Min CC 4/25/2023t of C/A
rfx 0,
'City of Choice
200 S. Main
Cibolo, Texas 78108
April 25, 2023
6:30 p.m. to 10:30 p.m.
1. Call to Order— Meering was called to order by Mayor Allen at 6:31 p.m.
2. Roll Call and Excused Absences — Council Present: Mayor Allen, Councilman Benson,
Councilman Roberts, Councilman Mahoney, Councilwoman Cunningham, Councilman Hetzel,
and Councilman Hicks.
3. Invocation - Invocation was given by Councilman Mahoney.
4. Pledge of Allegiance — All in attendance recited the Pledge of Allegiance.
5. Proclamation
A. Proclamation to the Cibolo Spartans Football Team.
Councilman Hicks read the Proclamation for the Cibolo Spartans Football Team.
6. Citizens to be Heard
This is the only time during the Council Meeting that a citizen can address the City Council. It
is the opportunity for visitors and guests to address the City Council on any issue to include
agenda items. All visitors wishing to speak must fill out the Sign -In Roster prior to the start of
the meeting. The City Council may not debate any non -agenda issue, nor may any action be taken
on any non -agenda issue at this time; however, the City Council may present any factual response
to items brought up by citizens. (Attorney General Opinion — JC -0169) (Limit of three minutes
each.) All remarks shall be addressed to the Council as a body. Remarks may also be addressed
to any individual member of the Council so long as the remarks are (i) about matters of local
public concern and (ii) not disruptive to the meeting or threatening to the member or any attendee.
Any person violating this policy may be requested to leave the meeting, but no person may be
requested to leave or forced to leave the meeting because of the viewpoint expressed. This
meeting is livestreamed. If anyone would like to make comments on any matter regarding
the City of Cibolo or on an agenda item and have this item read at this meeting, please
emailycimics6Wbolota.eov and vchaamanna,cibolotx.eov or telephone 210-566-6111
before 5:00 pm the date of the meeting.
The following individuals spoke at citizens to be heard.
Mr. King spoke on the rezoning of property on Main Street from residential to commercial. He
would like to know what was being planned for the properties if rezoning was approved. Mrs.
Lowman also spoke on the rezoning of homes on Main Street. She stated that her family moved
to Cibolo over 35 years ago. Mrs. Lowman stated that her family has three properties and is
confused by all the newsletters that have been sent out on this rezoning. Ms. Titterington from
the Chamber talked about the events for the remainder of the month. Mr. McGlothin thanked
Mayor Allen for going to Austin and speaking on HB 1613. He also spoke on item 11I and stated
he was confused about why we needed a sub -committee. We need to let staff and members of
the committees, commissions, and boards do their job that they were hired or appointed to do.
Ms. Beck talked about commercial property with residential homes located directly behind. She
talked about crime rate in her neighborhood is low and would like to keep it that way. Ms. Beck
would limit businesses that were less invasive. Ms. Potts stated that she had driven around the
area wanting to be rezoned. She felt that both the homeowners and developers for this rezoning
are just being greedy. Mr. J. Lowman sent in an email that was read by the City Secretary. She
opposed the rezoning of all properties on Main Street and the property on Buffalo Trail. Ms.
Lowman had several items she was concerned with to include construction noise, dust,
chemicals, people lingering around, increase in crime, increase in property taxes, disruption of
peace, and many more items.
7. Public Hearing
A. The City of Cibolo City Council will conduct a public hearing to hear public testimony
regarding a rezoning of the following properties: 615 N Main Street, 613 N Main Street, 611
N Main Street, 609 N Main Street, 607 N Main Street, 605 N Main Street, 603 N Main Street,
601 N Main Street, 599 N Main Street, 597 N Main Street, 595 N Main Street, 593 N Main
Street, and 101 Buffalo Trail, from the current zoning of High Density Residential (SF -6) to
Community Retail/Service (C-2).
Mayor Allen opened the Public Hearing at 6:55 p.m. The following individuals spoke on this
item: Ms. Sherwood and her mother Ms. Hood spoke in opposition to the rezoning. Ms.
