Min CC 10/08/1996 MINUTES OF CITY COUNCIL MEETING THE CITY COUNCIL OF CIBOLO CONDUCTED A REGULARLY SCHEDULED MEETING ON TUESDAY,OCTOBER 8,1996 AT 7:00 P.M.AT THE MUNICIPAL BUILDING,109 SOUTH MAIN STREET,CIBOLO,TEXAS. THE FOLLOWING WAS THE ORDER OF BUSINESS: I. CALL TO ORDER. Mayor Sam Bauder called the meeting to order at 7:00 P.M. II. ROLL CALL. Present were Mayor Bauder, and Councilmen Jeff Miller,Bob Glisar,Mark Buell, Chuck Ridge and Councilwoman Gail Douglas. Staff was represented by Chief of Police Wes Suiter,Public Works Director Keith Gilbreath and City Administrator Rudy Farias. III. INVOCATION. Bob Glisar provided the invocation. IV. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE. Mayor Bauder led the pledge. V. CITIZENS TO BE HEARD. (LIMIT 31VIINUTES EACH) Mr.Bob Weston passed out a flier to City Council and the Audience. The flier listed the top ten reasons not to build the proposed baseball fields at Dobie Intermediate School. VI. CONSENSUS ITEMS: A.APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF SEPTEMBER 24,1996 Bob Glisar motioned for approval. Seconded by Chuck Ridge. Approved. B. APPROVAL OF CHECK REGISTER FOR SEPTEMBER 1996 Jeff Miller motioned for approval. Seconded by Chuck Ridge. Approved. VII. CHECK PRESENTATION FROM CIBOLO FEST Mari Jeffries presented a check for$2,500 to the City Council on behalf of Cibolo Fest. The check is the first installment made to repay the$50,000 match paid by the City of Cibolo for Niemietz Park improvements. VIII. RESOLUTION SUPPORTING THE USE OF TAX ABATEMENTS Rudy Farias read the resolution. Gail Douglas motioned for approval. Seconded by Jeff Miller. Approved. IX. PRESENTATION BY BATES CONTAINER CONCERNING PROSPECTIVE TAX ABATEMENT Rudy Farias reported that Ted Liljenwall representing Bates Container telephoned City Hall and requested the presentation be moved to October 22, 1996. Tabled by Mayor Sam Bauder. X. DISCUSSION/ACTION ON PUBLIC WORKS TRUCK BID#PW-96 Rudy Farias reported only two companies bided on the truck. Clarification was given to Council about the two bid packages. Council felt the bids were too high and that the bid specifications were strictly written leaving out other dealerships from bidding. Keith Gilbreath recommended to Council all bids be rejected and the truck be re-bided due to the strict limitations placed on the truck. Jeff Miller motioned to refuse all bids and re-bid the truck. Seconded by Mark Buell. Approved. XI. DISCUSSION/ACTION ON AN ORDINANCE CHANGING SPEED LIMITS FOR FM 78 FROM WEST CITY LIMITS TO EAST CITY LIMITS AS SET BY TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Wes Suiter reported to Council that Texas Department of Transportation had prepared new speed limits for FM 78 through Cibolo. Mark motioned for approval of changing the speed limits to those set by the Texas Department of Transportation on FM 78. Seconded by Bob Glisar. Approved. XII. DISCUSSION/ACTION AUTHORIZING A CITY GARAGE SALE Rudy Farias advised Council that a garage sale was being requested to alleviate the City of some of its surplus office supplies such as old desk. Mark Buell asked where the proceeds would be spent. Rudy Farias said to purchase Christmas decorations for the City since Cibolo is the only City in the area lacking decorations to celebrate the holidays. Gail Douglas motioned for approval. Seconded by Mark Buell. Approved. XIII. COMMENTS BY COUNCIL MEMBERS Mark Buell stated Cibolo Fest is October 19th. Fliers were handed out in Deer Creek and Thistle Creek. Citizens want a park in the Deer Creek/Thistle Creek area. A Town Meeting is needed to have all citizens discuss parks and where they may want them. Dobie Intermediate School was suggested as the place for the Town Meeting. Chuck Ridge addressed his concerns about granting variances. Also stated,if a developer wants to submit plats,they need to pay fees and present plans as a reviews. Jeff Miller said he was appointed to the Taste and Odor Committee of the CRWA. He said there is no danger presented by the odor. (This is in reference to the treated water at Lake Dunlap.) Mr.Miller also commented on the restrooms being closed at Niemietz Park Sunday at 12:30 p.m. If the restrooms are going to be locked, a sign needs to be placed on the door letting patrons know about the back restrooms. XVI. COMMENTS BY STAFF All comments were presented in the reports to Council XV. COMMENTS BY MAYOR Mayor Bauder said City Hall will be open Columbus Day. Also,Universal City will have their Veterans Day parade November 11th. Mayor Bauder said the Town Meeting is a great idea and it would serve to get a pulse of the community as to what they want. Lastly,the Mayor will attend the Planning and Zoning meeting October 15th. XVI. ADJOURNMENT Bob Glisar made the motion. APPROVED AND ADOPTED ON THE 2 DAY OF D CA O b e C 11996. HONORABLE SAM BADDER,MA OR ATTEST: b RUDY RENE FARIAS,CITY SECRETARY