -- - --of property, partnership division of property-tipon dissolution, or division of property betweentwo (2) -or more owners of an undivided interest by court order. i ! Division of land -into parcels of five (5) acres or more shall not be included within this definition of subdivision, unless any such subdivision of five acres or more inclad"e-plam=g or eve opment o ane 31; SURVEYOR A state licensed land surveyor or registered public surveyor. ! ` 32. UTII TTY - Includes,water, sanitary sewer, electrical, telephone, natural gas, CATV, storm sewer, and all other -services as determined by the City of Cibolo. All utilities shall be located within the required easement as defined above. 3 i - II 17 I ' 4 f �5 i SECTION III PURPOSE AND JURISDICTION SECTION III PURPOSE AND JURISDICTION A PURPOSE OF REGULATIONS TO CONTROL SUBDMSION OF LAND The -City of Cibolo does hereby adopt the following regulations to hereafter control the subdivision of land within the corporate limits of the City of Cibolo and within its extraterritorial jurisdiction thereof, in order to provide for the safe, orderly, and healthful development of the community and to secure adequate provisions for traffic, light, air, recreation, transportation, water, drainage, sewage, and other public facilities. B. JURISDICTION The territorial jurisdiction of this ordinance shall include all land located within the corporate limits of the City of Cibolo and all land located within the extraterritorial jurisdiction (ETJ) of Cibolo, as provided under the Municipal Annexation Act. I SECTION IV - - APPLICATION PROCESS 0 SECTION IV A , APPLICATION PROCESS , A. SIZE OF DEVELOPMENT REQUIRED TO SUBMIT PLANS Proposed development of over five (5) acres is required to follow the application process for approval to develop a subdivision within the city limits or extraterritorial jurisdiction of the ` City of Cibolo. Development of five (5) acres or less, that does not include the planning or development of a new street, is not required to submit plans for development. B. APPROVAL OF CITY REQUIRED FOR SUBDIVISION OF LAND It shall be unlawful for any landowner, or the agent of any landowner, to lay out, subdivide, - plat, or replat any land into lots, blocks, and streets within the City limits of the City and its § extra -territorial jurisdiction without a recommendation for or against such subdivision. by the Planning and Zoning Commission and final approval by the City Council. Violations shall be punishable as shown in APPENDIX C. C. NO IMPROVEMENTS ALLOWED WITHOUT CITY APPROVAL The City will make no improvements nor will the City maintain any streets or famish any 1 utility service in any addition or subdivision for which approved preliminary and final plats are not on file with the City Secretary and the County Clerk. Furthermore, no plat of a subdivision shall be filed in the office of the County Clerk without a recommendation of the _ Planning and Zoning Commission and final approval by the City Council. Such approval shall ti be entered in writing on the plat. No subdivider shall proceed with any improvements until approval is granted. `f D. NO STREET NUMBERBUILDING PERMIT ISSUED WITHOUT COMPLIANCE �Jr No street number and no building permit shall be issued for construction of any building on any parcel of land'subdivided unless said land has been subdivided in accordance with this ! ordinance and filed for record. Additionally, any other required City improvements must be completed and approved by the City and dedicated for public use. E. WARRANTY All improvements made, but not limited to streets, drainage, water, and sewer improvements shall carry a one year warranty from the date of acceptance and dedication by the City. IIl 6 t SECTION V PROCESSING PROCEDURE I I j SECTION V PROCESSING PROCEDURE A. PRELDAUNARY PLAT (See 'B" for additional requirements on a replat.) 1) Application Application for consideration of approval of a preliminary plat shall be made by the subdivider in writing along with all required information as set forth. All fees will be paid - at the time of application with the exception of some engineering fees, which shall be billed to the subdivider as they are received by the City from its engineer. The schedule of ti- required fees maybe found as in Appendix C of this ordinance. 2) Required Copies And Filing Deadline All persons or agencies desiring to subdivide land shall submit a preliminary plat .of.the entire area to be subdivided. The subdivider shall submit ten (10) legible copies and a reproducible to the City Secretary for presentation to the City Planning and Zoning Commission not less than ten (10) working days prior to the meeting at which approval is desired. 3) Certification of Information _ The City Administrator or the designated representative will certify that all required ii information is on the plat submitted, and incomplete submittals shall be returned to the developer prior to submission to the Planning and Zoning Commission. In addition, the City Administrator shall ensure that copies of the preliminary plat have been received by j the City Engineer for review. All costs involved in the City Engineer review of the plat shall be bome by the developer.. 4) Plat Review Period The Planning and Zoning Commission shall review the preliminary plat and make its recommendation for approval or disapproval of the plat to the City Council within thirty (30) days of plat submittal, or the plat will be considered approved by the inaction of the planning commission and said plat will be forwarded to City Council for "final" approval 1, or disapproval. The subdivider submitting the plat shall appear in person, by agent, or by attorney at the meeting when the preliminary plat is reviewed. The City Council will act on the plat within thirty (30) days after the plat is approved by the Planning and Zoning - Commission, or the plat will be considered approved by the inaction of the City Council. l� ' 5) Minor Plat Review Under L.G.C. $212.0065, a municipality may delegate to an employee of the municipality, the'ability to approve minor plats, involving four or fewer lots fronting an existing street and not requiring the creation of -any new street or the extension of municipal facilities. The designated employee may approve the minor plat. For any reason the employee may refuse to approve the plat, but in such case, the plat must be presented to the Municipal Planning Commission or governing body or both, for their approval. The referral to the Planning Commission or governing body must be within 30 days as set out in L.G.C. $212.009. 6) Documentation of Actions of Planning And Zoning Commission The Planning and Zoning Commission shall note its action and considerations, if any, on six (6) copies of the preliminary plat and in a formal letter by the Planning and Zoning Commission Chairman to the City Council 7) Distribution Of Plat Copies All noted copies shall be forwarded to the City Council for final approval or disapproval. Of the six (6) copies, one (1) shall be returned to the subdivider, two (2) shall be filed with the City Secretary, one (1) shall be issued to the Public Works Director, and two (2) shall be placed on permanent record. }_J 8) Authorityto Proceed: Approval of the preliminary plat does not constitute acceptance of the subdivision, but is authority to proceed with the preparation of the final plat. Any work done on the I ! subdivision prior to acceptance of the final plat is prohibited, and a penalty will be assessed if any work is commenced. Approval of the preliminary plat expires at the end of one hundred eighty (180) days, .unless a final plat has been submitted to the Planning, and Zoning Commission. The Planning and Zoning Commission may, if a written request ' is received from the subdivider prior to the end of the one hundred eighty (180) days, grant an extension up to an additional one hundred eighty (180) days. After this extension, said plat approvalexpires. 9) Filing Fees See APPENDIX C. tti 10) Prelimmary Plat Content is 8 i' �I The preliminary plat shall be drawn to a scale of one (1) inch to one hundred (100) feet (1"=1001) and shall show the following information: 1. The name of the subdivision, which shall not duplicate any existing subdivision. 2. Complete legal description by metes and bounds of the land being subdivided, including: a) tract designation of record at the office of the County Clerk, b) title under which the subdivision is to be recorded, and + c) identification of registered professional engineer or surveyor LI 3. Total acreage and total number of lots and blocks within the subdivision numbered accordingly. 4. The name and address of the owner. If the owner is a partnership, corporation, or Jother entity other than an individual, the name and address of the president or vice l president shall be given. 5. North Point - North to be top of sheet, if possible. .I _6—D2te -Any revisions shall bear anew date. 7. Name of engineer and his/her seal responsible for preparing preliminary plat. ti8. Ownership boundaries - Boundaries shall be drawn in very heavy lines and shall include overall dimensions and boundaries. 9. Boundary lines and adjacent right-of-way lime of the proposed subdivision, shown with dashed limes. 10. A tie to an original comer of the original survey of which said land is part. 11. Name and location of adjacent subdivisions, streets, easements, water courses, existing utilities, and property lines of existing property owners in unsubdivided tracts. I� --12.E2dsting—and_proposed__topographical —and - planimetric features within the subdivision, including water courses, ravines, high banks, width of existing or proposed easements with contour limes at two (2) foot intervals, and any other physical features pertinent to the subdivision.. I 13. Existing transportation facilities within the subdivision, including the location and width of right-of-ways, streets, alleys and easements, and type of surface of such 9 streets. 14.Proposed facilities including location, width, surfacing, and name of streets, i approximate width and depth of all lots, location of building Imes, alleys and easements, and schematic plans and outline specification for drainage, sanitary facilities, utilities, parks, and greenbelts. i' Note: Any individual person, corporation, or firm who obtains a building permit ' for use within the City of Cibolo shall be held liable for any and all damages to ° public property; among which is included, but not limited to, streets, curbs, gutters, and rights-of-way around or near construction site. Any damages to public property shall be assessed by the City Building Inspector, or any other agent designated by the City Council; and shall be paid in Rill prior to the issuance of any Certificate of Occupancy. 15. Designation of any sites for specific uses including churches, sewage disposal plants, water plants/wells, businesses; industry, commercial, residential or other =proposed proposed use is unknown, designate as pre -developed. Where the area taken in by a proposed addition or subdivision is l, park, .or public building, such site shall be reserved on the preimnarypatorthe proposed facility` B. PRELUvIINARY REPLAT (Without Vacating ,L.G.C. $212.014) The above requirements for a preliminary plat shall apply to a preliminary replat. In addition, the following requirements shall also apply to a preliminary replat: 1) List of Adjacent Property Owners' ! The preliminary submittal shall contain a listing of all adjacent property owners and other property owners within two hundred (200) feet of the property proposed to be ' subdivided, with addresses as recorded by the County Clerk 2) Notification of Adjacent Property Owners _ The City Secretary will forward a written notice to each property owner within two hundred (200) feet of the lots to be replatted, which shall state, in effect, that a subdivision proposal is pending before the Planning and Zoning Commission and shall include the date, place, and time of the Planning and Zoning Commission meeting. The notice must contain a copy of L.G.C. $212.015 (c), as stated in the Texas Municipal Law and Procedures Manual, Third Edition, which is set out as follows: L.G.C. $212.015 (c) If the proposed replat requires a variance and is protested in accordance with this subsection, the proposed replat must receive, in order to be approved, the affirmative vote of at least 3/4 of the members present of the municipal planning commission or governing body, or both. For a legal protest, written instruments signed by the owners of at least 20% of the area of the lots or land immediately adjoining the area covered by the proposed replat and extending two hundred (200) feet from that area, but within the original subdivision, must be filed with the municipal planning commission or governing body, or both, prior to the close of the public hearing. 11 I I In computing the percentage of land area under Subsection (c), the area of streets and alleys shall be included. L.G.C. $212.015 (d). iCompliance with these special notice requirements is not required for approval of a replat of part of a preceding plat if the area to be replatted was designated or reserved for reasons other than single or duplex family residential use by notation on the last legally recorded plat or in the legally recorded restrictions applicable to the plat. L.G.C. -' $212.015(d) 3) Notice offtlat Notice of the hearing of the approval of the replat must be given at least fifteen (15) days before the date of the hearing, by publishing the notice in an official newspaper or a newspaper of general circulation in the county in which the municipality is located. C., FINAL PLAT 1 1) Plat Consideration No final plat will be considered unless a preliminary plat has been first submitted and approved-- - - - ,J ==-2)-1Submittal Deadline — - - The -final -plat shall-be-submitted-to-the-City-Secretary-at-least_ten-(10) working days prior to the meeting at which approval is requested. 3) Submittal of Portion of Approved Preliminary Plat # t If desired by the subdivider and approved by the City Planning and Zoning Commission, the final plat may constitute only that.portion of the approved preliminary plat which he proposes to develop and record. However, such portion shall conform to all the requirements of this ordinance. 12 4) Certificate of Anoroval/Disapproval and Recommendations a. A certificate of approval/disapproval and recommendations to be signed by the chairman of the Planning and Zoning Commission, City Secretary, and Mayor shall be placed on the face of the plat. b. Two separate statements of approval shall be placed on the plat. The statements of approval/disapproval shall be in the following format: CERTIFICATE OF APPROVAL/DISAPPROVAL AND RECOMMENDATIONS RECOMMENDED FOR APPROVAUDISAPPROVAL THIS DAY OF 19 , BY THE CITY PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION OF TBE CITY OF CIBOLO. CHAIRMAN, PLANNING & ZONING CITY SECRETARY IRECOMMENDED FOR APPROVAL/DISAPPROVAL THIS DAY OF 12 OF CIBOLO. 19 , BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY MAYOR CITY SECRETARY c. After consideration by the Planning and Zoning Commission, the Chairman shall state the recommendation and sign the statement on the reproducible. The City Secretary shall sign the statement as to fact of recommendation. The reproducible and six (6) copies are to be forwarded to the City Council. The City Council shall act upon the recommendations of the Planning and Zoning Commission. d. Upon action by the City Council, the Mayor shall state the recommendation of the City Council and sign the statement. The City Secretary shall sign the statement as to fact of approval or disapproval. 