Agenda EDC 12/14/2009REGULAR Meeting of the
Cibolo Economic Development Corporation
200 S. Main
Cibolo, Texas 78108
Monday, December 14, 2009
6:30 P.M.
A possible quorum of the City Council may attend .the Cibolo Economic Development Corporation meeting
on December 14, 2009 at the City Municipal Building, 200 S. Main, Cibolo, Texas.
1. Call To Order
2. Roll Call
3. Approval of the Minutes of the October Economic Development Corp. Meeting.
4. Presentation of City of Cibolo new Economic Development Director.
5. Discussion/Action
A. Discussion/Action on adding Economic Development information to the Cibolo Quarterly
B. Discussion/Action regarding scheduling a joint work session with City Council to
discuss CEDC Goals and Objectives.
6. Staff Updates/CEDC Updates:
A. Update on adding dressing facilities at the Multi -Event Facility.
B. Update regarding directional signage for downtown Cibolo merchants and historical
C. Update on portfolio of properties in Cibolo ETJ.
D. Update on a current list of businesses within the City's ETJ.
E. Update on schedule of events for Multi -Event Center.
7. Executive Session:
The Cibolo Economic Development Corporation will meet in Executive Session as authorized
by the Texas Gov't Code Sec. 551.071, Consultation with Attorney to discuss the following:
A. Legal issues associated with the Multi -Event Facility.
8. Open Session:
Reconvene into regular session and take any action if necessary as a result of the Executive
9. Items requested by the Committee Members to be placed on future agendas.
10. Adjournment
This Notice of Meeting is posted pursuant to the Texas Government Code 551.041-.043 on the front
window and bulletin board of the Cibolo Municipal Building, 200 South Main Street, Cibolo, Texas on
Friday, December 11, 2009 at 3:30 PM.
Peggy Cimics
City Secretary
This facility is wheelchair accessible and accessible parking space is available. Request for accommodation or interpretive
services must be made 48 hours prior to the meeting. Please contact the City Secretary at (210) 658-9900 or fax (210) 658-1687.