200 S. Main
Cibolo, Texas 78108
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
7:00 P.M.
A possible quorum of the City Council may attend the Planning and Zoning meeting on March 17, 2009 at the City
Municipal Building, 200 S. Main, Cibolo, Texas.
1. Call to Order
2. Roll Call
3. Invocation/Pledge of Allegiance
4. Citizens to be heard (limit of three minutes each).
5. Discussion/action regarding the resignation of Commission Charles Cyr.
6. Consider and act upon nomination and election of Planning and Zoning Secretary.
7. Consider and act upon previous meeting minutes: February 17, 2009
8. Z2008-008
Consider and act upon a request to rezone 3.272f acres of land from Commercial Light (C-1) to Commercial Business
District -Medium Density Retail (C -2R). The tract is situated out of the James Jones Survey, Abstract No. 194,
Guadalupe County, Cibolo, Texas, and is generally located at the northwest comer of Cibolo Valley Drive and Green
Valley Road.
Owner: Schertz Commercial Joint Venture
9. Receive public input/concems and consider planning, zoning and related issues within the Old Town Cibolo.
10. Staff Updates.
11. Adjournment.
This Notice of Meeting is posted pursuant to the Texas Government Code 551.041 -.043 on the front window and bulletin board of the Cibolo Municipal
Building. 200 South Main Street- Cibolo. Texas by Friday, March 13.2009, by 5:30 P.M.
eggy Cimics
City Secretary
This facility is wheelchair accessible and accessible parking space is available. Requests for accommodation or interpretive services must be made 48 hours
prior to the meeting. Please contact the City Secretary at (210) 658-9900 or FAX (210) 658-1687.
I cenifi that the attached notice and agenda of items to be considered by the Planning and Zoning Commission was removed be me from the Cit% Hall bulletin
board on the day of .2009.