ORD 459 8/22/19957�1 OF PUBLIC HEARING AMID CITY COUNCIL MMING THE CITY COUNCIL OF CIBOLO CONDUCTED A BUDGET WORKSHOP AT 6:00 P.M., TUESDAY, AUGUST 22, 1995 PRIOR TO THE CITr COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING. AT 6:30 P.M., THE CITY OF CIBOLO HAD A PUBLIC HEARING ON CLOSEOUT OF THE TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AMID COMMUNITY AFFAIRS GRANT PROJECT THAT PRODUCED A MASTER PLAN FOR THE CITY OF CIBOLO. THE CIBOLO CITr COUNCIL THEN CONVENED IN A REGULARLY SCHEDULED MEETING ON TUESDAY, AUGUST 22, 1995, AT 7:00 P.M. AT THE MUNICIPAL BUILDING, 109 SOUTH MAIN STREET, CIBOLO, TEXAS. THE FOLLOWING WAS THE ORDER OF BUSINESS: I. CITY COUNCIL BUDGET WORKSHOP A.CALL TO ORDER AT 6:00 PM. Mayor Sam Bauder called the meeting to order. B.DISCUSSION ON THE PROPOSED FY 95-96 BUDGET The Council discussed the adoption of the proposed budget and tax rate. Particular attention was given to adjusting employee salaries. There was also a request from the Director of Public Safety to hire a part-time clerk. The Council agreed to continue the discussion at the evenings regularly scheduled City Council meeting. The Council then recessed until the start of the public hearing. II. CONVENE A PUBLIC HEARING ON CLOSEOUT OF THE TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND COMMUNITY AFFAIRS GRANT PROJECT THAT PRODUCED A MASTER PLAN FOR THE CITY OF CIBOLO A. CALL TO ORDER AT 6:30 P.M. Mayor Sam Bauder called the meeting to order. III. ROLL CALL. Mayor Bauder announced that all members were present. IV. INVOCATION. Councilman Bob Glisar gave the opening prayer. V. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE. Mayor Bauder led the pledge. VI. CITIZENS TO BE HEARD. (LIMIT 3 MINUTES EACH) A. CITIZEN COMMENTS Jocyln Murphy of Community Development Inc. discussed the final steps needed to close out the project and requested signatures from the Mayor on documents that were to be sent to the Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs. B. Recess until 7:00 p.m. Regular Council Meeting Bob Glisar moved for adjournment until the start of the regular meeting. VII. CALL TO ORDER THE CITY COUNCIL MEETING Mayor Bauder called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. VIII. CONSENSUS ITEMS: A. APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF AUGUST 8, 1995 Councilman Glisar moves for approval, second by Councilman Chuck Ridge. Approved. IX. APPROVAL OF A VARIANCE TO PLACE A MODULAR HOME ON PROPERTY OWNER BY THE ROBISONS ON HACKERVILLE ROAD NEAR FM78 Councilman Jeff Miller asked if we were required to send notice to property owners within 200 feet. Chuck Balcar noted that State Law requires this measure for changes in zoning district and not for variances. (However, such notices were mailed as they may be required by the existing Zoning Ordinance of the City of Cibolo.) Administrative intern Albert Uresti gave a report on the action taken by the Planning and Zoning Commission. Councilman Ridge moved for approval of the variance with the requirements adopted by the Planning and Zoning Commission: (1) the modular home must be 28' by 561; (2) the home must have matching skirting; (3) the owners must apply and receive a building permit prior to installation of the home; and (4) the variance is for an indefinite period provided that requirements 1,2,and 3 are met. Mark Buell seconded. Approved. X. DISCUSSION/ACTION ON CLOSEOUT OF TDHCA GRANT AMID ADOPTION OF CITY OF CIBOLO MASTER PLAN Jocyln Murphy described the closeout procedure and promised delivery of the sets of complete documents within a week. Mr. Buell recommended closeout and second was by Mr. Miller. Approved. XII. DISCUSSION/ACTION ON MEASURES RELATED TO ADOPTION OF THE FY 1995-96 BUDGET FOR THE CITY OF CIBOLO The Mayor we were down to discussion of salaries and the part- time clerk for the Police Department. Councilman Buell recommended a compromise proposal. Mr. Balcar pointed out page 8 with the transfer for one police car. The $16,000 for capital replacement would be transferred to capital expenditure to pay for the second police car. He also pointed out increases in legal services and a new item for Northeast Partnership membership. Mr. Buell said he wanted to bring salaries to a level comparable to other cities. Chuck Ridge moved for adoption of the salary schedule proposed by Mr. Buell. Mr. Glisar seconded. Motion approved. Wes Suiter asked for a part-time clerk. He said that no new or additional equipment would be needed and the only cost would be salary and benefits. After some discussion, Mr. Buell moved for adding a police clerk at $6.00 per hour for 20 hours per week. Mr. Glisar seconded it. Approved with Mr. Miller abstaining. Mr. Balcar asked that the Mayor table adoption of the budget and the tax rate adoption until after the Executive Session so that the new numbers could be built into the budget. XIII. DISCUSSION/ACTION ON ADOPTING A TAX RATE FOR FY 1995-96 Tables until later in the meeting. XIV, EXECUTIVE SESSION PURSUANT TO SECTION 551.071 (1)(A) OF THE TEXAS GOVERINUv= CODE CONCERNING