Min EDC 1/28/2008Cibolo Economic
Board of Directors
William Law, President
Paul Sahanek, Vice President
Paul Machen. Secretary
Patricia Evans, Treasurer
Carl Garza
Thom Rober
Gloria Donovan
Nancy McBeth
Executive Director
D mcbeth@cibolotx net
Dara Feagins
Chief Financial Officer
Todd Parton
City Manager
200 S. Main
Cibolo, Texas 78108
Monday, January 28, 2008
6:30 P.M.
to Order.
President Paul Sahanek called the meeting to order at 6:31 p.m.
Roll Call.
Board Members Present: Paul Sahanek, Patricia "Pat' Evans, Paul Machen
(entered at 6:37 p.m.), Carl Garza, Thom Rober and Gloria Donovan
Board Member Absent: William "Bill' Law,
Present: Nancy McBeth, Todd Parton and Janette Ellis
Consider and act upon the minutes of the October 29, 2007 Clbolo Economic
Development Corporation meeting.
Following review, Pat Evans moved to approve the October 29, 2007 CEDC
meeting minutes. Gloria Donovan seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Vote unanimous.
Discussion/action regarding the Texas Pro Soccer Festival.
Nancy McBeth reviewed the upcoming soccer event to be hosted by the
City of Cibolo, Ziga-Zoga Sports and SAMYS for a pre -season charity
tournament on March 5fh, 7th and 91h. The event will benefit not only the
community, but the region as a whole. Ms. McBeth requested the Board
consider funds to help cover the costs of the additional seating (stands),
police expenditures, shuttle service and solid waste removal.
Charles zea hi
Following review and discussion; Thom Rober moved to approve the
CEDC Attorney
expenditure of $20,000.00 to be used for the expenses at the Texas Pro
Jonette Ellis
I Soccer Festival as allowed under state law. Gloria Donovan seconded the
CEDC Liaison
motion. Motion carried. Vote unanimous.
1 Discussion/action regarding a proposal for marketing services from Blue
) Clover as budgeted.
Nancy McBeth stated the marking services would include marketing, such
City of Clbolo
as, press releases, etc. as an implementation element of the strategic plan.
P.O. SoxMain
Following review and discussion, Pat Evans moved to assign ten -percent of
200 South M
Clbolo, texas 78108
the overall CEDC budget for marketing as allowed by law. Gloria Donovan
main 210.658.9900
seconded the motion. Motion carried. Vote unanimous.
fax 210.658.1687 6. Discussion/direction regarding a budget amendment.
www.cibolovision.com Discussion included amending the budget to reflect the 2007 balance and
allow for the use of funds for marketing. Following review, Gloria Donovan
moved to amend the budget to include $4,821.00 to reflect the 2007 Fund
E x p a n d Balance and add the ten -percent allowable funds to be used for marketing
purposes. Pat Evans seconded the motion. Motion carried. Vote
Y o u r unanimous.
r i s I o n 7. Discussion regarding future agenda Items requested by the CEDC.
The CEDC has no new agenda requests.
8. Staff Updates.
Ms. McBeth updated the Board on the following:
a. Cibolo Economic Development Corporation Revenues
As of December 31, 2007: $26,110.49
b. Joint meeting between City Council and Cibolo Economic
Development Corporation in February regarding Galo's
Wiederstein 35 Commercial project.
Scheduled for February 25, 2008 at 6:30 p.m.
C. Contract with Sean Garretson of Pegasus, formerly with TIP
Training and incentive programs.
d. Contract with the City of Cibolo for administrative services.
e. Recap of the December CEDC Party.
Positive feedback on the event.
f. Other Projects/Events
Park grant approved for 44 acres
9. Adjournment.
There being no further business, Paul Sahonek adjourned the meeting at 7:50