13 I 5) Required Number of Plats Submitted Two (2) sets of plans and specifications prepared by a registered engineer shall be provided for the installation of water, sewer, paving, and drainage. Plans and specifications must be approved by the City Engineer prior to the beginning of any construction of the subdivision, preferably prior to the acceptance of the final plat. A i certificate must be obtained from the City Engineer certifying compliance with this _r ordinance and other applicable City Codes. 6) Tax Certificate A Tax Certificate(s) showing that all taxes have been paid shall be submitted with the final plat. f 7) Guarantee ofImprovements to Citv The Planning and Zoning Commission and the City Council shall be satisfied that the subdivider will be in a financial position to install or cause to be installed at his own cost, t risk, and expense all of the improvements herein required. The Planning and Zoning Commission, at the direction of the City Council may require such security as it, in its sole 1 discretion, may, deem best in order to insure the orderly development within any subdivision, specifically including, but not limited to: a performance bond equal to the --estimated--cost of the improvements; a bank letter of credit; a personal guarantee; or requiring the subdivider to grant a lien upon the property contained in such subdivision in —favorof the-City-of-Cibolo-to- secure -the -estimated -cost -of sachimprovements. It is expressly understood that as a condition to the approval of said subdivision, no Certificate of Occupancy will be completed until all utilities are installed and other improvements required by this subdivision ordinance are made within the block in which said lot is contained and approved by City Engineer and Public Works Director. 8) Disapproval Of Final Plat: Should the final plat, as submitted, fail to meet the conditions and requirements of this ordinance, the Planning and Zoning Commission shall recommend disapproval of the plat in question, and shall note its reasons for disapproval in writing to the City Council for its final action. 4 - In the eventof disapproval; the City may withhold all City improvements of whatever nature, including the furnishing of water and sewer service from all additions -which have r not been approved as provided by law. Furthermore, permits may not be issued for any building on any piece of property other than on an original or a subdivided lot in a duly approved and recorded subdivision. 12° 14 _J I' I I_ 9) Time OfARproval Recommendation for either approval or disapproval of the final plat shall be voted on by _ f the City Planning and Zoning Commission within thirty (30) days after submission of the said plat. Failure to act within thirty (30) days of the regularly scheduled meeting at ,I which the plat would have been presented, shall constitute approval by the Planning and - Zoning Commission unless additional time is requested by the developer. If approval is granted due to expiration of the thirty (30) daytime period or by regular approval by the Planning and Zoning Commission vote, the proposed final,plat will then be forwarded within thirty (30) days to the City Council for final approval or disapproval and signature by the Mayor. r 10). Final Plat Content ! a. The subdivider shall provide one (1) reproducible tracing and ten (10) legible copies of the final plat to the Planning and Zoning Commission only after the preliminary plat has been approved and all required changes and alterations thereto have been made. b. The final plat shall be drawn in India ink on tracing cloth, mylar, or comparable substitute sheets, and may be computer generated. The map scale shall be one (1") inch to one hundred (100') feet, (1"-100'). Sheets shallbe eighteen inches by twenty- four inches (1811x 24"). When more than one (1) sheet is required, an index sheet of maximum size, eighteen inches by twenty four inches (18" x 24") shall be filed i—showing the entire subdivision. i c. All site plans for new developments shall contain landscape plans to include, but not restricted to the following: 1. Entrances 2. Recreational Areas 3. Community Areas 4. Parks Area (either dedicated or non -dedicated) :_2 d. The following information shall be shown on or will accompany the plat: 1. A title, including the name of the subdivision - 2. The name of the landowner or owners 3. The name and seal of the registered -engineer -or registered -public surveyor responsible for the preparation of the plat. 4. The scale and location of the subdivision with references to an original comer of the original survey of which said land is a part. i 5. The date, north point, and total lots, blocks, and acres in the subdivision. e. The certificate of the registered engineer or licensed public surveyor or person who surveyed, mapped and monumented the land shall be placed on the face of the plat as follows: ISTATE OF TEXAS KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS COUNTY OF GUADALUPE S THAT I, DO HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I PREPARED THIS PLAT FROM AN ACTUAL AND ACCURATE ON -THE -GROUND SURVEY OF THE LAND AND THAT THE CORNER MONUMENTS SHOWN THEREON WERE PROPERLY PLACED'UNDER MY PERSONAL SUPERVISION, IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE SUBDIVISION REGULATIONS OF THE CITY OF CIBOLO, TEXAS. L SIGNATURE AND SEAL OF REGISTERED SURVEYOR £ A Certificate of ownership and dedication to the public of all streets, easements, alleys, park and playgrounds or other dedicated public uses will not be accepted by the City ----until-final-insp ection-and-approval.is. granted_by--the_ City_ Engineer. g. An accurate, on -the -ground survey of the property with bearings and distances and showing the lines of all adjacent land, streets easements, and alleys with their names and width (streets, alleys, and lot lines in adjacent subdivisions shall be shown dashed) and all necessary data to reproduce the plat on the ground must be shown on the plat. Note: The City of Cibolo reserves the right to rename streets and/or change house numbers due to incompatibility with existing name layout, emergency vehicle response, and mail delivery. ih. The plat shall show all existing features within the area being subdivided, such as existing water courses, railroads, width of streets, alleys, and easements to be retained and other physical features deemed pertinent to the subdivision. -i. -For streets, complete curve data shall be provided on the center Tine or on each side of the street. Data shall include delta length of curve, radius, point of reverse curvature, point of tangency, length and bearing of all tangents, and dimensions from all angle points of the curve to an adjacent side lot Tine. The number of feet of roadway shall 16 n also be shown on the plat. Detailed design specifications are on file with the City Secretary. j. For water courses and easements, distances are to be provided along the side lot limes from the front lot lime or the high bank of a stream and a traverse lime along the edge of all large water courses in a convenient location, preferably along a utility easement if paralleling the drainage easement or stream. k. Lot and block limes and numbers of all proposed lots and blocks with complete dimensions for front; rear, and side lot limes will be shown. L Allbuilding setback lines shall be shown on all lots. c � - D. PLAT ACCEPTANCE REQUIREMENTS 1) Resonsibilities Of Engineer Retained by by Subdivider I The subdivider shall retain the services of an engineer, registered in the State of Texas, whose seal shall be placed on each sheet of the drawings and who shall be responsible for the design and inspection of the drainage, roads, and streets, sewer, and water facilities within the subdivision. - The services -performed by the engineer shall be as designated in the latest issue of the -Manual of Professional -General Engineering Service published by the Texas Society of Professional Engineers, and shall include both design and inspection i as defined therein. 2) Letter Of Credit Or Performance Bond Prior To Approval Of Final Plat l � Prior to approval of the final plat, the subdivider shall file with the City Secretary either an irrevocable letter of Credit issued by a banking or other financial institution authorized to �! do business in Texas, or a Performance Bond executed by a corporate surety licensed to do business in the State of Texas, in an amount equal to the cost of the uncompleted and unaccepted improvements required by this ordinance as estimated by the City Engineer, i conditioned that the subdivider will complete such improvements within two (2) years zF from the date of final plat approval. Such Letters of Credit and Bonds shall conform to j fortes approved by the City Council 3) i 1. The subdivider shall also provide one (1) set of reproducible "as built" plans for each project. 17 IS The City Secretary shall keep on file current written city policies concerning: 1. The policy of the city regarding any participation, reimbursement, or arrangements for I future repayment to the subdivider for the cost of street, utilities, drainage, and other improvements. 1 y2. The policy of the city regarding street appurtenances (lights, signs) 4) Requirements Of Disclosure Of Subdivider's Plans I� All subdividers are required to disclose all plans for a tract of land if all sections are i f not intended to be developed as part of a submitted plat and is controlled by the subdivider. If only a minimal number of lots is to be developed at a time on land does not classify as a minor subdivision and does not front a public street on all ( that sides, the developer is required to provide the City with overall plans for development of the entire tract. 5) Building Permit Conditions No building permit shall be issued until a final inspection of the completed subdivision has been made and the required improvements are accepted by the City Engineer and approved by the City Council. t 1 ; 6) Pre -Construction Conference j Before any construction shall begin, a pre -construction conference will be held on major { and/or minor subdivisions for project coordination. The conference must be attended by the developer, all contractors and sub -contractors, utility companies, the City Engineer, the Mayor and/or his appointed representatives and anyone concemed with the development of the subdivision. All concerned parties are wholly responsible for obtaining knowledge of and complying with all ordinances, codes, and regulations in respect to all construction of the proposed subdivision. 7) Accepaoce Inspections Lr When the construction of improvements has been completed, the developer shall petition acceptance of said public improvements by completing Part I -of the "Developer Petition I for Acceptance of Public Improvement" as shown in EXHIBIT B, and forwarding it to the City Engineer in three (3) copies with required supporting documents. On or about i twelve (12) -months after -the date of preliminary acceptance, the developer shall petition { for final acceptance by accomplishing Part II of the "Developer Petition for Acceptance of Public Improvement" as shown in EXHIBIT B and forwarding it to the City Engineer r r i Le 18 in three (3) copies. The City Engineer shall not perform any acceptance inspections until the appropriate petition with required supporting papers is presented by the developer. In the event required plans and/or specifications have not been complied with, the City Engineer will so inform the developer in writing listing each discrepancy requiring correction. A copy of said notice to the developer shall be forwarded to the City Attorney and the City Secretary. When each discrepancy has been corrected the developer shall request reinspection by the City Engineer. The developer shall pay all reinspection costs prior to acceptance by the Council. When inspection reveals that all plans and specifications have been complied with, the City Engineer shall accomplish the acceptance certificate and forward the three (3) copies with supporting papers to the City Secretary for consideration by City Council. 8) Compliance Affidavit An affidavit from the subdivider stating that to the best of his information and belie$ the contractor(s) has complied with the regulations contained in this chapter. E. OPTION OF SUBMITTAL OF ONE (1) PLAT If the -preliminary -plat- of a- subdivision -meets with the aforesaid requirements for final plat approval, the Planning and Zoning Commission may, on request of the subdivider, consider such plat a final plat and conduct -a -plat -review. If the -preliminary -plat -is approved only as such, a final plat shall be filed in accordance with the other provisions of this subdivision ordinance. If the subdivider elects to use this alternative, then he shall provide one (1) reproducible tracing and ten (10) white -print copies of the plat to the Planning and Zoning Commission for their recommendations and approval or disapproval. Again, no plat is considered approved until the City Council acts upon the recommendations given by the Planning and Zoning Commission. Such final action by the City Council will be considered within thirty (30) days upon receipt of the Planning and Zoning Commission's recommendations. F. CERTIFICATE OF SERVICEABILITY 1) For New or Revised Subdivision Plats a. If a subdivider or developer wishes to obtain City water and sewer services for his proposed or revised subdivision, he shall be required to obtain a Certificate of --- Serviceability for the -number -of proposed -or -revised -lots prior to the submitting of a final plat or revised plat to the Planning and Zoning Commission for its recommended approval to the City Council, pursuant to the terms of this subdivision ordinance. 19 b. If the proposed subdivision is not provided sewer and or water service by the City, the subdivider or developer must provide the City with a Certificate of Serviceability from the entity providing such service. 2) AQplicationFor and Issuance of Certificate of Serviceability a. The City Engineer will review the Certificate of Serviceability and make a IJ recommendation to the City Council for approval or disapproval. The City Engineer ? " shall recommend the issuance of a certificate based upon the capacity of City water and sewer utilities to serve the number of lots in the proposed subdivision. b. In the event the City Engineer determines that a Certificate of Serviceability •cannot be issued, he shall provide the applicant with a written statement setting forth the inadequacies of the present system and recommend improvements in order to provide adequate service to the proposed subdivision. c. The applicant shall have the.opportunity to respond to the Engineer's written statement with alternative plans or systems improvements which will result in the proposed subdivision being adequately served. 