DISCUSSIONS WITH THE CITY ATTORNEY The Mayor the Session at 7:35 p.m. A. LITIGATION WITH FORMER CITY ADMINISTRATOR DAVID WALKER B. RECONVENE IN OPEN SESSION AND TAKE NECESSARY ACTION Mayor Bauder called the open session to order at 8:00 p.m. No action was taken. The Council then considered the budget and decided to adopt using fund balance to make up the projected deficit. A budget of $1.066m was to be adopted. with Mr. Miller moving for adoption and a second from Mr. Glisar. Approved by all. Councilman Glisar then recommended a total tax rate of .33630 with .20124 going to Maintenance and Operations and .13506 going to debt service. Second by Mr. Buell. Approved by all. XV. COMMENTS BY COUNCIL MEMBERS Gail Douglas commended a student from the local high school government class for staying through the meeting. Mr. Buell brought the Council up to date on Cibolofest. It will be Saturday, October 21. The next meeting is 6:30 p.m., September 11 at the City Park. He also was impressed that the Council could go into executive session and come out with a new budget already prepared. Mayor commented that the City had come a long way since his first year when it was done on tablets. Mr. Buell said it was his pleasure to again give the citizens a tax rate decrease. Mr. Miller reported on the latest CRWA meeting: nothing was resolved or settled and no one is sure when the next meeting is scheduled. He said they were talking about running a water line to New Braunfels. He said that the Fire Department was working hard at the Saturday recycling center. XVI. COMMENTS BY STAFF Phyllis Smith thanked the Council for their support and willingness to give pay increases. Keith said that his crew also appreciated the pay increases. Also, The copper and lead sampling were being performed this week. One customer used over 120,000 gallons on a residential lot. The P & Z will be having a special meeting on September 5 to consider land use assumptions. Ron Flake discussed the problem of big water users and a possible strategy to encourage conservation. Chuck Balcar said that he would have a new intern starting in early September. XVII. COMMENTS BY MAYOR Mayor Bauder stated he was proud of the process had come along way. He said it with the Council. He said he was glad t again. XVIII. ADJOURNMENT staff and that the budget was very enjoyable to work o be able to lower taxes Bob Glisar made the motion. APPROVED AND ADOPTED ON THIS IZ DAY OF J 1995 ATTEST: r1,:, 4 .,� gy�, QHARLES-BALCAR, CITY SECRETARY f'D.ati71 CITY OF CIBOLO ANNUAL BUDGET FISCAL YEAR 1995-96 'A YEAW OF PROGRESS„ I CITY OF CIBOLO ANNUAL BUDGET FISCAL YEAR 1995-96 'A YEAR OF PROGRESS" CITY COUNCIL FOR 1995-96 MAYOR SAM BAUDER COUNCILMAN JEFF MILLER COUNCILMAN MARK BUELL COUNCILMAN CHUCK RIDGE COUNCILMAN BOB GLISAR COUNCILWOMAN GAIL DOUGLAS CITY STAFF CITY ADMINISTRATOR CHARLES A. BALCAR DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC SAFETY WARRENVES" SUITER CITY TREASURER PHYLLIS SMITH BUILDING INSPECTOR KEITH GILBREATH UTILITIES ADMINSTRATOR CLAUDIA SCHNEIDER PATROL SARGENT DEBBIE CIELENCKI PATROLMAN LEONARD SLAMCIK PATROLMAN SCOTT MOSSINGER PATROLMAN MONDO JIMENEZ PATROLMAN ROB KING RUDY FARIAS, ASSISTANT TO THE CITY ADMINISTRATOR ALBERT URESTI, ASSISTANT TO THE CITY ADMINISTRATOR ALBERT JOHNSON, COMMISSION CHAIRMAN, PARKS PAUL BUELL COMMISSION CHAIRMAN, PLANNING AND ZONING BUDGET PREPARED BY MAYOR SAM BAUDER " EDITED BY CHARLES A. BALCAR TABLE OF CONTENTS Letter of Transmittal....................................1 Ordinance # 459 Adoption of the Budget...................3 Ordinance # 460 Adoption of the Tax Rate.................5 Budget Summaries for All Funds ...........................7 REVENUES, BY FUND.....................................8 EXPENDITURES, BY DEPARTMENT .............................10 GENERAL FUND Administration.....................................11 Mayor & Council....................................12 Public Safety......................................13 Municipal Court....................................14 Public Works.......................................15 Streets............................................16 Animal Control.....................................17 SPECIAL REVENUE FUND Parks/Recreation...................................18 WATER & SEWER FUND Water/Sewer........................................20 Table of Authorized Positions ...........................23 APPENDICES DEBT SERVICE Governmental Funds.................................26 Proprietary Funds..................................27 SALARY TABLE............................................29 FUND BALANCES...........................................30 NOTICE OF EFFECTIVE RATES...............................31 5 -YEAR DEBT SERVICE.....................................34 OCTOBER 1, 1995 Mayor's Budget Message Proposed 1995-96 Consolidated Annual Budget TO THE CITIZENS AND CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CIBOLO, TEXAS: The Proposed 1995-96 Annual Consolidated. Budget provides for an expansion of the City's level of service in public safety, parks and street repair