Sherwood stated that quality of life matters and their subdivision was never intended to be
commercial. We have drainage issues now and what will happen when property is turned
into commercial. Who will pay the cost of flooding the homes in the area behind the
commercial properties? Ms. Sherman also spoke on the roads that are already busy and with
more commercial will bring additional traffic and congestion. They would like to see Cibolo
grow but not in this area. Ms. Jennings spoke in opposition to the rezoning. She stated that
her mom has lived in this area for a long time and would not be able to move. Ms. Dicarlo
was opposed to the rezoning of the properties on Main Street and the property on Buffalo
Trail. She opposed the rezoning due to increased taxes, depreciation of her home, noise,
traffic, dust, trash, crime, and delivery trucks. Ms. Dicarlo stated that she cannot afford to
move and wants to stay in her home. She wants her neighborhood to stay in a peaceful safe
environment. Mr. Dicarlo also opposed the rezoning. He was fine with rezoning from the
Bowling Alley on Main Street down to FM 78 as many of these homes have already been
converted to commercial. He also spoke of the flooding issue and thought that commercial
businesses would increase the flooding that already occurs in this neighborhood. His family
is happy where they are and do not want to move. Ms. Latimer spoke on the rezoning and
stated that the FEMA map extends to Apache Circle and Buffalo Trail. She also stated that
the FLUM in 2016 had the Gilbert tract as commercial (HEB property) and the homes on
Main Street as residential. Ms. Latimer said that but changing the Main Street homes to
commercial you take away the peaceful life of the long-term residents of Cibolo. Ms. Wiley
also spoke in opposition to the rezoning. She states that everyone just wants to live in peace.
C2 to Cl does not matter its greed just to make money. The homeowners knew when they
bought their homes it was residential property. Ms. Wiley also spoke on flooding issues they
already have in this area. All the neighborhood wants is to live in peace and quiet. We do not
want any changes. Mr. McGlothin stated that he had met with some of the homeowners that
live on Main Street. He said that many of those homes sell for 300,000 to 500,000 as
residential property but as a commercial property they could get 750,000 or more which is
huge and a life changing money for those homeowners. Mr. McGlothin also stated that they
have a problem backing out on to Main Street due to the traffic. He also understood the
homeowners that live behind the Main Street homes and how commercial would affect them.
Ms. Fox made the statement that the life changing money for those on Main Street is just
greed. She said that we elect you to council to help protect us. Cibolo has enough inventory
of commercial property available. Mayor Allen closed the public hearing at 7:33 p.m. There
were still a couple of individuals wanting to speak so Mayor Allen re -opened the public
hearing at 7:34 p.m. Mr. Toliver stated that he was under contract for two of the homes on
Main Street. He had a meeting across the street with neighbors adjacent to these properties
and did not realize that it conflicted with the scheduled council meeting. Mr. Hood spoke on
the rezoning to Cl and listed some of the types of businesses that could go into this area to
include beauty salons, barber shops, drug stores, and restaurants. Mr. Hood did not think that
the property on Main Street should be allowed to be rezoned too commercial. Mayor Allen
closed the public hearing at 7:37 p.m.
8. Consent Agenda— Consent Items (General Items)
(All items listed below are considered to be routine and non -controversial by the council and
will be approved by one motion. There will be no separate discussion of these items unless a
Council member requests, in which case the item will be removed from the consent agenda.)
A. Approval of the minutes of the regular City Council Meeting held on April 11, 2023.
B. Approval of the Final Plat of Homestead Subdivision Units 13 and Unit 14.
Councilwoman Cunningham made the motion to approve the consent agenda. Motion was
seconded by Councilman Hicks. For: All; Against: None. Motion carried 6 to 0.
9. Staff Update
A. Administration
a. Recruitment process
ACM recruitment is active and will be pushed to the internet, social media, and
professional network.
b. RFQs and RFPs
City Hall HVAC/Remodel — construction will start on June 50h and timeline is roughly 6
months. Finding locations and accommodations for the service areas to relocate during
the 6 -month period, while still serving our customers.
Animal Services — Council approved the contract for design on March 14`h. On schedule
to return to Council in June.