3) Conditions for Issuance -of Certificate-of-Serviceabiliri - - -- A Certificate of Serviceability may be issued if the following conditions are met: a. The City Engineer determines, based upon sound, generally accepted engineering principles, that the proposed subdivision can, in fact, be adequately served without adversely affecting existing connections; �J b. Re-engineering procedures or improvements will not result in any expense to the City c. Approval by the City Council is obtained; and d. Any alternate proposal of the application which necessitated a major modification of the system has been paid at the expense of the applicant. I 4) Appeal a. A decision of the City Engineer to withhold a Certificate of Serviceability may be appealed to the City Administrator or a designated representative within ten (10) LL --days of the City Engineer's-decision.-- b. ngineer's decision. -b. A decision of the City Administrator to withhold a Certificate of Serviceability may be further appealed to the City Council by the applicant, by filing a written request for 20 I hearing with the City Secretary within ten (10) days of the Administrator's decision. C. When a request for hearing is properly filed, the City Secretary shall place the matter on the agenda for consideration by the City Council at its next available regularly scheduled meeting. 21 i r s i i SECTIOI-LVI DEDICATION OF PARK LANDS ISECTION VI DEDICATION OF PARK LANDS OR PAYMENT OF FEES IN LIEU THEREOF Prior to approval of a planned development or a final subdivision plat, each subdivider or developer shall be required to dedicate park land, contribute cash or park improvements in lieu of land dedication, or any combination thereof as determined by the City Council. A. DEFINITIONS For the purpose of this Section, certain words and terms are hereby defined; terms not defined herein shall be construed in accordance with this Subsection and the City Zoning Ordinance, as amended, other codes and ordinances, or their customary usage and meaning: a. Minor Subdivision is any residential subdivision or residential portion of a subdivision five (5) acres or less that does not include the planning or development of a new street. b. Maior Subdivision is any residential subdivision or residential portion of a subdivision greater than five (5) acres. c. Park Improvements are any improvements which directly attribute to the development of park land for the enjoyment and use by the intended park users. Such improvements may include, but shall not be limited to the following: 1 . Curb/gutter and one-half (1/2) paving section costs bordering all park land Water/sewer line costs bordering all park land Land forms created by the subdivider or developer d. Holding Costs are any and all costs incidental to the respective tract of land home by the respective landowner. B. CRITERIA FOR LAND DEDICATION 1) Eligibility of Subdivisions for Park Land Dedication Minor Subdivision - The developer of any subdivision classified as a minor -subdivision shall not be required to dedicate park land. The developer of minor subdivisions is encouraged to pay a cash contribution in lieu of park land dedication. 22 Major Subdivision - The developer of any subdivision shall be required to dedicate park land or a cash contribution in lieu of land dedication as determined by the City Council Ta cash contribution is selected by the City Council, it shall be as set according to the fees listed in Appendix C. 2) Land Dedication Guidelines A subdivider or developer who is required to dedicate parkland shall make a total land dedication of at least eight percent (80M6) of the total tract, excluding any commercial or industrial tracts that may be in the tract. The City Council shall determine the suitability of the subject tract pursuant to recommended dedication criteria. On subdivisions of more than one section or phase, land dedication shall be made prior to the first phase reaching seventy-five percent (75%) of built -out (completion) or before a second phase is requested for preliminary plat approval, whichever is sooner. 3) Location The Parks element of the Master Plan adopted by the City Council of Cibolo shall be used as a guide for location of park sites. All laud intended for park purposes shall be inspected both on the plat and in the field by the Planning & Zoning Commission, who shall make a recommendation to the City Council- The final decision on acceptance of park land shall be made by the City Council. 4) Credit for Private Park Land and Facilities Subdividers and developers may be allowed a credit against the park land dedication requirement for private parks or recreational facilities provided for the residents of a particular subdivision or planned development as approved by the City Council. C. CRITERIA FOR CONTRIBUTIONS IN LIEU OF PARKLAND 1) Cash Contributions The City Administrator or a designated representative may recommend to the Planning and Zoning Commission that a cash contribution be made equivalent to and in lieu of park land. The Planning and Zoning Commission shall recommend to the City Council that the developers of all major and minor subdivisions shall meet the suggested' park land dedication guidelines with a cash contribution according to the fees listed in Appendix C. 2) Deposition of Cash Contributions 23 All cash contn'butions received by the City shall be received by the City Secretary. The City Secretary shall deposit said funds directly into a special Park fund, as -established by the City Council of Cibolo. J 3) Park lnrovements in Lieu of Park Land The Planning and Zoning Commission may recommend to the City Council that a subdivider or developer dedicate park improvements in lieu of park land equivalent to the cash contribution herein. ` 1. All improvements shall be subject to adopted City specifications and codes adopted I ! by the City. The City Council shall promulgate such specifications, especially in t the case of park/playground equipment. !_ } 2. All improvements made by the subdivider shall be given credit towards the suggested park contribution according to: a. the actual cost of utilities installed bordering the park land at the time utilities -- , were installed and-, - a b. the actual cost the City would have to pay for the equivalent park/playground —equipment at such time improvements are made. 4. Combinations of Contnbutions in Lieu of Park Land } The Planning and Zoning Commission may recommend to the City Council that a subdivider or developer make a. contribution of park land, cash, and/or park improvements. Determination of exact contribution amounts shall be determined by the I Planning and Zoning Commission and recommended to the City Council. 5. Letter of Credit An irrevocable letter of credit equivalent to the amount of the park dedication shall be j given to the City Council prior to, the final plat's being signed by the Mayor. The issuer and form of said letter shall be subject to the approval of the City Council. a 6. Reservation of Additional Park Land -Iff the event -that the Park Plan Element of the -General Plan for the City specifies a larger amount of park land in a subdivision or planned development than the subdivider or developer may be.required to dedicate, the land needed beyond the respective contribution shall be reserved for subsequent acquisition by the City. 24 i City May Elect to Hold Such Land By: 1. Purchasing an option to buy the property for a period and at a price as agreed upon by the City and subdivider or developer. 2. Indemnifying the owner of the land for all holding costs for a period of time, said costs and time period to be agreed upon by the City and subdivider or developer. �! } 3. If the City and the subdivider or developer cannot agree on Criteria for Contributions in Lieu of Park Land, then City may elect to prolubit any development or improvement to the proposed park land for a period not to exceed six (6) months, during which time the City shall use reasonable and diligent efforts to acquire the necessary funds or financing to purchase the subject tract. NO PROVISION HEREIN SHALL IN ANY WAY BE CONSTRUED AS A LIMITATION OF THE CITY'S AUTHORITY TO ACQUIRE PARK LAND BY EMINENT DOMAIN. 7. Land Treatment Upon preliminary platting of the park land from the subdivider or developer to the City, the subdivider or developer shall not cause or allow any fill material or construction debris to be dumped on the land, or otherwise alter, damage or impair the land, water or -vegetation on the park site, without written permission from the City Council. The City Council may allow the subdivider or developer to dump fill material and take other respective actions specified in this subsection when such action would be beneficial to the park land. In such cases, the City Secretary shall provide a letter to the respective subdivider or developer. 8. Transfer of Land The area to be dedicated as park land shall be shown on the final plat as "Park Land Dedicated to the City of Cibolo" with the respective acreage of the park land also shown. -_ Dedication of park land shall be included in the narrative portion of the plat where the subdivider or developer dedicates all easements, rights-of-way, etc., to the City of Cibolo. The City Attorney shall prepare a warranty deed for the park land depicted on the final plat that contains the dedicated park land, which shall be signed by the developer on or before the subdivision is seventy-five (75%) percent built out (completed) or before a second phase is requested for preliminary plat approval, whichever is sooner. 25 9. paynent of Fees in Lieu of Land The subdivider or developer shall pay any cash contribution to the City on or before the subdivision is seventy-five (75%) percent built out or before a second phase is requested for preliminary plat approval, whichever is sooner. Should the subdivider or developer divide the subdivision into sections, the fee for the entire subdivision shall be divided by the number of sections in the subdivision, and the fee attnbutable to each section shall be paid on or before the respective section is seventy-five (75%) percent built out or before a second phase is requested for preliminary plat approval, whichever is sooner. 10. Underground Utilities All utilities shall be underground unless a variance is granted by city council 26 SECTION VII SURVEY REQUIREMENTS SECTION VII i SURVEY REQUIREMENTS A. PLACEMENT OF MONUMENTS Monuments, consisting of one-half (1/2") inch iron pipe or one half (1/2") inch reinforced steel or larger, twenty-four_(24") inches in length, shall be placed at all 'comers of the block lines, and at the point of intersection of curves and tangents of the subdivision. B. BENCH MARKS At least one (1) bench mark for each subdivision shall be permanently installed in an approved manner, with the location and the elevation as shown on the plat. Permanent bench marks shall be five (5') feet long concrete posts six (6") inches in diameter with the top to be at least twelve (12") inches above finished grade. C. LOT MARKERS Lot markers shall be metal, at least twenty-four. (24") inches in length, with visible marker caps on top, placed at each comer of all lots, flush with the average ground elevation, or they - may be countersunk, if necessary, to avoid being disturbed. The developer or subdivider is responsible for maintaining these markers. i;l SECTION VIII RESERVATIONS SECTION VIII RESERVATIONS A. PERMITTED PURPOSES No land contained within the city limits and in a proposed subdivision shall be reserved for any use other than a use permitted by the Zoning Ordinance for the district in which the land to be reserved is located. Land located in the extraterritorial jurisdiction is not subject to city zoning restrictions, but must follow the regulations of the Subdivision Ordinance. B. DESIGNATION ON PLAT The specific use for which each piece of land is to be reserved must be shown by appropriate label or description on the subdivision plat. Provision for future abandonment of a reservation as may be appropriate must likewise be shown on said plat. C. SCHOOLS The location and size of schools shall be in.accordance with the City of Cibolo Master Plan and with the requirements of the Universal City-Schertz Cibolo Independent School District. - 28 I SECTION IX VARIANCES SECTION IX VARIANCES When a subdivider can show that a provision of these regulations would cause unnecessary hardship if strictly adhered to, a variance from the standards may be granted, with the provision that such action will not harm eAsting and future residents. Any variance must receive a recommendation by the Planning and Zoning Commission and be approved by the City Council. J FEE FOR ANY SUCH VARIANCE REQUESTED SHALL BE AS STATED IN APPENDIX C. 29 SECTION X AS -BUILT DRAWINGS SECTION X AS -BUILT DRAWINGS The engineer representing the subdivider shall present to city Public Works Department five (5) originals copies and one (1) reproducible copy of the complete "as -built drawings" for all paving, drainage structures, water lines, and sewer lines within thirty (30) days after completion 30 SECTION M PENALTIES SECTION XI PENALTIES A., VIOLATION OF ANY PROVISION OF CHAPTER Violation of any provision or provisions of this Chapter by any subdivider shall constitute a Class C misdemeanor and upon conviction of such violation in Municipal Court of the City of Cibolo, shall be punishable as per Appendix C. B. OTHER LEGAL REMEDIES No conviction or convictions under the penal provision of this Chapter, or Article 427 B. Texas Penal Code, shall ever be considered as any bar to any injunctive or other legal remedy, relief, right or power existing in the City of Cibolo, Texas, to enforce the application and provisions of this Chapter by virtue of the Constitution and laws of the State of Texas. The City. of Cibolo shall also gain compliance according to L.G.C. $212.018 Enforcement of Platting RegWations in the latest edition of the "Texas Municipal Law and Procedure Manual". 