and creates a capital replacement fund that will allow annual budgeting for future capital purchases. The average property owner will see his tax reduced for the third consecutive year while the City continues to increase the quality and quantity of services offered. The proposed tax rate includes .20124 for maintenance and operations (down from .20400 this past year) and .13506 for debt (down from .17010) for a total tax rate of .33630 (DOWN FROM LAST YEAR'S TOTAL OF .37410). Since FY 1993-94, the tax rate has fallen sixteen cents per $100 valuation, the largest percentage decrease of any community in the area. This rate reduction follows last year's large reduction (from .48543 to .3741 per $100 valuation) that was a one-time benefit for existing residents of Cibolo. The new year will see total property tax collections rise from an adopted budget amount of $180,8450 in FY 1994-95 to a Proposed $187,122 for FY 1995-96 (which begins October 1, 1995). Though we thought that the rates might edge higher this year, the increase in new property due to residential construction (approximately $2.866 million) has allowed the City to adopt a rate below the effective rate of .34175. In simple terms, if your property has the same appraised value as last year, you will see a more than 10 percent decrease in your City tax payment; if your property increased at the same rate as the average increase in appraisal for all taxable property in Cibolo, you will see about a three percent decline in your tax bill. PA A highlight if this fiscal year will be the opening of the second City Park. The as yet unnamed park in the Deer Creek subdivision will receive up to $18,000 in capital improvements this year, requiring a more than doubling of last year's park's budget. I am very pleased to announce that we have increased the budget for Police and Fire Protection services for the second consecutive year and are adding another officer and increasing fire inspections of commercial property. General Fund expenditures, exclusive of the capital expenditure for two new police cars, will increase less than two percent. Water & Sewer Fund expenditures will increase more than 20 percent. The City will purchase two police cars with money from its capital replacement fund. Additionally, the General Fund will be balanced by an infusion of $30,000 from the Fund Balance. Net Appropriations Adopted Proposed 1994-95 1995-96 General Fund Capital Equipment Transfer Water/Sewer Fund Parks Fund Total Net Appropriations $495,611 $546,069 $ 27,000 $ 16,000 $394,404 $473,500 $ 14,348 $ 30,511 $931,363 $1,066,080 In closing, let me restate how happy I am that we can offer the citizens a reduced tax rate and lower tax bills while increasing the level of service, particularly in public safety. Respectfully submitted, Hon. Sam Bauder Mayor of Cibolo 3 ORDINANCE #459 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF CIBOLO, TEXAS ADOPTING THE BUDGET FOR THE FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING OCTOBER 1, 1995, AND ENDING SEPTEMBER 30, 1996: WHEREAS, the City Council of the Municipality of Cibolo, Texas has complied with all laws of the State of Texas regarding calculation of an effective tax rate; and, WHEREAS, the City Council of Cibolo has met in open meeting and taken action to set the date of adoption of the 1995-96 City Budget as required by the "Truth in Taxation" legislation of the State of Texas; and, WHEREAS, it is necessary, at this time, to adopt said Annual Budget, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CIBOLO, TEXAS, AS FOLLOWS: Section 1: That the City Budget herein presented by the City Administrator is hereby approved and adopted for the fiscal year 1995-96, Section 2: That the Mayor or his representative is authorized to invest any funds not needed for current use in United States Treasury Bills, the State of Texas Texpool system, or savings accounts in the City depository. Interest accrued from such investment may be deposited in the General Fund or a specific enterprise fund as required by accepted accounting procedures. Section 3: That the City Administrator be and is hereby authorized to make inter department transfers, not to exceed $3,000, during the fiscal year as becomes necessary in order to avoid a specific department from exceeding its authorized budget. Section 4: That the City Administrator be and is hereby authorized to make intra- department transfers, not to exceed $1,000, during the fiscal year as becomes necessary in order to avoid a specific line item from exceeding its authorized amount. 4 Section 5: This Ordinance shall take effect and shall be in full force from and after its passage. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED, THIS 22nd DAY OF August, 1995. <�5 : � &� Hon. Sam Bauder, Mayor ATTEST: Charles A. Balcar, City Secretary 5 # 460 AN ORDINANCE BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CIBOLO, TEXAS LEVYING AND ASSESSING ALL TAXABLE PROPERTY WITHIN THE CORPORATE LIMITS OF THIS CITY FOR THE YEAR 1995. BE IT ORDAINED AND ORDERED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CIBOLO THAT: We, the City Council of the Municipality of Cibolo do hereby levy or adopt the tax rate on $100 valuation for the City of Cibolo for the tax year 1995 (Fiscal 1995-96) as follows: AN ORDINANCE LEVYING A TAX RATE FOR THE CITY OF CIBOLO FOR THE TAX YEAR 1995. $ .20124 FOR THE PURPOSE OF MAINTENANCE AND OPERATION. $ .13506 FOR THE PAYMENT OF PRINCIPAL AND INTEREST ON THE DEBT OF THIS CITY $ .33630 TOTAL ADOPTED TAX RATE BE IT FURTHERMORE ORDAINED THAT, the City Council grants an exemption of $5,000 per qualified citizen within the corporate limits of the City of Cibolo. Qualifying exemptions are: sixty- five years and older, disabled and disabled veteran. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED, this 22nd day of August, 1995. Hon. Sam Bauder, Mayor ATTEST: Charles A. Balcar, City Secretary BUDGET SUMMARIES 7 ADOPTED BUDGET FY 1995-96 CITY OF CISOLO Adopted Projected Ending 1994-95 1994-95 1994-95 d Grant GF 35,100 35,100 35,100 0 s 14,348 26,082 26,082 30,511 T::G....,..,..w.:.v.a: , ,. 473.500 0 AL 966,463 1,0919895 1,091,895 1,0669080 Adopted Projected Ending X'! t2�* 1994-95 1994-95 1994-95A=°`- u::B 'a72a �a4'x&'ate �a9 G3069 .a .....w...,...w.. � 14,348 12,7721 12,7721 30,5111 ary 3.3.9r4,c 'a:o::::,:m:'�.3,: ,��1r�ag'1.,��»�s��. 473, 500 100 1,0669080 Includes $35,100 Amendment for Grant 8 REVENUES GENERAL FOND Oct -Sep Account Adopted Projected Current' Number 1994-95 1994-95 1994-95 e�3 ADMINISTRATIVE Property Tax 300210 180,845 180,354 180,354 187,122 Del Taxes 300410 7,500 17,065 17,065 8,530 P & 1 300610 5,790 9,851 9,851 6,210 Sales Tax 300810 83,300 93,774 93,774 86,000 Bingo -beverage 301010 1,300 1,179 1,179 1,200 Street Use 301210 35,000 37,146 37,146 36,000 Interest 301410 7,500 14,863 14,863 12,535 Transfer in Lieu of 301610 24,200 24,200 24,200 30,000 Taxes Grant from state 300921 35,100 35,100 35,100 0 Misc 301810 1,400 9,430 9,430 5,000 Trans from Captl Fund 302010 27,000 27,000 27,000 16,000 Garbage (14%) 302210 13,306 17,225 17,225 13,856 Fund Balance 224500 39,294 0 0 49,940 Total Revenues 305000 461,535 467,187 467,187 452,393 CONSTRUCTION: Plumbing Permits 305610 1,200 7,552 7,552 4,500 Building Permits 305810 28,000 54,902 54,902 38,000 Contractors 306010 1,200 762 762 600 Sub -Plat fees 306210 500 0 0 400 Heating a/c 306410 600 2,288 2,288 1,200 Plan check 306610 250 25,401 25,401 19,000 Total Revenues 307500 31,750 90,905 90,905 63,700 ANIMAL CONTROL: Register animals 308035 366 390 390 376 Animal Recovery 308235 500 926 926 700 Total Revenues 308000 866 1,316 1,316 1,076 PUBLIC SAFETY Fines 309021 48,000 31,229 31,229 33,000 Warrants Fees 309021 0 0 0 0 State Court Fee 309421 2,800 2,136 2,136 2,200 Court Costs 309621 2,500 2,242 2,242 2,200 Arrest Fees 309821 5,500 3,380 3,380 3,100 Adm Fees 310021 4,000 3,698 3,698 3,500 Reports & Other 310221 60 1,067 1,067 200 Police Spl Fund 310321 0 195 195 0 Alarm Fees 300421 700 1,020 1;020 700 Total Revenues 308900 63,560 44,967 44,967 44,900 0 REVENUES PARRS FOND Adopted Projected Current ==>P.&t;P-%J 1994-95 1994-95 1994-95 :Liu;2$....:..:......N,....::,.::". PARKS RECREATION Rec-Picinic 308433 548 423 423 500 Fees from Build 302333 10,900 2,830 2,830 1,700 Transfer of Resery 301533 0 20,400 20,400 19,000 Transfer from GF 301633 0 0 0 6,000 Interest 301433 0 380 380 311 Ballfield-League 308533 2,900 2,049 2,049 3,000 Total Revenues 14,348 26,082 26,082 30,511 WATER/SEWER FOND Oct -Sep Adopted Projected Current W & S DEPT 1994-95 1994-95 1994-95 Water Sales 3000 165,000 195,935 195,935 184,000 Waste Water 3002 95,040 99,685 99,685 106,445 Garbage Coll 3004 115,005 122,007 122,007 116,700 Late Fees 3006 6,250 7,792 7,792 7,500 Connect Fees 3008 5,500 17,225 17,225 8,725 Installs 3010 1,100 0 0 1,400 Interest 3020 5,509 13,440 13,440 14,600 Misc 3030 1,000 5,355 5,355 4,130 Fund Balance 3050 30,000 Total Revenues 394,404 461,438 461,438 473,500 10 EXPENDITURE SUb5fARY Adopted Projected Current z " 1994-95 1994-95 1994-95 ;��.,'._,<.�%klig�; General Fund OPERATIONS "Mayor -Council 3,950 2,141 2,141 3,657 "Administration 129,718 126,095 126,095 103,062 "Public Safety 221,535 216,062 216,062 247,877 "Municipal Court 21,709 19,830 19,830 22,433 "Maintenance (Pub Wks) 14,504 14,463 14,463 26,862 "Streets 38,055 36,470 36,470 65,068 "Animal Control 7,075 7,470 7,470 8,381 DEBT SERVICE 121,165 121,165 121,165 84,729 TOTAL 557,711 543,696 543,696 562,069 Water & Sewer OPERATIONS 373;954 376,353 376,353 404,177 DEBT SERVICE 4625 20,450 20,628 20,628 69,323 TOTAL 4750 394,404 396,981 396,981 473,500 Parks OPERATIONS 14,348 8,772 8,772 15,111 CAPITAL OUTLAY 4,000 4,000 4,000 15,400 TOTAL 18,348 12,772 12,772 30,511 GRAND TOTAL 970,063 953,449 953,449 1,066,080 Salaries Unemployment Tax Soc Security TMRS Intern (New) Med Insurance Worker Comp Car Allowance Data Processing Office Supplies Janitor Supplies Other Supplies Bid Maintenance Contract Clean Office Equip Maint Contract Services Publications Travel, School Election Expense Utilities Ins, Gen Liab Ins, Other GCAD Telephone Legal Services Sick