Min EDC 3/31/2008Regular Meeting of the Cibolo Economic Development Corporation 200 S. Main Cibolo, Texas 78108 Monday, March 31, 2008 6:30 P.M. City of C Ib olo MINUTES Cibolo Economic The Cibolo Economic Development Corporation will meet in Executive Session as Development authorized by the Texas Government Code Sec. 551.087, Deliberation regarding Corporation 1. Cali to Order. Nancy McBeth President Law called the meeting to order at 6:32 p.m. Board or Directors the February 25, 2008 CEDC Meeting subject to the correction of Mr. Law's title in mcbeihacibolotx.net 2• Roll Call. William Law, President Economic Development Corporation and Galo Properties for the Wiederstein 35 Paul Sahanek, Vice President Commercial Project. Paul Machen, Secretary Board Members Present: William "Bill" Low, Paul Sahanek, Patricia "Pat" Evans, Paul Patricia Evans, Treasurer Machen, and Gloria Donovan. Carl Garza Session and spoke openly regarding offering a performance agreement to Galo Thom Rober Gloria Donovan Board Members Absent: Carl Garza and Thom Rober Lp a ri o n@ c i b o l o i x. n e t Staff Present: Todd Parton, Nancy McBeth, Charles Zech, Andy Simpson and Janette Charles Zech Ellis City of C Ib olo 3. Executive Session: P.O. Box 826 The Cibolo Economic Development Corporation will meet in Executive Session as Staff authorized by the Texas Government Code Sec. 551.087, Deliberation regarding Cibolo, Texas 78108 Economic Development Negotiations, and Chapter 380 of the Local Government Nancy McBeth Code to discuss the following: Executive Director the February 25, 2008 CEDC Meeting subject to the correction of Mr. Law's title in mcbeihacibolotx.net A. Deliberation of an offer of a Performance Agreement between the Cibolo www.cibolovislon.com Economic Development Corporation and Galo Properties for the Wiederstein 35 Lara Feaglns Commercial Project. Chief Financial Officer services. f e a a i n s 4 c i b o l o i x. n e t The Cibolo Economic Development Corporation did not enter into Executive Todd Parton Session and spoke openly regarding offering a performance agreement to Galo City Manager Properties for the Wiederstein 35 Commercial project for the reimbursement of Lp a ri o n@ c i b o l o i x. n e t sales tax dollars for the construction of public infrastructure. Charles Zech 3. Add a provision to allow for the extension of time to The contract at the CEDC Attorney time of renewal. 4. Open Session: Janette Ellis A. Reconvene Into Regular Session and take action or give direction, ff necessary, CEDC Liaison on items discussed in Executive Session. iellis@ciboloix.net Following review of the Performance Agreement, the Board provided staff with direction to amend the agreement. City of C Ib olo B. Consider and act upon the minutes of the February 25, 2008 Joint meeting with P.O. Box 826 City Council, and the February 25, 2008 regular Cibolo Economic Development 200 South Main Corporation meeting. Cibolo, Texas 78108 main 210.658.9900 Following review and discussion, Paul Sahanek moved to approve the minutes of fax 210.658.1687 the February 25, 2008 CEDC Meeting subject to the correction of Mr. Law's title in the signature block. Pat Evans seconded the motion. Motion carried. Vote www.cibolovislon.com unanimous. C. Consider and act upon a Contract with the City of Cibolo for administrative E X p a n d services. Y Following review and discussion, Paul Sahanek moved to approve the Contract O ti ( subject to: 'f I IO 1. Contract amount being $11,600.00 S n 2. Straight time fee for Attorney services 3. Add a provision to allow for the extension of time to The contract at the time of renewal. Pat Evans seconded the motion. Motion carried. Vote unanimous. D. Discussion/direction regarding Issuance of bonds for a recreation facility for sporting events and City of Clbolo use. Mr. Parton presented a proposal for a recreation/soccer complex to be procured by bonds. Following review and discussion, the CEDC voiced their support of the project. 5. Staff Updates. Ms. McBeth updated The Corporation on the following items and also noted that the Wallace Retail Center would be having a Re -Grand Opening on April 5, 2006 A. Cibolo Economic Development Corporation Revenues B. 2008 Brochure and Fact Sheet C. Cibolo Economic Development Corporation Website D. Texas Pro Soccer Tournament E. Projects and Expansions in Cibolo F. Other Projects/Events 6. Discussion regarding future agenda Hems requested by the CEDC. Ms. McBeth stated that the CEDC may need to call a special meeting, if needed, for the Galo project. Mr. Law asked that staff explore educational classes for the member of the Cibolo Economic Development Corporation. 7. Adjournment. There being no further business, William Law moved to adjourn the meeting at 8:50 p.m. Pat Evans seconded the motion. Motion carried. Vote unanimous. Approved on March 31, 2008: _VLA William Law, Presidenf I