Min EDC 1/26/2023abolo*tx �ee�eww srvcwrM�wT c o P 200 South Main Street, P.O. Box 826, Cibolo, Texas 78108 Phone: (210) 658-9900 Fax: (210) 658-1687 v .oibobhc.gov Regular Call Meeting Cibolo Economic Development Corporation CIBOLO MUNICIPAL BUILDING 200 S. MAIN JANUARY 26, 2023 6:30 P.M. fur" ZI I 1. Call to Order — Meeting was called to order by Mr. Thies at 6:41 pm. 2. Roll Call and Excused Absences — Members Present: Mr. Thies, Mr. Triesch, Mr. Foumier, Mr. C. Hicks, Ms. Walker arrived at 6:43 pm, and Mr. Mattingly arrived at 6:51 pm. Member Absent: Ms. Qaiyyim. Mr. Triesch made the motion to excuse the absence of Ms. Qaiyyim. Motion was seconded by Mr. Foumier. For: All; Against: None. Motion carried 4 to 0. 3- Invocation — Moment of Silence- Mr. Thies ask for a Moment of Silence. 4. Pledge of Alle ig ance- All in attendance recited the Pledge of Allegiance. 5. Oath of Office to New Board Member- Mr. Hicks was given the Oath of Office prior to the start of the meeting. 6. Public Hearin¢ The Cibolo Economic Development Corporation will hold a public hearing related to the expenditure of the Corporation's funds for the following projects: A. Strategic Plan 2023-2027 Mr. Thies open the public hearing at 6:44 p.m. No one wish to speak and Mr. Thies closed the public hearing at 6:44 p.m. B. IH -10 Corridor Plan Mr. Thies open the public hearing at 6:44 p.m. No wish to speak and the public hearing was closed by Mr. Thies at 6:44 p.m. 7. Citizens to be Heard (limit remarks to 3 minutes) This is the only time during the CEDC Board Meeting that a citizen can address the Board of Directors. It is the opportunity for visitors and guests to address the Board of Directors on any issue to include agenda items. All visitors wishing to speak must fill out the Sign -In Roster prior to the start of the meeting. The Board of Directors may not debate any non -agenda issue, nor may any action be taken on any non -agenda issue at this time; however, the Board of Directors may present any factual response to items brought up by citizens. (Attorney General Opinion - JC -0169) (Limit of three minutes each.) All remarks shall be addressed to the Board of Directors as a body. Remarks may also be addressed to any individual member of the Board of Directors so long as the remarks are (i) about matters of local public concern and (ii) not disruptive to the meeting or threatening to the member or any attendee. Any person violating this policy may be requested to leave the meeting, but no person may be requested to leave or forced to leave the meeting because of the viewpoint expressed. This meeting is livestreamed. If anyone would like to make comments on any matter regarding the Cibolo EDC or on an agenda item and have this item read at this meeting, please email pcimics@cibolotx.gov and vchapman@cibolotx.gov or telephone 210-566-6111 before 5:00 pm the date of the meeting. No citizens signed up to be heard. 8. Consent Agenda— Consent Items (General Items) (All items listed below are considered to be routine and non -controversial by the Board of Directors and will be approved by one motion. There will be no separate discussion of these items unless a Board Member so requests, in which case the item will be removed from the consent agenda and will be considered individually.) A. Discussion and approval of Minutes for the November 17, 2022, Regular Call Meeting. B. Presentation, discussion, and approval of Financial and Sales Tax Reports for September and October 2022. C. Presentation, discussion, and approval of Reimbursement to the City of Cibolo General Fund for staff time working on Cibolo Economic Development Corporation projects for November and December 2022. D. Presentation, discussion, and approval of the quarterly investment report for the period ending September 2022. Mr. Triesch made the motion to approve the consent agenda. Motion was seconded by Mr. Fournier. For: All; Against: None. Motion carried 5 to 0. 9. Agenda Items for Individual Consideration A. Elections of Officers— President, Vice -President, Secretary, and Treasurer. President: Mr. Fournier made the motion to elect Mr. Thies as the President. Motion was seconded by Ms. Walker. There were no other nominations. Vote was called. For: All; Against: None. Motion carried 5 to 0 for Mr. Thies as President Vice -President: Ms. Walker nominated Mr. Mattingly as Vice -President. Motion was seconded by Mr. Fournier. There were no other nominations. Vote was called. For: All; Against: None. Mr. Mattingly was elected Vice President by a vote of 5 to 0. Secretary: Mr. Fournier nominated himself as Secretary. Motion was seconded by Ms. Walker. There were no other nominations. A vote was taken. For: All; Against: None. Mr. Fournier was elected Secretary by a vote of 5 to 0. Treasurer: Ms. Walker made the motion to nominate Ms. Qaiyyim as Treasurer. Motion was seconded by Mr. Triesch. There were no other nominations. A vote was taken. For: All; Against: None. Motion carried 5 to 0 for Ms. Qaiyyim as Treasurer. B. Presentation, discussion, direction, and/or possible action on entering into an agreement with the Greater San Marcos Partnership (GSMP) for marketing and business attraction services. The Board received a presentation from Ms. Inacio from the Greater San Marcos Partnership for marketing and business attraction services. The had the opportunity to ask questions. The Board decided to wait until the organization has completed their restructure and was ready to brief the board with new ideals and cost. C. Presentation and discussion of the Cibolo Economic Development Corporation's fiscal condition and budget for FY 22. Financial Overview to the Economic Development Corporation. She went over the'/4 cent sales tax authorized in November 2006. The first full year of the taxes was in 2008 with sales tax of $118,710. In fiscal year 2022 last complete year of sales tax was $988,004. In 2021 the Board authorized 4.125 M in bonds for land acquisition. Ms. Miranda went over the Budget vs Actual and Balance Sheet for FY 2022. FY 23 expectations are: Exceed Sales tax revenue target with the early opening of HEB, Fun Town now open and new businesses in central business district under construction. The budget carried forward grants from FY 22 which were approved but not completed in FY 22. D. Presentation, discussion, and approval of a resolution amending the investment policy of the Economic Development Corporation and appointing investment officers. Mr. Mattingly made the motion to approve the resolution amending the investment policy of the Economic Development Corporation and appointing investment officers. Motion was seconded by Mr. Triesch. For: All; Against: None. Motion carried 6 to 0. E. Presentation, discussion, direction, and/or possible action involving the Cibolo EDC 590 W FM 78 project, property, buildings, equipment, facilities, infrastructure, improvements, plans, development, expenditures, and all requirements to undertake the project. Sub -Committee will meeting in a couple of weeks. Plan is to brief City Council the second meeting in February. F. Presentation, discussion, direction, and/or possible action regarding changes to the CEDC Business Improvement Grant ("BIG") Guidelines. The EDC members agreed to the following: Update demolition to only be eligible if it is part of a new construction and only for the primary fagade/struct. Look at make it $15,000 if there is enough in the budget. Changes to be effective in the next fiscal year. Do not include irrigation or roofs. Allow individuals with multiple properties apply once after 365 days from payment dispersal instead of waiting out one additional year. All businesses that receive a grant must wait out the same period before applying again. Applicants must provide a minimum of three quotes. Keep prohibition of security fencing but continue to allow the board to consider other fencing case-by-case. Do not allow multiple tenants. The property owner needs to submit on behalf of the property. Add wording about requirement for upkeep of property. G. Discussion, direction, and/or possible action regarding an updated agreement for economic development services between the City of Cibolo and the Cibolo Economic Development Corporation. Mr. Fournier made the motion to approve an updated agreement for economic development services between the City of Cibolo and the Cibolo Economic Development Corporation. Motion was seconded by Mr. Mattingly. For: All; Against: None. Motion carried 6 to 0. H. Discussion, direction, and/or possible action regarding an application for the Guadalupe Valley Electric Cooperative (GVEC) Power Up Grant to pay for the installation of lights at the City - owned parking lot on South Main Street. The Board directed staff to explore applying for the GVEC Power UP grant. The Staff did find out that the applicant must be a non-profit entity. Staff did receive a call from GVEC and they recommended that the application be submitted through the City of Cibolo's economic development department rather with the EDC as the Federal Identification Number is under the City of Cibolo. The Board did want to apply for the grant and waiting until August would give the Board ample time to get a good packet together. The Board would also like to reach out asking if the two poles that are already in place could be used possibly reducing the matching cost if above $20,000. The Board also agreed to help with letters to support this grant. 10. Items for Future Agendas Mr. Fournier would like to have the electric charging station on Main Street. 11. Set a Date and Time for the next Meeting — February 15, 2023, at 6:30 p.m. 12. Adjournment — Motion was made by Ms. Walker to adjourn the meeting at 8:58 p.m. Motion was seconded by Mr. Hicks. For: All; Against: None. Motion carried 6 to 0. PAS D AND APPROVED THIS 23rd DAY OF MARCH 2023. Thies President Cibolo Economic Development Corporation