Min CC 11/12/1996 MINUTES OF CITY COUNCIL MEETING THE CITY COUNCIL OF CIBOLO CONDUCTED A REGULARLY SCHEDULED MEETING ON TUESDAY,NOVEMBER 12,1996 AT 7:00 P.M.AT THE MUNICIPAL BUILDING,109 SOUTH MAIN STREET,CIBOLO,TEXAS. THE FOLLOWING WAS THE ORDER OF BUSINESS: I. CALL TO ORDER. Mayor Sam Bauder called the meeting to order at 7:00 P.M. II. ROLL CALL. Present were Mayor Bauder,and Council Persons Jeff Miller,Bob Glisar,Mark Buell, Chuck Ridge and Gail Douglas. Staff was represented by Chief of Police Wes Suiter,Public Works Director Keith Gilbreath, City Treasurer Phyllis Smith,City Attorney Ron Flake and City Administrator Rudy Farias. in. INVOCATION. Bob Glisar provided the invocation. IV. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE. Mayor Bauder led the pledge. V. CITIZENS TO BE HEARD. (LIMIT 3 MINUTES EACH) None. VI. CONSENSUS ITEMS: A. APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF OCTOBER 22, 1996 Jeff Miller motioned for approval. Seconded by Mark Buell. Approved. B APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF OCTOBER 25,1996 Jeff Miller motioned for approval. Seconded by Mark Buell. Approved. C. APPROVAL OF CHECK REGISTER FOR OCTOBER Jeff Miller motioned for approval. Seconded by Mark Buell. Approved. VII. DISCUSSION/ACTION ON REQUEST BY CIBOLO CREEK YOUTH FOOTBALL AND CHEERLEADING PROGRAM TO USE NIEMIETZ PARK BASEBALL FIELD LIGHTS FOR FOOTBALL PRACTICE AT NO CHARGE OR A REDUCED RATE Jeff Miller started the discussion by asking about liability. Mark Buell asked if the baseball field could be used for football practice. Discussion continued concerning park policy,rental fees,and recreational uses. L , Ron Flake suggested Council develop a park policy and answered liability questions. Keith Gilbreath addressed use of the softball field for football practice. Mark Buell made a motion recommending denial of waiving park fees. Seconded by Jeff Miller. Approved. VIII. DISCUSSION/ACTION ON INSURANCE PROVIDER FOR CITY EMPLOYEES FOR 1997 Bob Feike presented to Council a no increase in the City's PPO plan. Also stated doctors which had been on the list of participating doctors and left last year,have now returned to the list for this year. Bob Glisar motioned to approve staying with the City's insurance provider for 1997. Seconded by Mark Buell. Approved. IX. APPROVE/DISAPPROVE CHANGING STATUS OF OFFICER CALLOWAY LAWSON FROM UNPAID REGULAR POLICE OFFICER TO FULL TIME PAID POLICE OFFICER TO FILL COPS GRANT POSITION Jeff Miller recommended approval of changing Calloway Lawson from unpaid regular police officer to full time paid police officer Seconded by Gail Douglas. Approved. X. APPROVE/DISAPPROVE 1996 TAX ROLL AS REPORTED BY GUADALUPE COUNTY TAX ASSESSOR BETTY BOYD Chuck Ridge motioned for approval of the 1996 tax roll. Seconded by Bob Glisar. Approved. XI. DISCUSSION/ACTION TO RIDE CITY OF SAN ANTONIO'S BID TO PURCHASE A PUBLIC WORKS HALF TON PICKUP TRUCK Rudy Farias reported on San Antonio's bid information and recommended to Council that the riding of San Antonio's bid be rejected and the City of Cibolo go out for a second bid with less stringent specifications. Mark Buell recommended disapproval of riding San Antonio's bid for a public works truck. Seconded by Bob Glisar. Approved. XII. APPROVE/DISAPPROVE CONSTRUCTION OF A NEW FRONT COUNTER FOR THE CITY MUNICIPAL BUILDING Keith Gilbreath presented to Council the project. Rudy Farias explained the purpose of the project. Mark Buell recommended approval of the new front counter. Seconded by Jeff Miller. Approved. XIII. DISCUSSION/ACTION ON TEXPOOL REVISIONS AND CONTINUED PARTICIPATION Rudy Farias presented the changes. There was discussion about the changes. Ron Flake answered questions. Council stated they were happy with Texpool returns. Jeff Miller recommended approval of the Texpool revisions and continued participation with Texpool. Seconded by Bob Glisar. Approved. XIV. RESOLUTION AMENDING AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVES TO TEXPOOL (ADDING RUDY R.FARIAS TO THE LIST OF AUTHORIZED PERSONNEL) Bob Glisar recommended approval adding Rudy R Farias to the authorized list of representatives to Texpool. Seconded by Mark Buell. Approved. XV. DISCUSSION/ACTION GRANTING RUDY R.FARIAS THE AUTHORITY TO TRANSFER FUNDS FROM NORWEST BANK Mark Buell recommended authorizing Rudy R.Farias to transfer funds from Norwest Bank. Seconded by Chuck Ridge. Approved. XVI. DISCUSSION/ACTION TO ADVERTISE IN THE 1996-1997 GREATER AUSTIN- SAN ANTONIO CORRIDOR COUNCIL BUSINESS REFERRAL GUIDE Rudy R.Farias presented information and made a recommendation to disprove advertising as a single city in the Corridor Business Referral Guide and seek advertising through the Northeast Partnership Jeff Miller motioned to disprove advertising in the Greater Austin-San Antonio Corridor Council Business Referral Guide. Seconded by Mark Buell. Approved. XVII. DISCUSSION/ACTION ON AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE 430 TO PROVIDE FOR A LONGER TERM AND ADDING A TERMINATION CLAUSE TO THE SOUTHWESTERN BELL TELEPHONE AGREEMENT Tabled by the Mayor. XVIII. PRESENTATION BY BATES CONTAINER CONCERNING PROSPECTIVE TAX ABATEMENT Tabled by the Mayor. XIV. COMMENTS BY COUNCIL MEMBERS Mark Buell asked about the drainage project. Also said we need to look and plan for the future. Chuck Ridge asked about the garage sale. XX. COMMENTS BY STAFF Rudy R.Farias said the garage sale made$112.00. The proceeds will buy Christmas lights for City Hall and the Police Department. Also,LCRA visited Niemietz Park and the field representative was impressed with the park and the application. Informed Council that Mr.Mueller is a former supervisor. Mr.Mueller owns the land on the west side of Niemietz Park. Will talk with him about possible land for the park. XXI. COMMENTS BY MAYOR Mayor Bauder asked to look into the possible purchase or dedication of land from Mr.Mueller. Also said we need to plan for the future and begin looking for a Municipal Complex site. 3XII. ADJOURNMENT Bob Glisar made the motion. APPROVED AND ADOPTED ON THE DAY OF o V ev,�Z( , 1996. HONORABLE SAM BAUDER,MAY R ATTEST: — RUD NE FARIAS,CITY SECRETARY