Min EDC 2/25/2008Cibolo Economic Development Corporation JOINT WORK SESSION BETWEEN CIBOLO CITY COUNCIL .AND CIBOLO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION° and Regular Meeting of the Cibolo Economic Development Corporation 200 S. Main Cibolo, Texas 78108 Monday, February 25, 2008 6:30 P.M. Regular Cibolo Economic Development Corporation Meeting Will begin immediately following the Joint Work Session Board of Directors William Law, President MINUTES Paul Sahanek, Vice President Paul Machen, Secretary Patricia Evans, Treasurer Carl Garza Thom Rober Gloria Donovan 1. Call to Order. Mayor Hartman and President Law called the meeting to order at 6:35 p.m. 2. Roll Call. Board Members Present: William "Bill' Law, Paul Sahanek, Patricia "Pat" Evans, Paul Machen, Carl Garza, Thom Rober and Gloria Donovan. Staff City Council Members Present: Jennifer Hartman, Ron Pedde, Tony Krasnoi, Mark Nancy McBeth Winn, Diane Davis, and Bob Hicks. Executive Director -be h@cibolotx,net City Council Members Absent: AlrellOwens and Dick Heizel. Lara Feaglns Staff Present: Todd Parton, Nancy McBeth, Peggy Cimics, Charles Zech and Janette Chief Financial Officer Ellis Ifeaains@ciboioix.net Todd Parton 3. Discussion/direction regarding a 380 Development Agreement between the City of City Manager Cibolo, Clbolo Economic Development Corporation and Galo Properties for the f a a rt o n@ c i bol o f x. n e t Wiederstein 35 Commercial Project. Charles Zech Members of the City Council and the Cibolo Economic Development Corporation C E D C Attorney were briefed by representatives from Golo Properties regarding the Wiederstein 35 Commercial Project. Discussion included, but not limited to: zoning concept, Jonette Ellis percentage of commercial versus residential uses, off-site and on-site infrastructure, EDC Liaison tax base, percentage of reimbursement. Council and the Corporation both agreed to lellis@cibolotx.net l s@ c i b o l o t x. n e f j the concept of the agreement and directed staff to move forward with the developer on the 380 Development Agreement. 4. Adjourn Work Session. City of Cibolo There being no further business, the work session adjourned at 8:15 p.m. P.O. Box 826 200 south Main 5. Cibolo Economic Development Corporation reconvened into Regular Session. Cibolo. Texas 78108 Following a short break, Paul Sahanek moved to reconvened into regular session at main 210.658.9900 8:26 p.m. Pat Evans seconded the motion. Motion carried. Vote unanimous. fax 210.658.1687 6. Consider and act upon the minutes of the January 28, 2008 Cibolo Economic www.cibolovision.com Development Corporation meeting. Following review, Paul Sahanek moved to approve the minutes of the January 28, 2008 Cibolo Economic Development Corporation meeting. Pat Evans seconded the d motion. Motion carried. Vote unanimous. E x p a n 7. Consider and act upon a Contract with the City of Cibolo for administrative services. Y O U r' Staff reported that the contract has not been prepared by the City Attorney. •1 Following discussion, William Law moved to table this item to the next CEDC meeting. S I O n Pat Evans seconded the motion. Motion carried. Vote unanimous. B. Staff Updates. Ms. McBeth updated the Corporation on the following: a. Cibolo Economic Development Corporation Revenues As of January 31, 2008: $33,105.16 b. Update on Commercial/IndusMal Activity Ms. McBeth reviewed commercial and industrial activity. C. Clarification of the use of EDC Funds Mr. Zech updated the members on the use CEDC funds. d. Update on the upcoming Soccer Festival: List of volunteers Ms. McBeth stated that CEDC marketing funds have been used for this event to promote Cibolo. Ms. Ellis asked the members to volunteer for this event at the City's booth. e. Other Projects/Events None were discussed. 9. Discussion regarding future agenda Items requested by the CEDC. Tabled item: contract with City of Cibolo on administrative services. Thom Rober asked that the CEDC assist with the Grand Opening of the Wallace Retail Center on Cibolo Valley Drive on April 5 2008. 10. Adjournment. There being no further business, William Law moved to adjourn the meeting at 8:50 p.m. Pat Evans seconded the motion. Motion carried. Vote unanimous. Approved on March 31, 2008: William Law, President I IJone a Ellis, CEDC