Min CC 09/24/1996 L MINUTES OF CITY COUNCIL MEETING THE CITY COUNCIL OF CIBOLO CONDUCTED A REGULARLY SCHEDULED MEETING ON TUESDAY,SEPTEMBER 24,1996 AT 7:00 P.M.AT THE MUNICIPAL BUILDING,109 SOUTH MAIN STREET,CIBOLO,TEXAS. THE FOLLOWING WAS THE ORDER OF BUSINESS: 1. CALL TO ORDER- Mayor RDERMayor Sam Bauder called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. II. ROLL CALL. Present were Mayor Bauder, and Councilmen Jeff Miller,Bob Glisar,Mark Buell,Charles Ridge and Councilwoman Gail Douglas. Staff was represented by Chief of Police Wes Suiter,Public Works Director Keith Gilbreath, City Attorney Ron Flake and City Administrator Rudy Farias. III. INVOCATION. Bob Glisar provided the invocation. IV. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE. Mayor Bauder led the pledge. V. CITIZENS TO BE HEARD. (LIMIT 3 MINUTES EACH) None. VI. CONSENSUS ITEMS: A. APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF SEPTEMBER 10,1996 Bob Glisar motioned for approval. Seconded by Mark Buell. Approved. B. APPROVAL OF BILLY HANS GIBBS TO THE PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION Mark Buell motioned for approval. Seconded by Jeff Miller. Approved. VII. DISCUSSION/ACTION AWARDING BID FOR MAIN STREET DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENT PROJECT Mark Buell asked to see a drawing. Keith Gilbreath described the project and area of work. Also discussed was the closure of roads. Keith Gilbreath informed Council metal plates would be placed over any road cuts allowing for minimal traffic interruption. Mr. Gilbreath also informed Council that the low bid construction company(Pesado Construction Co.)does the contract work for GVEC. Jeff Miller motioned for approval of awarding Pesado Construction Co.the bid for Main Street Drainage Project. Seconded by Mark Buell. Approved. VIII. DISCUSSION/ACTION OF TAX ABATEMENTS AND TAX PHASE-IN POLICIES Rudy Farias informed Council a policy had been written and reviewed in January of 1995. At the January 1995,Council meeting,the Abatement proposal was to be placed on a future Council agenda. It was never placed on a future agenda. Jeff Miller began the review process and asked to take out Page 13,Letter C,Number 2. Attorney Ron Flake agreed. Mr.Miller also asked if Page 14,Letter C,Number 3 could remain in the policy due to it referring to GVEC. Mr.Flake said it could remain since GVEC has programs. Lastly,Mr Miller asked to include the Planning and Zoning Commission in the review of tax abatement applications. Mayor Bauder agreed stating Planning and Zoning needs to be kept informed as to the events occurring in the City. Mark Buell motioned for approval of the policy with the changes discussed. Seconded by Gail Douglas. Approved. IX. DISCUSSION/ACTION ON PARAGON CABLE FILING BEFORE THE FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION REQUESTING DEREGULATION Attorney Ron Flake stated San Antonio,Windcrest and Terrell IFlls are regulating entities. Paragon is stating Cablemaxx is effective competition. Universal City, Schertz, Selma and other cities are opposing the deregulation and these Cities are sending letters to San Antonio supporting opposition to deregulation. Mayor Bauder suggested writing a letter stating Cibolo is partially serviced by Paragon and the non-serviced Paragon areas have no other alternative but to subscribe to Cablemaxx. Therefore the numbers for Cibolo may not accurately reflect Paragon competition. Mark Buell motioned to oppose the deregulation request. Seconded by Gail Douglas. Approved. X. DISCUSSION ON PLANNING SUB-COMMITTEE REPORT Mayor Bauder and Council agreed to look into the report and pursue the issues. The review will begin when the City receives the new City Limits map and ETJ map from Engineer Ed Ford. M. COMMENTS BY COUNCIL MEMBERS Gail Douglas asked where we stood with the Dobie park proposal. Mark Buell passed around the Cibolo Fest volunteer sign up sheet. Also stated the Cibolo Fest banner is up, electrical work has started on the pavilion,the electrical line is buried,the Mayor will be the M.C. and the pavilion will be dedicated to Jack Tokar. Also asked if the Buffalo Valley Lions Club could use the Recreation Center for a haunted house this year. Keith Gilbreath informed Mr.Buell the Recreation Center had been condemned and items inside the house where being dismantled. (i.e.the ceiling fans) Jeff Miller stated he walked as far as he could on the proposed Deer Creek trail. XII. COMMENTS BY STAFF Ron Flake said we need to talk with the County about the match for Dietz Road. Wes Suiter said baby Suiter is expected in February. Rudy Farias stated Truck Bids would be opened October 3rd,and the City Secretary/Receptionist position would close October 2nd. Keith Gilbreath thanked City Council for the Re-inspection Ordinance. Said it has cut back the number of re-inspections. M. COMMENTS BY MAYOR Mayor said we need to continue to watch the Park situation. XIV ADJOURNMENT Bob Glisar made the motion. APPROVED AND ADOPTED ON THE $1'k DAY OF OC,i_ be_( 11996. JWA HONORABLE SAM BAUDER,MAYOR ATTEST: RUDIqENE FARIAS, CITY SECRETARY