Min EDC 6/2/2008Cibolo Economic
Board of Dlrecfors
William Law, President
Paul Sahanek, Vice President
Paul Machen, Secretary
Patricia Evans, Treasurer
Carl Garza
Thom Rober
Gloria Donovan
Nancy McBeth
Executive Director
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—�a Feagins
-htef Financial Officer
Todd Parton
City Manager
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Charles Zech
CEDC Attorney
Jonette Ellis
CEDC Liaison
City of Clbolo
P.O. Box 826
200 South Main
Cibolo, Texas 78108
main 210.658.9900
fax 210.658.1687
E x p a n d
Y a u r
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Regular Meeting of the
Clbolo Economic Development Corporation
200 S. Main
Cibolo, Texas 78108
Monday, June 2, 2008
6:30 P.M.
1. Call to Order
President Law called the meeting to order at 6:38 pm.
2. Roll Call.
Board Members Present: William "Bill" Law, Patricia "Pat" Evans, Paul
Machen, Gloria Donovan, and Thom Rober
Board Members Absent: Paul Sahanek and Carl Garza
Staff Present: Todd Parton, Charles Zech, Jonette Ellis, and Lara Feagins
3. Discussion and Action:
a. Consider and act upon the minutes of the April 28, 2008 Cibolo Economic
Development Corporation meeting.
Following review and discussion, Mr. Law moved to approve the minutes of the April
28, 2008 CEDC meeting as written. Paul Machen seconded the motion. Motioned
carried. Vote was unanimous.
b. Discussion/direction regarding soccer field turf options.
Todd Parton informed board members that natural turf would result in a cost
prohibitive reoccurring maintenance fee. City council is considering more turf
options and will report later on their findings. No action taken at this time.
c. Public Hearing, 6:58 pm, Closed at 6:59 pm.
Held a public hearing to consider a grant to the City of Cibolo to complete the
construction of Cibolo Drive for the Kalmar RT Training Facility and the City of Cibolo's
Public Works Facility.
No discussion / action completed at this time. This issue will be discussed during a
future meeting.
d. Discussion on C/A Grant for road construction.
This subject was not motioned any discussion / action.
4. Staff Updates.
a. CEDC Budget
Lara Feagins mentioned it was time to consider the FY08/09 Budget. Mr Zech
suggested brining in a person (Michael Meek) to help the Board better define its
purpose and mission as the CEDC. Mr. Parton suggested Mr. Meeks could do a joint
CEDC and City Council training session. The board agreed to invite Mr. Meeks for this
training session.
Ms Feagins provided an overview of the current budget figures. - - -- -- - - - - -- -----
5. Discussion regarding future agenda items requested by the Cibolo Economic
Development Corporation for the June 30, 2008 meeting.
a. Jonette Ellis reminded everyone of the Veteran Memorial Dedication, July
12, 2008, 10:00 am.
b. Ms. Ellis indicated the next CEDC meeting was June 30,2008,6:30 pm.
6. Adjournment.
There being no further business. President Law moved to adjourn the meeting at 7:45
Approved on June 30, 2008
fd. )al, a M. A,
William Law, President
Paul Machen, Secretary