Min CC 10/22/1996 ar- MINUTES OF CITY COUNCIL MEETING THE CITY COUNCIL OF CIBOLO CONDUCTED A REGULARLY SCHEDULED MEETING ON TUESDAY,OCTOBER 22,1996 AT 7:00 P.M.AT THE MUNICIPAL BUILDING,109 SOUTH MAIN STREET,CIBOLO,TEXAS.THE FOLLOWING WAS THE ORDER OF BUSINESS: I. CALL TO ORDER. Mayor Sam Bauder called the meeting to order at 7:00 P.M. II. ROLL CALL. Present were Mayor Bauder,and Council persons Jeff Miller,Bob Glisar,Mark Buell, Chuck Ridge and Gail Douglas. Staff was represented by Chief of Police Wes Suiter,Public Works Director Keith Gilbreath, City Attorney Ron Flake and City Administrator Rudy Farias. III. INVOCATION. Bob Glisar provided the invocation. IV. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE. Mayor Bauder led the pledge. V. CITIZENS TO BE HEARD. (LIMIT 3 MINUTES EACH) None. VI. CONSENSUS ITEMS: A. APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF OCTOBER 8,1996 Jeff Miller motioned for approval. Seconded by Chuck Ridge. Approved. VII. PRESENTATION BY BOB COVINGTON ON THE PROPOSED JUVENILE JUSTICE CENTER Bob Covington presented an information session about the benefits of the proposed Juvenile Justice Center. Larry Jones concluded the presentation with the cons of the proposed 4.5 million Juvenile Justice Center. VIII. PRESENTATION BY BATES CONTAINER CONCERNING PROSPECTIVE TAX ABATEMENT Bates Container called and asked the presentation be tabled until a later date. Mayor Bauder tabled the presentation. e- - IX. DISCUSSION/ACTION ON AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE 430 TO PROVIDE FOR A LONGER TERM AND ADDING A TERMINATION CLAUSE TO THE SOUTHWESTERN BELL TELEPHONE AGREEMENT City Attorney Ron Flake recommended the Council table the agenda item until further information is collected. Mayor Bauder tabled the agenda item. X. RESOLUTION IN SUPPORT OF A GRANT APPLICATION SEEKING ADDITIONAL FUNDING FROM THE LOWER COLORADO RIVER AUTHORITY TO CONSTRUCT A 5,000 SQUARE FOOT PAVILION AT NIEMIETZ PARK Rudy R.Farias updated Council on a grant proposal request written to LCRA in the amount of$100,000. The$100,000 will be used to construct the proposed pavilion with kitchen facilities to original specifications. The specifications being a pavilion 100'x 50',with kitchen facilities. Mark Buell motioned for approval. Seconded by Jeff Miller. Approved. M. SEMIANNUAL REPORT BY THE CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS CON%IlTTEE WITH RESPECT TO IMPACT FEES Rudy R.Farias reported the Capital Improvements Committee met and recommended leaving status quo due to the collection of zero dollars collected on impact fees. Fees will be paid on the next approved plat and on all homes beginning November 14, 1996. XII. PRELIMINARY PLAT REVIEW OF DEER CREEK SECTION I PHASE II Keith Gilbreath reviewed and discussed the plat with council. Issues addressed were the driveways on Deer Meadow Blvd,lot sizes,telephone easement,sanitary easements,and the radius of the cal-de-sacs. M. EXECUTIVE SESSION Executive Session was called to order at 8:15 p.m. PURSUANT TO SECTION 551.072 OF THE TEXAS GOVERNMENT CODE CONCERNING DISCUSSIONS ON PURCHASES OF REAL PROPERTY A. DISCUSSION ON EXCHANGE OF PROPERTY FOR FUTURE CITY PARK EXPANSION/IMPROVEMENTS B. RECONVENE FOR NECESSARY ACTION Executive Session reconvened at 8:40 p.m. Jeff Miller motioned to resume with the original park plan. Bob Glisar Seconded. Approved. Rudy R.Farias was asked to write a letter to the School District retracting the Dobie Park Plan since the Greenshire site is still not resolved. XIV. COMMENTS BY COUNCIL MEMBERS Bob Glisar said the Jack Tokar plaque was real nice as was Cibolo Fest. Mark Buell stated this was the best Cibolo Fest ever. There was a huge crowd of family with their children. Said the Mayor did a great job as M.C. Mr.Buell thanked Council,the volunteers,city staff. Stated Robert went out of his way,and the police had no incidence. Concluded by stating he would have another report for Council. Jeff Miller apologized for not volunteering at Cibolo Fest;Stated he had eye surgery. XV. COMMENTS BY STAFF None. XVI. COMMENTS BY MAYOR Mayor Bauder commented on the wonderful time he had at Cibolo Fest. XVII. ADJOURNMENT Bob Glisar made the motion. 1- APPROVED AND ADOPTED ON THE 12. DAY OF 1996. HONORABLE SAM BAUDER,MAYOR ATTEST: 0-L' RUDY AANE FARIAS,CITY SECRETARY