Lv Buy Back Activity Center Profess Services Audit Services Postage Capital Outlay Capital replace NE Partnership TOTAL 410110 410210 410310 410410 410510 410610 410710 410810 410910 411010 411210 411310 411410 411510 411610 411710 411810 411910 412010 412110 412210 412310 412410 412510 412710 412810 412910 413010 413210 413610 434210 434410 413110 415000 ADMINISTRATION Adopted Projected 1994-95 1994-95 49,400 46,133 203 203 4,061 3,529 2,293 2,200 1,500 2,377 3,370 3,768 375 90 2,640 2,668 500 564 2,500 2,680 200 100 300 243 400 95 400 0 200 0 1,200 902 1,200 2,313 1,500 1,215 470 480 1,000 1,288 1,940 2,289 626 1,298 4,700 3,804 1,500 1,594 4,000 5,600 1,640 530 1,700 0 37,300 37,732 2,600 2,400 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 129,718 126,095 11 °yx£fi??tti7Ta'„' Current1994-95 ........................... 46,133 54,304 203 90 3,529 4,154 2,200 2,569 2,377 0 3,768 3,370 90 375 2,668 600 564 400 2,680 1,750 100 100 243 250 95 200 0 0 0 200 902 1,000 2,313 1,000 1,215 1,500 480 500 1,288 1,200 2,289 2,250 1,298 1,100 3,804 4,700 1,594 1,600 5,600 6,000 530 750 0 0 37,732 3,000 2,400 2,600 0 600 0 2,000 0 3,500 0 1,400 126,095 103,062 12 MAYOR & COUNCIL EXPENDITURES Adopted Projected Current M� .'Wt.?PLiSsu` MAYOR & COUNCIL 1994-95 1994-95 1994-95 Conference Fees,Trav 420211 800 169 169 1,157 Council Contingcy 420111 1,500 1,782 1,782 1,800 Meeting Expense 420411 400 0 0 500 Awards, Ceremony 420511 250 145 145 200 Captl Imp Contgncy 434211 1,000 45 45 0 TOTAL 421011 3,950 2,141 2,141 3,657 13 PUBLIC SAFETY EXPENDITURES Adopted Projected Current $}P13b73`` PIIBLIC SAFETY 1994-95 1994-95 1994-95 Overtime 410021 3,000 4,051 4,051 4,000 Salaries 410121 105,225 108,131 108,131 124,533 Unemployment Tax 410221 675 400 400 350 Soc Security 410321 7,900 8,558 8,558 9,544 TMRS 410421 4,131 4,440 4,440 6,080 Med Insurance 410610 8,500 8,220 8,220 8,670 Worker Comp 410721 9,500 4,440 4,440 7,800 Office Supplies 411021 750 237 237 500 Janitor Supplies 411221 200 101 101 200 Other Supplies 411321 125 70 70 100 Bld Maintenance 411421 500 178 178 200 Office Equip Repr 411621 150 367 367 100 Contract Services 411721 4,350 4,350 4,350 4,350 Publicat (NEW) 411821 50 135 135 100 Travel, Trainig 411921 1,000 421 421 1,000 Utilities 412121 1,750 2,042 2,042 1,800 Liab and Auto Ins 412221 8,400 6,376 6,376 7,000 Property Ins 412321 279 253 253 300 Telephone 412521 1,500 1,313 1,313 1,600 SAFES 412621 6,800 7,020 7,020 8,800 CVFD 413421 6,100 5,653 5,653 6,100 Fire Inspection 413521 0 0 1,000 Postage 413621 0 0 0 100 Uniform Replace 430221 1,800 1,284 1,284 1,200 Officers Equip/Supply 430421 1,200 145 145 1,200 Crime Prev Supply 430621 250 0 0 250 Operating Supply 430821 600 265 265 600 Elec Equip Rep 431021 2,000 273 273 750 Vehicle Op Exp 431421 8,700 7,638 7,638 8,200 Minor Other Repr 432021 100 764 764 500 Vehicle Repairs 432221 1,600 1,517 1,517 1,000 Jail Costs 433621 500 0 0 300 Medical Lab 434021 600 160 160 500 Capital Outlay 434221 6,300 6,971 6,971 21,050 Capital Replace 434421 27,000 30,289 30,289 16,000 Commun Equip 430921 0 0 0 100 Data Processing 410921 0 0 0 2,000 TOTAL 221,535 216,062 216,062 247,877 14 MUN2C2PAL COURT EXPENDITURES Adopted Projected Current ., ill S MUNICIPAL COURT 1994-95 1994-95 1994-95 Qee ,`,,yy,'� Salary 410122 8,840 8,212 8,212 10,000 Unemployment Tax 410222 70 70 70 25 Soc Security 410322 700 700 700 765 TMRS 410422 440 440 440 473 Med Insurance 410522 900 936 936 900 Worker Comp 410722 60 60 60 70 Court Supplies 411022 1,000 157 157 250 Other & Misc 411322 150 0 0 0 Contract Maint 411722 79 79 79 80 Travel, School, Dues 411922 250 132 132 250 Ins -Gen Liab 412222 0 150 150 200 Postage 413622 0 0 0 300 Capital Outlay 434222 2,500 2,500 2,500 500 Capital Replace 434422 0 0 0 1,000 Judge 441022 1,800 1,800 1,800 2,400 Prosecutor 441222 1,800 1,800 1,800 2,400 Jurists 441422 120 0 0 120 Commissions -MSB 441622 3,000 2,794 2,794 2,700 TOTAL 21,709 19,830 19,830 22,433 This department pays for operation of the municipal court. The major expenditures are for personnel items related to the monthly court duties, including one-half of the cost of the Municipal Clerk/City Treasurer and the entire cost of Municipal Judge and Prosecutor. Another major expenditure is the mailing of notices. The court has been computerized this year. PUBLIC WORKS Overtime 410030 Salary 410130 Unemployment Tax 410230 Soc Security 410330 TMRS 410430 Med Insurance 410530 Worker Comp 410730 Office supplies 411030 Other Supplies 411330 Contract Services 411730 Dues, Fees 411930 Utilities 412130 Truck & Equip Ins 412230 Real & Personal Prop Ins 412330 Postage 413630 Vehicle Op 431430 Vehicle Repairs 432230 Capital Outlay 434230 Capital Replace 434430 Clothing Supply 450230 Maint Supplies 450430 Minor Tools & Equip 450630 Machinery Maint 451430 Maint. Facil Rep 411430 Transfer to Parks 452030 Computer Equipment 451630 TOTAL 0 PUBLIC WORKS Adopted Projected 1994-95 1994-95 0 3,981 70 305 188 1,260 600 170 200 80 100 300 550 550 0 1,000 1,000 400 0 750 1,250 150 1,200 0 0 0 14,104 59 4,394 70 737 188 1,373 600 