31 APPENDICES I; APPENDIX A APPENDIXES (TABLE OF CONTENTS) DESIGN STANDARDS, pg 34 PURPOSE, pg 34 A. Standards for Residential Lots, pg 34 1. Lot Size and Districts 2. Zoning Districts 3. Lot Orientation 4. Lot Numbering 5. Additional Restrictions B. Standards for Residential Blocks, pg 40 1. Block Length 2. Block Width 3. Block Numbering C. Easements, pg 40 D. Right -of -Way and Pavement Widths, pg 41 1. Parkways 2. Medians 3. Crown and Cross -Slope 4. Curbs and Gutters S. Sidewalks 6. Wheelchair Ramps 7. Driveway Approaches E. Horizontal Design Requirements, pg 47 1. Horizontal Curves 2. Property Line and Curb Returns 3. Transitions F. Vertical Design Requirements, pg 49 1. Vertical Curves 2. Grades G. Pavement Design, pg 51 ' 1. Soil Borings 2. Subgrade Classification 3. Loading and Loading Frequency 1 4. Pavement Thickness Determination 5. Thickness Reduction 6. Surface Course 7. Mwdmurn/A mum Pavement Thickness ' I H. Bridges and Other Structures, pg 55 APPENDIX B CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS, pg 56 PURPOSE, pg 56 4 A. Water System, pg 56 1. Plans 2. Standards 3. Service Piping 4. Valves 5. Fire Hydrants B. Sanitary Sewer System, pg 58 1. Plans 2. Standards _ C. Drainage and Storm Sewers, pg 60 1. Plans 2. Flood Prone Areas 3. Specification and Design Standards, Drainage and Storm Sewers D. Electricity, pg 64-- - E. Natural Gas, pg 64 F. Telephone, pg 64 G. Street Lighting, pg 64 H. Traffic control Signs and Street Signs, pg 64 L Flood Regulation, pg 64 APPENDIX C FEES, VARIANCES, AND PENALTIES, pg 65 1 EXHIBITS, pg 67 EXHIBIT A MAINTENANCE BOND, pg 67 EXHIBIT B DEVELOPER PETITIONS, pg 69 PART I Developer Petition for Preliminary Acceptance of Public Improvement, pg 69 PART II Developer Petition for Final Acceptance of Public Improvement, pg 71 PART III Final Acceptance by City, pg 72 �IGRAPHS, FIGURES, AND DRAWINGS, pg 73 33 APPENDIX A DESIGN STANDARDS PURPOSE It is the purpose of this chapter to define the standards to be followed in the design and construction of subdivisions, projects, and streets in the City of Cibolo. These standards are to be followed, but it is not the intent that they should supplant sound engineering judgment when there are special circumstances that would make these standards inappropriate. Under such circumstances, the project engineer shall discuss and document the variation with the City Engineer, who will make a recommendation for or against varying the standards to the City Council. The City Council will then either approve or disapprove said variation of standards. CLASSIFICATION & SECTION The City of Cibolo has classified streets for use in the City and in its Extra Territorial Jurisdiction (ETJ). These classifications establish requirements for right-of-way, pavement widths, cross-sections, crown or cross slopes, and parkway slopes. These classifications are to be used on publicly funded projects and in new subdivision developments which are privately funded. For any project or subdivision, the City Engineer will determine the classification of street to be used based upon the City's Master Plan or the City's Thoroughfare Plan. The classifications -of -streets for public and private sector development and their basic requirements are as shown in the following tables or as determined by the City Engineer or i Public Works Director. A. STANDARDS FOR RESIDENTIAL LOTS 1) Lot Size and Districts The lot size of all lots platted within the City shall conform with the Zoning Ordinance on the basis of the district in which they are located. Subdivisions outside the city but within the city's extraterritorial jurisdiction (ETJ) are not subject to the zoning ordinance but must follow applicable subdivision standards. 3q Table I (1) INTENT - To establish and preserve areas of low intensity find use, primarily devoted to low density residential development. No Mobile/Manufactured/Modular homes permitted. 35 Residential Subdivision Specifications Front Yard Side Yard Rear Yazd Lot Lot Lot Bldg. City Extraterritorial Setback Setback Setback Area* Width* Depth* Height zoning Jurisdiction (mm. feet) (min. feet) (mm. feet) (mix feet) (min. (mm. (ma)L feet) fed) fed) R-1 Low Density 30 10 20 10,000 100 100 35 R-2 Low Density 25 5 15 6,000 60 100 35 R-3 Garden Home front entry garage 20 10/1 side 10 5,000 50 100 35 rear entry garage 10 10/1 side 20 5,000 50 100 35 R-4 Medium Density 25 5 15 7,500 75 100 35 MF High Density 25 10 20 10,000/3 units 106 100 35 1,8001add. unit no more than 24 unitsfacre MH Mobile Homes 25 5 15 5,000 50 100 35 � (m Paz) * All lots to be served by septic tanks are required to be at least 100 feet wide by 120 feet deep. See Section A5. 2) Zoning Districts (See additional specifications above in Table 1) For the Purpose of this ordinance, the City of Cibolo is hereby divided into eleven (11) districts as follows: District R-1 Single Family Residential, Low Density District R-2 Single Family Residential, Low Density District R-3 Garden Home/Townhouse, Low Density District R-4 Duplex Family Residential, Medium Density District MF Multi -Family Residential, High Density i District MH Mobile Home District, Medium Density District C-1 Commercial (Not Classified as Industrial) District 1-1 Industrial (Light) District OP Open Space/Park District PD Pre -Development District(Zoning to be determined by P & Z Commission and City Council) District SO Special Overlay District a. DISTRICT R-1 (1) INTENT - To establish and preserve areas of low intensity find use, primarily devoted to low density residential development. No Mobile/Manufactured/Modular homes permitted. 35 (2) PERNIITTED USES - One (1) dwelling unit per lot, community recreational facilities, farms, and construction as specified by the city's subdivision ordinance. (3) SPECIFIC USES - Subject to site plan approval, private recreational amenities, day care centers (according to State regulations), places of worship, schools. b. DISTRICT R-2 (1) INTENT - To establish and preserve areas of low intensity land use, primarily devoted to low density residential development. No Mobile/Manufactured/Modular homes permitted. (2) PERMITTED USES - One (1) dwelling unit per lot and construction as specified by the city's subdivision ordinance. (3) SPECIFIC USES - Subject to site plan approval, private recreational amenities, day care centers (according to State regulations), places of worship, schools. c. DISTRICT R-3 (1) INTENT - To establish and preserve areas for development of garden homes and townhomes. No Mobile/Manufactured/Modular homes (2) PERMITTED USES - Zero lot line homes and traditional homes, one (1) dwelling unit per lot, and construction as specified by the city's subdivision ordinance. Homes shall be uniformly located on the same side of the street within a block. No area shall be designated that contains less than five (S) lots on each street. (3) SPECIFIC USES - Subject to site plan approval, private recreational amenities, day care centers (according to State regulations), places of worship, schools. d. DISTRICT R-4 (1) INTENT - To establish and preserve areas of medium intensity land use, primarily devoted to medium density residential development, especially duplexes. No Mobile/Manufactured/Modular Homes permitted. im (2) PERMITTED USES - All permitted uses as in District R-1, R 2, R-3, as specified by the city's subdivision ordinance. (3) SPECIFIC USES - Subject to site plan approval, private recreational amenities, day care centers, places of worship, schools. e. DISTRICT MF (1)INTENT - To establish and preserve areas of high intensity land use primarily devoted to high density multi -family residential development, including apartment complexes, fourplexes, and other high density residential development with over two dwelling units per structure. No Mobile/Manufactured/ Modular Homes permitted. (2) PERMITTED USES - All permitted uses in District R-3 and R-4, townhouse dwellings, and apartments'not to exceed twenty-four (24) ! ; units per acre. No Mobile/Manufactured/Modular Homes permitted. (3) SPECIFIC USES - Subject to site plan approval, private recreational amenities, day care centers. £ DISTRICT MH (1) INTENT - To establish and preserve areas of medium intensity Iand use, primarily for the location and placement of _ Mobile/Manufactured/Modular Homes. j (2) PERMITTED USES - Mobile /Manufactured /Modular homes only. jE - (3) SPECIFIC USES - Private recreational amenities. g. DISTRICT C-1 f (1) INTENT - To establish and preserve areas of medium intensity land use, primarily devoted to general commercial and other non -industrial activities. (2) PERMITTED USES - Offices, services, family oriented amusements, igovernmental, institutional, commercial, and other non -industrial activities, which are conducted wholly within an enclosed building or buildings. No Mobile/Manufactured/Modular Homes permitted,. I' — (3) SPECIFIC USES -Subject to site plan approval, other non -industrial activities which entail enclosed operations and storage, light 37 manufacturing processes, bars/tiverns, adult entertainment clubs, mortuaries, filling stations, bookstores, and day care centers. h. DISTRICT I-1 (1) INTENT - To establish and preserve areas of high intensity land use, primarily designated for light industrial development. (2) PERMITTED USES - All permitted uses in District C-1. Light industrial establishments with all associated operations and storage contained within an enclosed building. (3) SPECIFIC USES - Heavy industry provided that the external physical effects thereof are contained within the boundaries of the respective development sites. Other non -industrial activities which entail either unenclosed or enclosed operations and storage, contractors storage and equipment yard, and paint and body shop or other businesses emitting — nauseous fumes or chemicals. i DISTRICT OP (1) .INTENT - To set aside Open Space within the City to provide recreational opportunities for the City's residents. (2) PERMITTED USES - Includes parks, greenspaces, and other land intended for recreation in the City. i (3) SPECIFIC USES - To be considered by the Planning and Zoning Commission and City Council of Cibolo. j. DISTRICT PD Newly annexed property is given the zoning of PD, Pre -Development District. This is a temporary zoning until the proper zoning classification is established and reviewed by the Planning and Zoning Commission, with _ final approval from the City Council. II k. DISTRICT SO (1) INTENT -'Special Overlay Districts may be established when it is determined additional zoning requirements,, as authorized by the Zoning Ordinance, are applicable to certain areas within the City. This Special _ Overlay District will not change the existing zoning classification and its restrictions, but may alter requirements for the purpose of promoting the health, safety, and general welfare of the City. 38 A public hearing and proper notice must be forwarded to all affected parties by the City of Cibolo, Texas, in accordance with the notice procedures prescribed under the Zoning Ordinance. Authorization of Special Overlay Districts must be recommended by the Planning and Zoning Commission and approved by the City Council. (2) PERMITTED USES See Cibolo Zoning Ordnance. 3) Lot Orientation a. Physical Setting Residential lots shall be oriented to take advantage of topography, climate conditions and the best relationship to the overall design of the neighborhood and to minimithe effects of any surrounding laud uses. , b. Double Front J Double Front lots are probibited except when backing on major thoroughfares. c. Right Angles Thep of lots at right angles to each other shall be avoided. d. Orientation to Streets Side lot'lines shall be as nearly perpendicular as practicable to the street or radial to, curved streets. e: Access - Every lot shall be provided with adequate access to a public street by direct frontage on such street. Rear and/or side driveway access to major streets shall be prohibited. 4) Lot Numbering All lots shallbe numbered consecutively within each block. Lot numbering maybe cumulative throughout the subdivision if the numbering continues from block to +� block in a uniform manner that has been approved on an overall preliminary plat. Lot numbers must be approved by the city. 39 i 5) Additional Restrictions a. Septic System - Where a lot is to be served by a septic tank system, the lot shall be at least one hundred (100') feet wide and one hundred -twenty (120') feet deep, regardless of location in the city or ETJ. Septic system shall be designed by a TNRCC Licensed OSF installer and subject to approval of design and inspection, and shall meet all State regulations, State Health Department codes, and Guadalupe County and City of Cibolo requirements. b. Roofing Restriction - Wood shingle roofs shall be prohibited. B. STANDARDS FOR RESIDENTIAL BLOCKS 1) Block Length In general, block length along minor or secondary streets shall not exceed one thousand -four hundred (1,400) feet nor less than five hundred (500') feet. On a major street, the maximum block length shall be fifteen hundred (1500') feet, except under special conditions and upon approval by the City Council. S i 2) Block Width Blocks shall be wide enough to allow two (2) tiers of lots of at least minimum depth, except when prevented by the size of the property or the need to back-up to a major thoroughfare. 3) Block Numbering ' . Blocks shall be numbered consecutively within the subdivision and/or sections of an overall plat as recorded and approved by the City. �i C. EASEMENTS The subdivider shall dedicate or grant easements for poles, wires, conduits, storm sewers, water lines, open drains, gas lines, or other utilities as follows: j 1) A minimum of a ten (10) foot utility easement shall be required across the front portion of lots (including side limes) other than along boundary lines. Lot side 1 easements shall be determined by the electric, telephone, and CATV Ji companies. 2) A stormwater easement or drainage right-of-way of sufficient width shall be provided where a creek, stream, or tributary flows through a subdivision to accommodate future access for construction and maintenance. Required width shall be determined by the City Engineer. 40 D. RIGHT-OF-WAY AND PAVEMENT WIDTHS In newly developed subdivisions, right-of-way shall be dedicated by the developer and pavement width constructed in accordance with city requirements. The classifications of the streets shall be as determined by the City Engineer and approved by the City Council. Tables II and III on the following pages provide the requirements for right-of-way and pavement widths, as well as median widths and crown or cross slope. In construction projects by the City of Cibolo, where the desired right-of-way is not available for the adequate pavement width shown in Table II, the City Engineer will determine the pavement width to be used on the project. Said pavement width must be approved by the City Council. 41 is L -J Table II Road Development Street Classification R.O.W Pavement Median Pvmt. Crown Widths or Cross -Slope Local "A" (Residential) 50' 30' --- 4" Local "B" (Residential) 60" 40' -- 4" Collector 60' 44' --- 5" Secondary 86' 2 @ 24' 14' paved (1,2) 1/4" per ft. Primary 110 2 @ 36' 14' paved (1,2) 1/4" per ft. Marginal Access(Comm.)40' 30' — 4" Marginal Access (Res) 40' 26' --- 3" Alleys (Commercial) 24' 24' -- 0" to 7"* Alleys (Apartments) 24' 20' --- 0" to 7"* Alleys (Residential) 24' 18' --- 0" to 7"* . * Crown shall be inverted to facilitate drainage. 1. In new subdivisions - median maybe left unpaved and landscaped ( See #2 below). 2. When determined by the City Engineer and approved by the City Council,. turning lanes and other usage of street pavement may be used in lieu of medians in either public or private development. 