ORD 427 3/12/1991ORDINANCE NO. 427 AN ORDINANCE BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CIBOLO ESTABLISHING SCHOOL ZONES AND SPEED LIMITS THEREIN: PROVIDING FOR HOURS OF DAY IN WHICH LIMITS ARE ENFORCED; PRESCRIBING A PENALTY FOR VIOLATIONS THEREOF OF A FINE OF NOT LESS THAN $25.00 NOR MORE THAN $200.00 PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE AND RECINDING ANY PREVIOUS ORDINANCES. WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Cibolo, Texas desiring to fulfill their duty of protecting the safety and welfare of its citizens; and WHEREAS, the City Council realizes that a control of speed limits around and near the elementary/intermediate schools is necessary to protect the safety of school children on their way to and from school; NOW THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CIBOLO, TEXAS THAT: 1. A School Zone is established at the intersection of Santa Clara Street and North Main Street, extending from said intersection in a Northwest direction on Main Street to the intersection of North Main Street and Buffalo Trail. The effective hours of the School Zone are 7:30 A.M. until 9:00 A.M. and from 2:30 P.M. until 4:00 P.M. on school days only. 2. A School Zone is established at the intersection of Dietz Road and Borgfeld Road extending from said intersection to a point 1360 feet in the Northwest direction on Dietz Road and from said intersection to a point 960 feet in a Northeast direction on Borgfeld Road. The effective hours of the School Zone are 7:30 A.M. until 9:00 A.M. and from 2:30 P.M. until 4:00 P.M. on school days only. 3. The established speed for school zones is a maximum of 20 miles per hour (mph) which must be strictly observed. 4. Any violation of this ordinance shall, upon conviction, carry a fine of not less than twenty-five ($25.00) dollars or more than two hundred ($200.00) dollars for each violation thereof. 5. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after final passage and approval of the City Council of the City of Cibolo. This ordinance takes precedence over Ordinance #368 which is recinded upon passage hereof. PASSES, APPROVED AND ADOPTED THIS /,2* DAY OF MARCH, 1991.