Min CC 12/10/1996 A MINUTES OF CITY COUNCIL MEETING THE CITY COUNCIL OF CIBOLO CONDUCTED A REGULARLY SCHEDULED MEETING ON TUESDAY,DECEMBER 10,1996 AT 7:00 P.M.AT THE MUNICIPAL BUILDING,109 SOUTH MAIN STREET,CIBOLO,TEXAS.THE FOLLOWING WAS THE ORDER OF BUSINESS: I. CALL TO ORDER. Mayor Sam Bauder called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. H. ROLL CALL. Present were Mayor Bauder,and Councilmen Jeff Miller,Bob Glisar,Mark Buell and Chuck Ridge and Councilwoman Gail Douglas. Staff was represented by Chief of Police Wes Suiter,Public Works Director Keith Gilbreath, City Attorney Ron Flake, City Treasurer Phyllis Smith and City Administrator Rudy Farias. III. INVOCATION. Bob Glisar provided the invocation. IV PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE. Mayor Bauder led the pledge. V. CITIZENS TO BE HEARD. (LIMIT 3 MINUTES EACH) None. VI. CONSENSUS ITEMS: A. APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF NOVEMBER 26,1996 Chuck Ridge motioned for approval. Seconded by Mark Buell. Approved. B APPROVAL OF CHECK REGISTER FOR NOVEMBER 1996 Jeff Miller motioned for approval. Seconded by Bob Glisar. Approved. VII. PRESENTATION UPDATE BY MARICELA ESPINOZA-GARCIA OF PARAGON CABLE Director of Public Affairs Maricela Espinoza-Garcia of Paragon Cable,reported on the companies third quarter endings. Cable is entering into telephony and currently provides service to 3,600 customers throughout San Antonio The Fiber Optic project is scheduled to be completed in 1998,two years earlier than originally intended. Cable has filed for deregulation based on effective competition from OmniVision, (formerly Cablemaxx). As to date,the FCC has not ruled on Paragons request. 1 — DO-44- VIII. PRESENTATION BY DAVID DENNIS ON CCMA David Dennis presented to Council a reintroduction to CCMA and their goals. Mr. Dennis began with the history of CCMA, then proceeded to the treatment plant, followed by capital investment and the administrative side of CCMA. Mr Dennis concluded with the need for sewer to continue moving east in the City of Cibolo in order to bring the treatment plant closer to capacity. Currently,the plant is operating at 50 percent capacity. If capacity is not increased in the future, sewer rates may increase. The last sewer rate increase was in 1984. IX. FINAL PLAT REVIEW OF ROYAL OAKS ACRES II Keith Gilbreath introduced the plat. Mark Vaughn requested the plat be reviewed and given approval as a preliminary plat. City Attorney Ron Flake said the plat could be reviewed as a preliminary plat. Mark Vaughn proceeded and passed out a sketch of lots 8 and 9 of Block 4 showing the houses and septic systems out of the 100 year flood plain. Discussion continued concerning floodway, drainage right of way, septic systems,the Persimmon bridge, sidewalks,curbs and gutters,and flood calculations. Gail Douglas motioned to approve the preliminary plat with the understanding that the items written are addressed. (Lots 1,2,3 of Block 5 and Lots 8 and 9 of Block 4 in the floodway,Bridge, Sidewalks,Curbs and Gutters-Page 12& 13 of the City Council Agenda Packet). Seconded by Bob Glisar. Approved. X. DISCUSSION/ACTION ON PUBLIC WORKS TRUCK BID#PW-97 Discussion by Council members about the bids occurred. Proximity questions in reference to the Ford and Chevrolet service centers were asked. Discussion continued. Ron Flake addressed legal questions. Bob Glisar motion to award Ancira Winton Chevrolet the bid for$14,188 to purchase a public works truck. Seconded by Gail Douglas. Approved. XI. DISCUSSION/ACTION ON PARK RECREATION BUILDING BID#PR-96 Keith Gilbreath informed Council the only bid received on the recreation building was for the City to pay $5,172 for the sale of the building. Keith Gilbreath recommended rebidding or allow the public works department to salvage the wood and construct a storage building at the City yard. Council deliberated. Jeff Miller motioned to reject the bid and rebid the building a second time. Seconded by Mark Buell. Approved. XII. DISCUSSION/ACTION ON THE PURCHASE OF ACCOUNTING SOFTWARE The Mayor introduced the topic and Rudy Farias discussed the information in the agenda packet. Phyllis Smith answered questions. Discussion continued. Jeff Miller motioned to approve the purchase of accounting software. Seconded by Gail Douglas. Approved. Ar d XIII. DISCUSSION/ACTION ON A CHANGE ORDER FOR THE MAIN STREET DRAINAGE PROJECT The Mayor began the discussion. City Engineer Ed Ford answered questions. The paving of the culverts was addressed and the draining of the alley behind Schlather Street. Discussion continued concerning the cost of lowering the drainage culverts and the final measurements of the project. Gail Douglas motioned to table this agenda item. Seconded by Chuck Ridge. Approved. XIV. DISCUSSION/ACTION ON AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE 430 TO PROVIDE FOR A LONGER TERM AND ADDING A TERMINATION CLAUSE TO THE SOUTHWESTERN BELL TELEPHONE AGREEMENT Ron Flake introduced the agenda item and recommended the termination clause be extended from 90 days to 120 days allowing for more time for the City. Council began discussing the termination clause. Council decided to extend the termination clause to six months. Jeff Miller motioned to approve the amendments to Ordinance No.430 with the change in Section 1 of page 1;ninety(90)days be changed to one hundred eighty(180)days. Seconded by Mark Buell. Approved. XV. RESOLUTION IN SUPPORT OF A GRANT APPLICATION SEEKING FUNDING FROM TEXAS PARKS AND WILDLIFE TO HOST A SUMMER YOUTH PROGRAM Rudy Farias advised Council the resolution supported$6,000 in funding and not$5,000 as presented in the agenda packet. Jeff Miller motioned to approve the resolution. Seconded by Bob Glisar Approved. XVI. COMMENTS BY COUNCIL MEMBERS None. XVII. COMMENTS BY STAFF Police Chief Wes Suiter commented on the no parking signs which were recommended by the Planning and Zoning Commission and accepted by City Council in the approval of Deer Creek Section I Phase H. Wes Suiter asked why they were to be placed on the side of Deer Meadow Blvd where there are currently houses. Chief Suiter also informed Council of a recent school attended covering the Patriot Movement. XVIII. COMMENTS BY MAYOR Mayor Bauder canceled the December 24, 1996 City Council meeting. (In the event of an emergency,City Council will meet December 24, 1996. M. ADJOURNMENT Bob Glisar made the motion. APPROVED AND ADOPTED ON THE I q DAY OF -j0 h u e,t 199-f HONORABLE SAM BADDER,MAYO ATTEST: RUDY RENE FARIAS,CITY SECRETARY