146 278 248 235 441 267 254 0 1,153 999 932 0 569 1,063 11 446 0 0 0 14,463 15 Current Gw �� M•k � 1994-95 59 0 4,394 4,260 70 15 737 326 188 201 1,373 1,230 600 600 146 200 278 100 248 480 235 250 441 400 267 300 254 400 0 150 1,153 800 999 1,100 932 400 0 5,000 569 600 1,063 1,200 11 150 446 1,000 0 100 0 6,000 0 1,600 14,463 26,862 0 STREETS STREETS Overtime Salary Unemployment Tax Soc Security TMRS Med Insurance Worker Comp Other Supplies Contract Main Vehicle Oper Expense Vehicle Repairs Capital Outlay Maint Supplies Minor Tools Machinery Maint Maint Yard Upkeep Street Maint Signs& sign maintenance Engineering Minor Equip TOTAL 410032 410132 410232 410332 410432 410532 410732 411332 411732 431432 432232 434232 450432 450632 451432 460432 460632 460832 461032 430432 16 A Adopted Projected Current �'.,• 19.94-95 1994-95 1994-95. a�:... ,;�' 350 44 44 350 10,741 10,415 10,415 11,436 70 70 70 50 892 892 892 900, 550 550 550 541 900 1,208 1,208 1,100 765 96 96 400 100 100 0 13,000 13,000 13,000 40,000 300 64 64 203 700 43 43 700 1,137 350 350 1,138 3,500 3,357 3,357 1,000 500 37 37 500 450 1,370 1,370 750 200 0 0 50 200 1,046 1,046 750 1,800 1,828 1,828 1,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 4,000 0 0 0 200 38,055 36,470 36,470 65,068 EXPENDITURES Adopted Projected Current g ANIMAL CONTROL 1994-95 1994-95 1994-95::f Overtime 17 EXPENDITURES Adopted Projected Current g ANIMAL CONTROL 1994-95 1994-95 1994-95::f Overtime 410035 0 0 0 120 Salary 410135 3,380 3,387 3,387 3,588 Unemployment Tax 410235 17 17 17 20 Soc Security 410335 129 260 260 285 TM RS 410435 131 131 131 170 Mad Insurance 410635 420 341 341 420 Worker Comp 410735 298 97 97 278 Other 411335 500 195 195 500 Contract Services 411735 1,800 3,042 3,042 2,400 Travel, Sch000l 411935 0 0 300 Supplies 419935 300 0 0 200 Capital Outlay 434235 100 0 0 100 'TOTALS 7,075 7,470 7,470 8,381 BUDGET SM MARY The major expenditures are for personnel services, including one-quarter of the cost of a public works employee, and contracted services with the Schertz Animal Shelter for the housing of animals picked up running loose in Cibolo. 18 MEAN- MCI at WED 19 EXPENDITURES Adopted Projected Current PARKS3;::4`,;„}6,atC 1994-95 1994-95 1994-95 Overtime 410033 0 0 0 120 Salary 410133 3,380 3,627 3,627 6,448 Unemployment Tax 410233 34 32 32 39 Soc Security 410333 259 223 223 502 TMRS 410433 263 263 263 282 Med Insurance 410533 840 339 339 840 Worker Comp 410733 595 96 96 530 Botanl Sup Other 411333 393 31 31 468 Utilities 412133 2,000 2,678 2,678 2,040 Postage 413633 0 0 0 50 Capital Outlay 434433 4,000 4,000 4,000 15,400 Maint Supplies 450433 1,400 1,235 1,235 1,921 Electrical 450733 800 95 95 570 Plumbing 450833 384 150 150 400 Capital Replacement 434433 900 1/2 New Employee ? 0 TOTAL 14,348 12,769 12,769 30,511 zo WATER/SEWER ENTERPRISE FUND 21 EXPENDITURES Adopted Projected Current WATER/SEWER 1994-95 1994-95 1994-95 Overtime 4100 500 0 0 800 Salaries 4101 28,763 28,761 28,761 34,166 Unemployment Tax 4102 300 72 729 524 Soc Security 4103 2,200 2,200 2,200 2,675 TMRS 4104 1,119 1,163 1,163 1,504 Med Insurance 4106 3,590 2,544 2,544 3,590 Worker Comp 4107 650 1,038 1,038 1,038 Data Processing 4109 750 967 967 750 Office Supplies 4110 3,000 3,204 3,204 1,500 Janitorial Supply 4112 50 0 0 50 Other Supplies 4113 750 125 125 250 Bid Maintenance 4114 250 0 0 100 Misc Contract Service 4117 3,000 1,156 1,156 2,200 Communi Equip 4118 1,500 750 750 1,192 Travel, School, Training 4119 1,500 835 835 2,000 Utilities -Shed 4120 267 350 350 350 Utilities -Office 4121 900 1,020 1,020 950 Ins Gen Liability 4122 900 2,349 2,349 2,000 Property Ins 4123 272 253 253 266 Ins Vehicles & Equip 4124 450 267 267 500 Telephone 4125 950 993 993 1,000 Legal Services 4127 1,200 962 962 1,500 Outside Repairs 4128 4,000 1,732 1,732 17,500 Professional Fees 4130 2,500 1,160 1,160 2,500 Audit 4132 2,600 2,400 2,400 2,600 Postage 4136 0 0 0 1,800 Capital Replace 4203 3,000 3,000 3,000 5,000 Vehicle Op Exp 4314 400 782 782 718 Vehicle Repairs 4324 500 42 42 550 Capital Outlay 4342 2,000 2,120 2,120 1,500 GREEN VALLEY 4400 75,000 88,897 88,897 82,000 CCMA 4402 70,000 64,719 64,719 72,414 ALAMO WASTE 4404 105,500 104,568 104,568 98,970 CRWA 4406 8,400 8,400 8,400 4,095 Water Meters 4408 1,600 4,900 4,900 3,600 Clothing Supplies 4502 675 490 490 529 Maint Supplies 4504 3,500 2,121 2,121 3,800 Minor Tools & Equip 4506 463 0 0 250 Mach Maintenance 4514 1,800 273 273 250 Lab fees 4525 700 282 282 250 Maint Yard Upkeep 4604 150 0 0 100 Trans Out - Garbage 4610 13,306 17,225 17,225 16,247 Trans in Lieu 4615 24,200 24,200 24,200 30,000 Agents Fees 4618 300 33 33 300 Ins Other 4126 500 0 0 300 22 EXPENDITIIRES Adopted Projected Current MK*`.c,wx,.,.Ty,, WATER/SEWER 1994-95 1994-95 1994-95az?�'.'