1) Parkways` Parkways shall be sloped a minimum of 1/4 inch per foot from the property line to the top of curb. In heavy "cut" areas this slope may be increased to one (1) inch per foot. In reconstruction projects where lot grading is not feasible, parkways may be sloped a maximum of three horizontally to one vertically from the sidewalk to the property line. If the slope exceeds this amount; a "combination type" sidewalk and retaining wall shall be constructed with the top of the wall 42 matching the property line grade. The Design Engineer shall determine the height and length of retaining wall considering the use and appearance of the private property. Landscaping, walls, or fences placed in the parkway shall not obstruct sight distance. Plans for such work shall be reviewed by the City Engineer and approved by the City Council 2) Medians a. On redeveloped streets, medians will be paved. This may be accomplished by carrying the proposed pavement across the median and then outlining the median and turning lanes with paint or traffic buttons, or it may require construction of curbs around the median with concrete or asphaltic pavement between the curbs set to top of curb elevation. In either case, the paved median shall be sloped 1/4 inch per foot from the centerline of the median to the curbs for proper drainage. The City Engineer will determine the type of median to be used. When determined by the City Engineer and approved by the City Council, turning lanes or other usage of street pavement may be used. b. Paving of the median is not required in the construction of a primary or secondary street by a private developer. The developer is required to construct two 24 foot paved roadways and to provide right-of-way for the median. The median area itself is graded off to an elevation approximately seven inches above the edge of the adjacent pavement. The earth median is to be sloped at 1/4" per foot for drainage. c. Medians shall be continuous. Openings in the median will be provided at all public streets provided the centering spacing for such streets is at least 500 feet. If the street spacing is less than 500 feet, the median shall be open for the street with the higher functional classification. All other openings shall be made in accordance with the current standards of the Department of Public Works. When medians are open, left tum safety bays and median radii shall be provided and curbed unless approved otherwise by the Director of Public Works. d. Special purpose medians or dividers constructed for aesthetic reasons as entrances for subdivisions, etc., will be permitted and should be designed according to the standards of this section. Dividers must be constructed according to the following standards and after which the appropriate transition shall be provided in accordance with the provisions contained herein under "Transitions". Minimum width -14 feet Minimum length - 25 feet 43 The nose or rounded portion of the divider shall normally be semi -circular in shape at intersections of primary arterial streets and bullet shaped at all other street intersections. The semi -circular nose shall have a radius equal to one half the divider width and shall be placed two feet from the proposed curb lime of the primary arterial. The bullet nose shall have two radii of 50 feet joined at the nose with a radius of three feet which shall be placed five feet from the proposed curb lime of the cross street. Intersection characteristics may require other modifications to the median nose as approved by the City Council. The length of the full width median shall be measured from the point of tangency of the curved nose section. e. No signs, walls, or fences shall be placed in the median area other than approved traffic control devices unless approved by the City Council. No trees, shrubs, walls, fences, or other ground cover may be placed in the median which will obstruct the driver's sight distance. With the approval of the Director of Public Works, trees, shrubs, or other ground cover may be placed in the median and divider area provided the full grown tree or shrub trunk diameter does not exceed four inches. Said landscaping shall be in accordance with current design standards of the City Engineer and by the City Council- ` Plans for such work shall be approved by the Director of Parks and Recreation and by the Director of Public Works. £ Where a median or traffic divider projects across crosswalks, the median (paved or sod) shall be opened for five (5) feet at the projection of the grade of the adjacent roadway to permit wheelchair and mobility -impaired persons to utilize 4 _ the crosswalk. 3) Crown And Cross Slone M The crown or cross -slope shall be as indicated for each classification of street i and shall slope from the centerline of the streets as needed for proper drainage. Where drainage indicates, the crown or normal cross -slope may be phased out to allow for proper drainage. The maximum crossfall in such cases shall be 112 inch per foot from gutter to gutter of the project street. In certain cases on . primary or secondary streets with horizontal curves, the pavement may be superelevated with the pavement on one side sloping from the gutter to the median. This may be done only with the approval of the Director of Public Works and where street drainage has been adequately provided. _ 4) Curbs and Gutters All new street construction shall include curbs with 7 inch exposure from top M of curb to gutter. Curbs shall be continuous with curb drops constructed at approved driveways and wheelchair ramps only. On bridges, or at other hazardous locations where public safety will be enhanced, curbs shall be 44 constructed at a height of 9 inches and transitioned to 7 inches off the bridge or beyond the hazardous location. . 5) Sidewalks a. Sidewalks shall be constructed in new subdivision developments and will be required in street redevelopment projects as directed by the City Engineer. In new subdivisions, sidewalks shall be constructed as specified by the appropriate section of Article 11 of the Subdivision Regulations of the City of San Antonio. b. In the development or redevelopment of streets, sidewalks shall be placed between the property line'and curb line, so as to abut the front property line. Walks in residential areas are to be 4 feet wide, and in commercial areas 6 feet wide. Widths may vary in special cases where existing right-of-way is of insufficient width. Such special cases must be reviewed by the City Engineer and Public Works Director and approved by the City Council. c. Where street and top of curb grades are substantially below the property lime i grade, the sidewalk shall be placed behind the curb with the remaining parkway sloped a maximum of three (3) horizontally to one (1) vertically from the walk to the property line. If this maximum slope cannot be attained, an integral — retaining wall shall be constructed on top of the sidewalk. Walls are to match the grade of the adjacent private property as closely as possible. Drainage and appearance of the adjacent private property are vital consideration in the design of such retaining walls. The existing grade of the adjacent private property must be accurately determined by the Engineer from actual field surveys. d: Where utility poles, fire plugs or other utility installations occur within the sidewalk width, the walk shall be offset around the obstacle at its full width, if possible. If the available right-of-way is insufficient to offset the walk, the Engineer must optimize the solution to the problem Either the walk must be reduced in width, or the obstacle must be relocated through coordination with the utility company in question. 6) Wheelchair Ramos One or more wheelchair ramps shall be constructed at intersections, depending upon–the need and -"the pattern of pedestrian traffic. The City Council and City Engineer will determine the number and location of wheelchair ramps, which will be shown on the final plans with appropriate details. 45 I 1 7) Driveway Approaches Every lot shall be provided with adequate access to a public"street by direct frontage on such street. Rear and/or side driveway access to major streets shall be prohibited. a. In new subdivisions, driveway approaches shall be designed and constructed as required for the proposed residence or commercial building. Concrete driveway approaches are required in new subdivisions and shall be built in accordance with city specifications. b. In the development or redevelopment of streets, driveway approaches shall be designed and constructed where deemed necessary by the City Council. The new approaches will be constructed with concrete and with the same location and width used in the existing driveway, and the city Engineer will work with the property owner when exact location and specifications cannot be defined.. c. "Head -in parking is not preferred in construction or reconstruction. The City Engineer will work with the property owner to determine relocation of the driveway approach. The City shall notify the owner and document any changes in location, width, and material for the driveway. d. The city Engineer shall be consulted regarding the size and location of commercial driveways when located on a collector or higher.type street. The driveway shall be flared at the curb line so as to allow ingress and egress to the --property by vehicles without the need of crossing into another driving lane. These flared sections maybe constructed with radii equal to the distance from the property line to the curb, or by widening the edges of the driveway at the 45 degree angle. Exceptionafor unusual conditions shall be referred to the City Engineer. e. Driveways shall be constructed on a constant grade from the curb to the property lime. The maximum grade that most vehicles can negotiate is 12 percent, without scraping the extremities of the vehicles. If a 12 percent grade cannot be constructed because of extreme elevation differences or short parkway widths, the driveway must be extended into the private property sufficiently to achieve the 12 percent grade maximum. In such cases, the Engineer roust prepare -a "driveway -plat" --showing the driveway plan, section and profile grade. The overall length of driveway and the length of the portion of the drive to be located on private property should be shown also. The plat also contains an affidavit for signature of the property owner giving approval to the City to construct the drive on their property. The necessary signatures will be obtained by the project Inspector or other City representative prior to construction of the street. 46 E. HORIZONTAL DESIGN REQUIREMENTS Horizontal design requirements will include horizontal, curves, curb return and property line return, radius requirements, and pavement transitions. 1. Horizon Change in alignment of a street shall be accomplished by use of simple horizontal, circular curves of radii which meet the requirements of the latest edition of "A policy on Design of Urban Highways and Arterial Streets" (Am. Assn. of State Highway & Transportation Officials). The following minimum radii and design speed in Table III below shall be.used in the design of horizontal curves: TABLE III HORIZONTAL CURVE RADII Street Classification Minimum Centerline Radius Design S 1,200 Ft. 50 mph Primary 700 Ft. .40 mph Secondary 30 mph Collector 400 Ft. Local "A" or "B" looFt.* Marginal Access (Res. or -Comm.) __ _50_Ft._ _ _ __ * See Alternative Geometric Alignment Design in Exhibits. . In certain instances the radius of horizontal curvature may be restricted by the required sight distance for safe stopping or for safe operation at a street intersection. Safe stopping distance as related to sight distance will be as shown in I Table IV below. TABLE IV REQUIRED SIGHT DISTANCE i l Street At Intersections ` Classification On Curves 450 Ft. 450 Ft. Primary 300 Ft. 400 Ft. Secondary 250 Ft. 300 Ft. Collector Compound curves shall not be permitted unless approved by the Director of public Works. Reverse curves should be avoided. If a reversal of direction is needed, the curves should be separated by at least 100 feet of tangent. Transitional curves may 47 fl be used where comfort and safety of the motorist will be enhanced. Where a horizontal curve is used in combination with a verticalcurve, adequate sight distance must be provided, and the horizontal curvature should be introduced on the upgrade of a "crest" vertical curve. 2. Property Line and Curb Returns Where two streets intersect, certain radii are required for the curbs and for the property lines in new subdivisions or where'new right-of-way is being acquired. These radii vary with the classifications of the intersecting streets and with the intersecting angle of the streets. Table V gives the required minimum radii for curb returns and property line returns for various types of streets, and for the interior angles of the intersecting tangents of the streets --180 degrees --P. L Deflection Angle. TABLE V Interior Two Local Local and Collector Two Collectors I Local/Col. & Arterial I Two Arterial Angle CR PIR CIL P.L.R C.R. 'P.L.R; C.R P.L.R. C I PLR 150-145 15 5 15 5 20 10 25 15 25 15 145-140- 15 5 15 5 20 10 25 15 28 18 140-135 15 5 15 5 20 to 25 15 30 20 135-125 15 ` 5 15 5 20 10 25 15 35 25 125-85 15 5 15 5 20 10 25 15 35 25 85-75 20 10 20 10 25 15 30 20 50 40 75-65 25 15 25 15 30 20 35 25 80 70 65-55 30 20 30 20 35 25 40 30 90 80 55-45 35 25 35 25 40 30 45 35 110 100 4570 35 25 35 25 40 30 45 35 150 140 Cy- =clubReh,MIMMtt ) P.LR = Pmpedy Lime Reim Radius OXn). 3. Transitions Where street pavement widths change, for whatever reason, the pavement of the wider section shall be transitioned into the narrower section. Such transitions shall 48 be described as a ratio of the lateral width transition to the length of the transition. The following formula shall be used in computing transition length. Case 1: Local and Collector Streets L = 20 W where, L = Length of transition measured along centerline of street. W = Transition width measured as the difference in pavement width from the centerline to the pavement edge of two street sections. Case 2: Arterial Streets L = DW where, L = Length of transition measured along centerline of street. D = Design speed of street. W = Transition width as before. Medians, or center dividers shall also be transitioned. Median transition shall generally parallel the pavement transition to a point where the median is four feet wide at which point the median shall be rounded off with a two foot radius. Median or divider .transitions shall be designed so that abrupt offsets are not created at intersections. Specifications of transitions shall be determined by the City Engineer. F. VERTICAL DESIGN REQUIREMENTS Vertical design requirements shall include vertical curve requirements and minimum and maximum grades for the various classifications of streets. 1. Vertical Curves A gradual transition from one roadway grade to another shall be accomplished by means of a vertical parabolic curve connecting two intersecting tangents, unless the algebraic difference in grades is less than 1.5 percent. The minimum length of vertical curve shall be computed from the following formula and table: L = KA where, L = Length of vertical curve. required, in feet. A = Algebraic difference in the grades; in.percent. K = A constant related to sight distance, the geometry of a parabolic curve, vehicle speed, and safe stopping distance. (Table VI) 1. EZ TABLE VI Street Classification "K", Crest Curves "K" Sag Curves Primary 70 60 Secondary Street 70 60 Collector Street 55 55 For local and marginal streets, "K" values shall be determined considering the design speed of the street and a safe stopping or sight distance for that design speed. For flat gradients, where sight distance is not a critical determinant of the design, the minimum length of curve, in feet, shall be three times the design speed of the street in miles per hour. Any deviation from the above requirements must be justified by the design Engineer and approved by the Director of Public Works. 