ORD 462 12/12/1995ORDINANCE # 462 CITY OF CIBOLO AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE FY 1994-95 BUDGET TO REFLECT A REIMBURSEMENT OF $35, 100 FROM THE DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND COMMUNITY AFFAIRS OF THE STATE OF TEXAS AND AN EXPENDITURE OF $41,050 FOR MASTER PLANNING SERVICES WHEREAS, the City Council of Cibolo desired to develop a new comprehensive Master Plan for the City of Cibolo, and WHEREAS, the City Council of Cibolo made application with the State of Texas for a grant of $35,100 for such planning services, and WHEREAS, the City Council could not predict the award of the grant and the expenditures during its previous budget cycle, and WHEREAS, the City was awarded the grant and had the requested services performed, THEN BE IT ORDAINED THAT THE CITY OF CIBOLO DOES HEREBY DIRECT THE CITY ADMINISTRATOR TO USE HIS DISCRETION TO AMEND ITS FISCAL BUDGET FOR FY 1994-95 TO REFLECT THE $35,100 IN REVENUE FROM THE STATE OF TEXAS AND THE EXPENDITURE OF $41,050 FOR CREATION AND PUBLICATION OF THE CITY OF CIBOLO MASTER PLAN. APPROVED AND ADOPTED ON THIS / ZDAY OF DECEMBER, 1995. Hon. Sam Bauder, Mayor ATTEST: (�Va C. " Charles A. Balcar, City Secretary