.?" SUBTOTAL 373,954 376,353 376,353 404,177 DEBT SERVICE 20,450 20,628 20,628 69,323 TOTAL 394,404 396,981 396,981 473,500 BUDGET SUMMARY The major capital expenditure in FY95-96 will be $15,000 for repainting of the Water Storage tank. Other major initatives will include continued participation in the Canyon Regional Water Authority, continued development of a plan with Green Valley Water Service Company to put the Cibolo-owned well in production, and the first full year of the recyling effort in cooperation with the Volunteer Fire Department. This department also will contribute $5,000 into a capital replacement fund for future purchase of vehicles and equipment. 23 AUTHORIZED POSITIONS 24 TABLE OF AUTHORIZED POSITIONS FULL-TIME EQUIVILENTS POSITION 1994-95 1995-96 Net Change City Administrator 1 1 0 Muni Court Clerk/ Treasurer 1 1 0 Utility Administrator 1 1 0 Director of Pub Safety 1 1 0 Police Sargent 1 1 0 Patrol Officer 3 4 1 Lead Maintenance Worker 1 1 0 Maintenance Worker 1 1 0 Code Compliance Inspector 1 1 0 Administrative Intern 1 1 0 Police Clerk 0 1 1 Parks Worker 0 .5 .5 TOTALS 12 14.5 2.5 25 APPENDICES 26 DEBT SERVICE —GENERAL FUND Due Date Description Principal Interest Totals 3-1-96 1985 Series 27,500 11,000.00 38,500.00 9 1-96 1985 Series 9,748.75 9,748.75 2-1-96 1988 Series 24,750 3,266.31 28,016.31 8-1-96 1988 Series 2,338.19 2,338.19 2-1-96 1990 Series 3,117.82 3,117.82 8-1-96 1990 Series 3,117.82 3,117.82 TOTALS 529250 32,588.89 84,838.89 26 DEBT SERVICE —GENERAL FUND 3-1-96 1985 Series 27,500 11,000.00 38,500.00 91-96 1985 Series 9,748.75 9,748.75 2-1-96 1988 Series 24,750 3,266.31 28,016.31 8-1-96 1988 Series 2,338.19 2,338.19 2-1-96 1990 Series 3,117.82 3,117.82 8-1-96 1990 Series 3,117.82 3,117.82 TOTALS 52,250 329588.89 84,838.89 27 DEBT SERVICE—WATER/SEWER FUND Due Date Description Principal Interest Totals 3-1-96 1985 Series 22,500 9,000.00 31,500.00 9 1-96 1985 Series 7,976.25 7,976.25 2-1-96 1988 Series 20,250 2,672.44 22,922.44 8-1-96 1988 Series 1,913.07 1,913.07 2-1-96 1990 Series 2,505.94 2,505.94 8-1-96 1990 Series 2,505.94 2,505.94 TOTALS 42,750 26,573.64 69,323.64 28 EMPLOYEE PAY TABLE & FUND BALANCES RM PAY TABLE Hourly WEEKLY ANNUAL Admin/Sec Salary 700 36,400 City Secretary Salary 375 19,500 Treasurer/Court Clerk Salary 385 20,000 Utility Administrator 7.50 304 15,808 Pub Saf Dir Salary 595 30,947 Sergeant 10.85 434 22,568 Officer 2 9.80 392 20,384 Officer 1 9.26 370 19,261 Officer, Probation 8.00 320 16,640 City Inspector 9.31 328 17,039 Pub Wks Wrk 7.40 296 15,412 Pub Wks Wrk 6.90 276 14,352 Police Clerk 20 Hr Wk 6.00 120 6,240 Pub Wks Labr 21 Hr 5.75 121 5,720 wk Parks Wkr Labr 1/2 yr 6.00 240 6,240 Account General Fund Checking Payroll Capital Improv. Debt Service Txpool CDs Jul -95 Jan -96 Feb -95 Tota/ Water & Sewer Checking Deposits-Cust I & S Txpool CDs To Parks & Rec Checking Texpool CDs Park Imp Contr Tota/ PD SPEC. GRAND TOTAL STATEMENT OF NON -DEDICATED FUNDS IN CURRENT ACCOUNTS BY FUND 165683 Date Unreserved Reserved Rate 9/29/95 39,304.71 9/29/95 7,419.25 9/29/95 9/29/95 9/29/95 209,977.28 30,000.00 30,000.00 30,000.00 346,701.24 9/29/95 64,450.51 9/29/95 9/29/95 9/29/95 188,093.21 100,000.00 100,000.00 452,543.72 1.75% 1.75% 51,931.32 5.75% 12, 533.92 1.75% 5.75% 5.11% 5.92% 0.00 3.05% 64,465.24 411,166.48 1.75% 9,936.20 1.75% 2,906.71 1.75% 5.75% 5.92% 4.05% 12,842.91 465,386.63 9/29/95 2,435.13 1.75% 9/29/95 15,120.44 5.77% 10, 753.44 0.00 28,309.01 28,309.01 9/29/95 198.95 799,244.96 105,617.16 904,862.12 ME STATE OF TEXAS TEXAS PROPERTY TAX CODE COUNTY OF GUADALUPE SECTION 26.01 (a) CERTIFICATION OF APPRAISAL ROLL FOR: CITY OF CIBOLO I Pat S. Fox, Chief Appraiser of Guadalupe County Appraisal District, do solemnly swear that I have made, or caused to be made, a diligent inquiry to ascertain all property in the district subject to appraisal by me and that I have included in the records all property that I am aware of at an appraised value determined as required by law, with the exception of any properties attached which will be certified at a later date on a supplemental roll. I, Pat S. Fox, do hereby certify that the sum of appraised values of all properties on which protest have been filed but not determined by this Board, is five percent or less of the total appraised value of all other taxable properties, and that the following values are true and correct to the best of my knowledge: 1995 Certified Taxable Value: $ 56,658,227^ The value to be used in 1995 tax rate calculation is the 1995 CERTIFIED TAXABLE VALUE shown above. The TOTAL TAXABLE VALUE OF PROPERTY UNDER PROTEST is the sum total of value under protest for those properties shown on the attached list. You will receive a supplemental roll at a later date with the additional value remaining after the Appraisal Review Board completes its hearings. Total Number of Properties Under Protest : 9 Total Taxable Value of Property Under Protest: $296,588 Estimated taxpayers opinion of value for _. those properties still under protest 118,635 ed values are me resulti Approval of the appraisal records by the Guadalupe County Appraisal District Board of Review occurred on the 25th day of JULY, 1995. Pat S. Fox, RPA/CTA Chief Appraiser Sworn and subscribed before me this 25th day of JULY , 1995. 