ORD 420 11/21/1989ORDINANCE NO. 420 An ordinance by the City Council of the City of Cibolo, Texas; providing for the investment of idle city funds in all established' and future city accounts. Local funds will be placed in investments that yield the highest possible rate of return while providing necessary protection of the principal consistent with the operating requirements as determined by the City Council and in accordance, with state laws governing the investment of public funds. This ordinance emphasizes the safety of principal in all investment activities and designates the Mayor or Mayor Pro Tem (in the absence of the Mayor) and the City Administrator to operate and control the investment program. Additionally; the types of investments authorized and institutions in which investments may be placed are defined. This ordinance is effective upon approval of the City Council. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CIBOLO, TEXAS: Section 1 Index Section 2 Scope Section 3 Objective Section 4 Responsibility and Control Section 5 Authorized Investments Section 6 Qualifying Institutions SECTION TWO (2): Scope This investment policy applies to investment activities of the Government of the City of Cibolo. All financial assets of various city funds to include the General Fund, Water and Sewer Operating Fund, Payroll Fund, Water and Sewer Capital Improvement Fund, Fire Department Enhancement Fund and other funds that may be created from time to time, shall be administered in accordance with the provisions of these policies. SECTION THREE (3): Objective The primary objective of the Citys' investment activity is the preservation of capital in the overall portfolio. Each investment transaction shall seek to first ensure that capital losses are avoided, whether they be from securities, defaults or erosion of market value. (a) The Citys', investment portfolio will remain sufficiently liquid to enable the city to meet operating requirements that might be reasonably anticipated. Liquidity shall be achieved by matching investment maturities with forecasted cash flow requirements. (b) The Citys' investment portfolio shall be designed to achieve the highest rate of returng possible, primarily by utilizing Certificates of Deposit and U.S. Treasury Securities. (c) Funds held for future capital projects shall be invested in securities that reasonably can be expected to produce enough income to offset inflationary construction cost increases. However, such funds shall never be exposed to market price risks that would jeopardize the assets available to accomplish their stated objective, or be invested in a manner inconsistent with applicable federal and state regulations. (d) All participants in the investment process shall seek to act responsibly as custodians of the public trust. Investment officials shall avoid any transactions that might impair public confidence in the Citys' ability to govern effectively. (e) Investments shall be made with judgment and care, under circumstances then prevailing, that persons of prudence, discretion, and intelligence, exercise in the management of their own affairs not for speculation, but for investment, considering the probable safety of their capital as well as the probable income to be derived. SECTION FOUR (4): Responsibility and Control The Mayor, as the Citys' chief executive.officer, is responsible for the overall management of the Citys' investment program. The City Administrator is designated as the Citys' Investment Officer and is responsible for the day to day administration of the investment program and the duties listed below: (a) Maintain information as to available cash balances in city accounts, and as to the amount of idle cash available for investment. (b) Make investments in conjunction with the Mayor or Mayor Pro Tem (in the absence of the Mayor) in accordance with this policy. (c) Ensure that all investments are adequately secured, that safekeeping receipts are held by the city in accord with this policy, and ensure that other requirements placed on financial institutions are observed. (d) Initially, bids will be solicited from financial institutions located in the City of Cibolo. If the investment is made outside this city, at least three (3) bids will be solicited orally. (e) Prepare an annual written report describing investment transactions for the prior fiscal year and submit the report to the Mayor and City Council not later than sixty (60) days following the end of each fiscal year. �` l SECTION FIVE (5): Authorized Investments Assets of funds of the government of the City of Cibolo may be invested in: (a) U.S. Treasury Securities maturing in two years or less to include U.S. Treasury bills, notes or bonds and other securities which are guaranteed as to principle and interest by the full faith and credit of the United States of America. (b) Collateralized or fully insured Certificates of Deposit at FDIC insured banks. (c) Repurchase agreements if secured by U.S. Treasury bills, notes or bonds. (d) All deposits and investments of city funds other than direct purchases of U.S. Treasury Securities will be secured by pledged collateral with a market value equal to 100 percent of the deposited amount. (e) Other types of obligations which are unconditionally guaranteed by the State of Texas or the United States of America. SECTION SIX (6): Qualifying Institutions Investments may be made with or through the following institutions: (a) Federally insured banks located in the State of -Texas. I (b) Primary government security dealers reporting daily to the Market Reports Division of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York. PASSED AND APPROVED THIS THE al O DAY OF AL_r , 1989. ATTEST: Ann Smith, City Secretary 5 1 9'^ Mayor Sam Bauder