2. Grades Tops of street curbs shall be lower than the adjacent property he so that the parkway slopes may be constructed in accordance with the standards previously discussed. The minimum and maximum grades for the various classifications of streets shall conform with the standard values. TABLE VII Street Minimum Unrestricted Restricted Classification Grade Maximum Grade* Maximum Grade** Primary 0.3% 6% Not applicable Secondary 0.3% 7% Not applicable _ Collector 0.3% 8% 15% Local 0.3% 12% 15% Marginal Access 0.3% 12"/a 15% Alley 0.3% 12% 15% • AAS.ILT.O. valus " Dae®coed by the Department of Public Works in cmjmaim with the San Antonio Fire Depaammt- It has been detr>®ed in Held tests tbgL local fire equipment camctnegotiate gades acceding these amounts. and private property located m or above grads me dmgthese values cams be adequately served by the Fire Dept. The "Minimum Grade" indicated is considered the absolute minimum for proper drainage. No exceptions will be granted for this requirement. The "Unrestricted Maximum Grade" may be used generally throughout the City. It should be noted that these values are consistent with those recommended by the A.A.S.I-T.O. and are widely used throughout the country. The "Restricted 50 Maximum Grades" may be used on Local, Marginal Access, and Alleys only where certain length limitations and approach grades have been met. These values have been, determined by the Department of public Works in conjunction with the San Antonio Fire Department. It has been determined in field tests that local fire equipment cannot negotiate grades exceeding these amounts, and private property located on or above grades exceeding these values cannot be adequately served by the Fire Dept. Grades between 12% and 15% can be negotiated by the fire equipment depending upon the length of such grades and the approach conditions below these grades. The restrictions on using grades between 12% and 15% are contained in Figure L The design engineer should also note maximum grades may also be restricted by drainage considerations. Streetsmsed as drains shall have maximum flow velocities assigned to control erosion of the pavement. G. PAVEMENT DESIGN 1) SoilBorings I! U � Prior to the design of pavements, the City Engineer shall secure the services of an independent geotechnical laboratory selected by the City Engineer to perform soil borings and to determine the character of the subgrade soils. Sufficient soil ;) borings shall be performed to prepare a soil profile which is representative of the actual soils encountered over the length of the project, and to provide the design 1 engineer with sufficient information for a good engineering design. Fees charged for soil borings shall be paid by the developer. Copies of the laboratory report and the pavement design calculations shall be submitted to the CityEngineer for review and approval. If, during construction of the project, soil conditions differ _ substantially from those shown on the soil profile, additional pavement section may be altered accordingly. 2) subgrade Classification Strength of subgrade soils shall be determined by one of the three following accepted methods: !i a. Resistance Value - This is a measure of the stability of soils or pavements as J --determined by a "Stabilometer" which measures the materiars resistance to { plastic deformation. R -Values are determined by test methods outlined in either AASHTO T 190 or ASTM 2844. b. CBR - (California Bearing Ratio) This is a measure of the shearing resistance, or load bearing value, of a soil as determined by forcing a 3 square inch plunger into a cylinder of the soil. CBR values are obtained by test methods outlined in either AASHTO T193 or ASTM 1883. 51 n J c. Triaxial Strength Class: This method classifies soils and base materials by a triaxial shear test in which the specimen is encased in an impervious membrane, subjected to a confining pressure, then loaded axially to failure. Triaxial Strength Class can be determined by test methods outlined in AASHTO T 212, or Texas Dept. of Highways and Public Transportation Test Method "Tex -117-E". 3) Loading and Loading Frequency Flexible pavement strength must be such that it can carry the maximum wheel loads expected to occur over the design life of the pavement. The frequency of application of heavy wheel loads affects the design, in that failure may occur from numerous applications of wheel loads 'even though less than the maximum weight. Tandem axles produce an area of combined load greater than the single axle. The designer must estimate the magnitude of the loads, the frequency of loading and the percentage of tandem axle loads in the traffic projections. In the absence of an actual, field survey, the values in Table VIII may be used for the design of the pavement. TABLE VIII Street Class ATHWLD %Tandem Axle E18KSALA Primary 11,000 Lbs. 45% 900,000 Secondary 10,500 Lbs. 48% 500,000 Collector 10,000 Lbs. 53% 300,000 Local "E" 8,000 Lbs. 40% 150,000 Local "A" 6,000 Lbs. 25% 60,000 4) Pavement Thickness Determination Given the soil classification; strength characteristics, and loading conditions, there are various methods of determining the fundamental pavement thickness required to protect the roadwa from overstress and failure. This fundamental thickness refers to the thickness of good quality, crushed rock flexible base with an appropriate wearing surface. Total thicknesses of pavement may be increased or -decreased depending upon--the-actual quality 'of .base used and the type and thickness of improved materials titilized in the total pavement design. Two acceptable methods of determining the thickness of better materials are the California Bearing Ratio method and the Texas Triaxial Method. Other methods may be acceptable, but only if approved by the City Engineer. 52 Once the total thickness of better materials for the pavement has been determined, that thickness shall be multiplied by a Load Frequency Design Factor (LFDF) which is a function of the E 18KSALA for the street in question. TABLE rK Street Class E18KSALA LFDF Primary 900,000 1.10 Secondary 500,000 1.05 Collector 300,000 1.00 Local (B" 150,000 .90 Local "A" 60,000 .80 5) Thickness Reduction Once the total required thickness of good quality, crushed rock flexible base material has been established, the Design Engineer may reduce the indicated thickness by the use of one or more "improved materials" which have additional ri flexible strength characteristics. In Cibolo, such materials consist of lime treated subgrade, cement stabilized base, asphalt treated base, and hot mix asphaltic concrete pavement—Some combination of these materials, weighing their relative _i strengths and costs, should produce.an economical, high quality pavement with a reasonable life expectancy. --The prefeffed7method-ofreduction-of-the theoretical pavement thickness is the method of "Thickness Equivalencies", which are based upon the results of the AASHTO Road Tests of 1962. Each type of pavement or improved base material is rated as equivalent to some amount of crushed rock flexible base. Equivalencies of the commonly used improved materials in the area have been determined, based upon test results. 53 TABLE X Material Equivalency Hot Mix Asphaltic Concrete Pavement 3.00 Asphalt Treated Base 2.50 Cement Stabilized Base 1.50 Lime treated subgrade vanes' 'Varies wab the classificatim of wil and the depth oftreatmeat—to be detesmmedby laboratory teas Alternate methods must be reviewed by the City Engineer and approved by the City Council. 6) Surface Course Surface courses for new streets in the area shall consist of Hot Mix Asphaltic Concrete Pavement as described in the Standard S ecifications for Public Works Construction of the Citv. Surface treatments are generally used only for maintenance purposes. Hot Mix Asphaltic Concrete Pavement for surface courses shall be "Type D" of the Standard Specifications. The following thicknesses of surface courses are recommended for use with either flexible base or cement stabilized base pavements: TABLE XI 7) Maximum/Minimum Pavement Thickness t Level -up and overlay courses may be used to achieve the required pavement thickness in areas where a poor soil leads to an unusually thick pavement. Where soils are excellent, such as rock or other good quality base, the designed pavement may be very thin. In these cases a minimum thickness of 4 inches of flexible base and 1 1/2 inches of Hot Mix Asphaltic Concrete Pavement shall be used to provide for local soft spots, to bridge over utility trenches, or to level up an uneven rock subgrade. 54 Street Class Flexible base Stabilized Base Primary 3" 211 Secondary 2-1/21' 3-3/4" Collector 2" 1-1/2" Local "H" ' Local ..A.. 1-1/2" 7) Maximum/Minimum Pavement Thickness t Level -up and overlay courses may be used to achieve the required pavement thickness in areas where a poor soil leads to an unusually thick pavement. Where soils are excellent, such as rock or other good quality base, the designed pavement may be very thin. In these cases a minimum thickness of 4 inches of flexible base and 1 1/2 inches of Hot Mix Asphaltic Concrete Pavement shall be used to provide for local soft spots, to bridge over utility trenches, or to level up an uneven rock subgrade. 54 H. BRIDGES AND OTHER STRUCTURES 1) Bridges and culverts for vehicles over channels and at grade separations shall be designed in accordance with the AASHTO Standard Specifications for Highway Bridges, latest edition. Truck loading for live load consideration shall be H-20 or HS -20 for streets classified as Primary, Secondary, or Collector. Streets classified as Local NB" or Local "A" may be designed for H-15 or HS -15 truck loading. Railroad structures shall be designed in accordance with the American Railway Engineering Association, latest edition, and in accordance with the special requirements and loadings of the particular railroad company involved. _ 2) Clearance for grade separations involving truck traffic shall be a minimum of 14' - 6" vertically. Horizontal clearance to barrier curbs, piers, retaining walls, etc., shall be a minimum of 2'-0" from the back of curb where sidewalks are not provided. Clearances over railroad tracks shall be a minimum of 22'-6" vertically. Horizontal clearances at railroads shall be a minimum of 8'-6" from centerline of track to face of pier or other obstacle. However, where this clearance is less than 20'-0", a "crash wall" maybe required. Vertical clearance for bridges and culverts over channels shall meet the requirements for freeboard as outlined in Chapter III, "Storm Drainage Design". For structures in this category, energy losses and backwater elevations at the structure may require investigation if so determined by the City Engineer. 3) Roadway widths of bridges shall conform to the standards for streets, unless otherwise designated by the City Engineer. Curbs adjacent to sidewalks shall be a —minimum -of -rive -(5) -foot width -on bridges and shall be constructed with the area standard parapet wall and railing on the outside of the bridge. Sidewalks in underpasses shall be six (6) feet in width but will not require more than the standard seven (7) inch curb. 4) Culvert sections used as drainage conduits, retaining walls related to overpasses or underpasses, or to protect private property, shall be designed under the AASHTO Standard Specifications for Bridges. latest edition. 5) Appropriate values of earth weights and earth pressures based on laboratory studies of actual site conditions shall be used. Live loads, if applicable, shall be incorporated into the design. 6) Standards of recognized agencies, such as the State Department of Highways, may be utilized in the design of bridges, culverts, and other structures provided that the ' design criteria satisfies the conditions found at the project site and contained herein. Approval of the City Engineer will be required for use of such standard designs. 55 APPENDIX B CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS PURPOSE It is the purpose of this chapter to define the standards to be followed in the design and construction of utilities in the City of Cibolo. These standards are to be followed, but it is not the intent that they should supplant sound engineering judgment when there are special circumstances that would make these standards inappropriate. Under such circumstances, the Engineer shall discuss and document the variation with the City Engineer who will then make a recommendation to the City Council for their final approval or disapproval. A. WATER SYSTEM The subdivider shall provide all water limes necessary to properly serve each lot of the subdivision and insure that existing and/or new water facilities can supply the required s demand for domestic use and fire protection at the desired pressure. The subdivider shall install all mains and shall extend the service to all lots, terminating with a curb stop and meter box. The subdivider shall submit a certificate to the City Council certifying that the system has been designed in accordance with the requirements of ` the State Department of Health, the City of Cibolo, the rules of the State Board of Insurance, and THRCC regulations. Water system improvements shall be in accordance with the specifications and Design standards for public improvements of the City of Cibolo as follows: 1) Plans Copies of plans and profiles of all proposed water lines and fire hydrants shall be delivered to the city hall at the time a final plat is submitted. 2) Standards i a. Water Lines - All water limes shall be in accordance with city standards and specifications. The only two (2) types of piping authorized for domestic and commercial water transmission mains for use within the City of Cibolo and the city's certified water service area as granted by the Texas Public Utility Commission, including subdivisions within the City's E.T.J., shall be as follows: 1. PVC A.W.W.A., 6" + and; 2. C900 DR14 piping A.W.W.A. class 200,411-1211 maximum 56 All other piping for water transmission mains are hereby prohibited for use within the limits of the City of Cibolo, its certified water district, and subdivisions with its E.T.J. b. Water Meter Boxes - Water meter boxes shall be provided and installed by the developer and must meet the specifications set forth by the City of Cibolo. 3) Service Pining All service piping utilized shall be type K copper or better and not less than 3/4 inch diameter. No service piping made of plastic shall be permitted from the service main to the property line meter box From the meter to the house, service lines should be at least a schedule 40 P.V.C. The pipe and accessories shall be new and unused. All lines must be sized to provide enough pressure and flow to meet the minimum requirements of the standard fire code. Where service limes cross under streets or sidewalks, they are to be enclosed within a sleeve. Developers shall be responsible for all costs of utility installations within the subdivision a. The following minimum Pine sizes shall be used: Dwelling Units Minimum Line Size 1 3/4" 2-6 2" 12-75 6" More than 75 V b. Reimbursement for Required Excess Capacity Where the size of the water lines required to meet the ultimate requirements for the City is larger than eight (8) inches and the total capacity is not required to serve the tract of land to be developed, the City may enter into a contract with the owner, developer, or entity constructing the Pines for reimbursement for the excess capacity as other users request and are granted service. The developer or entity requesting service from an existing line shall pay a utility extension fee on a prorated basis, as hereinafter set forth. The reimbursement to the owner, developer, or entity who paid for the be construction shall be made only from those utility extension fees paid to the City by users of the facility paid for by the said owner, developer, or entity. 