CEDC Strategic Plan — CEDC awarded contract on April 20`h and will go before council
on May 90h.
IH -10 Corridor Plan — Contract approved April 20 will go to council May 91h.
Public Safety Facility — Council on May 9'h (Good, Better or Best) options.
c. CIP Update
Cibolo Valley Drive - Remains on scheduled. Segment three pavement to start soon.
Haeckerville & Town Creek Drainage Phase II — Remains on schedule and within budget.
PW Facility — Remains on schedule. Metal frames have been erected.
Tolle Road — LAN is currently revising design to meet with Council direction.
6 Road repairs — Arias to review the Geotech report for the nine roads. Staff working to
Prepare for Council Sub -Committee meeting May 9`h.
d. Comprehensive Plan Website
Website live for Town Hall this Thursday.
e. Public Facing Town Hall Meeting Topics — 4/27
Town Hall will be 6pm to 8pm. Topics in Quality of Life, Online Services, Animal
Services, Building Services, City Council Information & Volunteering Opportunities,
Neighborhood Services, and Capital Improvement Projects.
B. Public Works Department
10. Resolution
A. Approval/Disapproval of a Resolution of the City Council of the City of Cibolo, Texas,
supporting House Bill 1613 and Senate Bill 748 for the State of Texas.
Councilman Hicks made the motion to approve a Resolution of the City Council of the City
of Cibolo, Texas, supporting House Bill 1613 and Senate Bill 748 for the State of Texas.
Motion was seconded by Councilman Mahoney. A roll call vote was taken - Councilman
Benson — Yes, Councilman Roberts — Yes, Councilman Mahoney — Yes, Councilwoman
Cunningham — Yes, Councilman Hetzel — Yes, and Councilman Hicks — Yes. Motion carried
11. Discussion/Action
A. Appointment of Mr. Paul Peek to the Board of Adjustment and the Capital Improvement
Committee (CIP).
Councilman Hicks made the motion to appoint Mr. Peek to the Board of Adjustment. Motion
was seconded by Councilman Roberts. A roll call vote was taken — Councilman Hicks — Yes,
Councilman Hetzel — Yes, Councilwoman Cunningham — Yes, Councilman Mahoney — Yes,
Councilman Roberts — Yes, and Councilman Benson— Yes. Motion carried 6 to 0.
Councilman Hicks made the motion to appoint Mr. Peek to the Capital Improvement
Committee. Motion was seconded by Councilman Benson. A roll call vote was taken —
Councilman Benson — Yes, Councilman Roberts — Yes, Councilman Mahoney — Yes,
Councilwoman Cunningham— Yes, Councilman Hetzel —Yes, and Councilman Hicks —Yes.
Motion carried 6 to 0.
B. Discussion/Action regarding an update to the City of Cibolo and Guadalupe County 1445
Agreement dealing with subdivision process in the City's Extraterritorial Jurisdiction (ETJ).
Councilman Hicks made the motion to approve an update to the City of Cibolo and
Guadalupe County 1445 Agreement dealing with subdivision process in the City's
Extraterritorial Jurisdiction (ETJ). Motion was seconded by Councilwoman Cunningham. A
roll call vote was taken - Councilman Benson — Yes, Councilman Roberts — Yes, Councilman
Mahoney — Yes, Councilwoman Cunningham — Yes, Councilman Hetzel — Yes, and
Councilman Hicks — Yes. Motion carried 6 to 0.
C. Discussion/Action on the Annual Comprehensive Financial Report for fiscal year ended
September 30, 2022.
Councilman Hicks made the motion to approve the Annual Comprehensive Financial
Report for fiscal year ended September 30, 2022. Motion was seconded by Councilwoman
Cunningham. A roll call vote was taken - Councilman Hicks — Yes, Councilman Hetzel —
Yes, Councilwoman Cunningham — Yes, Councilman Mahoney — Yes, Councilman
Roberts — Yes, and Councilman Benson — Yes. Motion carried 6 to 0.
D. Discussion on the solutions for internal control risks related to cash collections, identified in
the FY 21 audit.
