Min EDC 2/23/2009Cibolo Economic Development Corporation Board or Dlrectors William Law, President Paul Sahonek, Vice President Patricia Evans. Treasurer Carl Garza Thom Rober Gloria Donovan Regular Meeting of the Cibolo Economic Development Corporation 200 S. Main Cibolo, Texas 78108 Monday, February 23, 2009, 2009 6:30 P.M. MINUTES 1. Call to Order. Chairman William Law called the meeting to order at 6:31 p.m. 2. Roll Call. Board Members Present: William "Bill" Law, Paul Sahanek, Patricia "Pat" Evans, Carl Garza, and Thom Rober. Gloria Donovan entered at 7:25 p.m. Staff Present: Nancy McBeth, Janette Ellis, Todd Parton, Bruce Pearson, Lara Feagins, and Miguel Matos. 3. Consider and act upon the minutes of the January 26, 2009 Cibolo Economic Development Corporation meeting. Following review, William Law moved to approve the minutes of the January 26, 2009 Cibolo Economic Development Corporation meeting with one correction. Paul Sahonek seconded the motion. Motion carried. Vote staff unanimous. Nancy McBeth Execotive Director 4. Discussion/action regarding the ColiectiveGovernance Model versus nmcbeth@cibolotx.net Roberts Rules methods of decision making. Ms. McBeth explained the differences between the two methods of decision ira Feagins making and noted that the Corporation typically uses the Collective Chief Financial Officer Ifeaains@clbolotx net Governance Model and action is based from a discussion of consensus. The Corporation requested that the CEDC Attorney review the By -Laws Todd Marron City Manager regarding their decision making process to assess if any changes es need to be 1parlon@cibolotx.net made to use the Collective Governance Model. Chari.: ZecS. CEDC Attorney Discussion/update of the Multi Et Facility construction Event project. (Staff) Mr. Pearson updated the Corporation on the construction that included: Janette Ellis CEDC Liaison delivery of the light pole, electricity to the site, detention pond, bleachers l gllis@ci boiotx net and irrigation. Staff also noted that they have been working with several groups for sponsorship of the facility. Discussion only; no action taken. 6. Discussion/direction regarding Cibolo Economic Development Corporation City of Clboto incentives. (Staff) P.O. Box 826 Ms. McBeth updated the Corporation on State programs available for 200 south Main incentives and provided a worksheet detailing each program. Discussion Cibolo. Texas 78108 only; no action taken. main 210.658.9900 tax 210.658.1687 7. Discussion/direction regarding the Cibolo Economic Development www.cibolovision.com Corporation By -Laws and take any action necessary. (Staff) Ms. McBeth suggested that the Corporation review their By -Laws to allow for an opportunity to have other economic development groups, such as an E individual from the economic development division of GVEC, CPS or the x p a n d University of Texas. To allow a person to be appointed to the CEDC would Y o u r require amendment to Section 4.02 of the By -Laws. Mr. Parton suggested that he review the proposed amendment to City Council to receive their I s i support and input prior to the CEDC's action. Discussion only; no action taken. S. Discussion/cilrection regarding appointments and re -appointments, and application package City Council requested. (Staff) Ms. McBeth informed the Corporation that an information packet was on- line with a request to receive applications for vacancies on the CEDC. Ms. McBeth also requested that the Board Members who have expiring terms please re-appty and update the information prior to March 27, 20D9 to be considered by City Council for re -appointment at their April 14, 2009 meeting. Discussion only; no action taken. 9. Discussion/update of the 2008 Bond Schedule. (Staff) Mr. Parton updated the Corporation on the projects under the 2008 Bond, noting that the police station and fire station are 60% complete on design, and that Cibolo Valley Drive engineering plans are being designed as well. The 2011 Bond Schedule includes a regional detention area for Town Creek, and a multipurpose complex in the Town Center area. The 2013 bond Schedule would include the 2nd phase of Town Creek drainage and a recreational complex. Discussion only; no action taken. 10. Discussion/Update of the City of Clbolo's water supply. (Staff) Mr. Parton noted that the City of Cibolo is negotiating a 9 -year lease for water with Bexar Met for 500 acre feet with an option to expand. Discussion only; no action taken. 11. Discussion/direction regarding a possible Cibolo Economic Development Corporation Retreat. (CEDC) William Law requested the Corporation consider a Retreat and asked for input from staff and Board Members on their suggestions for the event. Discussion only; no action taken. 12. Staff Updates. a. Cibolo Economic Development Corporation Revenues Ms. Feagins reviewed the revenue/expenditure report. b. Other Projects/Events/Updates Ms. McBeth reviewed development and new business/potential new business in Cibolo. 13. Discussion/direction regarding any agenda items for future CEDC Meetings. 14. Adjournment. There being no further business, William Law moved to adjourn the meeting at 7:45 p.m. Pat Evans seconded the motion. Motion carried. Vote unanimous. Approved on March 30. 2009 M . , a a DO�.rt William Law, President