57 The pro -rata basis for the utility extension fee shall be computed based upon the projected capacity in terms of dwelling units as specified by the engineering criteria approved by the City Engineer. The basis for cost shall be the actual total cost of the facility which shall include, but shall not be limited to construction costs, engineering costs, and inspection costs. The total cost shall be divided by the projected capacity of dwelling units, to determine the base utility extension fee. 4) Valves At intersections of water distribution limes, the number of valves shall be one (1) less than the number of radiating lines. Two (2) valves shall be required for the connection and three (3) valves for a cross connection. 5) Fire Hydrants Every subdivision within the corporate and extraterritorial jurisdiction of the City of Cibolo, as part of the water distribution system, shall be provided with fire hydrants of the type specified by the City, and every lot shall be within four hundred (400) feet, as measured along public streets, of each fire hydrant. Fire hydrants shall be located at street comers, as well as other locations along a street to maintain the minimum distance requirement between fire hydrants, unless specifically approved otherwise by the City to accommodate the design of a subdivision. _ _Within commercial, business, or industrial areas of the city, fire hydrants shall be within three hundred (300) feet of each lot unless a gaeater or lesser distance is required by the city. Each part of the structure is required to be within five hundred (500) feet of a fire hydrant following a path on which hose from a fire department pumper would be laid (As the crow walks, not as the crow flies). If this is not possible, a private fire hydrant shall be installed to meet the required distances at a cost to the business and property owners. Fire hydrants and their outlets shall be suitable for use with the City's Fire Department equipment and shall meet AWWA standards. B. SANITARY SEWER SYSTEM 1) Plans Copies of plans and profiles of proposed sanitary sewer lines showing depth and grade lines and other design features and specifications shall be delivered to city hall at the time a final plat is provided. In addition, all subdivisions shall be provided with a sewage disposal system approved by the State Health Department i and Texas Natural Resource Commission. _j 58 2) Standards a. Subdivider to provide Sewer Service to Each Lot The subdivider shall install all sanitary sewer mains and lines\to each lot. If the public sewer system is not within twelve hundred (1200) feet of the subdivision, those portions of the system which he under paved areas shall be installed and capped ofi; and temporary waste treatment will be provided in accordance with requirements of State and County Health Officials. b. Exception for Septic System Connection with the sanitary sewer system shall be required except where the Planning and Zoning Commission determines that such connection would require unreasonable expenditure of funds when compared with other methods of sewage disposal. If the installation of septic tanks is approved, the subdivider shall conduct percolation tests under the supervision of the County Health Official in order to determine the adequacy of proposed lot sizes. Plans for such systems must be approved by the Texas Natural Resource . Conservation Commission prior to recommendation of approval of the final plat by the Planning and Zoning Commission. c. Subdivider to Submit Certificate The subdivider shall submit a certificate to the City Council of the City of Cibolo, Texas, certifying that the sewer system has been approved by the State Health Department, The County Health Officer, and the City of Cibolo. d. Sewer Location All sewer lines shall be located within the designated easement at the front of the property or in the street section. Where the location of the sewer is not clearly defined by dimensions on the drawings, the sewer shall not be closer horizontally than ten (10) feet or vertically six (6) feet to a water supply main or service line. Gravity sewer limes passing over water lines shall be constructed for a distance of ten (10) feet each side of crossing with cast iron pipe or asbestos with no joints within three (3) feet of crossing or encased in concrete in accordance with regulations of the Texas Natural Resource Conservation Commission. e. Materials Sewer lines must consist of plastic or other type of pipe as approved in writing by the City Engineer. 59 L E Construction Sewers shall be constructed according to the City of Cibolo Standard specifications as to trenching, bedding, backfill, and compaction. g. Piping Size Eight (811) inch diameter pipe shall be the minimum acceptable for sewer mains and lines. h. Manholes Manholes shall be spaced not more than four hundred (400') feet apart and shall be constructed in accordance with the City of Cibolo Standard Specifications. L Force Mains Force Mains shall be ductile iron or C 900 plastic pipe and fittings. Pipe shall have either mechanical joints or rubber gasket joints, as approved by the Public Works Director. C. DRAINAGE AND STORM SEWERS 1) Plans Copies of construction plans of storm drainage improvements shall be delivered to the city at the time a final plat is submitted, including:. a. Construction details of all drainage structures, including dimensions, reinforcing grates, manhole covers, and other components. b. Alignment of drainage easements showing a beginning and ending station, each deflective angle of the centerline, the station of the point of intersection, the station of the point of curvature, the point of tangency of each curve, the station and angle of intersection of each intersection with another drainage easement, the location and size of each drainage structure, and the location and size of all storm sewers. c. The centerline grade at each end and at fifty -foot stations of drainage ditches d. The direction of storm drainage flow at each ditch intersection, the flow True elevations of each drainage structure, and the flow line elevations of each sewer at each point of change, each end, and at intervening gradients. m 2) Flood Prone Areas No plat in any subdivision which is subject to flooding by rainfall, based on a 25 year frequency, shall be approved until drainage facilities adequate to carry off such rainfall have been provided. Lots in any subdivision subject to flooding by rainfall based on a frequency of 25 and 100 years shall be subject to approval by the City Council. 3) Specification and Design Standards. Drainage and Storm Sewers Size and design of inlets, storm sewers, out falls, culverts, and drainage ditches shall be based upon the following: a. Design Storm - All drainage structures shall be constructed in accordance with the plans and to the limes and grades as recommended by the City Engineer and approved by the City Council. All work shall be done in compliance with the provisions of these specifications. The interior drainage system shall be designed for a storm frequency of occurrence of once in five (5) years. The intensity of a sixty (60) minute rainfall on this frequency is 2.8 inches. Major drainage ditches and structures shall be designed for a storm with a frequency occurrence of once in twenty-five (25) years. The intensity of a sixty (60) minute rainfall of this frequency is 3.75 inches. b. Runoff Computations - To determine the runoff rates for various areas, the standard rational method shall be used utilizing the following formula: Q=CIA where, Q = Rate of Runoff in Cubic Feet per second C = Runoff Coefficient I = Rainfall intensity for the particular duration in inches per hour A = Drainage Area in Acres Drainage areas shall be arrived at by considering location of high and low points on streets grades, drainage divides in the area, and general configuration of existing and finished grades. c. Sizing of Storm Sewers - Storm sewers will be required where subsurface conditions indicate a potential for seepage or underground flow as determined by the city engineer. Sewers shall be sized to carry the discharge (Q of the above formula). Capacity of the storm sewers shall be 61 determined by the use of Manning's formula on the basis of hydraulic gradients rather than the physical slope of the pipe. The minimum size of a storm sewer shall be twenty-four (24) inches. Storm sewers shall be designed on a 25 year frequency and shall be subject to the approval of the engineer. d. Sizing and spacing of inlets - Where storm sewers are required, inlets shall be spaced so that the maximum travel distance of water in a gutter will not exceed six hundred (600) feet. Inlets will be sized using an allowable capacity of one (1) cubic foot per second per foot of opening for a throat height of five (5) inches. e. Ditches - Ditches shall be designed to carry the run-off from storm events. Where approved by the City Council, drainage ditches may be used for outfalls to natural or major drainage channels. Ditches shall have a minimum grade of not less than ten (10) percent and side slopes not steeper than 2.1. £ Manholes - Manholes ( inlets or junction boxes) shall be provided at all changes in grade or alignment, storm sewer intersections and at a maximum of one thousand (1,000) feet on straight lines. If monolithis concrete sewer lines are used, a manhole shall not be required where leads from - inlets intersect the main sewer. j g. Pipe - Pipe for storm drains shall be concrete in sizes as shown on the t approved plans. Pipe twenty (20) inches or larger in diameter shall be reinforced concrete pipe (RCP) ASTM C76, Class 3. Pipe nineteen (19) inches or smaller in diameter shall be plain concrete pipe (PC) _ ASTM C14, standard strength. Where in the opinion of the city engineer, added strength of pipe is needed for traffic loads over minimum cover or for excessive height of backfill, concrete pipe shall be ASTM C14 Extra strength or ASTM C76, Class TV or Class V. Pipe shall have a minimum cover of not less than one (1) foot over the top of the pipe. Monolithic, reinforced concrete sewers may be used for storm sewers thirty six (36) inches and larger. r h. Concrete Drainage Channels - Concrete lined channels shall be designed based on a 25 year flooding frequency and is subject to the approval of the City Engineer. ' 1. Concrete lining shall extend one foot beyond the height of the design flow line of the channel. From the top of the concrete lining to the top of the ditch, a side slope no steeper than two (2) horizontal to one (1) vertical where mulch sodding will be allowed. WA 2. Vertical walls will be permissible in depths not to exceed two (2) feet unless properly fenced or closed. 3. Easements for concrete limed channels shall extend a minnmtm of two (2) feet on both sides of the extreme limits of the concrete lining. i Earth Sodded Channels - The design of earth sodded channels shall be based on a 25 year storm frequency, subject to the approval of the city engineer, and shall conform with the City of Cibolo Standard specifications. 1. Mulch sodding shall be placed over the entire surface area of the channel including the easements required on both sides of the channel 2. Side slope shall not be steeper than three (3) horizontal to one (1) vertical. 3. Easements for earth sodded channels shall extend a minimum of two (2) feet one side and fifteen (15) feet on the opposite side of the extreme limits of the channel when such a channel does not abut an alley or roadway. When such a channel does abut an alley or roadway, the — easement shall extend a minimum of two (2) feet on both sides of the extreme limits of the channel. j. Outfalls - Outfalls from storm sewers and ditches into material drainage ways shall enter at the grade of the natural drainage channel. If necessary, the city may require drop type out fall structures be used to prevent erosion. IL Alley Ways - Alley ways may be designed on a 5 year frequency to carry storm water only from the lots within the block abutting the alley. L Weather Crossings - All weather crossings at streets shall be designed on a 25 year frequency. m. Streets - Streets where curbs and gutters are installed may be used for _ storm water drainage only if the calculated water flow does not exceed the flow calculations as determined under the runoff computations or the velocity does not exceed ten (10) feet per second. Minor streets shall be designed on the'basis of a 5 year frequency. Where streets are not capable of carrying storm waters, drainage ditches or storm sewers shall be provided. M. D. ELECTRICITY Electric connections are to be installed according to standards of the local utility company. All electric limes shall be placed underground and in the front of properties, unless a variance is granted by the City Council E. NATURAL GAS Natural Gas connections are to be installed according to standards of the local utility company. All natural gas limes shall be placed underground and in the front of properties, unless a variance is granted by the City Council. F. TELEPHONE Telephone connections are to be installed according to standards of the local utility company. All telephone limes shall be placed underground and in the front of properties, unless a variance is granted by the City Council. G. STREET LIGHTING Street lighting shall be provided by the developer and shall conform to the latest edition of the Illuminating Engineering Society Handbook. H. TRAFFIC CONTROL SIGNS AND STREET SIGNS All traffic -control -signs shall be provided and installed by the developer and shall conform with the latest edition of the Texas Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices for Streets and Highways. All street signs shall be provided and installed by the developer, and must meet specifications set forth by the City of Cibolo. I. FLOOD REGULATION The City shall review each proposed subdivision to assure that: 1. All proposals are consistent with the need to minimise flood damage. 2. All public utilities and facilities, such as sewage, gas, electrical, and water systems are located, elevated; and constructed to minimize or eliminate flood damage. 3. Adequate.drainage.is-provided_so as to reduce exposure to flood hazards. 0 APPENDIX C FEES, VARIANCES, AND PENALTIES The following schedule of fees and charges shall be paid into the General Fund of the City of Cibolo when any map or plat is tendered to the City Secretary, and each of the fees and charges provided herein shall be paid in advance, and no action of the City Planning and Zoning Commission or any other agency shall be valid until the fee has been paid. The City Secretary, deputies, or assistants shall calculate the fees and charges in accordance with the following schedule: GENERAL PLATS Preliminary Plats One hundred dollars ($100.00) per plat, (Long Form) plus five 461lars ($5.00) per lot,, plus twenty ($20.00) dollars per. cre for other uses. Revised Preliminary Fifty dollars ($50.00) per plat Plats Final Plats— - - — -- - --Fifty-dollars ($50.00) per plat (Short Form) General Plans Fifty dollars ($50.00) per plat When only one (1) plat is submitted as specified in Section V, Subsection D of this ordinance, the fees for a preliminary plat shall apply. The above fees shall be charged on all plats regardless of the action taken. by the City Planning and Zoning Commission and City Council. PARK LAND CASH CONTRIBUTION Single -Family (Low Density) Two hundred dollars ($200.00) per dwelling unit - Two -Family and Mobile Homes- - One hundred seventy-five dollars i (Medium Density) ($175.00) per dwelling unit Multi -Family (more than two) One hundred fifty dollars ($150.00y per dwelling unit 65 VARIANCES Only as granted by City Council $100.00 per variance PENALTIES Any violation of this ordinance shall be a Class C Misdemeanor punishable by a fine not to exceed five hundred dollars ($500) per violation EACH DAY THE VIOLATION EXISTS SHALL BE A SEPARATE OFFENSE. The City of Cibolo also adopts, in its entirety, L.G.C. $212.018, Enforcement of Platting Regulations of Texas Municipal Law and Procedure Manual, latest edition, which provides that the City Council may authorize its attorney to file suit as a means of enforcement and recovery of damages. 