'Pv nye 7).,/. w Qn � • EW9.4 eereryy,roroey Notary Publ c S ate of T �� ru�saia:b ��,►bom�eame�a.,r�u�pe My commission expires 1-1 o GUADALUPE COUNTY APPRAISAL DISTRICT EFFECTIVE TAX RATE CALCULATION FIGURES Jurisdiction: CITY OF CIBOLO TOTAL MARKET VALUE OF ALL PROPERTIES NOT UNDER PROTEST Homestead Exemption Value Loss Over 65 Homestead Exemption Value Loss Disability Homestead Exemption Value Loss Disabled Veteran Exemption Value Loss Absolute Exempt Property Value Loss Agricultural Valuation Loss Freeport Exemption Valuation Loss CERTIFIED TAXABLE VALUE OF ALL PROPERTIES NOT UNDER PROTEST Taxable Value of Properties with Tax Frozen Taxable Value of New Absolute Exemptions Taxable Value of New Partial Exemptions Taxable Value of New AG/OS (Mkt Value $214,025) Taxable Value of New Improvements Taxable Value of Annexed Property Taxable Value of Abated Properties Appraised Value of Abated Properties Tax Year 1995 $ 63,714,075 $ -0- - $ 384,527 - $ 72,568 - $ 77,500 - $ 1,836,633 - $ 4,684,620 - $ -0- $ 56,658,227 $ -0- $ 169,544 $ 64,500 S 18,004 2,866,462 Notice of Effective Tax Rate (for use by most taxing units except school districts) 56112 (P--5 4M 1995-96 property Tax Rates in CITY OF CIBOLO This notice conte 1995-96 property tax rates for CITY OF CIBOLO It presents information about three tax rates. Last year's rax rate is the actual rate the taxing unit used to determine property taxes last year. This year's effective tax rate would impose the same total taxes as. last year if you compare properties taxed in both years. This year's rollback tax rate is the highest tax „ rate the taxing unit can set before taxpayers can start tax rollback procedures. In each case these rates are found by dividing the total amount of taxes by the tax base (the total value of taxable property) with adjustments as required by state law. The rates are given per $100 of property value. Last year's tax rate: Inst year's operating taxes Last year's debt taxes Last year's total taxes Last year's tax base Last years total tax rate This year's effective tax rate: Last year's adjusted taxes (after subtracting taxes on last property) This year's adjusted tax base (after subtracting value of new property) This year's effective tax rate $ 100,469 $ 92,046 $ 192,515 $ 49,249 589 $ .3741 /5]00_ $ 184,242 $ 53,910;400 $ .34175 /SI00 In the first yeara hospital district or city collects the additional sales tax to reduce properry tuxes, it must insert the following lines unless its first adjustment was made last year. Sales tax adjustment rate Effective tax rate x 1.03 = maximum rate unless unit publishes notices and holds hearing This year's rollbacic tax rate: Last year's adjusted operating taxes (after subtracting taxes on lost property and adjusting for transferred function) This year's adjusted tax base This year's effective operating rate x 1.08 = this year's maximum operating rate + This year's debt rate = This year's rollback rate S /S100 $ .3520 /$100 S 100,469 S 91,g10.4nn $ .18636 15100 $ .20126 /5100 $ .13506 /5100 $ .33632 /$100 A hospital district or city that collects the additional sales tax to reduce property taxes, including one that collects the tax jos thefrrst time this year, must insert the following lines: ' Sales tax adjustment rate $ /SI00 Rollback tax rate $ /SI00 For a taxing unit a itb additional rollback rate forpollution control, insert the follouting lines: + Additional rate for pollution control requirement = Rollback tax rate /$100 S /S100 Debt Service Requirements The 1988 issue is callable on Feb. 1, 1997 (balance will The $110,000, including $45,OOOthat will be budgeted that year) Early call saves $2,518 in interest The 1990 issue is callable on Feb. 1, 2000 (balance will be $45,000) Early call saves $5,569 in interest 4 -Year Schedule COMBOS 55% GF & 45% WS ISSUE 1996-97 Principal Interest Total GF Amount W/S Amount 1985 $50,000 $17,725 $67,725 $37,249 $30,476 $15,450 $15,450 $8,498 $6,953 1988 $45,000 $4,251 $49,251 $27,088 $22,163 $2,519 $2,519 $1,385 $1,134 1990 $11,138 $11,138 $6,126 $5,012 TOTALS $95,000 $51,083 $146,083 $80,346 $65,737 1997-98 Principal Interest Total GF Amount W/S Amount 1985 $75,000 $15,456 $90,456 $49,751 $40,705 $11,587 $11;587 $6,373 $5,214 1988 $65,000 $2,518 $67,518 $37,135 $30,383 $0 $0 $0 1990 $11,138 $11,138 $6,126 $5,012 TOTALS $140,000 $40,699 $180,699 $99,384 $81,315 1998-99 Principal Interest Total GF Amount W/S Amount 1985 $75,000 $11,587 $86,587 $47,623 $38,964 $7,725 $7,725 $4,249 $3,476 1988 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 1990 $45,000 $9,281 $54,281 $29,855 $24,426 TOTALS $120,000 $28,593 $148,593 $71,325 $66,867 1999-00 Principal Interest Total GF Amount W/S Amount 1985 $75,000 $7,725 $82,725 $45,499 $37,226 $3,862 $3,862 $2,124 $1,738 1988 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 1990 $45,000 $5,569 $50,569 $27,813 $22,756 TOTALS $120,000 $17,156 $137,156 $75,436 $61,720 The 1988 issue is callable on Feb. 1, 1997 (balance will The $110,000, including $45,OOOthat will be budgeted that year) Early call saves $2,518 in interest The 1990 issue is callable on Feb. 1, 2000 (balance will be $45,000) Early call saves $5,569 in interest