Min EDC 8/27/2007Cibolo Economic
William Law, Interim Vice Chair
Gloria Donovan, Interim
Patricia Evans
Carl Garza
Paul Mochen
Poul Sohonek
Nancy McBeth
Executive Director
Lara Feagins
Chief Financial Officer
Todd Parton
City Manager
Charles Zech
CEDC Attorney
200 S. Main
Cibolo, Texas 78108
Monday, August 27, 2007
6:30 P.M.
1. Call to Order.
Vice Chairman William Law called the meeting to order at 6:31 p.m.
2. Roll Call.
Board Members Present: Gloria Donovan, Patricia "Pat" Evans, Carl Garza,
William "Bill" Law, and Paul Machen.
Board Member Absent: Paul Sahanek
Staff Present: Nancy McBeth, Charles Zech and Janette Ellis
3. Consider and act upon making a recommendation to the City Council
regarding a current vacancy on the Cibolo Economic Development
Ms McBeth informed the board members that Mr. Ray Thomas had resigned
from the CEDC, and suggested the Board make a recommendation to City
Council to fill the vacancy. Following review and discussion, Cad Garza
moved to recommend to City Council the appointment of Bede
Romcharam to the CEDC. Paul Machen seconded the motion. Motion
carried. Vote unanimous.
4. Consider and act upon the minutes of the July 30, 2007 Cibolo Economic
Development Corporation meeting.
Following review, Pat Evans moved to approve the minutes of the July 30,
2007 CEDC meeting. Carl Garza seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Vote unanimous.
Jonett• Ellis
5. Review and discussion of By -Laws for the Cibolo Economic Development
CEDC Liaison
iellis@cibolo tx.nei
Following review and discussion, the Board instructed Mr. Zech to following
the outline and contents of the by-laws for the Seabrook EDC, with the
exception of Article Four, and insert the general duties into the document
City of Cibolo
from the New Braunfels EDC by-laws. The CEDC will review the final
P.O. Box 826
document at their next meeting.
200 South Main
Cibolo, Texas 78108
6. Review budget process and potential projects and programs.
main 210.658.9900
tax 210.658.1687
Ms. McBeth reviewed the City's budget process. Discussion only, no action
7. Review of staff projects and accomplishments.
• E x p a n d No discussion on this item.
Y o u r
V i s i a n
a. Turn -In non -disclosure agreement, code of ethics and open meetings act
Vice Chairman Bill Law asked the board members to tum -in their completed
forms for the non -disclosure agreement, code of ethics and open meetings
9. Any further discussion regarding Information within the Cibolo Economic
Development Corporation Handbook.
No discussion on this item.
10. Discussion regarding future agenda Items requested by the CEDC.
The following items were requested for the next agenda:
a. Staff to provided updated sales tax revenue report
b. Act upon the By -Laws
c. Act upon the CEDC Budget
d. Discussion regarding absentee members and nominations for Chairman,
Vice Chairman, and Secretary.
11. Staff Updates.
a. Training available for CEDC.
Ms. McBeth invited the Board to attend the TECD Sales Tax training
scheduled for October 19, 2007 in Austin. Board Members were
asked to contact staff to RSVP.
12. Adjournment.
There being for further business, Carl Garza moved to adjourn the meeting
at 7:54 p.m. Pat Evans seconded the motion. Motion carried. Vote
Approved on October 29, 2007:
L1JDP" In. xa.&
William Law, Interim Vice- ham