66 E)CMIT--S - --- 1:11. MAEMNANCE BOND STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF GUADALUPE KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That we, , the undersigned subdivider, as Principal, and , as Surety, do hereby acknowledge ourselves to be held and firmly bound unto the City of Cibolo, a municipal corporation of the County of Guadalupe and State of Texas, in the M -and just sum of $ (being 10% of the estimated cost of the hereinafter enumerated site improvements) for the payment of which well and truly to be made, we hereby bind ourselves and our respective heirs, administrators, executors and assigns, jointly and severally, firmly by these presents. WHEREAS, the Principal has petitioned the City Council of the City of Cibolo for permission to develop a subdivision within the jurisdiction of the City of Cibolo, more particularly described as follows, to wit: which is shown on a subdivision plat, entitled Subdivision, heretofore conditionally approved by the Planning Commission of The City of Cibolo on _ 19_ ; and WHEREAS, under the provisions of the City of Cibolo Subdivision Ordinance, being Ordinance No. 461, passed and approved on the 9 th day of January, 1996, and as amended, the City Council of the City of Cibolo requires, as a condition precedent to the granting of such petition, that the Principal frunish a guarantee that he will maintain and cause to be maintained, in good condition according to the requirements of such subdivision ordinance, and to correct any and all deficiencies not in accordance with the approved plans and specifications as may be noted, the following site improvements for a period of one (1) year after acceptance of the construction thereof by the City Council or until such time as such improvements have been accepted (final) by the City, whichever is the latter: NOW, THEREFORE, the condition of this obligation is such that if the Principal shall maintain or correct, and cause to be maintained or corrected, the above mentioned improvements _ in accordance with the requirements of the City of Cibolo subdivision ordinance, and the amendments thereto, if any, for the period of one (1) year after the acceptance of the construction thereof by the City Council of the City of Cibolo, or until said improvements have I 1 been accepted (final) by the City Council of Cibolo, then this obligation shall be void; otherwise, 1 the obligations made under this bond will remain in full force and effect. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, WITNESS OUR. HANDS and seal, this the Day of 1 ,19 1 Subdivider and Principal Surety By:_ APPROVED AND ACCEPTED, THIS THE 68 Attorney in Fact day of , 19_ W TITLE: CITY OF CIBOLO I DEVELOPER PETITION 11 VIPROVEMENT(S), NO._ STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF GUADALUPE CITY OF CIBOLO PART FOR PRELEVE NARY ACCEPTANCE OF PUBLIC WHEREAS, , hereinafter called Owner, is the owner of the land described as Subdivision, desires to file this, his (its) Petition, with the City Council of the City of Cibolo. This petition is being filed in accordance with the terms and provisions of the current Regulations. NOW THEREFORE, KNOW ALL MEN BY THOSE PRESENT: (Owner) respectfully files this, a Petition with the City Council of the City of Cibolo for acceptance of the following described public improvements (list each): (Water and sewer projects shall define the limits by street, alley between streets, and/or across easements by description of the property.) OWNER, in filing this petition, sets forth the following information as required in current Regulations: A. Attached hereto as Exlilbit "C" is a true and correct copy of the itemized construction costs of the above described project (s). Construction was accomplished by Contractor a total cost of $ - — 1. B. Attached as Exhibit 'D" are two (2) true and correct copies of "as built" drawings certified to by a registered professional engineer. C. Attached as Exhibit "E" are two (2) true and correct copies of field density tests and material source tests, certified by a recognized testing laboratory. (Exhibit "C" is required only for street and alley improvements). OWNER GUARANTEES: A. All materials and workmanship to be in accordance with approved plans and specifications prescribed by the City, and B. To correct any and all deficiencies not in accordance with approved plans and specifications as may be noted until final acceptance by the City Engineer and City Council. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, WITNESS OUR HANDS and seal, this the Day ,19 Surety By: Subdivider and Principal Attorney in Fact APPROVED AND ACCEPTED, THIS THE day of , 19 CITY OF CIBOLO PW OW 70 X111- M PART II DEVELOPER PETITION FOR FINAL ACCEPTANCE OF PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT (S), NO. WHEREAS, The City Council of the City of Cibolo, Texas approved the preliminary acceptance of the improvements listed in Part I, Petition No. for the Subdivision, and WHEREAS, The owner has maintained such improvements in good condition for at least one year from date of acceptance by the City Council, and WHEREAS, The owner has corrected all deficiencies reported by the City of Cibolo, It is therefore requested that final inspection be made of said improvements, that final acceptance be approved by the City Council of the City of Cibolo, and that the Owner be relieved of any further-obligation-to._maintain-or_cause to maintain such improvements. (date) (fie') 71 PART III FINAL ACCEPTANCE The above improvements listed in the petition have been inspected as required by current regulations, all required maintenance has been performed, and all noted deficiencies have been corrected. I recommend that the improvements described in the petition be accepted by the City of Cibolo and all maintenance on said improvements be assumed by the City. (date) City Engineer, CITY OF CIBOLO, TEXAS APPROVED AND ACCEPTED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CIBOLO, TEXAS AS RECORDED IN THE CORPORATE MD TfE BOOK NUMBER PAGE__. DATED THE DAY OF, ,19 A.D. CITY SECRETARY f� Original - City Duplicate- Owner Triplicate - City 72 MAYOR, CITY OF CIBOLO, TEXAS ;I GRAPHS, FIGURES, DRAWINGS No Text CURB OR PAV'T. 2' r• H• WI PAVEMENT EDGE OR CURB CAN BE TRA951TION AS SHOWN OR WITH REVERSE CURVE. NOTES (1) MEDIAN WIDTH SHALL NORMALLY BE 14'. (2) BE MEDIAN DIRECTOR OFPUBLICWORKS. (3) DIVIDER SHALL SE CONSTRUCTED WITH THE MATERIALS AS SPECIFIED BY THE DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS. a7 �VgR1ADJ,._� SET 26rMIM. kOF SEE FOLLOWING FIGURE) SEE NOTES FOR WIDTH '- MEDIAN NOSE DESIGN V OFFSET r• I I r• I Y � NOSE PAVED WITH CONCRETE WHERE STREET PRIMARATRIAL 10l-+{ �Z' OFFSET 10 Z CONCRETE WHERE STREET INTERSECTS OTHER THAN A PRIMARY ARTERIAL CURB OR PAV'7. EDGE 2.5' MAX. 'CROSS SECTION WIN "ON olft 010 PAVEMENT EDGE VISION CLEARANCE I 50' STREETR+pt L 25' OTHER STREET PAVEMENT EDGE OR CURB CAN BE TRANSITION AS SHOWN OR WITH REVERSE CURVE. NOTES 25 OTHER STREET SO' ON STREET$kriEc L � I I NO WALL, STRUCTURE, FENCE OR LANDSCAPING SHALL \�I BE PLACED IN SHADED AREA ftlICH OBSTRUCTS VISION OR THAT EXC9EDS 2.5 FEET ABOVE NEAREST PAVEMENT SURFACE. v ALTERNATIVE GEOMETRIC ALIGNMENT DESIGN FOR : LOCAL STREETS Minimum 0.30 outside grade on flare, in a manner approved by Director of Public Works. The point of radius may be relocated along the lines indicated by letters on the figure below (Points.AX, AY, and AZ). The point of radius shall not exceed fifteen (15) feet from point "A". *The point of radius shall be shown on the plat. When the point of radius is shifted along the street centerline (Points AX and.AZ), a site plan detailing lot siting, driveway location and on -street parking consider- ations shall be submitted to the Director of Public Works who will make a recom- ! mendation to Planning commission regarding the safety of the proposed flare. Minimum 0.30 outside grade on flare, in a manner approved by Director of Public Works. K. r-, JOE -II ya6ual �peJs) p:�lgsay Jo'WSual aP¢JD 1p¢ottldY ....r Pr 4 Mr ODL 001 D-... OC 006 0 n c � Q9 Sti to � t I XLl I I %rl ;•cwl7 FxauWH � I I I i0i y16Ypl w wlftr( I kvl J VJl JO 1 I t l!) Wwa ddy La ;uoi wu uIrl %9t `-opmoi prvjwki j0 I4iwtl umml=W I aunDI3 — YNI Jo %al .fie y}E+ry y—WddY 0 n c � Q9 Sti � t 17 `-opmoi prvjwki j0 I4iwtl umml=W I aunDI3 — YNI Jo %al .fie y}E+ry y—WddY TYPICAL SIDEWALK RAMP (TWO QUADRANT) CROSSING TYPE "An varies i sin 6"1 , L� 12:1 slope-' . r I I (FQUADRANT)SSMP (FOUR i CROSSING I varies varies varies varies varies Nate: Four line groove 2" apart 12" deep TYPICAL DRIVEWAY DETAILS Q7. 4 .....4'� ii See Naterr7 SECTION"B-B" —Grass Parkway .........::.::.:. ::.. See N p ........................ See note rfJ 1 max. slope SECTION "C -C" SECTION "AA" 4'-11" varies NOTES: 1. Construction of all wheelchair romps to be included under ........ 1� items 500,501 motor 502"Concrete curbing; "Machine laid curb," and/or' Concrete sidewalks." Ramp surface shall be brush finished. SECTION'D-D' 2. These details ere for reference only. Actual locations of See Note A3 City ramps to be shown on construction plans. City Inspector can adjust locations for saletyor idi0yclearance. 1 p 7 bars at 18' on eeoter both ways. 6 This portion of ramp may be depressed to develop 12:1 slope shown. S. Type A -ramp side slopes tie Into concrete sidewalk or parkway. Type B. ramp side slopes tie into Wass or dirt parkway. WHEELCHAIR RAMP DETAILS 86111. BY: KG ■ ■ r w- ■ TYPICAL DRIVEWAY APPROACH DETAIL (WHERE SIDEWALK DOES NOT ABUT CURB) R. O. W.--.., 1/2"EXP JT. MATERIAL OR 3/4" REDWOOD OR CYPRESS EXPANSION WOOD JT. FILLER. ' JOINT CONCRETE y DRIVEWAY U) Ix APPROACH SLOPE 12:1 MAX > c SLOPE 12:1 MAX •a SIDEWALK SIDEWALK 1"-f CURB TYPICAL DRIVEWAY APPROACH DETAILS It WHERE SIDEWALK ABUTS CURB) II -29 CLASS "B" 2' SAND CUSHION L, WIDTH 1/4" FT. SLOPE TO CURB ' WELDED WIRE FLAT SHEETS (ITEM 303) OR #3 BARS L9 IB" O.C. EACH WAY CENTERED IN SLAB (ITEM 3011 CONCRETE S/DEWALK /TEM 502A K4 TABLE " 1 " AND " I -A" PRIVATE AND PUBLIC SECTOR DEVELOPMENT [l STREET CLASSIFICATION R.O.W. PAVEMENT MEDIAN PAVEMENT CROWN OR WIDTH WIDTH WIDTH CROSS SLOPE LOCAL"A" RESIDENTIAL 50' 30' 4" LOCAL "B" RESIDENTIAL 60' 40' 4" COLLECTOR 60' 44' 5" SECONDARY 86' 2 @ 24' 14' PAVED (1) 114 " PER FOOT PRIMARY 110' 2@36' 14' PAVED (1) 114 " PER FOOT MARGINAL ACCESS (COMM.) 40' 30' 4" MARGINAL ACCESS (RES.) 40' 26' 4" ALLEYS (COMMERCIAL) 24' 24' 0 " TO 7 " (2 ) ALLEYS (APARTMENTS) 24' 24' 0" TO 7" (2 ) ALLEYS (RESIDENTIAL) 24' 18, 0 " TO 7 " (2 ) NOTES: (1 ) IN NEW SUBDIVISIONS- MEDIAN MAY BE LEFT UNPAVED AND LANDSCAPED. ( SEE SECTION 111) (2) CROWN SHALL BE INVERTED TO FACILITATE DRAINAGE. TABLE II -2 AND II -3 STANDARD STREET 'CROSS SECTIONS _ 10.0' _ PARKWAY WALK, MIN. SLOPE I/ ' PER FT. LOCAL TYPE "A" STREET 50.0' R.O.W. 30.0 PAVING 'CURB EXPOSURE PAVEMENT 165 LBS. PER SO. YD.MIN. 4" CROWN COMPACTED BASE=95% COMPACTED `SUBGRADE-90% COMPACTED DENSITY MIN. LOCAL TYPE "B"STREET 60.0` R.O.W. , 10.0' 40.0' 10.0 PARKWT/7" PAVING PARKWAY CURB EXPOSURE SOIL, MAXPAVEMENT •165 LBS. PER SO. YD. MIN MIN. WALK, MIN. SLOPE 1/4" PER / 4" CROWN R/I I COMPACTED BASE 95% 00MPACTED DENSITY 1 \SUBGRADE-90% COMPACTED DENSITY COLLECTOR STREET 60.0, R.O.W. 8 0 44.0' PARKWAY PAVING 7"CURB EXPOSURE SOIL, MAX. SLOPE 1 PER FT. /PAVEMENT 165 LBS. PER SO. YD. MIN. MIN. PE 1/4 PE FT. 5" CROWN \\ R -I COMPACTED BASE 95% COMPACTED DENSITY \SUBGRADE-90% COMPACTED DENSITY 8.0' I" PER FT. 1/4" PER FT. I" PER FT. I/4" PER FT. SLOPE 1/4" PER. FT. Note, EXACT SIDEWALK LOCATION IN THE PARKWAY SHALL BE AS DETERMINED BY THE DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS. i' COMPACTED BASE THICKNESS AND MATERIALS AS DETERMINED BY THE PAVEMENT DESIGN SECTION OF THIS MANUAL DEPT�wEERING DIVIS WORKS ni i i ..c�necn .IAN. 1984 I STANDARD STREET CROSS SECTIONS v ( PUBLIC, SECTOR ANO PRIVA7ESECToR) SECONDARY ARTERIAL STREET 86.0 R.O.W. ' 12 0 —TPE 12.0, — .1 12.0 14 0' 12.0 4. 12.0 12.0, PARKWAY PAVING DIVIDER PA ZING PARKWAY 7" CURB EXPOSUA SOIL, X. SLOPE I"PER FT ` IN. SLOPE 1/4"PE�t FT. /WALK,MIN. " PERFT. _� PAVEMENT 15 LBS. P R SO.YD. MIN. S�/4 PER FT. -� SLOPE I14� PER FT. Fes— - 1 �RCOMPACTED BASE -95% COMPACTED DENSITY. SUBGRADE•90% COMPACTED DENSITY f 12.0. ht PRIMARY ARTERIAL STREET 110.0 R.O:W. 12.0 12.0 12.0_ 14.07FT2,YWAYS 12.0 12.0 •.}� 12.0 12.0= PAVING ^DIVIDER PAVING I Pj�K%VAY 7" CUR[i EXPOSURE r SLOPE I/4"-PE PAVEMENT 165 LUS. PER SO. Y.D.. IN` PAVEMENT 165 L 5. PER SO -YD- MIN. IV//' I... SLOPE 14 RFT_ .� OPE 14 PER FT l ; 1 ___Iu- -� 7'2 COURSE ASPHALT SURFACE TREATMENT FL -1 4FLEXIBLE BASE \ COMPACT ED BASE $ 95% COMPACTED DENSITY SUBGRADE 90% COMPACTED DENSITY dole: EXACT SIDEWALK LUCATION.IN TIIE PARKWAY SHALL BE AS DETERMINED BY THE DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS. jV COMPAcTEO BASE THICKNESS AND MATERIALS AS DETERMINED BY THE PAVEMENT DESIGN SECTION OF THIS MANUAL. DEPT. OF PUBLIC WORKS LtVL;L OCT OCT -I -J84 MARGINAL ACCESS STREET CROSS SECTIONS MARGINAL COMMERCIAL ACCESS STREETS 40.0' R.O.W. — 30.0' 9.5' �— - PAVING -_ - SOIL MAX. SLOPE I" PER FT. 7"CURB EXPOSURE PAVEMENT 165 LBS. PER S0. YD: MIN. SLOPE 1/4" PER FT. InI ,,..,PAVEMENT .—•--= WALK �COMPACTED BASE -95% COMPACTED DENSITY SUBGRAOE-90% COMPACTED DENSITY MARGINAL RESIDENTIAL ACCESS STREETS 40.0' R.O.W. 26. U, 13.5 /pAYEh1E�R PAVING65 LBS. PER SO. YD\ \IL,MAX.SLOPE I" PER [FT. 7"CUR5EXPOSURE f 3'CROWN MIN. SLOPE I/d'PEH FT. Ili COMPACTED BASE! 95% COMPACTED DENSITY SUBGRAOE-90% COMPACTED DENSITY t COMPACTED BASE THICKNESS AND MATERIALS AS DETERMINED BY THE PAVEMENT DESIGN SECTION OF THIS I I MANUAL. L' DEPT. OF PUBLIC WORKS F.NUIPIVERING DTVI"UN REVIULU OCT. MU4 ( PUBLIC SECTOR) (PR I VATE SECTOR) ALLEYS - COMMERCIAL wnu rwvcmcn� MIN. :eSOILSHOULOER ABOVE EDGE OF PAWT. PAVEMENT 165 LBS. PER SO. YD. MIN. (BOTH SIDES) d' TO 7" INVERTED CROWN \�'�SUBGRADE-90% COMPACTED DENSITY COMPACTED BAS 4F 950/o COMPACTED DENSITY i ALLEYS—APARTMENTS 1 PER FOOT MAX. 2 20_O1 PAVEMENT 1/4" PER FOOT MIN. PAVEMENT 165 LDS. PER 50. YD. MIN. 'BOTH SIDES) ` 0" TO 7n INVERTED CRO`L'N �7 \_----'4SLlBGI?ADv_-90% COMPACTED DENSITY FL COMPACTED BASE 95% COMPACTED DENSITY ALLEYS -SINGLE-FAMILY RESIDENTIAL I' PER FOOT MAX 1/4" PER FOOT MIN. • PAVEMENT 165LBS. PER SO. YD. MIN. (BOTH SIDE'S) O" TO 7° INVERTED CR09AV " -SIIBGRADE-90^/u COMPACTED DENSITY \,---,:COMPACTED � BASE - 95% COAIPAGTED CEP151TY XV1i ' COMPACTED BASE THICKNESS AND MATERIALS AS DETERMINED BY THE PAVEMENT DESIGN SECTIO)% OF 71415 MANUAL.