Ms. Miranda explained the new procedure that both the Utility Department and Court will
use for the solutions for internal control risks related to cash collections, identified in the FY
21 audit.
E. Discussion/Action regarding a painted wall sign permit application located at 275 Pfeil Road.
Councilwoman Cunningham made the motion to approve a painted wall sign permit
application located at 275 Pfeil Road. Motion was seconded by Councilman Benson. A roll
vote was taken - Councilman Hicks — Yes, Councilman Hetzel — Yes, Councilwoman
Cunningham — Yes, Councilman Mahoney — Yes, Councilman Roberts — Yes, and
Councilman Benson— Yes. Motion carried 6 to 0.
F. Discussion/Action on clarifying City Council Strategic Plan item 4.1 "Promote active
lifestyles for all ages by providing opportunities to recreate," specifically a definition of "bike
friendly companies" for goal 4.1.5.
Ms. Lee went over this item which was discussed with Council during the Strategic Plan
Workshop back in March of this year. Councilman Hicks made the motion to try and recruit
a bike shop for Cibolo. Motion was seconded by Councilwoman Cunningham. A roll call
was taken - Councilman Benson — Yes, Councilman Roberts — Yes, Councilman Mahoney —
Yes, Councilwoman Cunningham Yes, Councilman Hetzel — Yes, and Councilman Hicks
— Yes. Motion carried 6 to 0.
G. Discussion/Action on initiating an update to the Council's Strategic Plan from FY23-25 to
The Council all agreed to continue to hold special meetings on the Strategic Plan from FY23
to FY26. The City Secretary will work with the City Manager to schedule dates in June, July,
and August.
H. Presentation of the 2022 Annual Racial Profiling Report.
Interim Police Chief Wells presented the 2022 Annual Racial Profiling Report to the City
I. Discussion/Action on creating a Council Sub -Committee for the Planning and Zoning
Councilman Benson made the motion to approve a Sub -Committee for the Planning and
Zoning Commission. This sub -committee will consist of Councilman Benson, Hicks, and
Mahoney. Motion was seconded by Councilwoman Cunningham. A roll call vote was taken
- Councilman Benson — Yes, Councilman Roberts — Yes, Councilman Mahoney — Yes,
Councilwoman Cunningham— Yes, Councilman Hetzel — Yes, and Councilman Hicks— Yes.
Motion carried 6 to 0.
J. Discussion from Councilmembers that have attended seminars, events, or meetings.
Councilman Hicks attended AAMPO meeting. Councilwoman Cunningham, Councilman
Hetzel, and Councilman Roberts attended the Land Swap meeting.
K. Discussion on items the City Council would like to see on future agendas.
Councilman Hicks requested an update on the crosswalk for Main Street in the downtown
area. He also requested that a line item be placed in the budget for funds received from the
Parks Committee events be earmarked for future events for Parks. Councilman Hicks would
also like a proclamation on the next agenda for Motorcycle Awareness. Councilwoman
Cunningham requested an item on Council grants and procedures for proclamations.
Councilwoman Cunningham would like to see a process that Council or staff would use to
recognize individuals, businesses, or organizations.
L. Discussion/Action on the review and confirmation of all upcoming special meetings and
workshops and scheduling the time, date and place of additional special meetings or
The council went over the calendars for April and May 2023. The City Secretary reminded
the council that they would be having a council meeting every Tuesday in May except May
30`h. She also informed the council of several other upcoming meetings.
12. Executive Session
The City Council will meet in Executive Session as authorized by the Texas Gov't Code Section
551.087, Economic Development and Section 551.071, Consultation with Attorney to discuss
the following:
A. Economic Development Update
B. Evaluation and Succession Plan of the City Secretary.
The council convened into Executive Session at 7:49 p.m.
13. Open Session
Reconvene into Regular Session and take/or give direction or action, if necessary, on items
discussed in the Executive Session.
The council reconvened into Open Session at 8:22 p.m. No action taken.
14. Adiournment
Councilwoman Cunningham made the motion to adjourn the meeting at 10:05 p.m. Motion
was seconded by Councilman Hicks. For: All; Against: None. Motion carried 6 to 0.
Peggy Cimics. TRMC
City Secretary